Appointment of Chief Risk Officer in Primary (Urban) Co-operative Banks - আৰবিআই - Reserve Bank of India
Appointment of Chief Risk Officer in Primary (Urban) Co-operative Banks
RBI/2021-2022/62 June 25, 2021 The Chief Executive Officer Madam/ Dear Sir, Appointment of Chief Risk Officer in Primary (Urban) Co-operative Banks With increasing size and scope of business, Primary (Urban) Co-operative Banks (UCBs) are gradually getting exposed to greater degree of risks. It is, therefore, necessary that every UCB focuses its attention on putting in place appropriate risk management mechanism commensurate with its business profile and strategic objectives. In this connection, it has been decided that all UCBs having asset size1 of ₹5000 crore or above, shall appoint a Chief Risk Officer (CRO). The Board2 must clearly define the CRO’s role and responsibilities and ensure that he/she functions independently. 2. UCBs shall strictly adhere to the following instructions in this regard:
3. The CRO shall support the Board in establishing an integrated risk management system, capable of identifying, measuring and monitoring all types of risks on an ongoing basis. This will include developing the organisational risk appetite and a framework that will translate the Board’s strategy into clearly laid down monitorable risk limits at the aggregate and at granular levels. The CRO shall also be involved in actual monitoring and mitigation of risks. 4. It is emphasized that the primary responsibility of risk management lies with the Board. In order to focus the required level of attention on various aspects of risk management, UCBs meeting the eligibility criteria specified in para 1 above are advised to set up a Risk Management Committee (of the Board) by March 31, 2022. The Board shall decide the membership, scope of work and frequency of meeting of the Risk Management Committee. 5. UCBs meeting the prescribed criteria as on March 31, 2021 shall appoint / designate a CRO by March 31, 2022. UCBs which may fulfill the criteria at the end of the current or subsequent financial years shall appoint / designate a CRO within a period of six months from the end of the financial year concerned. 6. A copy of this circular should be placed before the Board of Directors of the bank at its next meeting. Yours faithfully, (Manoranjan Mishra) 1 As on March 31 of the previous year 2 ‘Board’ in this circular refers to Board of Directors (BoD) 3 UCBs reporting earlier to Mumbai Regional Office of the erstwhile Department of Co-operative Bank Supervision shall report to the Central Office of the Department of Supervision. |