List of Withdrawn Circulars - RBI - Reserve Bank of India
List of Withdrawn Circulars
Date | Subject | Department |
December 24, 2019 | Introduction of a new type of semi-closed Prepaid Payment Instrument (PPI) – PPIs upto ₹10,000/- with loading only from bank account | Department of Payment and Settlement Systems |
August 30, 2019 | Amendment to Master Direction on Issuance and Operation of Prepaid Payment Instruments (PPIs) | Department of Payment and Settlement Systems |
August 21, 2019 | Real Time Gross Settlement (RTGS) System – Increase in operating hours | Department of Payment and Settlement Systems |
May 28, 2019 | Real Time Gross Settlement (RTGS) System – Extension of Timings for Customer Transactions | Department of Payment and Settlement Systems |
January 04, 2019 | Customer Protection – Limiting Liability of Customers in Unauthorised Electronic Payment Transactions in Prepaid Payment Instruments (PPIs) issued by Authorised Non-banks | Department of Payment and Settlement Systems |
October 16, 2018 | Prepaid Payment Instruments (PPIs) – Guidelines for Interoperability | Department of Payment and Settlement Systems |
October 15, 2018 | Directions for Central Counterparties (CCPs) | Department of Payment and Settlement Systems |
February 09, 2018 | Levy of Penal Interest – Delayed Reporting | Department of Currency Management |
August 03, 2017 | Natural Calamities Portal - Monthly Reporting System | Financial Inclusion and Development Department |
December 30, 2016 | Special measures to incentivise Electronic Payments – Extension of time | Department of Payment and Settlement Systems |
December 27, 2016 | Master Circular on Issuance and Operations of Prepaid Payment Instruments – Amendments to paragraph 7.9 | Department of Payment and Settlement Systems |
November 22, 2016 | Special measures to incentivise Electronic Payments – (i) Enhancement in issuance limits for Pre-Paid Payment Instruments (PPIs) in India (ii) Special measures for merchants |
Department of Payment and Settlement Systems |
August 25, 2016 | Financial Literacy Centres - Revised Reporting Format | Financial Inclusion and Development Department |
June 30, 2016 | Guidelines for relief measures by banks in areas affected by natural calamities - utilisation of insurance proceeds | Financial Inclusion and Development Department |
October 15, 2015 | Reporting requirement under Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act (FATCA) and Common Reporting Standards (CRS) | Department of Payment and Settlement Systems |
September 01, 2015 | Changes in RTGS time window | Department of Payment and Settlement Systems |
August 21, 2015 | Guidelines for Relief Measures by Banks in Areas Affected by Natural Calamities | Financial Inclusion and Development Department |
July 16, 2015 | Foreign Investment in India by Foreign Portfolio Investors | Financial Markets Regulation Department |
July 15, 2015 | Concurrent Audit System in Commercial Banks - Revision of RBI's Guidelines | Department of Supervision |
July 09, 2015 | Prepaid Payment Instrument (PPI) guidelines – Introduction of New Category of PPI for Mass Transit Systems (PPI-MTS) | Department of Payment and Settlement Systems |
June 4, 2015 | Submission of Long Form Audit Report (LFAR) by Concurrent Auditors | Department of Supervision |
May 07, 2015 | Security and Risk Mitigation Measures for Card Present and Electronic Payment Transactions | Department of Payment and Settlement Systems |
April 23, 2015 | Implementation of Section 51-A of UAPA, 1967 – Updates of the UNSCR 1267(1999) / 1989 (2011) Committee’s Al Qaida Sanctions List | Department of Payment and Settlement Systems |
April 16, 2015 | Anti-Money Laundering (AML) / Combating of Financing of Terrorism (CFT) - Standards | Department of Payment and Settlement Systems |
April 16, 2015 | Implementation of Section 51-A of UAPA, 1967 – Updates of the UNSCR 1267(1999) / 1989 (2011) Committee’s Al Qaida Sanctions List | Department of Payment and Settlement Systems |
April 16, 2015 | Implementation of Section 51-A of UAPA, 1967- Updates of the UNSCR 1988(2011) Taliban Sanctions List | Department of Payment and Settlement Systems |
March 24, 2015 | Implementation of Section 51-A of UAPA, 1967 – Updates of the UNSCR 1267(1999) / 1989 (2011) Committee’s Al Qaida Sanctions List | Department of Payment and Settlement Systems |
March 24, 2015 | Implementation of Section 51-A of UAPA, 1967 – Updates of the UNSCR 1267(1999) / 1989 (2011) Committee’s Al Qaida Sanctions List and UNSCR 1988(2011) Taliban Sanctions List – Modification in the Listing Format | Department of Payment and Settlement Systems |
February 27, 2015 | Implementation of Section 51-A of UAPA, 1967 – Updates of the UNSCR 1267(1999) / 1989 (2011) Committee’s Al Qaida Sanctions List | Department of Payment and Settlement Systems |
February 18, 2015 | Implementation of Section 51-A of UAPA, 1967 – Updates of the UNSCR 1267(1999) / 1989 (2011) Committee’s Al Qaida Sanctions List | Department of Payment and Settlement Systems |
February 12, 2015 | Implementation of Section 51-A of UAPA, 1967 – Updates of the UNSCR 1267(1999) / 1989(2011) Committee’s Al Qaida Sanctions List | Department of Payment and Settlement Systems |
February 04, 2015 | Implementation of Section 51-A of UAPA, 1967 – Updates of the UNSCR 1267(1999) / 1989(2011) Committee’s Al Qaida Sanctions List | Department of Payment and Settlement Systems |
January 21, 2015 | Inter-Government Agreement (IGA) with United States of America (US) under Foreign Accounts Tax Compliance Act (FATCA) - Registration | Department of Payment and Settlement Systems |
January 09, 2015 | Implementation of Section 51-A of UAPA, 1967 – Updates of the UNSCR 1267(1999) / 1989(2011) Committee’s Al Qaida Sanctions List | Department of Payment and Settlement Systems |
January 09, 2015 | Implementation of Section 51-A of UAPA, 1967- Updates of the UNSCR 1988(2011) Taliban Sanctions List | Department of Payment and Settlement Systems |
January 09, 2015 | Implementation of Section 51-A of UAPA, 1967 – Updates of the UNSCR 1267(1999) / 1989(2011) Committee’s Al Qaida Sanctions List | Department of Payment and Settlement Systems |
January 02, 2015 | Anti-Money Laundering (AML) / Combating of Financing of Terrorism (CFT) - Standards | Department of Payment and Settlement Systems |
January 02, 2015 | Implementation of Section 51-A of UAPA, 1967- Updates of the UNSCR 1988(2011) Taliban Sanctions List | Department of Payment and Settlement Systems |
January 02, 2015 | Implementation of Section 51-A of UAPA, 1967 – Updates of the UNSCR 1267(1999) / 1989(2011) Committee’s Al Qaida Sanctions List | Department of Payment and Settlement Systems |
December 15, 2014 | Extension of RTGS time window | Department of Payment and Settlement Systems |
December 03, 2014 | Issuance and Operation of Pre-paid Payment Instruments (PPIs) in India – Relaxations | Department of Payment and Settlement Systems |
November 27, 2014 | Know Your Customer (KYC) Norms /Anti-Money Laundering (AML) Standards/ Combating of Financing of Terrorism (CFT)/ Obligation of Payment System Operators under Prevention of Money Laundering Act (PMLA), 2002 Obligation of Payment System Operators – Amendme | Department of Payment and Settlement Systems |
November 24, 2014 | Simplification of Know Your Customer (KYC) Norms – Creating Public awareness | Department of Payment and Settlement Systems |
October 09, 2014 | Implementation of Section 51-A of UAPA, 1967 – Updates of the UNSCR 1267(1999) / 1989(2011) Committee’s Al Qaida Sanctions List | Department of Payment and Settlement Systems |
October 09, 2014 | Implementation of Section 51-A of UAPA, 1967- Updates of the UNSCR 1988(2011) Taliban Sanctions List | Department of Payment and Settlement Systems |
September 29, 2014 | Implementation of Section 51-A of UAPA, 1967 - Updates of the UNSCR 1267(1999) / 1989(2011) Committee's Al Qaida sanctions list | Department of Supervision |
September 25, 2014 | Implementation of Section 51-A of UAPA, 1967 - Updates of the UNSCR 1988(2011) Taliban Sanctions List | Department of Supervision |
September 03, 2014 | Anti-Money Laundering (AML) / Combating of Financing of Terrorism (CFT) - Standards | Department of Payment and Settlement Systems |
August 14, 2014 | Inter-Government Agreement (IGA) with United States of America (US) under Foreign Accounts Tax Compliance Act (FATCA) - Registration | Department of Payment and Settlement Systems |
July 07, 2014 | Financial Literacy Activities conducted by Financial Literacy Centres and Rural Branches of Banks - Monitoring System | Financial Inclusion and Development Department |
July 03, 2014 | Know Your Customer (KYC) Norms /Anti-Money Laundering (AML) Standards/ Combating of Financing of Terrorism (CFT)/Obligation of Payment System Operators under Prevention of Money Laundering Act (PMLA), 2002 – Clarification on Proof of Address. | Department of Payment and Settlement Systems |
June 20, 2014 | Know Your Customer (KYC) Norms /Anti-Money Laundering (AML) Standards/ Combating of Financing of Terrorism (CFT)/Obligation of Payment System Operators under Prevention of Money Laundering Act (PMLA), 2002 – e-KYC Service of UIDAI – Recognizing E- Aadhaar | Department of Payment and Settlement Systems |
May 30, 2014 | Know Your Customer (KYC) Norms /Anti-Money Laundering (AML) Standards/ Combating of Financing of Terrorism (CFT)/Obligation of PSOs under Prevention of Money Laundering Act (PMLA), 2002 – Amendment to Section 13(2) | Department of Payment and Settlement Systems |
May 13, 2014 | Issuance and Operation of Pre-paid Payment Instruments in India – Consolidated Revised Policy Guidelines | Department of Payment and Settlement Systems |
March 28, 2014 | Issuance and Operation of Pre-paid Payment Instruments in India – Consolidated Revised Policy Guidelines | Department of Payment and Settlement Systems |
March 18, 2014 | Anti- Money Laundering (AML)/Combating of Financing of Terrorism (CFT) - Standards | Department of Payment and Settlement Systems |
January 07, 2014 | Implementation of Section 51-A of UAPA, 1967 - Updates of the UNSCR 1267 (1999) / 1989(2011) Committee's Al Qaida Sanctions List and Consolidated List | Department of Payment and Settlement Systems |
January 07, 2014 | Anti- Money Laundering (AML) / Combating of Financing of Terrorism (CFT) - Standards | Department of Payment and Settlement Systems |
October 25, 2013 | Know Your Customer (KYC) Norms /Anti-Money Laundering (AML) Standards/ Combating of Financing of Terrorism (CFT)/Obligation of PSOs under Prevention of Money Laundering Act (PMLA), 2002 – e-KYC Service of UIDAI – Recognizing on-line Aadhaar authentication | Department of Payment and Settlement Systems |
September 13, 2013 | Anti- Money Laundering (AML) / Combating of Financing of Terrorism (CFT) - Standards | Department of Payment and Settlement Systems |
September 13, 2013 | Implementation of Section 51-A of UAPA, 1967 - Updates of the UNSCR 1988 (2011) Sanctions List | Department of Payment and Settlement Systems |
September 13, 2013 | Implementation of Section 51-A of UAPA, 1967 - Updates of the UNSCR 1267 (1999) / 1989(2011) Committee's Al Qaida Sanctions List and Consolidated List | Department of Payment and Settlement Systems |
September 05, 2013 | Cash withdrawal at Point of Sale (POS) – Prepaid Payment Instruments issued by banks | Department of Payment and Settlement Systems |
August 26, 2013 | Rupee Export Credit - Interest Subvention | Department of Regulation |
July 16, 2013 | Standardization and Enhancement of Security Features in Cheque Forms/Migrating to CTS 2010 standards | Department of Payment and Settlement Systems |
May 24, 2013 | Rupee Export Credit - Interest Subvention | Department of Regulation |
May 08, 2013 | Anti- Money Laundering (AML) / Combating of Financing of Terrorism (CFT) - Standards | Department of Payment and Settlement Systems |
May 08, 2013 | Implementation of Section 51-A of UAPA, 1967 -Updates of the UNSCR 1267 (1999) and 1989(2011) Committee's Al Qaida Sanctions List | Department of Payment and Settlement Systems |
March 14, 2013 | Collection of Information on Customer Grievances | Department of Payment and Settlement Systems |
January 14, 2013 | Rupee Export Credit - Interest Subvention | Department of Regulation |
