Press Releases - Regulating Commercial Banking - RBI - Reserve Bank of India
Press Releases
(Amount in ₹ Crore) SCHEDULED COMMERCIAL BANKS (Including RRBs, SFBs and PBs) ALL SCHEDULED BANKS 25-Aug-2023 09-Aug-2024* 23-Aug-2024* 25-Aug-2023 09-Aug-2024* 23-Aug-2024* I LIABILITIES TO THE BKG.SYSTEM (A) a) Demand & Time deposits from banks 241128.05 292345.35 295815.45 243491.28 296541.45 299728.44** b) Borrowings from banks 199018.30 130962.87 126866.69 199138.00 130982.37 126878.94 c) Other demand & time liabilities 68276.33 76963.58 77788.62 68978.29 77260.31 78091.57
(Amount in ₹ Crore) SCHEDULED COMMERCIAL BANKS (Including RRBs, SFBs and PBs) ALL SCHEDULED BANKS 25-Aug-2023 09-Aug-2024* 23-Aug-2024* 25-Aug-2023 09-Aug-2024* 23-Aug-2024* I LIABILITIES TO THE BKG.SYSTEM (A) a) Demand & Time deposits from banks 241128.05 292345.35 295815.45 243491.28 296541.45 299728.44** b) Borrowings from banks 199018.30 130962.87 126866.69 199138.00 130982.37 126878.94 c) Other demand & time liabilities 68276.33 76963.58 77788.62 68978.29 77260.31 78091.57
(Amount in ₹ crore) SCHEDULED COMMERCIAL BANKS (Including RRBs,SFBs and PBs) ALL SCHEDULED BANKS 11-Aug-2023 26-Jul-2024* 09-Aug-2024* 11-Aug-2023 26-Jul-2024* 09-Aug-2024* I LIABILITIES TO THE BKG.SYSTEM (A) a) Demand & Time deposits from banks 252628.38 281244.55 291409.31 254828.96 285332.96 295605.42** b) Borrowings from banks 190016.45 138751.80 130893.83 190103.13 138778.69 130913.33 c) Other demand & time liabilities 67598.24 75507.30 76787.54 68310.20 75768.13 77084.27 II LIABILITIES TO OTHERS (A) a) Deposits (other than from banks) 19237925.20 21193710.22 21328461.29 19678912.96 21647187.77 21779721.76
(Amount in ₹ crore) SCHEDULED COMMERCIAL BANKS (Including RRBs,SFBs and PBs) ALL SCHEDULED BANKS 11-Aug-2023 26-Jul-2024* 09-Aug-2024* 11-Aug-2023 26-Jul-2024* 09-Aug-2024* I LIABILITIES TO THE BKG.SYSTEM (A) a) Demand & Time deposits from banks 252628.38 281244.55 291409.31 254828.96 285332.96 295605.42** b) Borrowings from banks 190016.45 138751.80 130893.83 190103.13 138778.69 130913.33 c) Other demand & time liabilities 67598.24 75507.30 76787.54 68310.20 75768.13 77084.27 II LIABILITIES TO OTHERS (A) a) Deposits (other than from banks) 19237925.20 21193710.22 21328461.29 19678912.96 21647187.77 21779721.76
(Amount in ₹ crore) SCHEDULED COMMERCIAL BANKS (Including RRBs,SFBs and PBs) ALL SCHEDULED BANKS 28-Jul-2023 12-Jul-2024* 26-Jul-2024* 28-Jul-2023 12-Jul-2024* 26-Jul-2024* I LIABILITIES TO THE BKG.SYSTEM (A) a) Demand & Time deposits from banks 246355.08 277025.27 281124.93 248613.62 281004.70 285213.34 b) Borrowings from banks 193269.47 137361.61 138751.80 193383.48 137371.11 138778.69 c) Other demand & time liabilities 66076.62 75090.42 75247.02 66775.50 75387.79 75507.85 II LIABILITIES TO OTHERS (A)
(Amount in ₹ crore) SCHEDULED COMMERCIAL BANKS (Including RRBs,SFBs and PBs) ALL SCHEDULED BANKS 28-Jul-2023 12-Jul-2024* 26-Jul-2024* 28-Jul-2023 12-Jul-2024* 26-Jul-2024* I LIABILITIES TO THE BKG.SYSTEM (A) a) Demand & Time deposits from banks 246355.08 277025.27 281124.93 248613.62 281004.70 285213.34 b) Borrowings from banks 193269.47 137361.61 138751.80 193383.48 137371.11 138778.69 c) Other demand & time liabilities 66076.62 75090.42 75247.02 66775.50 75387.79 75507.85 II LIABILITIES TO OTHERS (A)
Regulated Entities (REs) generally use various models as part of their credit management, including for credit appraisal, borrower scoring, pricing, risk management, etc. With a view to addressing potential risks from use of such models and ensuring robustness in the process of model deployment by REs for credit decisions, the Reserve Bank of India today released the draft circular on ‘Regulatory Principles for Management of Model Risks in Credit’. The Comments on the draft circular are invited from public/stakeholders by September 4, 2024.
