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circular-number date-of-issue index-to-rbi-circular-department subject meant-for
RBI/2018-2019/90 DBR.No.Ret.BC.13/12.06.071/2018-19 06.12.2018 Department of Banking Regulation Alteration in the name of "Doha Bank Qsc" to "Doha Bank Q.P.S.C" in the Second Schedule to the Reserve Bank of India Act, 1934 All Scheduled Commercial Banks
RBI/2018-2019/87 DBR.BP.BC.No.12/21.04.048/2018-19 05.12.2018 Department of Banking Regulation Guidelines on Loan System for Delivery of Bank Credit All Scheduled Commercial Banks Small Finance Banks
RBI/2018-2019/86 DBR.No.Ret.BC.10/12.02.001/2018-19 05.12.2018 Department of Banking Regulation Section 24 and Section 56 of the Banking Regulation Act, 1949 - Maintenance of Statutory Liquidity Ratio (SLR) All Scheduled Commercial Banks (including Regional Rural Banks) Local Area Banks, Small Finance Banks, Payments Banks Primary (Urban) Co-operative Banks (UCBs) State and Central Co-operative Banks (StCBs / CCBs)
RBI/2018-2019/85 Ref.No.IDMD/1359/08.02.032/2018-19 03.12.2018 Internal Debt Management Department Auction of Government of India Dated Securities All Scheduled Commercial Banks All State Co-operative Banks/All Scheduled Primary (Urban) Co-operative Banks/All Financial Institutions/ All Primary Dealers
F.No.4(6) W & M/2018: 03.12.2018 Internal Debt Management Department Auction for Sale (Re-issue) of Government Stock (GS)
RBI/2018-2019/83 FMRD.FMID.No.10/11.01.007/2018-19 29.11.2018 Financial Markets Regulation Department Legal Entity Identifier Code for participation in non-derivative markets All eligible market participants
RBI/2018-2019/82 DNBR (PD) CC.No.95/03.10.001/2018-19 29.11.2018 Department of Non Banking Supervision Relaxation on the guidelines to NBFCs on securitisation transactions All NBFCs
RBI/2018-2019/84 DBR.BP.BC.No.08/21.04.098/2018-19 29.11.2018 Department of Banking Regulation Basel III Framework on Liquidity Standards - Net Stable Funding Ratio (NSFR) - Final Guidelines All Scheduled Commercial Banks (excluding RRBs)
RBI/2018-2019/81 DBR.Dir.BC.No.09 /04.02.001/2018-19 29.11.2018 Department of Banking Regulation Interest Equalisation Scheme on Pre and Post Shipment Rupee Export Credit All Scheduled Commercial Banks (excluding RRBs) Small Finance Banks and Primary (Urban) Cooperative Banks
RBI/2018-2019/80 Ref.No.IDMD/1293/08.02.032/2018-19 26.11.2018 Internal Debt Management Department Auction of Government of India Dated Securities All Scheduled Commercial Banks All State Co-operative Banks/All Scheduled Primary (Urban) Co-operative Banks /All Financial Institutions/ All Primary Dealers.
F.No.4(6)W &M/2018: 26.11.2018 Internal Debt Management Department Auction for Sale (Re-issue) of Government Stock (GS)
RBI/2018-2019/79 A.P. (DIR Series) Circular No.15 26.11.2018 Foreign Exchange Department External Commercial Borrowings (ECB) Policy - Review of Hedging Provision All Category-I Authorised Dealer Banks
RBI/2018-2019/78 IDMD.CDD.No.1241/11.02.001/2018-19 16.11.2018 Internal Debt Management Department Value Free Transfer (VFT) of Government Securities - Guidelines (Amended) All SGL/CSGL Account holders
RBI/2018-2019/77 Ref.No.IDMD/1239/08.02.032/2018-19 16.11.2018 Internal Debt Management Department Auction of Government of India Dated Securities All Scheduled Commercial Banks All State Co-operative Banks/All Scheduled Primary (Urban) Co-operative Banks /All Financial Institutions/ All Primary Dealers
F.No.4(6)W&M /2 018 16.11.2018 Internal Debt Management Department Auction for Sale (Re-issue) of Government Stock (GS)
RBI/2018-2019/76 DPSS (CO) RTGS No.1049/04.04.016/2018-19 15.11.2018 Department of Payment and Settlement Systems Real Time Gross Settlement (RTGS) System - Implementation of Positive Confirmation The Chairman / Managing Director / Chief Executive Officer of member banks participating in RTGS
RBI/2018-2019/74 A.P. (DIR Series) Circular No.13 15.11.2018 Foreign Exchange Department Exim Bank's Government of India supported Line of Credit of USD 27.5 million to the Government of the Republic of Suriname All Category - I Authorised Dealer Banks
RBI/2018-2019/75 A.P. (DIR Series) Circular No. 14 15.11.2018 Foreign Exchange Department Exim Bank's Government of India supported Line of Credit of USD 3.5 million to the Government of the Republic of Suriname All Category - I Authorised Dealer Banks
RBI/2018-2019/73 A.P. (DIR Series) Circular No.12 15.11.2018 Foreign Exchange Department Exim Bank's Government of India supported Line of Credit of USD 2.5 million to the Government of Madagascar All Category - I Authorised Dealer Banks
RBI/2018-2019/72 Ref.No.IDMD/1177/08.02.032/2018-19 12.11.2018 Internal Debt Management Department Auction of Government of India Dated Securities All Scheduled Commercial Banks All State Co-operative Banks/All Scheduled Primary (Urban) Co-operative Banks/All Financial Institutions/ All Primary Dealers.

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পৃষ্ঠাটো শেহতীয়া আপডেট কৰা তাৰিখ: ছেপ্তেম্বৰ 24, 2024