January 08, 2013 | Implementation of Section 51-A of UAPA, 1967 -Updates of the UNSCR 1267 (1999) and 1989(2011) Committee's Al Qaida Sanctions List | Department of Payment and Settlement Systems |
January 08, 2013 | Anti- Money Laundering (AML) / Combating of Financing of Terrorism (CFT) - Standards | Department of Payment and Settlement Systems |
January 01, 2013 | Implementation of Swarna Jayanti Shahari Rozgar Yojana (SJSRY)-Regarding | Financial Inclusion and Development Department |
December 31, 2012 | Revision in Existing Investment limits in Plant and Machinery / Equipment for Lending to Micro Enterprises in the 40:20 Proportion | Financial Inclusion and Development Department |
November 21, 2012 | National / Regional Electronic Clearing Service (NECS/RECS) – Extension of service to remaining branches | Department of Payment and Settlement Systems |
October 19, 2012 | Implementation of Section 51-A of UAPA, 1967 - Updates of the UNSCR 1267 (1999) and 1989 (2011) Committee's Al Qaida Sanctions List | Department of Payment and Settlement Systems |
October 19, 2012 | Implementation of Section 51-A of UAPA, 1967 - Updates of the UNSCR 1988 (2011) Sanctions List | Department of Payment and Settlement Systems |
October 17, 2012 | Supervisory Action Framework (SAF) for Urban Co-operative Banks (UCBs) | Department of Supervision |
October 01, 2012 | Policy Guidelines for issuance and operation of Prepaid Payment Instruments in India – Amendments | Department of Payment and Settlement Systems |
September 06, 2012 | Anti- Money Laundering (AML) / Combating of Financing of Terrorism (CFT) - Standards | Department of Payment and Settlement Systems |
September 06, 2012 | Implementation of Section 51-A of UAPA, 1967 - Updates of the UNSCR 1267 (1999) and 1989 (2011) Committee's Al Qaida Sanctions List | Department of Payment and Settlement Systems |
July 06, 2012 | Implementation of Section 51-A of UAPA, 1967 - Updates of the UNSCR 1267 (1999) and 1989 (2011) Committee's Al Qaida Sanctions List | Department of Payment and Settlement Systems |
July 06, 2012 | Implementation of Section 51-A of UAPA, 1967 - Updates of the UNSCR 1988 (2011) Sanctions List | Department of Payment and Settlement Systems |
July 04, 2012 | Merchant Discount Rates (MDR) structure for debit card transactions | Department of Payment and Settlement Systems |
June 28, 2012 | Merchant Discount Rates (MDR) structure for debit card transactions | Department of Payment and Settlement Systems |
June 14, 2012 | Policy Guidelines for issuance and operation of Prepaid Payment Instruments in India – Amendments | Department of Payment and Settlement Systems |
June 07, 2012 | Implementation of Section 51-A of UAPA, 1967 - Updates of the UNSCR 1267 (1999) and 1989 (2011) Committee's Al Qaida Sanctions List | Department of Payment and Settlement Systems |
May 11, 2012 | Guidelines for clearing of cheques where there is no formal clearing house | Department of Payment and Settlement Systems |
May 09, 2012 | Implementation of Section 51-A of UAPA, 1967 - Updates of the UNSCR 1267 (1999) and 1989 (2011) Committee's Al Qaida Sanctions List | Department of Payment and Settlement Systems |
May 03, 2012 | Implementation of Section 51-A of UAPA, 1967 - Updates of the UNSCR 1267 (1999) / 1989(2011) Committee's Al Qaida Sanctions List | Department of Supervision |
April 23, 2012 | Guidelines on Credit Default Swaps (CDS) for Corporate Bonds- Permitting All India Financial Institutions | Financial Markets Regulation Department |
April 18, 2012 | ECS (Debit) mandate management procedure by the banks – adherence to Procedural Guidelines | Department of Payment and Settlement Systems |
April 12, 2012 | Implementation of Section 51-A of UAPA, 1967 - Updates of the UNSCR 1988 (2011) Sanctions List | Department of Payment and Settlement Systems |
April 12, 2012 | Implementation of Section 51-A of UAPA, 1967 - Updates of the UNSCR 1267 (1999) and 1989 (2011) Committee's Al Qaida Sanctions List | Department of Payment and Settlement Systems |
April 11, 2012 | Anti- Money Laundering (AML) / Combating of Financing of Terrorism (CFT) - Standards | Department of Payment and Settlement Systems |
April 04, 2012 | Implementation of Section 51-A of UAPA, 1967 - Updates of the UNSCR 1988 (2011) Sanctions List | Department of Supervision |
April 04, 2012 | Implementation of Section 51-A of UAPA, 1967 - Updates of the UNSCR 1267 (1999) /1989 ( 2011) Committee's Al Qaida Sanctions List | Department of Supervision |
April 02, 2012 | Writing English Alphabets in Devanagari Script - Standardization | Department of Regulation |
March 26, 2012 | Implementation of Section 51-A of UAPA, 1967 - Updates of the UNSCR 1267 (1999) / 2989 (2011) Committee's Al Qaida Sanctions List | Department of Supervision |
March 20, 2012 | Implementation of Section 51-A of UAPA, 1967 -Updates of the UNSCR 1267 (1999) and 1989 (2011) Committee's Al Qaida Sanctions List | Department of Supervision |
March 20, 2012 | Implementation of Section 51-A of UAPA, 1967-Updates of the UNSCR 1988 (2011) Sanctions List | Department of Supervision |
March 15, 2012 | Implementation of Section 51-A of UAPA, 1967 - Splitting of UNSC 1267 Committee's List of Individuals and Entities linked to Al-Qaida and Taliban | Department of Supervision |
March 1, 2012 | Supervisory Action Framework for Urban Cooperative Banks (UCBs) | Department of Supervision |
February 17, 2012 | Implementation of Section 51-A of UAPA, 1967 - Updates of the UNSCR 1267 (1999) and 1989 (2011) Committee's Al Qaida Sanctions List | Department of Payment and Settlement Systems |
February 09, 2012 | Anti- Money Laundering (AML) / Combating of Financing of Terrorism (CFT)- Standards | Department of Payment and Settlement Systems |
January 24, 2012 | Implementation of Section 51-A of UAPA, 1967 - Updates of the UNSCR 1267 (1999) and 1989 (2011) Committee's Al Qaida Sanctions List | Department of Payment and Settlement Systems |
January 23, 2012 | Implementation of Section 51-A of UAPA, 1967- Splitting of UNSC 1267 Committee's list of individuals and entities linked to Al-Qaida and Taliban | Department of Payment and Settlement Systems |
December 19, 2011 | Credit under Dairy Segment of Agriculture and Allied Activities - Treatment under Indirect Finance to Agriculture | Financial Inclusion and Development Department |
October 20, 2011. | Introduction of Credit Default Swaps for Corporate Bonds: Date for Operationalisation Changed | Financial Markets Regulation Department |
October 18, 2011 | Inclusion of Credit under KCC under Direct Financing for Agriculture | Financial Inclusion and Development Department |
October 13, 2011 | Inclusion of Credit under KCC under Direct Financing for Agriculture | Financial Inclusion and Development Department |
October 11, 2011 | Rupee Export Credit Interest Rates | Department of Regulation |
October 03, 2011 | List of Terrorist Individuals / Organisations under UNSCR 1267(1999) and 1822(2008) on Taliban / Al-Qaida Organisation | Department of Payment and Settlement Systems |
September 12, 2011 | List of Terrorist Individuals / Organisations - under UNSCR 1267 (1999)and 1822(2008) on Taliban / AL-Qaida Organisation | Department of Supervision |
September 05, 2011 | RTGS service charges for members | Department of Payment and Settlement Systems |
August 18, 2011 | Anti- Money Laundering (AML) / Combating of Financing of Terrorism (CFT) - Standards | Department of Payment and Settlement Systems |
August 18, 2011 | Anti-Money Laundering (AML)/Combating of Financing of Terrorism (CFT) – Standards | Department of Payment and Settlement Systems |
August 04, 2011 | List of Terrorist Individuals / Organisations under UNSCR 1267(1999) and 1822(2008) on Taliban / Al-Qaida Organisation | Department of Payment and Settlement Systems |
August 04, 2011 | Policy Guidelines for issuance and operation of Prepaid Payment Instruments in India | Department of Payment and Settlement Systems |
August 02, 2011 | List of Terrorist Individuals / Organisations under UNSCR 1267 (1999) and 1822 (2008) on Taliban / AL-Qaida Organisation | Department of Supervision |
July 22, 2011 | List of Terrorist Individuals / Organisations - under UNSCR 1267(1999) and 1822(2008) on Taliban / AL-Qaida Organisation | Department of Supervision |
June 30, 2011 | List of Terrorist Individuals/ Organisations under UNSCR 1267(1999) and 1822(2008) on Taliban/Al-Qaida Organisation | Department of Payment and Settlement Systems |
June 27, 2011 | List of Terrorist Individuals/ Organisations under UNSCR 1267(1999) and 1822(2008) on Taliban/Al-Qaida Organisation | Department of Payment and Settlement Systems |
June 22, 2011 | List of Terrorist Individuals/ Organisations under UNSCR 1267(1999) and 1822(2008) on Taliban/Al-Qaida Organisation | Department of Payment and Settlement Systems |
May 20, 2011 | List of Terrorist Individuals / Organisations - under UNSCR 1267(1999) and 1822(2008) on Taliban / AL-Qaida Organisation | Department of Supervision |
May 16, 2011 | List of Terrorist Individuals / Organisations under UNSCR 1267 (1999) and 1822 (2008) on Taliban / AL-Qaida Organisation | Department of Supervision |
May 11, 2011 | List of Terrorist Individuals/ Organisations under UNSCR 1267(1999) and 1822(2008) on Taliban/Al-Qaida Organisation | Department of Payment and Settlement Systems |
May 04, 2011 | Policy Guidelines for issuance and operation of Prepaid Instruments in India | Department of Payment and Settlement Systems |
May 02, 2011 | List of Terrorist Individuals / Organisations- under UNSCR 1267 (1999) and 1822(2008) on Taliban / AL-Qaida Organisation | Department of Supervision |
April 19, 2011 | List of Terrorist Individuals/ Organisations under UNSCR 1267(1999) and 1822(2008) on Taliban/Al-Qaida Organisation | Department of Payment and Settlement Systems |
April 08, 2011 | Anti- Money Laundering (AML) / Combating of Financing of Terrorism (CFT)- Standards | Department of Payment and Settlement Systems |
April 08, 2011 | Anti-Money Laundering (AML)/Combating of Financing of Terrorism (CFT) – Standards | Department of Payment and Settlement Systems |
March 31, 2011 | Establishment of Financial Literacy and Credit Counselling Centres | Financial Inclusion and Development Department |
March 23, 2011 | List of Terrorist Individuals/ Organisations under UNSCR 1267(1999) and 1822(2008) on Taliban/Al-Qaida Organisation | Department of Payment and Settlement Systems |
March 23, 2011 | Issuance and Operation of pre-paid payment instruments in India – Clarification | Department of Payment and Settlement Systems |
March 14, 2011 | Automation of non-MICR Clearing Houses – Implementation of a new Clearing Software –Express Cheque Clearing System | Department of Payment and Settlement Systems |
March 10, 2011 | List of Terrorist Individuals/ Organisations under UNSCR 1267(1999) and 1822(2008) on Taliban/Al-Qaida Organisation | Department of Payment and Settlement Systems |
January 18, 2011 | Centralised Funds Management System (CFMS) – Extension of timings | Department of Payment and Settlement Systems |
January 18, 2011 | Anti-Money Laundering (AML)/Combating of Financing of Terrorism (CFT) – Standards | Department of Payment and Settlement Systems |
January 18, 2011 | Anti-Money Laundering (AML)/Combating of Financing of Terrorism (CFT) – Standards | Department of Payment and Settlement Systems |
January 07, 2011 | List of Terrorist Individuals/ Organisations under UNSCR 1267(1999) and 1822(2008) on Taliban/Al-Qaida Organisation | Department of Payment and Settlement Systems |
January 04, 2011 | Enhancing the scope of Speed Clearing | Department of Payment and Settlement Systems |
December 27, 2010 | Collection of Statistics on pre-paid instruments | Department of Payment and Settlement Systems |
December 27, 2010 | Issuance and operation of Prepaid Payment Instruments in India – Auditor Certificate on the balances in Escrow account | Department of Payment and Settlement Systems |
December 27, 2010 | Issuance of Non-Convertible Debentures (NCDs) | Financial Markets Regulation Department |
December 15, 2010 | Swarnajayanti Gram Swarozgar Yojana (SGSY) - Group Life Insurance Scheme | Financial Inclusion and Development Department |