Regulated Entities (REs) generally use various models as part of their credit management, including for credit appraisal, borrower scoring, pricing, risk management, etc. With a view to addressing potential risks from use of such models and ensuring robustness in the process of model deployment by REs for credit decisions, the Reserve Bank of India today released the draft circular on ‘Regulatory Principles for Management of Model Risks in Credit’. The Comments on the draft circular are invited from public/stakeholders by September 4, 2024.
Data on lending and deposit rates of scheduled commercial banks (SCBs) (excluding regional rural banks and small finance banks) for the month of July 2024 are presented in Tables 1 to 7.
Data on lending and deposit rates of scheduled commercial banks (SCBs) (excluding regional rural banks and small finance banks) for the month of July 2024 are presented in Tables 1 to 7.
(Amount in ₹ crore) SCHEDULED COMMERCIAL BANKS (Including RRBs,SFBs and PBs) ALL SCHEDULED BANKS 14-Jul-2023 28-Jun-2024* 12-Jul-2024* 14-Jul-2023 28-Jun-2024* 12-Jul-2024* I LIABILITIES TO THE BKG.SYSTEM (A) a) Demand & Time deposits from banks 245861.45 281546.34 276953.70 248180.96 285619.46 280933.13 b) Borrowings from banks 196330.08 150168.05 137548.94 196446.94 150174.05 137558.44 c) Other demand & time liabilities 63687.26 76593.71 75484.94 64379.68 76874.54 75782.30 II LIABILITIES TO OTHERS (A) a) Deposits (other than from banks) 19030776.86 (18876781.94) 21285820.86 (21196424.09) 21177216.41 (21090509.24) 19472237.28 (19318242.36) 21743456.65 (21654059.88) 21631374.15 (21544666.98) i) Demand 2181426.56 2601677.37 2390991.08 2226914.90 2651692.30 2439811.75 ii) Time 16849350.30 18684143.49 18786225.33 17245322.38 19091764.35 19191562.41
(Amount in ₹ crore) SCHEDULED COMMERCIAL BANKS (Including RRBs,SFBs and PBs) ALL SCHEDULED BANKS 14-Jul-2023 28-Jun-2024* 12-Jul-2024* 14-Jul-2023 28-Jun-2024* 12-Jul-2024* I LIABILITIES TO THE BKG.SYSTEM (A) a) Demand & Time deposits from banks 245861.45 281546.34 276953.70 248180.96 285619.46 280933.13 b) Borrowings from banks 196330.08 150168.05 137548.94 196446.94 150174.05 137558.44 c) Other demand & time liabilities 63687.26 76593.71 75484.94 64379.68 76874.54 75782.30 II LIABILITIES TO OTHERS (A) a) Deposits (other than from banks) 19030776.86 (18876781.94) 21285820.86 (21196424.09) 21177216.41 (21090509.24) 19472237.28 (19318242.36) 21743456.65 (21654059.88) 21631374.15 (21544666.98) i) Demand 2181426.56 2601677.37 2390991.08 2226914.90 2651692.30 2439811.75 ii) Time 16849350.30 18684143.49 18786225.33 17245322.38 19091764.35 19191562.41
The Reserve Bank of India today released the draft circular on ‘Basel III Framework on Liquidity Standards – Liquidity Coverage Ratio (LCR) – Review of Haircuts on High Quality Liquid Assets (HQLA) and Run-off Rates on Certain Categories of Deposits’. Comments on the draft circular are invited from banks and other stakeholders by August 31, 2024. Feedback on the draft circular may be forwarded to: The Chief General Manager-in-Charge Reserve Bank of India Department of Regulation 12th Floor, Central Office Building Shahid Bhagat Singh Marg, Fort Mumbai – 400001 Or by email with subject line "Feedback on Draft circular on modification to LCR framework".
The Reserve Bank of India today released the draft circular on ‘Basel III Framework on Liquidity Standards – Liquidity Coverage Ratio (LCR) – Review of Haircuts on High Quality Liquid Assets (HQLA) and Run-off Rates on Certain Categories of Deposits’. Comments on the draft circular are invited from banks and other stakeholders by August 31, 2024. Feedback on the draft circular may be forwarded to: The Chief General Manager-in-Charge Reserve Bank of India Department of Regulation 12th Floor, Central Office Building Shahid Bhagat Singh Marg, Fort Mumbai – 400001 Or by email with subject line "Feedback on Draft circular on modification to LCR framework".
