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RBI Announcements
RBI Announcements

Asset Publisher

3. Scheduled Commercial Banks - Business in India

3. Scheduled Commercial Banks - Business in India

        (Rs. crore)

  Item   as on
Variation over
    Financial year so far
    Nov. 27#   Fortnight 1997-98 1998-99 Year

  1   2   3 4 5 6

Liabilities to the Banking System            
  Demand and time deposits from banks 28,491 409 2,994 4,809 8,101
  Borrowings from Banks(1) 11,976 -140 5,490 4,816 3,228
  Other demand and time liabilities(2) 424 -69 -48 -1,021 -67
Liabilities to Others            
  Aggregate deposits 6,79,566 @ 614 52,217 74,156 1,21,750
        (0.1) (10.3) (12.2) (21.8)
  Demand 1,00,408 -1,190 -458 -2,105 10,256
  Time 5,79,159 @ 1,805 52,676 76,262 1,11,494
  Borrowings(3)1,788 2,725 -2 1,198 1,446 590
  Other demand and time liabilities 46,041 5,462 506 6,287 11,282
Borrowings from Reserve Bank 5,349 53 -536 4,954 5,325
Cash in hand and Balances with Reserve Bank 76,960 2,062 6,114 15,654 17,651
  Cash in hand 5,034 876 245 1,426 1,442
  Balances with Reserve Bank 71,926 1,186 5,870 14,228 16,209
Assets with the Banking System            
  Balance with other Banks(4) 11,079 -618 1,716 -473 994
  Money at call and short notice 16,838 -869 1,592 7,977 7,287
  Advances to banks 1,315 -150 -350 -848 -211
  Other assets 1,058 74 -400 -608 -229
Investments(5) 2,51,280 3,328 27,982 32,575 32,785
        (1.3) (14.7) (14.9) 15.0)
  Government securities 2,19,306 3,397 28,178 32,349 32,238
  Other approved securities 31,973 -70 -196 225 545
Bank Credit 3,36,759 -761 9,547 12,680 48,811
        (-0.2) (3.4) (3.9) (17.0)
  Food Credit 16,727 -14 1,716 4,242 4,702
  Non-food credit 3,20,032 -747 5,119 8,438 44,109
  Loans, cash-credit and overdrafts 3,09,215 -401 9,702 14,480 47,891
  Inland bills- purchased 4,264 -188 34 -396 43
    discounted(6) 9,264 -177 172 -504 487
  Foreign bills-purchased 7,339 -99 -165 -591 -145
discounted 6,676 103 -196 -309 535
Cash-Deposit Ratio 11.32        
Investment-Deposit Ratio 36.98        
Credit-Deposit Ratio 49.56        

@ : Includes Rs. 17,945 crore on account of proceeds from Resurgent India Bonds (RIBs). Excluding these proceeds, the growth rates in aggregate deposits as shown in columns 5 and 6 would work out to 9.3 per cent and 18.6 per cent, respectively.
(1) Excluding borrowings of Regional Rural Banks from their sponsor banks. (2) Wherever it has not been possible to identify a liability to the banking system, it has been included in the corresponding items under 'liabilities to others'. (3) Other than from Reserve Bank of India, IDBI, NABARD and EXIM Bank. (4) In current account and in other account.(5) Investments set out in this Table are for the purpose of SLR and do not include other investments which are given separately in Table No. 5. (6) Excludes bills rediscounted with the Reserve Bank of India.
  Figures in brackets denote percentage variations in the relevant period.
Note: Based on Special Returns submitted by the banks as required when the last Friday of the month is not an alternate Friday for reporting purposes



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