December 06, 2010 | Issuance of Non-Convertible Debentures (NCDs) | Financial Markets Regulation Department |
December 6, 2010 | Ownership of Units - Two or More undertakings under the same Ownership - Status of the Unit | Financial Inclusion and Development Department |
November 24, 2010 | Issuance and Operation of Prepaid Payment Instruments | Department of Payment and Settlement Systems |
November 12, 2010 | Up-gradation of CFMS System to Windows 2008 | Department of Payment and Settlement Systems |
November 09, 2010 | Electronic Funds Transfer Infrastructure in India – Usage of RTGS and NEFT | Department of Payment and Settlement Systems |
November 04, 2010 | Issuance and Operation of pre-paid payment Instruments in India (Reserve Bank) Directions – Additional guidelines | Department of Payment and Settlement Systems |
November 03, 2010 | Electronic Funds Transfer Infrastructure in India – Usage of RTGS and NEFT | Department of Payment and Settlement Systems |
September 15, 2010 | Prevention of Money-laundering (Maintenance of Records of the Nature and Value of Transactions, the Procedure and Manner of Maintaining and Time for Furnishing Information and Verification and Maintenance of Records of the Identity of the Clients of the B | Department of Payment and Settlement Systems |
September 01, 2010 | Dishonour / Return of Cheques - Need to Mention the 'Date of Return' in the Cheque Return Memo | Department of Payment and Settlement Systems |
September 01, 2010 | Uniformity in penal interest payable by banks for delays in credit /return of NEFT /NECS /ECS transactions | Department of Payment and Settlement Systems |
July 16, 2010 | Ready Forward Contracts in Corporate Debt Securities | Financial Markets Regulation Department |
June 23, 2010 | Issuance of Non-Convertible Debentures (NCDs) | Financial Markets Regulation Department |
May 06, 2010 | Levy of interest on clearing-related overdraft extended by Clearing House managing banks for settling clearing obligations of member banks | Department of Payment and Settlement Systems |
April 23, 2010 | Rupee Export Credit Interest Rates | Department of Regulation |
April 13, 2010 | Know Your Customer (KYC) Norms/ Anti-Money Laundering (AML) Standards/ Combating of Financing of Terrorism (CFT) | Department of Payment and Settlement Systems |
December 31, 2009 | Remuneration Payable to the Statutory Central and Branch Auditors of Public Sector Banks from the year 2006-07 | Department of Supervision |
December 22, 2009 | Know Your Customer (KYC) norms/Anti-Money Laundering (AML) standards/ Combating the Financing of Terrorism (CFT) obligation of Payment System Operators under Prevention of Money Laundering Act, (PMLA), 2002, as amended by Prevention of Money Laundering (A | Department of Payment and Settlement Systems |
December 18, 2009 | Extension of Service Window for RTGS Transactions | Department of Payment and Settlement Systems |
November 11, 2009 | RTGS System – Mandatory Beneficiary Account Number | Department of Payment and Settlement Systems |
October 12, 2009 | Rupee Export Credit Interest Rates | Department of Regulation |
October 12, 2009 | Swarna Jayanti Shahari Rozgar Yojana (SJSRY) Revised Guidelines - 2009 | Financial Inclusion and Development Department |
August 24, 2009 | Increase in Exemption of Collateral Security in respect of Individual and Group Loans under SGSY Scheme | Financial Inclusion and Development Department |
August 14, 2009 | Policy Guidelines for issuance and operation of Prepaid Payment Instruments in India | Department of Payment and Settlement Systems |
July 31, 2009 | Rupee Export Credit Interest Rates | Department of Regulation |
July 29, 2009 | Electronic Clearing Service (ECS) – Accuracy of Input Data and Completeness of Account Number Information in ECS Mandates/Files | Department of Payment and Settlement Systems |
June 25, 2009 | National Electronic Clearing Service (NECS) – Optimal Usage and Expansion | Department of Payment and Settlement Systems |
June 16, 2009 | RTGS Transactions | Department of Payment and Settlement Systems |
May 11, 2009 | Usage of Inter-bank window for customer transactions | Department of Payment and Settlement Systems |
April 27, 2009 | Policy Guidelines for issuance and operation of Prepaid Payment Instruments in India | Department of Payment and Settlement Systems |
March 25, 2009 | Rupee Export Credit Interest Rates | Department of Regulation |
February 11, 2009 | Reconciliation of transactions at ATMs failure-Time limit | Department of Payment and Settlement Systems |
January 28, 2009 | Extension of service window for RTGS transactions | Department of Payment and Settlement Systems |
January 21, 2009 | Internal Assignments in Banks by Statutory Auditors | Department of Supervision |
December 16, 2008 | Rupee Export Credit Interest Rates | Department of Regulation |
November 07, 2008 | Rupee Export Credit Interest Rates Subvention | Department of Regulation |
October 23, 2008 | Reconciliation of transactions at ATMs failure-Time limit | Department of Payment and Settlement Systems |
October 08, 2008 | Levy of Service Charges for Electronic Payment Products and Outstation Cheque Collection | Department of Payment and Settlement Systems |
September 01, 2008 | Orders of the President of India on the Recommendations made by the Parliamentary Committee on Official Language in the 8th volume of its Report | Department of Regulation |
August 01, 2008 | Rupee Export Credit Interest Rates | Department of Regulation |
April 28, 2008 | Rupee Export Credit Interest Rate | Department of Regulation |
March 10, 2008 | Use of electronic mode of payment for large value transactions | Department of Payment and Settlement Systems |
December 20, 2007 | Remuneration Payable to the Statutory Central and Branch Auditors of Public Sector Banks from the Year 2006-07 | Department of Supervision |
November 30, 2007 | Rupee Export Credit Interest Rates | Department of Regulation |
November 15, 2007 | Access Criteria for Clearing Houses at MICR Centres – Procedural Guidelines | Department of Payment and Settlement Systems |
October 06, 2007 | Rupee Export Credit Interest Rates - Extension of Period & Widening of Coverage of Sectors | Department of Regulation |
July 25, 2007 | Remuneration Payable to the Statutory Central and Branch Auditors of Public Sector Banks from the Year 2006-07 | Department of Supervision |
July 13, 2007 | Rupee Export Credit Interest Rates | Department of Regulation |
June 6, 2007 | Remuneration Payable to the Statutory Central and Branch Auditors of Public Sector Banks from the year 2006-07 | Department of Supervision |
March 28, 2007 | Scheme to Cover Term Loans for Agriculture & Allied Activities under KCC | Financial Inclusion and Development Department |
March 09, 2007 | Incentive for improving service to non- chest branches | Department of Currency Management |
October 20, 2006 | Rupee Export Credit Interest Rate | Department of Regulation |
September 14, 2006 | Delegation of Adequate Powers to the Bank Managers for Sanctioning Loans without Referring to Higher Authorities and following of the Procedure for Calculating Interest on Loan Excluding Subsidy Amount under SGSY Scheme | Financial Inclusion and Development Department |
December 23, 2005 | ECS (Debit Clearing) – Revocation of mandate by the customers | Department of Payment and Settlement Systems |
November 23, 2005 | Electronic Payment Products – Service Charges | Department of Payment and Settlement Systems |
October 17, 2005 | Electronic Clearing Service (ECS) | Department of Payment and Settlement Systems |
August 26, 2005 | Credit Flow to SME Sector - Reporting Format for Quarterly Review by the Government of India | Financial Inclusion and Development Department |
August 25, 2005 | Notification No.S.O.420(E) dated March 28, 2005 Regarding Changes in the List of Reserved Items for Exclusive Manufacture in the Small Scale Sector | Financial Inclusion and Development Department |
July 25, 2005 | Computerization of Currency Chest Operations | Department of Currency Management |
July 13, 2005 | RTGS and other payment systems service charges | Department of Payment and Settlement Systems |
May 21, 2005 | SJSRY - Administration / Adjustment of Back-End-Subsidy & Payment of Interest on Subsidy Portion | Financial Inclusion and Development Department |
April 13, 2005 | Interest Rates to be Charged on Group Loans under Swarnjayanti Gram Swarozgar Yojana (SGSY) | Financial Inclusion and Development Department |
February 22, 2005 | Clean Note Policy- Sorting of Banknotes | Department of Currency Management |
January 15, 2005 | Notification No.S.O.1169 (E) dated 20.10.2004 Regarding - Changes in the List of Reserved Items for Exclusive Manufacture in the Small Scale Sector | Financial Inclusion and Development Department |
January 12, 2005 | Enhancement in SSI Investment Limit in respect of Sports Goods | Financial Inclusion and Development Department |
October 26, 2004 | Lending to Dealers in Agricultural Machinery and Distributors of Inputs for Allied Activities | Financial Inclusion and Development Department |
October 26, 2004 | Special Agricultural Credit Plans (SACP) | Financial Inclusion and Development Department |
October 26, 2004 | Data on Priority Sector Advances - Agricultural Lending | Financial Inclusion and Development Department |
October 16, 2004 | Submission of Progress Reports under Swarnjayanti Gram Swarozgar Yojana (SGSY) - Certain Modifications | Financial Inclusion and Development Department |
August 17, 2004 | Submission of Progress Reports and Change in the Periodicity of Returns under Swarnjayanti Gram Swarozgar Yojana (SGSY) | Financial Inclusion and Development Department |
June 18, 2004 | Section 42 of the RBI Act, 1934 - Revision of Procedure for Payment of Interest on the Eligible CRR Balances on Monthly Basis | Department of Regulation |
May 18, 2004 | Flow of Credit to Agriculture - Investment by Banks in Securitised Assets | Financial Inclusion and Development Department |
May 18, 2004 | Flow of Credit to Agriculture - Loans for Storage Facilities | Financial Inclusion and Development Department |
April 20, 2004 | Appointment of Statutory Auditors in Banks - Obtention of Declaration of Indebtedness | Department of Supervision |
April 16, 2004 | Product Code for Activities mentioned in the Illustrative List of Small Scale Service & Business (Industry Related) Enterprises (SSSBE) - Intimation Regarding | Financial Inclusion and Development Department |
March 25, 2004 | Submission of Progress Report under Government Sponsored Schemes - Change in Periodicity of Returns under SGSY, SJSRY and SLRS | Financial Inclusion and Development Department |
March 17, 2004 | Remuneration Payable to the Statutory Central and Branch Auditors of Public Sector Banks from the year 2003-04 | Department of Supervision |
February 9, 2004 | Validity of the SSI Registration of Tiny units - Discontinuation - Renewal of Registration of Ancillary SSI Units - Regarding Registration of SSSBEs | Financial Inclusion and Development Department |
January 13, 2004 | Official Visits Abroad by Chairman & Chief Executive Officer | Department of Regulation |
December 30, 2003 | Inspection by PC on OL - Creation of Hindi cadre and filling up of Hindi posts | Department of Regulation |
November 05, 2003 | Primary Dealers' Access to Call/Notice Money Market | Financial Markets Regulation Department |
October 11, 2003 | Clean Note Policy - Banding of Note Packets- Use of stickers, etc | Department of Currency Management |
October 07, 2003 | Special Financial Package for Large Value Exports - Rupee Credit Interest Rates | Department of Regulation |
September 30, 2003 | Regarding computer details in banks, entries in passbooks/accounts, details on ATM cards and many forms only in English | Department of Regulation |
August 13, 2003 | Credit Flow to SSI Sector - Quarterly Review by the Secretary (SSI & ARI) | Financial Inclusion and Development Department |
July 16, 2003 | Branches under rule 10(4) of OL Rule 1976 – Notification of Offices - Sending legible list of branches | Department of Regulation |
July 14, 2003 | Enhancement in SSI Investment Limit for Specified Items of the Stationery Sector and Drugs and Pharmaceuticals Sector | Financial Inclusion and Development Department |
