Grievance Redressal Mechanism in banks - RBI - Reserve Bank of India
Grievance Redressal Mechanism in banks
RBI/2007-08/309 May 2, 2008 To All Scheduled Commercial Banks Dear Sir , Grievance Redressal Mechanism in banks 3. Further, in terms of our circular no. BC.60 dated February 22, 2007, banks are required to disclose the brief details regarding the number of complaints alongwith their financial results. This statement should include all the complaints received at the Head Office / Controlling Office level as also the complaints received at the branch level. However, where the complaints are redressed within the next working day, banks need not include the same in the statement of complaints. This is expected to serve as an incentive to the banks and their branches to redress the complaints within the next working day. 4. Where the complaints are not redressed within one month, the concerned branch / controlling office should forward a copy of the same to the concerned Nodal Officer under the Banking Ombudsman Scheme and keep him updated regarding the status of the complaint. This would enable the Nodal Officer to deal with any reference received from the Banking Ombudsman regarding the complaint more effectively. Further, it is also necessary that the customer is made aware of his rights to approach the concerned Banking Ombudsman in case he is not satisfied with the bank’s response. As such, in the final letter sent to the customer regarding redressal of the complaint, banks should indicate that the complainant can also approach the concerned Banking Ombudsman. The details of the concerned Banking Ombudsman should also be included in the letter. 5. Banks are also advised to give wide publicity to the grievance redressal machinery through advertisements and also by placing them on their web sites. Yours faithfully (Prashant Saran) |