Master Circular- Disbursement of Pension by Agency Banks - আৰবিআই - Reserve Bank of India
Master Circular- Disbursement of Pension by Agency Banks
RBI/2007-2008/64 July 2, 2007 All Agency Banks Dear Sir, Master Circular- Disbursement of Pension by Agency Banks Reserve Bank of India has been issuing various instructions relating to Payment of Government pension by Agency banks. These instructions were conveyed in our master circular RBI/ 2006/ 78 (DGBA. GAD. No. 1059/ 31.05.001/ 2006-07 dated July 19, 2006. We now enclose an updated master circular incorporating important instructions issued on the subject upto June 30, 2007. You may also access the circular on our website . 2. Please acknowledge receipt. Yours faithfully, (A.S.Kulkarni) Master Circular- Disbursement of Pension by Agency Banks Payment of Pension to Government Pensioners under the various schemes for payment of pensions through Public Sector Banks iii. Copies of orders are also sent by post to Heads of all Agency Banks and published in leading newspapers by Indian Banks' Association. RBI would no longer be forwarding Government orders in respect of dearness relief to Agency Banks. (RBI/ 2006/ 296) (Ref. DGBA. GAD. No. H.11303/ 45.01.003/ 2005-06 dated February 06, 2006) Pension paying banks were advised to put in place mechanism to immediately obtain copies of Government Orders and release it to the pension paying branches for action at their end so that the pensioners should get the benefits announced by Government in the succeeding month’s pension payment itself. The Controlling Offices/ Head Offices of Agency banks should closely monitor and supervise timely and correct disbursement of Government pension to eligible pensioners. Further, in the cases of Central Civil and Railway pensioners, the pension paying banks should endorse the names of nominees as per nomination forms ‘A’ and ‘B’ on the front page of the pass book and the branches may be advised to ensure that the procedure laid down in Schemes for disbursement of pension to pensioners by public sector banks are followed scrupulously. In order to create better awareness among staff about pension payment schemes/ rules, banks may include this as an integral part of the training programmes conducted by their training establishments. 6. Acceptance of Nomination (Form ‘A’ & ‘B’) in respect of Railway pensioners for the payment of arrears of pension. With a view to avoid inconvenience to the pensioners, Ministry of Railways (Railway Board), has decided to adopt the nomination forms (‘A’ & ‘B’) prescribed by Central Pension Accounting Office (CPAO) for Railway pensioners also. Agency banks were advised to issue necessary instructions to all pension paying branches to accept Nomination Forms ‘A’ or ‘B’ as the case may be, submitted by Railway pensioners for the payment of arrears of pension to the heir(s). 8.Scheme for payment of pension to Defence pensioners by public sector banks – delay in submission of pension payment scrolls and steps to avoid fake & fraudulent payments. Often these scrolls are bunched. In this connection, a reference is invited to paragraphs 9(6), 10 and 11 of the booklet “Scheme for Payment of Pension to Defence Pensioners” wherein the procedure for transmission of pension payment scrolls by paying branches, link branches and reimbursing branches is clearly stipulated. The entire procedure needs to be completed as per the timeframe fixed so that the payment scrolls are finally received at the Office of the PCDA (Pension), Allahabad latest by 15th of the following month (except for the month of March scrolls, which should invariably reach latest by 3rd week of April every year). Office of the PCDA (Pension) has also noticed that in some cases of payment of gratuity and commutation amount were made to imposters on fake and fraudulent PPOs by the pension paying branches without observing prescribed checks. It has also been observed that in the cases of first payment of pension, either PPO numbers were not mentioned on the scrolls or incorrect PPO numbers were mentioned making it difficult to verify the correctness of the payment. Further, these payments were being shown in the main pension payment scrolls along with the regular monthly payments of Defence Pensioners. The Pension Paying Branches/ Link Branches / Reimbursing branches are advised to put in place a more efficient system to ensure the following: (i) Pension Paying branches to submit pension payment scrolls to Link Branches within the stipulated time (by 10th of the following month). No bunching of scrolls is done. (ii) Link branches to forward the original copy of the scroll along with summary sheet and summary documents to disbursing banks (RBI / SBI etc. as the case may be) by 11th of each month. (iii) Reimbursing banks should forward the original copy of the scrolls directly to CDA (Pension), Allahabad after reimbursing pension paying bank, by debit to Government Account so as to reach PCDA (Pension) by 15th of the following month except for the March scrolls. (iv) In the cases of first payments of pension, pension paying branches should prepare scrolls carefully indicating correct PPO number, amount of gratuity and commutation against the name of each pensioner and submit the same separately on a monthly basis in addition to the regular monthly payment cases which will continue to be prepared separately along with separate summary sheet. (v) Pension paying branches should prepare separate summary sheets for regular monthly pension payment cases as well as first pension payment case. Railway pension paying branches are requested to strictly follow the procedure laid down in “Scheme for Payment of Railway Pension through Public Sector Banks” by the Ministry of Railways (Railway Board) for disbursement of pension to Railway pensioners to avoid fraudulent payments against fake pension payment orders. 