July 07, 2003 | Exchange of Information - Loan and Subsidy under Urban Self Employment Programme (USEP) Component of Swarna Jayanti Shahari Rozgar Yojana (SJSRY) | Financial Inclusion and Development Department |
June 24, 2003 | Concurrent Audit of Forex Transactions in Banks | Department of Supervision |
May 21, 2003 | SEBI Committee on Corporate Governance - Guidelines to Indian Commercial Banks Listed on Stock Exchanges | Department of Regulation |
May 12, 2003 | Swarnjayanti Gram Swarozgar Yojana - Amendments in the Guidelines | Financial Inclusion and Development Department |
April 29, 2003 | Priority Sector Advances - Finance Extended to Dealers in Drip Irrigation / Sprinkler Irrigation Systems / Agricultural Machinery - Liberalisation of | Financial Inclusion and Development Department |
April 16, 2003 | Swarnjayanti Gram Swarozgar Yoiana (SGSY) - Financing of Groups having Defaulters | Financial Inclusion and Development Department |
April 12, 2003 | Work in Hindi in Computer regarding Report in Hindi - Total number of Offices | Department of Regulation |
March 26, 2003 | Ready Forward Contracts | Financial Markets Regulation Department |
March 07, 2003 | Section 42 of the RBI Act, 1934 - Payment of Interest on Eligible CRR Balances on Monthly basis - Revision in the Format for Submission of Interest Claim - Introduction of New software for Form A | Department of Regulation |
March 05, 2003 | Data Processing in Hindi in Banks | Department of Regulation |
January 21, 2003 | Terms and Conditions of Appointment of Statutory/Concurrent/Internal Auditors - Implementation of the Recommendations of the Committee on Legal Aspects of Bank Frauds and the Recommendations of the High-Level Group set up by the Central Vigilance Commission (CVC) | Department of Supervision |
January 18, 2003 | Credit Linked Capital Subsidy Scheme for Technology Upgradation of Small Scale Industries | Financial Inclusion and Development Department |
January 11, 2003 | Introduction of New Software for Form A Returns - Revised Version | Department of Regulation |
December 20, 2002 | Clean Note Policy | Department of Currency Management |
December 13, 2002 | Honourable Prime Minister's letter for Mentioning about the Commendable Work done in Hindi by the Bank Officers in their Annual Confidential Reports | Department of Regulation |
December 04, 2002 | Implementation of SJSRY | Financial Inclusion and Development Department |
November 07, 2002 | Rupee Export Credit Interest Rates | Department of Regulation |
October 29, 2002 | Priority Sector Advances - Finance Extended to Dealers in Drip Irrigation/Sprinkler Irrigation Systems/Agricultural Machinery | Financial Inclusion and Development Department |
October 4, 2002 | Flow of Credit to SSIs - Time Schedule for Disposal of Loan Applications | Financial Inclusion and Development Department |
September 28, 2002 | Special Financial Package for Large Value Exports - Rupee Credit Interest Rates | Department of Regulation |
September 23, 2002 | Incentive for improving service to non- chest branches - Clarification | Department of Currency Management |
September 11, 2002 | Swarnjayanti Gram Swarozgar Yojana (SGSY) - Submission of Quarterly Review Note | Financial Inclusion and Development Department |
September 11, 2002 | Swarnjayanti Gram Swarozgar Yojana (SGSY) - Group Life Insurance Scheme | Financial Inclusion and Development Department |
August 31, 2002 | Priority Sector Lending - Scheme for Financing Agriclinics and Agribusiness Centres | Financial Inclusion and Development Department |
August 27, 2002 | Local Advisory Board | Department of Regulation |
August 24, 2002 | Introduction of Mobile Rural Bank System to Provide Bank Credit Facility at the Door-step of Rural Population | Financial Inclusion and Development Department |
August 13, 2002 | Swarnjayanti Gram Swarozgar Yojana - Amendments in the Guidelines | Financial Inclusion and Development Department |
August 09, 2002 | Hindi in Internal Work of Banks - Recommendations of the Group on Reporting System | Department of Regulation |
July 15, 2002 | Exchange of Information - Loan and Subsidy under Urban Self-Employment Programme (USEP) Component of Swarna Jayanti Shahari Rozgar Yojana (SJSRY) | Financial Inclusion and Development Department |
July 05, 2002 | Presence of chest representatives at the time of examination of soiled notes in the Reserve Bank | Department of Currency Management |
June 06, 2002 | Special Financial Package for Large Value Exports | Department of Regulation |
June 04, 2002 | Swarnjayanti Gram Swarozgar Yojana (SGSY) - Family and Wilful Defaulter - Clarification | Financial Inclusion and Development Department |
May 07, 2002 | Concessive Rupee Export Credit for Deemed Exports | Department of Regulation |
April 19, 2002 | Special Financial Package for Large Value Exports - Rupee Credit Interest Rates | Department of Regulation |
April 15, 2002 | Priority Sector Advances - Credit Deployment to SSI Sector - Revised List of SSSBEs | Financial Inclusion and Development Department |
March 27, 2002 | Work in Hindi on Computers - Guidelines | Department of Regulation |
March 26, 2002 | Ready Forward Contracts | Financial Markets Regulation Department |
March 23, 2002 | Incentive for improving service to non- chest branches | Department of Currency Management |
March 22, 2002 | Presence of chest representatives at the time of examination of soiled notes in the Reserve Bank | Department of Currency Management |
March 07, 2002 | Accounting of Subsidy Amount under SJSRY | Financial Inclusion and Development Department |
March 02, 2002 | Interest Rates on Advances | Department of Regulation |
January 18, 2002 | Work in Hindi in Computer | Department of Regulation |
December 10, 2001 | Regarding implementation of guidelines regarding staffing pattern of Official Language Officers in Public Sector Banks | Department of Regulation |
November 26, 2001 | Enhancement in SSI Investment Limit for specified Hosiery/Handtools Items | Financial Inclusion and Development Department |
November 22, 2001 | Special Financial Package for Large Value Exports - Rupee Credit Interest Rates | Department of Regulation |
October 31, 2001 | 89th Meeting of Official Language Implementation Committee of Public Sector Banks - Follow-up Action - Use of Computers for Work in Hindi | Department of Regulation |
October 18, 2001 | Recognition of IT related Activities and IT enabled Services as SSI/SSSBE and Manufacturing/Assembling of Three Wheelers as SSI | Financial Inclusion and Development Department |
September 24, 2001 | Special Financial Package for large value exports - Rupee Credit Interest Rates | Department of Regulation |
July 23, 2001 | Implementation of Differential Rate of Interest (DRI) Scheme | Financial Inclusion and Development Department |
July 10, 2001 | Recognition of Water Mills (Gharat) as Small Scale Industry | Financial Inclusion and Development Department |
April 19, 2001 | Interest Rates on Export Credit in Foreign Currency | Department of Regulation |
March 15, 2001 | Implementation of Rajbhasha Policy in Banks - Honourable Prime Minister's Directions for Increasing Use of Hindi in the Official Work | Department of Regulation |
February 26, 2001 | Swarna Jayanti Shahari Rozgar Yojana (SJSRY) - Prior Training for taking up Self-employment Activities under SJSRY | Financial Inclusion and Development Department |
February 12, 2001 | Reporting system on Progress under Swarna Jayanti Sahakari Rozgar Yojana (SJSRY) | Financial Inclusion and Development Department |
December 22, 2000 | Rate of Interest on Advances against Term Deposits | Department of Regulation |
November 27, 2000 | QPR regarding Progressive Use of Hindi - Inclusion of Data on Computerised Branch | Department of Regulation |
November 27, 2000 | Use of Hindi in Banks - Preparing Plan for providing Computer Training though Hindi Medium | Department of Regulation |
November 24, 2000 | Swarna Jayanti Shaharl Rozgar Yojana (SJSRY) - Implementation | Financial Inclusion and Development Department |
November 04, 2000 | Government Sponsored Programmes - Insistence on Collateral Security by Banks | Financial Inclusion and Development Department |
October 3, 2000 | Credit Linked Capital Subsidy Scheme for Technology Upgradation of the Small Scale Industries | Financial Inclusion and Development Department |
October 3, 2000 | Priority Sector Advances - Credit Deployment to SSI Sector | Financial Inclusion and Development Department |
September 12, 2000 | Implementation of Rajbhasha policy in banks -Internet facility to Rajbhasha Departments | Department of Regulation |
September 08, 2000 | 20th Rajbhasha Conference of public sector banks - Proposal Nos. 10 and 11 | Department of Regulation |
July 25, 2000 | Revised Proforma for Quarterly Progress Reports regarding use of Hindi in banks - Part II | Department of Regulation |
July 03, 2000 | Swarnjayanti Gram Swarozgar Yojana (SGSY) - Reporting formats | Financial Inclusion and Development Department |
June 21, 2000 | Revised Proforma for Quarterly Progress Reports regarding use of Hindi in Banks - Computerised Compilation of QPR | Department of Regulation |
May 12, 2000 | Small Scale Industries - Reduction in the Investment Limit - Clarification | Financial Inclusion and Development Department |
April 27, 2000 | Priority Sector Lending - Indirect Finance to Agriculture - Distribution of Inputs for Activities Allied to Agriculture | Financial Inclusion and Development Department |
April 7, 2000 | Micro Credit | Financial Inclusion and Development Department |
April 6, 2000 | Guidelines relating to Concurrent Audit System in Commercial Banks | Department of Supervision |
April 03, 2000 | Implementation of Rajbhasha Policy in Banks -Constitution of Internal Standing Working Groups | Department of Regulation |
March 23, 2000 | Interest Rates on Advances against Domestic/NRE/FCNR(B) Term Deposits | Department of Regulation |
March 22, 2000 | Priority Sector Advances - Credit Deployment to SSI Sector | Financial Inclusion and Development Department |
March 14, 2000 | Swarna Jayanti Shahari Rozgar Yojana (SJSRY) - Implementation | Financial Inclusion and Development Department |
March 08, 2000 | Working in Hindi on Computers | Department of Regulation |
March 07, 2000 | Ready Forward contracts | Financial Markets Regulation Department |
February 29, 2000 | Implementation of proper information system in banks | Department of Regulation |
February 02, 2000 | Swarnjayanti Gram Swarozgar Yojana (SGSY) | Financial Inclusion and Development Department |
February 2, 2000 | Priority Sector Advances - Credit Deployment to SSI Sector | Financial Inclusion and Development Department |
January 20, 2000 | Capital Investment Subsidy Scheme for Construction/Expansion/Modernisation of Cold Storages and Storages for Horticulture Produce | Financial Inclusion and Development Department |
January 06, 2000 | Display hoarding in hindi | Department of Regulation |
December 30, 1999 | Swarnjayanti Gram Swarozgar Yojana (SGSY) | Financial Inclusion and Development Department |
December 28, 1999 | Section 42 of the RBI Act 1934 - Revised Format for Submission of Quarterly Adhoc Interest Claim on Eligible CRR Balances | Department of Regulation |
November 05, 1999 | Technological Problems being faced in Sending Telegrams in Devanagari (Hindi) | Department of Regulation |
September 30, 1999 | Guidelines for Periodicals | Department of Regulation |
September 18, 1999 | Preparation of Bilingual Data Processing Software for Branches of Public Sector Banks | Department of Regulation |
September 01, 1999 | Swarnjayanti Gram Swarozgar Yojana (SGSY) | Financial Inclusion and Development Department |
August 12, 1999 | Implementation of Rajbhasha Policy in Banks - Celebration of Golden Jubilee Year of Rajbhasha (Hindi) | Department of Regulation |
August 03, 1999 | Preparation of banner and invitation of seminars in bilingual form | Department of Regulation |
July 26, 1999 | Notification of Branches/ Offices under 10(4) of OL Rule, 1976 | Department of Regulation |
July 07, 1999 | Computerised Compilation of Quarterly Progress Reports regarding Progressive Use of Hindi in Banks | Department of Regulation |