The Financial Action Task Force (FATF) vide public document ‘High-Risk Jurisdictions subject to a Call for Action’ – June 2024, has called on its members and other jurisdictions to refer to the statement on Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK) and Iran adopted in February 2020 which remains in effect. Further, Myanmar was added to the list of High-Risk Jurisdictions subject to a Call for Action in the October 2022 FATF plenary and FATF has called on its members and other jurisdictions to apply enhanced due diligence measures proportionate to the risk arising from Myanmar. When applying enhanced due diligence measures, countries have been advised to ensure that flows of funds for humanitarian assistance, legitimate NPO activity and remittances are not disrupted. The status of Myanmar in the list of countries subject to a call for action, remains unchanged.
The Financial Action Task Force (FATF) vide public document ‘High-Risk Jurisdictions subject to a Call for Action’ – June 2024, has called on its members and other jurisdictions to refer to the statement on Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK) and Iran adopted in February 2020 which remains in effect. Further, Myanmar was added to the list of High-Risk Jurisdictions subject to a Call for Action in the October 2022 FATF plenary and FATF has called on its members and other jurisdictions to apply enhanced due diligence measures proportionate to the risk arising from Myanmar. When applying enhanced due diligence measures, countries have been advised to ensure that flows of funds for humanitarian assistance, legitimate NPO activity and remittances are not disrupted. The status of Myanmar in the list of countries subject to a call for action, remains unchanged.
The Reserve Bank of India has today, issued three revised Master Directions on Fraud Risk Management for the Regulated Entities viz. (i) Commercial Banks (including Regional Rural Banks) and All India Financial Institutions; (ii) Cooperative Banks (Urban Cooperative Banks / State Cooperative Banks / Central Cooperative Banks); and (iii) Non-Banking Finance Companies (including Housing Finance Companies).
The Reserve Bank of India has today, issued three revised Master Directions on Fraud Risk Management for the Regulated Entities viz. (i) Commercial Banks (including Regional Rural Banks) and All India Financial Institutions; (ii) Cooperative Banks (Urban Cooperative Banks / State Cooperative Banks / Central Cooperative Banks); and (iii) Non-Banking Finance Companies (including Housing Finance Companies).
(Amount in ₹ crore) SCHEDULED COMMERCIAL BANKS (Including RRBs,SFBs and PBs) ALL SCHEDULED BANKS 30-Jun-2023 14-Jun-2024* 28-Jun-2024* 30-Jun-2023 14-Jun-2024* 28-Jun-2024* I LIABILITIES TO THE BKG.SYSTEM (A) a) Demand & Time deposits from banks 257646.38 273308.26 281655.77 260058.33 278408.28 287360.27 b) Borrowings from banks 39731.20 152174.16 158498.40 39861.10 152178.16 158504.40 c) Other demand & time liabilities 61504.46 76032.19 76535.85 62178.02 76525.91 77044.23 II LIABILITIES TO OTHERS (A) a) Deposits (other than from banks) 19156018.40 20902918.07 (20809913.89) 21285327.41 21195930.64) 19598266.83 21569931.53 21476927.35) 22058064.18 21968667.41) i) Demand 2448921.30 2390694.05 2601198.84 2494898.41 2459861.36 2677831.05
(Amount in ₹ crore) SCHEDULED COMMERCIAL BANKS (Including RRBs,SFBs and PBs) ALL SCHEDULED BANKS 30-Jun-2023 14-Jun-2024* 28-Jun-2024* 30-Jun-2023 14-Jun-2024* 28-Jun-2024* I LIABILITIES TO THE BKG.SYSTEM (A) a) Demand & Time deposits from banks 257646.38 273308.26 281655.77 260058.33 278408.28 287360.27 b) Borrowings from banks 39731.20 152174.16 158498.40 39861.10 152178.16 158504.40 c) Other demand & time liabilities 61504.46 76032.19 76535.85 62178.02 76525.91 77044.23 II LIABILITIES TO OTHERS (A) a) Deposits (other than from banks) 19156018.40 20902918.07 (20809913.89) 21285327.41 21195930.64) 19598266.83 21569931.53 21476927.35) 22058064.18 21968667.41) i) Demand 2448921.30 2390694.05 2601198.84 2494898.41 2459861.36 2677831.05
Page Last Updated on: September 09, 2024