June 14, 1999 | Interest on Delayed Payment to Small Scale and Ancillary Industrial Undertakings Amendment Act, 1998 | Financial Inclusion and Development Department |
June 08, 1999 | Town Official Language Implementation Committee - Use of Hindi in Banks -Meetings of Office/Branch level Official Language Implementation Committees | Department of Regulation |
May 29, 1999 | Implementation of SJSRY | Financial Inclusion and Development Department |
April 24, 1999 | Section 42 of RBI Act, 1934 - Specimen Signatures of Officials Authorised to Sign Quarterly Interest (on CRR Balances) Claim Statements | Department of Regulation |
April 23, 1999 | Advances against Domestic Term Deposits | Department of Regulation |
March 10, 1999 | Section 42 of the Reserve Bank of India Act, 1934 - Submission of Final Form A for Reporting Fortnights and Quarterly Adhoc Interest Claim on Eligible Cash Balances | Department of Regulation |
December 31, 1998 | IRDP - State-wise Poverty Line for Identification of BPL Population | Financial Inclusion and Development Department |
December 29, 1998 | Kisan Credit Cards - Progress made in Implementation of the Scheme | Financial Inclusion and Development Department |
November 13, 1998 | Implementation of Differential Rate of Interest (DRI) Scheme | Financial Inclusion and Development Department |
October 12, 1998 | Implementation of Government Sponsored Programmes and J & K Self-employment Scheme | Financial Inclusion and Development Department |
September 07, 1998 | New 20 Point Programme - Implementation of | Financial Inclusion and Development Department |
August 8, 1998 | Priority Sector Advances - Credit Deployment to SSI Sector | Financial Inclusion and Development Department |
July 18, 1998 | Swarna Jayanti Shahari Rozgar Yojana (SJSRY) - Clarifications | Financial Inclusion and Development Department |
July 04, 1998 | 75th COLIC Meeting of PSBs - Follow up Action | Department of Regulation |
June 26, 1998 | 75th Meeting of Official Language Implementation Committee of Public Sector Banks - Follow-up Action | Department of Regulation |
June 20, 1998 | Relief Measures to Persons Affected by Natural Calamities - Agricultural Advances | Financial Inclusion and Development Department |
June 02, 1998 | Formation of Hindi Cadre and Filling up of Hindi Posts | Department of Regulation |
May 30, 1998 | Official Visits Abroad by Chairman and Chief Executive Officer | Department of Regulation |
May 27, 1998 | Guidelines on Advances to Priority Sector Second edition issued in April 1997 - Amendment to items 1.10 and 1.11 under section I - Agriculture | Financial Inclusion and Development Department |
May 05, 1998 | Swarna Jayanti Shahari Rozgar Yojana (SJSRY) | Financial Inclusion and Development Department |
March 30, 1998 | Annual Audit Conducted by the Departmental Auditors - Pointing out the Violations by the Primary Co-operative Banks on various Directives/Guidelines issued by the RBI | Department of Supervision |
March 02, 1998 | Swarna Jayanti Shahari Rozgar Yojana (SJSRY) | Financial Inclusion and Development Department |
February 19, 1998 | Priority Sector Advances - Credit Deployment to SSI Sector | Financial Inclusion and Development Department |
January 20, 1998 | Conversion of FCNR(B) Accounts of the Returning Indians into RFC Accounts/Resident Rupee Accounts - Payment of Interest | Department of Regulation |
January 5, 1998 | Priority Sector Advances - Credit Deployment to SSI Sector | Financial Inclusion and Development Department |
December 23, 1997 | Section 2 of the RBI Act, 1934 - Revised Format for Submission of Quarterly Ad hoc Interest Claims on Eligible CRR Balances | Department of Regulation |
November 25, 1997 | Swarna Jayanti Shahari Rozgar Yojana (SJSRY) | Financial Inclusion and Development Department |
November 17, 1997 | Swarna Jayanti Shahari Rozgar Yojana (SJSRY) | Financial Inclusion and Development Department |
August 16, 1997 | Implementation of Government Sponsored Programmes and Jammu & Kashmir Self-Employment Scheme | Financial Inclusion and Development Department |
August 05, 1997 | Implementation of Differential Rate of Interest (DRI) Scheme | Financial Inclusion and Development Department |
July 11, 1997 | Recovery Performance - Government Sponsored Schemes | Financial Inclusion and Development Department |
June 03, 1997 | Section 42 of the RBI Act, 1934 - Revised Format for Submission of Quarterly Ad hoc Interest Claims on Eligible CRR Balances | Department of Regulation |
May 28, 1997 | Priority sector advances - Loans to State Electricity Boards for Systems Improvement Scheme under Special Project Agriculture (SI-SPA) | Financial Inclusion and Development Department |
May 19, 1997 | Prime Minister's Intergrated Urban Poverty Eradication Programme (PMI UPEP) | Financial Inclusion and Development Department |
January 16, 1997 | Section 42 of Reserve Bank of India Act, 1934 - Payment of Interest on specified Additional Cash Balances Maintained with Reserve Bank of India | Department of Regulation |
December 24, 1996 | Conversion of FCNR/NRE Accounts of the Returning Indians to RFC Accounts - Payment of Interest | Department of Regulation |
December 05, 1996 | Financing of farmers for purchase of generator sets for irrigation purposes | Financial Inclusion and Development Department |
October 19, 1996 | Interest rates on advances - Post-shipment Rupee Credit | Department of Regulation |
October 01, 1996 | Bank Credit to Khadi and Village Industries (KVI) Sector | Financial Inclusion and Development Department |
August 14, 1996 | Concurrent Audit System in Commercial Banks - Revision of RBI's Guidelines | Department of Supervision |
August 09, 1996 | Rate of interest on advances against term deposits | Department of Regulation |
August 01, 1996 | Priority Sector Advances - Short term loans to traditional plantations | Financial Inclusion and Development Department |
July 04, 1996 | Rate of Interest on Advances against Term Deposits | Department of Regulation |
May 24, 1996 | Minutes of 67th Meeting of Official Languages Implementation Committee of Public Sector Banks - Action Plan for Progressive Use of Hindi | Department of Regulation |
May 22, 1996 | Publication or Publishing Units as SSI | Financial Inclusion and Development Department |
March 25, 1996 | Use of Hindi in Banks - Follow-up of Decisions Taken/Suggestions Given in the 66th Meeting of OLIC of Public Sector Banks Held on 12th January 1996 | Department of Regulation |
March 23, 1996 | Scheme of financing commission agents for supply of agricultural inputs to farmers | Financial Inclusion and Development Department |
March 23, 1996 | Financing of farmers for purchase of generator sets for irrigation purposes | Financial Inclusion and Development Department |
February 07, 1996 | Implementation of Differential Rate of Interest (DRI) Scheme | Financial Inclusion and Development Department |
September 29, 1995 | Rate of Interest on Advances against Term Deposits. | Department of Regulation |
September 29, 1995 | Rate of Interest on Advances against Term Deposits | Department of Regulation |
September 25, 1995 | Indirect Housing Finance Interest Rates | Department of Regulation |
September 12, 1995 | Interest Rates on Advances | Department of Regulation |
June 20, 1995 | Interest Rates on Advances | Department of Regulation |
June 20, 1995 | Interest Rates on Advances | Department of Regulation |
May 29, 1995 | DBOD.No.BC.61/12.05.001/94-95 | Department of Regulation |
April 17, 1995 | Post-Shipment Credit denominated in Foreign Currency (PSCFC) | Department of Regulation |
January 30, 1995 | DBOD.No.BC.286/06.02.01/95 | Department of Regulation |
September 07, 1994 | Govt. of India Sponsored Schemes - Recovery Performances | Financial Inclusion and Development Department |
July 22, 1994 | Interest Rates on Advances | Department of Regulation |
July 11, 1994 | Progressive Use of Hindi in Banks - Issue and Acceptance of the Cheques Drawn/ Signed in Hindi | Department of Regulation |
July 01, 1994 | Local Advisory Board | Department of Regulation |
May 20, 1994 | Interest Rates on Advances | Department of Regulation |
March 23, 1994 | Simplified Common Loan Application Forms for SSI | Financial Inclusion and Development Department |
March 8, 1994 | DBOD.No.BC.27/06.02.01/94 | Department of Regulation |
March 05, 1994 | Local Advisory Boards (LABs) of Foreign Banks Operating in India - Appointment of Chairmen/ Members | Department of Regulation |
February 28, 1994 | Interest Rates on Advances | Department of Regulation |
February 28, 1994 | Interest Rates on Advances | Department of Regulation |
January 31, 1994 | Integrated Rural Development Programme (IRDP) - Streamlining the Arrangement for Flow of Credit and Supply of Inputs and Assets to Beneficiaries | Financial Inclusion and Development Department |
January 13, 1994 | Local Advisory Boards (LABs) of Foreign Banks Operating in India - Functions and Working | Department of Regulation |
November 23, 1993 | Computerization in the Primary (Urban) Co-operative Banks - Marathe Committee | Department of Supervision |
November 6, 1993 | Institutional Credit to the SSI Sector - Disposal of Loan Applications | Financial Inclusion and Development Department |
November 04, 1993 | Interest Rates on Advances - Discretion in the Rate of Interest to be Charged | Department of Regulation |
October 11, 1993 | Introduction of a System of Concurrent Audit in Banks as Recommended by the Ghosh Committee on Frauds and Malpractices in Banks | Department of Supervision |
September 11, 1993 | Interest on Delayed Payment to Small Scale and Ancillary Industrial Undertaking | Financial Inclusion and Development Department |
September 6, 1993 | Report of the Committee to Examine the Adequacy of Institutional Credit for SSI Sector | Financial Inclusion and Development Department |
September 01, 1993 | Interest Rates on Advances | Department of Regulation |
June 24, 1993 | Computerization in the Primary (Urban) Co-operative Banks - Marathe Committee | Department of Supervision |
June 23, 1993 | Interest Rates on Advances | Department of Regulation |
May 31, 1993 | Local Advisory Board | Department of Regulation |
May 27, 1993 | Assistance under Government Sponsored Programmes - Differential Rate of Interest Scheme (DRI) | Financial Inclusion and Development Department |
May 17, 1993 | Use of Hindi in Banks- Compilation of Hindi Words Used in Different Indian Languages | Department of Regulation |
May 11, 1993 | Section 35B of the Banking Regulation Act, 1949 -Appointment/Reappointment of Chief Executive Officer in India - Terms and Conditions, etc. | Department of Regulation |
April 27, 1993 | Board of Directors | Department of Regulation |
April 07, 1993 | Interest Rates on Advances | Department of Regulation |
February 27, 1993 | Interest Rates on Advances | Department of Regulation |
February 03, 1993 | Assistance under Subsidy Linked Government Sponsored Programmes | Financial Inclusion and Development Department |
January 21, 1993 | Small Scale Service and Business (Industry related) Enterprises (SSSBEs) | Financial Inclusion and Development Department |
January 06, 1993 | Guidelines for Relief Measures by Banks in Areas Affected by Natural Calamities - (Consumption Loans) | Financial Inclusion and Development Department |
December 3, 1992 | Promulgation of Ordinance on Interest on Delayed Payment to Small Scale and Ancillary Industrial Undertaking | Financial Inclusion and Development Department |
November 27, 1992 | Quarterly Progress Report (QPR) regarding Progressive Use of Hindi in Banks/Financial Institutions-Introduction of Revised Proforma | Department of Regulation |
November 19, 1992 | Service Area Approach (SAA) - Revised Monitoring and Information System (SAMIS) | Financial Inclusion and Development Department |
October 31, 1992 | Board of Directors | Department of Regulation |
October 31, 1992 | Liberalisation of Exchange Control Regulations - Deputation of Chairman & Chief Executive Officers - Visits abroad | Department of Regulation |
October 08, 1992 | Interest Rates on Advances | Department of Regulation |
October 08, 1992 | SAMIS - Forwarding a copy of LBR-3/U-3 to SLBC by the branches of banks | Financial Inclusion and Development Department |
July 15, 1992 | Revision in the Definition of Small-scale Industries | Financial Inclusion and Development Department |
July 06, 1992 | SAMIS - Common errors observed in Lead Bank Return submitted by bank branches | Financial Inclusion and Development Department |
July 01, 1992 | Regarding the implementation of the decision of the government on the recommendation made by PC on OL | Department of Regulation |
May 6, 1992 | Composite Loan to Artisans, Village and Cottage Industries - Revised Definition | Financial Inclusion and Development Department |
April 27, 1992 | Service Area Approach - Inclusion of Lead Banks in State Level Task Force (SLTF) | Financial Inclusion and Development Department |
April 23, 1992 | DBOD.No.BC.122/06.02.06/92 | Department of Regulation |
April 21, 1992 | Interest Rates on Advances | Department of Regulation |
April 21, 1992 | Interest Rates on Advances | Department of Regulation |
April 13, 1992 | Advances against FCNR/NRE Deposits - Manner of Charging Interest | Department of Regulation |
April 07, 1992 | Service Area Monitoring and information System - Clarifications | Financial Inclusion and Development Department |
March 31, 1992 | Lead Bank Scheme - Participation by MPs/MLAs in the District Level Review Committee meetings | Financial Inclusion and Development Department |
February 28, 1992 | Tiny Enterprises | Financial Inclusion and Development Department |
February 28, 1992 | Small Tiny and Industry related Service/Business Enterprises - SSSBEs | Financial Inclusion and Development Department |
February 26, 1992 | Revision in the Definition of Small-Scale Industries | Financial Inclusion and Development Department |
February 6, 1992 | Women Entrepreneurs Enterprise - Definition | Financial Inclusion and Development Department |
December 31, 1991 | Post-shipment Export Credit denominated in Foreign Currency (PSCFC) | Department of Regulation |
December 27, 1991 | DBOD.No.Rabha.BC.65/C.486(53)-91 | Department of Regulation |
December 26, 1991 | Service Area Approach - Financing of IRDP beneficiaries of weak Regional Rural Banks | Financial Inclusion and Development Department |
December 20, 1991 | Audit of Primary (Urban) Co-operative Banks | Department of Supervision |
November 30, 1991 | Advances against FCNRA Deposits - Manner of Charging Interest | Department of Regulation |
November 30, 1991 | Advances against FCNRA Deposits - Manner of Charging Interest | Department of Regulation |
November 13, 1991 | Restriction on Credit to certain Sectors | Department of Regulation |
November 04, 1991 | Interest Rates on Advances | Department of Regulation |
October 31, 1991 | Interest Rates on Advances | Department of Regulation |
October 24, 1991 | DBOD.No.Rabha.240/C.486 (53)-91 | Department of Regulation |
October 11, 1991 | Lead Bank Scheme - District level meetings | Financial Inclusion and Development Department |
October 08, 1991 | Section 42 of the Reserve Bank of India Act, 1934 -Cash Reserve Ratio (CRR) - Interest on Banks' Cash Balances with the Reserve Bank of India | Department of Regulation |
October 08, 1991 | Interest Rates on Advances | Department of Regulation |
September 24, 1991 | Use of Hindi in Banks - Meeting of Official Language Implementation Committee (OLIC) of Public Sector Banks | Department of Regulation |
September 21, 1991 | Interest Rates on Advances | Department of Regulation |
September 21, 1991 | Banks' Assistance to Persons Affected by Riots / Communal Disturbances, etc. | Financial Inclusion and Development Department |
September 13, 1991 | Service Area Approach (SAA) - revised Monitoring and Information System (SAMIS) | Financial Inclusion and Development Department |
September 12, 1991 | Interest Rates on Advances | Department of Regulation |
August 26, 1991 | Computation of Value of Investment in Equipment, Plant and Machinery etc. taken on Hire-purchase/Lease by SSI Units and Other Categories of Priority Sector Borrowers | Financial Inclusion and Development Department |
August 21, 1991 | Lead Bank Scheme - SLBC/DCC Meetings - Monitoring the Progress of Implementation of SUME | Financial Inclusion and Development Department |
August 16, 1991 | Interest Rates on Advances | Department of Regulation |
August 14, 1991 | Export Credit (Interest Subsidy) Scheme 1968 - Submission of Interest Subsidy Claims | Department of Regulation |
August 07, 1991 | Interest Rates on Advances | Department of Regulation |
July 30, 1991 | Rural Electrification - (SPA I & II) - Finance to State Electricity Boards - Classification | Financial Inclusion and Development Department |
July 22, 1991 | Interest Rates on Advances | Department of Regulation |
July 13, 1991 | IRDP - Streamlining the Arrangement for Flow of Credit and Supply of Input and Assets to Beneficiaries-Extension of the System of Cash Disbursement to more Number of Blocks - Study Report | Financial Inclusion and Development Department |
July 04, 1991 | Interest Rates on Advances | Department of Regulation |
June 29, 1991 | DBOD.No.Rabha.1722/C.486/53-91 | Department of Regulation |
June 25, 1991 | Interest Rates on Advances | Department of Regulation |
June 18, 1991 | Service Area Approach - Information and Monitoring System | Financial Inclusion and Development Department |
May 23, 1991 | Interest Rates on Advances | Department of Regulation |
April 18, 1991 | Special Smokeless Fuel (SSF)/Coal Briquetting Units - Provision of Bank Finance | Financial Inclusion and Development Department |
April 12, 1991 | Interest Rates on Advances | Department of Regulation |
February 22, 1991 | Interest Rates on Advances | Department of Regulation |
February 19, 1991 | Interest Rates on Advances - Discounting of Bills | Department of Regulation |
February 11, 1991 | Interest Rates on Advances - Accounts where Refinance is Availed from SIDBI | Department of Regulation |
January 10, 1991 | Interest Rates on Loans under various Government of India Sponsored Schemes | Financial Inclusion and Development Department |
January 09, 1991 | Export Credit (Interest Subsidy) Scheme, 1968 - Rates of Interest Subsidy in respect of Pre-shipment and Post-shipment Credits against Cash Incentives, Duty Drawback etc. | Department of Regulation |
December 01, 1990 | Export Credit (Interest Subsidy) Scheme, 1968 - Packing Credit - Financing of Exports of Tobacco | Department of Regulation |
October 09, 1990 | Interest Rates on Advances | Department of Regulation |
September 27, 1990 | DBOD.No.Ret.BC.22/C.254-90 | Department of Regulation |
September 25, 1990 | Advances to Goldsmiths to Net up Units under 'Composite Loan Scheme' | Financial Inclusion and Development Department |
September 21, 1990 | Interest Rates on Advances | Department of Regulation |
August 31, 1990 | Rehabilitation of Sick Small Scale Industrial Units | Financial Inclusion and Development Department |
December 15,1986 | New 20-Point Programme-1986 - Assistance by Banks | Financial Inclusion and Development Department |
July 20, 1990 | Export Credit (Interest Subsidy) Scheme, 1968 -Packing Credit Advances - Financing of Exports of Readymade Garments | Department of Regulation |
June 21, 1990 | Common Loan Applications | Financial Inclusion and Development Department |
June 15, 1990 | Scheme of Urban Micro Enterprises (SUME) | Financial Inclusion and Development Department |
May 28, 1990 | Lead Bank Scheme - Implementation of District Credit Plans - Monitoring of performance by the Board of Directors | Financial Inclusion and Development Department |
September 25,1985 | Reasons for High Level of Overdues under IRDP | Financial Inclusion and Development Department |
May 03, 1990 | IRDP - Revision of Quantum of Flow of Physical and Financial Benefits to Scheduled Castes / Scheduled Tribes & Women in VIII Five Year Plan (1990-95) | Financial Inclusion and Development Department |
August 07,1989 | DRI Scheme - Removal of Ceiling Restriction on Working Capital | Financial Inclusion and Development Department |
March 12, 1990 | Interest Rates on Deposits and Advances | Department of Regulation |
February 02, 1990 | Export Credit (Interest Subsidy) Scheme, 1968 - Irregularities in Subsidy Claims | Department of Regulation |
October 18, 1989 | Export Credit (Interest Subsidy) Scheme, 1968 - Rates of Interest Subsidy | Department of Regulation |
September 26, 1989 | DRI Scheme - Change in the reference date | Financial Inclusion and Development Department |
September 22, 1989 | Financial Assistance for Implementation of Public Sector Oil Companies Programme for Awarding various Categories of Dealership/ Distributorship under Social Objective Scheme | Financial Inclusion and Development Department |
September 22, 1989 | Financial Assistance for Implementation of Public Sector Oil Companies Programme for Awarding various Categories of Dealership/Distributorship under Social Objective Scheme | Financial Inclusion and Development Department |
August 16, 1989 | Lead Bank Scheme Information system | Financial Inclusion and Development Department |
July 4, 1989 | Small Scale Units Engaged in Hot Rolling of Semis, Bars, Wire Rods and Structural Sections of Steel - Financial Assistance | Financial Inclusion and Development Department |
June 28, 1989 | Priority Sector Advances - Incidence of Guarantee Premium Payable to DICGC | Financial Inclusion and Development Department |
June 21, 1989 | Interest Rates on Advances - Discounting of Bills | Department of Regulation |
June 16, 1989 | DRI Scheme - Financial assistance to institutions | Financial Inclusion and Development Department |
June 12, 1989 | Service Area Approach - Modified information System (MIS) | Financial Inclusion and Development Department |
June 07, 1989 | Use of Hindi in the Branches of Indian Banks Situated in Foreign Countries | Department of Regulation |
May 24, 1989 | Advances to SSI Sector - Incidence of Guarantee Premium Payable to DICGC | Financial Inclusion and Development Department |
May 15, 1989 | Bank Finance for Housing Schemes | Financial Inclusion and Development Department |
April 25, 1989 | Reporting System under Annual Action Plans | Financial Inclusion and Development Department |
April 22, 1989 | Appointment of Statutory (Central / Branch) Auditors as Internal Auditors of Banks | Department of Supervision |
March 31, 1989 | Export Credit (Interest Subsidy) Scheme, 1968 - Packing Credit Advances - Financing of Exports of Silk Fabrics, Silk Piece Goods and Silk Made-ups | Department of Regulation |
March 31, 1989 | Women Entrepreneurs' Enterprise - Definition | Financial Inclusion and Development Department |
March 13, 1989 | Packing Credit for Imports against Entitlements under Advance Licence/Import-Export Pass Book Scheme | Department of Regulation |
March 08, 1989 | Interest Rates on Advances - Penal Rate of Interest - Clarification | Department of Regulation |
February 28, 1989 | Advances to Priority Sector - Direct agricultural advances | Financial Inclusion and Development Department |
February 16, 1989 | Export Credit (Interest Subsidy) Scheme, 1968 - Packing Credit Advances - Financing of Exports of Readymade Garments | Department of Regulation |
February 02, 1989 | DBOD.No.Ret.BC.68/C.254-89 | Department of Regulation |
January 27, 1989 | Hindi Training | Department of Regulation |
December 17, 1988 | Interest Rates on Advances - Bill Finance | Department of Regulation |
November 18, 1988 | Excise Duty - Assessment of Working Capital Requirements | Financial Inclusion and Development Department |
October 17, 1988 | Export Credit (Interest Subsidy) Scheme, 1968 - Export by Seed Processing Units and Food Processing Units | Department of Regulation |
October 08, 1988 | Interest Rate on Advances - Advances to Central and State Government Agencies Entrusted with Procurement and Distribution of Commodities for Sale on a Commercial Basis. | Department of Regulation |
October 08, 1988 | Selective Credit Control - Advances against Sensitive Commodities - Rate of Interest Selective Credit Control- Rate of Interest |
Department of Regulation |
August 20, 1988 | Penal Interest on Advances | Department of Regulation |
July 30, 1988 | Credit Assistance to Small Scale Industries (SSI) Sector | Financial Inclusion and Development Department |
May 16, 1988 | Lead Bank Scheme - Information System | Financial Inclusion and Development Department |
May 12, 1988 | IRDP - Provision of Supplementary Dose of Assistance during VIIth Five Year Plan - Extension of the Period | Financial Inclusion and Development Department |
April 06, 1988 | Use of Hindi in Banks - Arrangements for Imparting Training through Hindi Medium in the Training Institutes | Department of Regulation |
March 29, 1988 | Bank Finance to State Level Corporations for Assisting Artisans, Village and Cottage Industries | Financial Inclusion and Development Department |
March 10, 1988 | Advances to Priority Sector - Direct Agricultural Advances | Financial Inclusion and Development Department |
February 09, 1988 | Use of Hindi in the Banks - Hindi Training - Achievement and Difficulties | Department of Regulation |
February 03, 1988 | Use of Hindi in Banks - Inspection of Hindi Work Done by Bank Branches and Comments thereon in the Inspection Reports | Department of Regulation |
December 23, 1987 | Use of Hindi in Training Institutes of Banks | Department of Regulation |
December 08, 1987 | IRDP - Uniform Application Form - Issue of Acknowledgement Slip | Financial Inclusion and Development Department |
December 07, 1987 | Self-Employment Programme for Urban Poor (SEPUP) - Compilation and Reporting of Data | Financial Inclusion and Development Department |
December 07, 1987 | Self-Employment Programme for Urban Poor (SEPUP) - Compilation and Reporting of Data | Financial Inclusion and Development Department |
December 02, 1987 | Export Credit (Interest Subsidy) Scheme, 1968 - Irregularities in Subsidy Claims | Department of Regulation |
November 30, 1987 | Export Credit (Interest Subsidy) Scheme, 1968 - Extension of Packing Credit Beyond 180 days - Disposal of Applications Received from Branches of Banks | Department of Regulation |
November 24, 1987 | DBOD.No.Ret.BC.64/C.254-87 | Department of Regulation |
November 24, 1987 | Meetings of the Town Official Languages - Implementation Commitees - Regular Participation of Member Offices Required | Department of Regulation |
October 28, 1987 | Financing for purchase of Solar Cookers for Domestic Use | Financial Inclusion and Development Department |
October 26, 1987 | Export Credit (Interest Subsidy) Scheme, 1968 - Advances to Exporters of Engineering Goods against their Claims for Reimbursement of Difference between Domestic and International Price of Steel, etc. under the International Price Reimbursement Scheme (IPRS) | Department of Regulation |
September 21, 1987 | Clarification regarding Exemption from Obligatory In-service Training in Hindi | Department of Regulation |
September 02, 1987 | DBOD.No.Fol.BC.27/C.249-87 | Department of Regulation |
August 07, 1987 | Provision and Use of only Bilingual Electronic Typewriters in Central Govt. Ministries/Departments/Attached and Subordinate Offices/Govt. Undertakings and Nationalised Banks | Department of Regulation |
June 25, 1987 | Standards for Audit Classification of Primary (Urban) Co-operative Banks and Representation to Urban Banks/their Federations on the Boards of Management of State Co-operative Banks/District Central Co-operative Banks/Federations of Short-term Co-operative Credit Structure | Department of Supervision |
June 15, 1987 | New 20-Point Programme, 1986 - Assistance by Banks | Financial Inclusion and Development Department |
April 21, 1987 | Short-Term Loans to Traditional Plantations | Financial Inclusion and Development Department |
April 08, 1987 | Appointment of Separate District Co-ordinators in Non-lead Districts | Financial Inclusion and Development Department |
March 21, 1987 | Credit for Wastelands Development | Financial Inclusion and Development Department |
March 18, 1987 | New 20-Point Programme-1986 - Assistance by Banks - Returns | Financial Inclusion and Development Department |
February 17, 1987 | Advances to Indigent Students Prosecuting Higher Studies within India | Financial Inclusion and Development Department |
January 14, 1987 | Bank Finance for Purchase of Commercial Vehicles | Financial Inclusion and Development Department |
December 16, 1986 | IRDP - Streamlining the Arrangement for Flow of Credit and Supply of Inputs and Assets to Beneficiaries - Verification of Assets | Financial Inclusion and Development Department |
November 28, 1986 | IRDP - Streamlining the Arrangements for Flow of Credit and Supply of Inputs and Assets to Beneficiaries - ISB Sector | Financial Inclusion and Development Department |
November 24, 1986 | Export Credit (Interest Subsidy) Scheme, 1968 | Department of Regulation |
October 14, 1986 | Interest Rates on Advances - Computation of Total Limits - Clarifications | Department of Regulation |
September 25, 1986 | Differential Rate of Interest (DRI) Scheme - Modifications to the Guidelines | Financial Inclusion and Development Department |
September 24, 1986 | IRDP- Provision of Second Dose of Assistance during the Seventh Five Year Plan | Financial Inclusion and Development Department |
September 12, 1986 | Hindi Teaching Scheme of the Government of India | Department of Regulation |
July 12, 1986 | Use of Hindi in Banks - Bilingualisation of Stationery Items including Pay-in-Slips, Traveller Cheques, Cheque Form, etc. | Department of Regulation |
July 02, 1986 | Use of Hindi in Banks - Revised Proforma for Quarterly Progress Reports | Department of Regulation |
June 11, 1986 | IRDP Supplementary Assistance - Eligibility | Financial Inclusion and Development Department |
May 28, 1986 | Official Languages Implementation Committee - 28th Meeting - Follow-up Action | Department of Regulation |
May 28, 1986 | Minutes of 28th Meeting of the Official Languages Implementation Committee of the Department of Banking Operations and Development, Reserve Bank of India - Follow-up Action | Department of Regulation |
May 16, 1986 | Bank Finance for Purchase of Tractors and Trucks | Financial Inclusion and Development Department |
April 12, 1986 | Standards for Audit Classification of Primary (Urban) Co-operative banks | Department of Supervision |
March 24, 1986 | Interest Rates on Advances - Effect of Revision thereto on Existing Advances | Department of Regulation |
March 07, 1986 | Use of Hindi in Banks - Bilingualisation of Letter Heads, etc. | Department of Regulation |
February 10, 1986 | Interest Rates on Advances - Chart Indicating Rates of Interest Prescribed by the Reserve Bank | Department of Regulation |
January 28, 1986 | Use of Hindi in Banks - Purchase of Hindi Books of General Interest for Hindi Libraries Set up in Banks' Offices | Department of Regulation |
January 27, 1986 | Use of Hindi in Banks - Bilingualisation of Letter-heads, etc. | Department of Regulation |
January 20, 1986 | Financing of Bought Leaf Factories for Manufacturing Tea | Financial Inclusion and Development Department |
October 25, 1985 | Section 42 of RBI Act, 1934 - CRR - Rate of Interest | Department of Regulation |
October 8, 1985 | Revision in the Definition of Small Scale Industries Advances by Scheduled Commercial Banks | Financial Inclusion and Development Department |
August 9, 1985 | Credit Assistance to Job-Seekers Registered with Employment Exchanges for Setting up Self-employment Ventures | Financial Inclusion and Development Department |
July 12, 1985 | Financial Assistance for Implementing the Public Sector Oil Companies Programme for Awarding various Categories of Dealership/Distributorship under 'Social Objective Scheme' | Financial Inclusion and Development Department |
May 28, 1985 | Selective Credit Control - Rate of Interest on Advances against Stocks of Paddy/Rice to Rice Shelling Units/Mills | Department of Regulation |
May 7, 1985 | Recovery of Loans to Small Road Transport Operators | Financial Inclusion and Development Department |
April 29, 1985 | Lead Bank Scheme - Information System | Financial Inclusion and Development Department |
March 23, 1985 | Interest Rates on Advances | Department of Regulation |
March 04, 1985 | Use of Hindi in the Banks - Balance Sheet and Profit and Loss Account - Proforma | Department of Regulation |
January 29, 1985 | Use of Hindi in the Banks - Minutes of the 34th Meeting of the Official Languages Implementation Committee of Banking Division | Department of Regulation |
January 25, 1985 | Use of Hindi in Banks - Hindi Section in Publications/House Journals | Department of Regulation |
January 04, 1985 | Local Advisory Boards (LABs) of Foreign Banks Operating in India - Functions and Working - Revised Guidelines | Department of Regulation |
December 29, 1984 | Notifying the Names of Branches/Offices under Rule 10(4) of Official Language Rule, 1976 | Department of Regulation |
December 11, 1984 | Approval for Relaxation in the Operation of Reserve Bank of India Directives on Rates of Interest under Nursing Programmes in respect of Sick Small Scale Industrial Units | Department of Regulation |
December 04, 1984 | Standards for Audit Classification of Primary (Urban) Co-operative Banks | Department of Supervision |
December 03, 1984 | DBOD.No.GC.SIC.BC.115/C.739(A-1)-84 | Department of Regulation |
October 19, 1984 | Export Credit (Interest Subsidy) Scheme, 1968 - Extension of Period of Packing Credits due to Port Strike | Department of Regulation |
August 22, 1984 | Interest Rate on Advances - Units Producing & Distributing Seeds | Department of Regulation |
August 21, 1984 | Use of Hindi in Banks - Follow-up Action on the Minutes of the Seventh Meeting of the Hindi Salahkar Samiti of the Ministry of Finance held on 23rd May 1984 | Department of Regulation |
August 08, 1984 | Use of Hindi in Banks - Follow Uniformity in Terminology | Department of Regulation |
August 02, 1984 | Revised Guidelines fo Relief Measures by Banks in Areas Affected by Natural Calamities | Financial Inclusion and Development Department |
July 20, 1984 | Use of Hindi in Banks - 4th O.L. Conference - Follow-up Action | Department of Regulation |
July 04, 1984 | Selective Credit Control - Advances against Paddy/Rice to Shelling Units/Mills | Department of Regulation |
May 28, 1984 | Scheme for Granting Awards on Essays Originally Written in Hindi on Financial Subjects | Department of Regulation |
May 24, 1984 | Use of Hindi in Banks - IV O.L. Conference - Follow-up Action | Department of Regulation |
December 24, 1983 | Interest Rates on Advances | Department of Regulation |
November 15, 1983 | Export Credit (Interest Subsidy) Scheme, 1968 -Packing Credit needs of the Cashew Industry of Kerala | Department of Regulation |
October 24, 1983 | DBOD.No.Fol.1246(A)/C.249-93 | Department of Regulation |
July 19, 1983 | Government Instructions regarding Venues of Board Meetings etc. | Department of Regulation |
June 16, 1983 | Registration of Small Scale and Ancillary Units Set up by Medium and Large Scale Undertakings | Financial Inclusion and Development Department |
June 07, 1983 | Section 35B of the Banking Regulation Act, 1949 | Department of Regulation |
June 07, 1983 | Interest Rates on Advances | Department of Regulation |
June 02, 1983 | Export Credit (Interest Subsidy) Scheme, 1968 - Packing Credit Needs of the Cashew Industry of Kerala | Department of Regulation |
April 20, 1983 | Small Scale Industries - Extension of Assistance to Small Scale Service Establishments | Financial Inclusion and Development Department |
February 24, 1983 | Export Credit (Interest Subsidy) Scheme, 1968 -Audit by the Offices of the Director of Audit | Department of Regulation |
November 27, 1982 | DBOD.No.Ret.BC.109/C.254-82 | Department of Regulation |
November 08, 1982 | DBOD.No.FOL.BC.103/C.249-82 | Department of Regulation |
November 5, 1982 | Banks Advances for Purchase of Tractors and Trucks | Financial Inclusion and Development Department |
September 1, 1982 | Small Scale Industries - Extension of Assistance to Small Scale Service Establishments | Financial Inclusion and Development Department |
June 09, 1982 | Selective Credit Control - Rate of Interest on Advances against Paddy and Rice Millers in Bengal | Department of Regulation |
May 31, 1982 | Acceptance of Sitting Fees by Whole-time Officers of Banks Nominated on the Boards of Financial Institutions/Companies | Department of Regulation |
April 26, 1982 | Interest Rates on Advances - State Level Agro Industries Corporations and State Apex Co-operative Marketing Federations | Department of Regulation |
February 27, 1982 | Appointment of Whole-time Officers or Employees as Directors of Other Companies/Corporations, etc. | Department of Regulation |
February 12, 1982 | Export Credit (Interest Subsidy) Scheme, 1968 - Audit Requirements | Department of Regulation |
November 13, 1981 | Interest Rates on Advances | Department of Regulation |
July 24, 1981 | Interest Rates on Advances | Department of Regulation |
June 19, 1981 | Interest Rates on Advances | Department of Regulation |
June 17, 1981 | Rate of Interest on Advances to Jute Corporation of India (JCI) and Cotton Corporation of India (CCI) | Department of Regulation |
June 11, 1981 | Interest Rates on Advances | Department of Regulation |
June 04, 1981 | Export Credit (Interest Subsidy) Scheme, 1968 - Audit Requirements | Department of Regulation |
June 01, 1981 | Interest Rates on Advances | Department of Regulation |
May 16, 1981 | Interest Rates on Advances | Department of Regulation |
May 02, 1981 | Interest Rates on Advances - Clarifications | Department of Regulation |
April 02, 1981 | Interest Rates on Advances | Department of Regulation |
March 07, 1981 | Interest Rates on Advances | Department of Regulation |
January 27, 1981 | Appointment of Whole-time Officers or Employees as Directors of Assisted Companies | Department of Regulation |
January 07, 1981 | Export Credit (Interest Subsidy) Scheme, 1968 | Department of Regulation |
December 09, 1980 | Report of the Working Group to Review the System of Cash Credit - Interest Rates on advances | Department of Regulation |
October 01, 1980 | Export Credit (Interest Subsidy) Scheme, 1968 | Department of Regulation |
August 18, 1980 | Increase in Interest Rates on Advances | Department of Regulation |
August 04, 1980 | Evaluation Committee (Official Language Implementation) - Follow-up Action on the Recommendations of | Department of Regulation |
July 02, 1980 | Interest Tax Act, 1974 | Department of Regulation |
June 20, 1980 | Use of Hindi in Banks - Official Languages Implementation Committee of the Department of Banking Operations and Development, Reserve Bank of India, Central Office, Bombay 400 005 | Department of Regulation |
June 19, 1980 | Interest Rates on Deposits and Advances - Clarification | Department of Regulation |
May 17, 1980 | Execution of Translation Work on Honorarium basis in Bank Offices where no Hindi Staff has been provided | Department of Regulation |
March 27, 1980 | Interest Rate on Overdue Inland Bills | Department of Regulation |
March 27, 1980 | Interest Rates on Deposits and Advances - Clarification | Department of Regulation |
February 18, 1980 | Availability of Suitable Staff for the Journals Published by the Ministry of Information and Broadcasting and Other Ministries/Departments and to Grant them Pay-scales etc. at par with their Counterparts for English Journals | Department of Regulation |
January 15, 1980 | Complusory In-Service Training in Hindi - Exemption from the Training in Hindi on the Grounds of Age | Department of Regulation |
January 09, 1980 | DBOD.No.BL.BC.9/C.555 (A)-80 | Department of Regulation |
December 10, 1979 | Use of Hindi in Banks - Hindi Training of Bank Employees | Department of Regulation |
October 31, 1979 | Ceiling Rate on Advances - Credit to Public Sector Agencies | Department of Regulation |
September 13, 1979 | Interest Rate on Advances against Sensitive Commodities | Department of Regulation |
September 13, 1979 | Ceiling Rate on Advances | Department of Regulation |
August 14, 1979 | Use of Hindi in the Banks - Filling of Pass Books in Hindi | Department of Regulation |
June 05, 1979 | Hindi Salahkar Samiti in the Ministry of Finance - Implementation of the decisions taken in the 3rd meeting held on 17th March, 1979 | Department of Regulation |
March 15, 1979 | Interest Rate on Lending to the Agricultural Sector | Department of Regulation |
January 16, 1979 | Use of Hindi in Banks - Features Observed in the Quarterly Progress Reports Received from the Banks | Department of Regulation |
January 15, 1979 | Export Credit (Interest Subsidy) Scheme, 1968 - Audit Requirements. | Department of Regulation |
December 08, 1978 | Export Credit (Interest Subsidy) Scheme, 1968 | Department of Regulation |
November 03, 1978 | Use of Hindi in Banks | Department of Regulation |
October 21, 1978 | Export Credit (Interest Subsidy) Scheme, 1968 - Audit Requirements | Department of Regulation |
October 13, 1978 | Use of Hindi in the Banks | Department of Regulation |
September 01, 1978 | Interest on Overdue Inland bills | Department of Regulation |
April 27, 1978 | Export Credit (Interest Subsidy) Scheme, 1968 | Department of Regulation |
January 27, 1978 | Minutes of the Third Meeting of the Official Languages Implementation Committee of the Department of Banking Operations and Development Reserve Bank of India, Central Office, Bombay held at Bombay the 6th January, 1978 | Department of Regulation |
December 20, 1977 | Export Credit | Department of Regulation |
August 12, 1977 | Use of Hindi in Banks - Exemption from Obligatory - In-service Training in Hindi | Department of Regulation |
August 11, 1977 | Use of Hindi in Banks - Views on the Language, Standard, etc., of the Hindi Periodicals | Department of Regulation |
August 03, 1977 | Export Credit (Interest Subsidy) Scheme, 1968 | Department of Regulation |
July 06, 1977 | Export Credit (Interest Subsidy) Scheme, 1968 - Supplementary Claims | Department of Regulation |
March 02, 1977 | Minutes of the Second Quarterly Meeting of the Official Languages Implementation Committee of the Department of Banking Operations and Development, Bombay held at Mahabank Training College of Bank of Maharashtra, Poona on the 26th February, 1977. | Department of Regulation |
February 26, 1977 | Lateral Movement of Staff | Department of Regulation |
January 20, 1977 | Export Credit (Interest Subsidy) Scheme, 1968 | Department of Regulation |
January 17, 1977 | Export Credit (Interest Subsidy) Scheme, 1968 | Department of Regulation |
January 06, 1977 | Appointment of Whole-time Officers or employees as Directors or Part-time Employees of Companies | Department of Regulation |
December 01, 1976 | DBOD.No.Ret.BC.138/C.254-76 | Department of Regulation |
November 29, 1976 | Export Credit (Interest Subsidy) Scheme, 1968 | Department of Regulation |
November 22, 1976 | Use of Hindi in Banks - Minutes of the First Meeting of the Official Languages Implementation Committee in the Department of Banking Operations and Development, Reserve Bank of India, Bombay held on the 26th October, 1976 | Department of Regulation |
August 17, 1976 | Progressive use of Hindi in Banks | Department of Regulation |
August 06, 1976 | Committee of Parliament on Official Language Constituted in accordance with the Provisions of Section 4 of the Official Languages Act,1963 | Department of Regulation |
June 21, 1976 | Acceptance of Travelling and Halting Allowances by Officers or Employees of Public Sector Banks Nominated on the Boards of Financial Institutions/Companies | Department of Regulation |
April 09, 1976 | Credit Authorisation Scheme - Differential Rates | Department of Regulation |
April 01, 1976 | Progressive use of Hindi in Banks | Department of Regulation |
March 23, 1976 | Pre-shipment Credit to Sugar Mills | Department of Regulation |
February 20, 1976 | Appointment of Whole-time Officers or Employees as Directors or Part-time Employees of Companies | Department of Regulation |
October 23, 1975 | Export Credit | Department of Regulation |
October 16, 1975 | Progressive use of Hindi in Banks - Discussions with the Representatives of Public Sector Banks | Department of Regulation |
October 01, 1975 | Progressive use of Hindi in Banks - Annual Assessment Report for the Year 1974-75 | Department of Regulation |
July 02, 1975 | Progressive Use of Hindi in Banks | Department of Regulation |
March 12, 1975 | Progressive use of Hindi in Banks | Department of Regulation |
February 25, 1975 | Use of Hindi in Banks - Assessment of Implementation of the Instructions Issued Reports to be submittted by the Inspecting officers of the Banks concerned | Department of Regulation |
February 25, 1975 | Progressive Use of Hindi in Banks | Department of Regulation |
December 07, 1974 | Translation of Statutory/Non-Statutory Documents and Procedural Literature etc. in Hindi | Department of Regulation |
October 11, 1974 | Use of Hindi in Banks | Department of Regulation |
September 17, 1974 | Progressive Use of Hindi in Banks | Department of Regulation |
February 20, 1974 | Progressive Use of Hindi in Banks-Preparation of a Phased Programme for the Year 1974-75 | Department of Regulation |
January 12, 1974 | Minutes of the 10th Meeting of the Official Languages Implementation Committee of the Department of Banking, Ministry of Finance, Government of India, New Delhi, held on the 17th November 1973 | Department of Regulation |
December 13, 1973 | Prompt Circulation of Orders regarding Progressive Use of Hindi by the Ministries etc. | Department of Regulation |
November 28, 1973 | Use of Hindi in Banks - Use of Hindi In Rubber Stamps, Office Seals, Letter-Heads and Envelopes | Department of Regulation |
October 23, 1973 | Issue of Circular Letters Intended for all State Governments Both in Hindi and English | Department of Regulation |
October 22, 1973 | Use of Hindi in Banks | Department of Regulation |
August 18, 1973 | Use of Hindi in Bank Constitution of the Official Languages Implementation Committee in the Public Sector Banks | Department of Regulation |
August 01, 1973 | Passing Hindi Examinations Entry in the Service Record | Department of Regulation |
July 27, 1973 | Grant of Lumpsum Awards For Passing Hindi TypeWriting/Stenography Examinations | Department of Regulation |
May 31, 1973 | Directive on Interest Rates on Advances | Department of Regulation |
January 20, 1973 | Export Credit (Interest Subsidy) Scheme, 1968 - Audit Requirements | Department of Regulation |
September 02, 1972 | Section 35B of the Banking Regulation Act, 1949 | Department of Regulation |
June 09, 1972 | Acceptance of Sitting Fees by Custodians/ Officers of Nationalised Banks Nominated on the Boards of Financial Institutions/Companies | Department of Regulation |
November 23, 1971 | Export Credit (Interest Subsidy) Scheme, 1968 | Department of Regulation |
October 07, 1971 | Export Credit (Interest Subsidy) Scheme, 1968 | Department of Regulation |
July 30, 1971 | Packing Credit Advances by Banks to Small Scale Industrial Units | Department of Regulation |
June 04, 1971 | Interest Subsidy Refinance in respect of Packing Credit Advances Covered by Export Production Finance Guarantee of ECGC - Clarification | Department of Regulation |
April 23, 1971 | Export Credit (Interest Subsidy) Scheme, 1968 | Department of Regulation |
April 16, 1971 | Packing Credits and Post-shipment Credits - Interest Rate Structure | Department of Regulation |
March 22, 1971 | Export Credit (Interest Subsidy) Scheme, 1968 - Audit Requirements | Department of Regulation |
March 22, 1971 | Export Credit (Interest Subsidy) Scheme, 1968 - Audit Requirements | Department of Regulation |
August 24, 1970 | Export Credit (Interest Subsidy) Scheme, 1968 | Department of Regulation |
February 11, 1970 | Export Credit | Department of Regulation |
November 28, 1969 | DBOD.No.Ret.294/C.110-67 | Department of Regulation |
February 19, 1969 | Export Credit (Interest Subsidy) Scheme, 1968 | Department of Regulation |
January 27, 1969 | Packing Credit Advances | Department of Regulation |
November 13, 1968 | The Export Credit (Interest Subsidy) Scheme, 1968 | Department of Regulation |
August 21, 1968 | Appointment of Whole-Time Officers or Employees as Directors or Part-Time Employees of Companies | Department of Regulation |
June 15, 1968 | The Export Credit (Interest Subsidy) Scheme, 1968 | Department of Regulation |
June 30, 1964 | Section 35B of the Banking Companies Acts, 1949 | Department of Regulation |
November 13, 1959 | Section 35B of the Banking Companies Act, 1949 | Department of Regulation |
March 26, 1959 | Section 35B of the Banking Companies Act, 1949 | Department of Regulation |
Page Last Updated on: February 25, 2025