10. Payment of Central Civil Pension – Entry of Dearness Relief in both Halves of Pension Payment Orders (PPOs) In this connection, we reproduce below para 12.17 and 19.1 of the "Scheme for Payment of Pensions to Central Government Civil Pensioners by Public Sector Banks”: "Whenever there is change in the basic rates of pension and/or dearness relief on pension, the paying branch shall call back the pensioner's half of the PPO and record thereon the changes, indicating, inter-alia, the date(s) from which the changes are effective. After this is done, those halves will be returned to the pensioners " (Para 12.17). Whenever any additional relief on pensions is sanctioned by Government an intimation to this effect will be sent by the Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions (Department of Pension and Pensioners' Welfare) to the authorised representative (by name) of each nominated public sector bank at the address given by the latter. Thereafter it shall be the responsibility of the banks to collect through their representatives operating at Delhi or otherwise, the required number of copies (to be intimated in advance) of the sanction orders, along with the ready-reckoner relating thereto, from the Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions (Department of Pension and Pensioners' Welfare) and send them immediately to their respective Head Offices for direct transmission to the paying branches within ten days for implementation. Each paying branch will promptly determine the revised rates of relief on pensions payable to the Central Government Civil Pensioners under its payment. The calculations of these rates applicable to individual pensioners would be made as in Annexure XXII (Page 41) and they will be noted in disburser's portion of the PPOs along with the date from which relief would take effect, under attestation by the Branch Manager or In-Charge before commencing payment of relief at the revised rates and/or payment of arrears, if any, due to the pensioners on this account…….." (Para 19.1). A list of main areas where the banks tends to make overpayments in respect of Railway pensioners received from Financial Adviser & Chief Accounts Officer’s Office, Central Railway, Mumbai was forwarded to all agency banks with a request to circulate the same among their pension paying branches and instruct them to take appropriate action so as to avoid overpayments of Railway pension. 12. Scheme of Payment of Pension to Railway Pensioners through Public Sector Banks – Designation of FA & CAOs of seven new zones by Ministry of Railways. The Ministry of Railways has decided to designate FA & CAOs of seven new zones (viz. North Western Railway, Jaipur; East Central Railway, Hajipur; East Coast Railway, Bhubaneshwar; North Central Railway, Allahabad; South East Central Railway, Bilaspur; South Western Railway, Hubli; and West Central Railway, Jabalpur) to accept/ settle pension debits in respect of pension payment disbursed to Railway pensioners by authorized banks with effect from April 1, 2006. 13. Payment of Pension through Authorised Banks – Credit of Pension to Joint Account operated by pensioner with his/ her spouse. The instructions issued by Central Pension Accounting Office (CPAO) in regard to crediting of pension amount to the joint account alongwith spouse in whose favour an authorization for family pension exists in the Pension Payment Order (PPO) in respect of Central Civil pensioners have been made applicable to Railway pensioners also vide Ministry of Railways (Railway Board), Circular No. RBA.63/ 2005 (2005/ ACII/ 21/ 19) dated October 13, 2005. The joint account of the pensioner with the spouse could be operated either by ‘Former or Survivor’ or ‘Either or Survivor’ basis subject to certain terms and conditions mentioned in Ministry of Railways Circular dated October 13, 2005 referred to above. Ministry of Defence and the Principal Controller of Defence Accounts have modified the scheme for payment of pension permitting credit of pension also to a joint account operated by pensioner with his/her spouse in whose favour an authorization for family pension exists in the Pension Payment Order (PPO). The joint account of the pensioner with the spouse could be operated either by 'Former or Survivor' or 'Either or Survivor' basis subject to the following terms and conditions: (b) As pension is payable only during the life of a pensioner, his/her death shall be intimated to the bank at the earliest and in any case within one month of the demise, so that the bank does not continue crediting monthly pension to the joint account with the spouse, after the death of the pensioner. If, however, any amount has been wrongly credited to the joint account, it shall be recoverable from the joint account and/or any to her account held by the pensioner/spouse either individually or jointly. The legal heirs, successors, executors etc. shall also be liable to refund any amount, which has been wrongly credited to the joint account. Existing pensioners desiring to get their pension credited to a joint account as indicated above are required to submit an application to the branch bank, from where they are presently drawing pension in the prescribed form. This would also be signed by the pensioner's spouse in token of having accepted the terms and conditions laid down in this Office Memorandum. These instructions are also applicable to the Govt. Servants who will be retiring after the issue of this Office Memorandum. 15. Scheme for payment of pension to West Bengal (Part A)Government pensioners by public sector banks-Credit of Pension to Joint bank Account operated by a pensioner with his / her spouse. Government of West Bengal has modified the scheme for payment of pension permitting credit of pension also to a joint account operated by pensioner with his/her spouse in whose favour an authorization for family pension exists in the Pension Payment Order (PPO). The joint account of the pensioner with the spouse could be operated either by 'Former or Survivor' or 'Either or Survivor' basis subject to the following terms and conditions: (b) As pension is payable only during the life of a pensioner, his/her death shall be intimated to the bank at the earliest and in any case within one month of the demise, so that the bank does not continue crediting monthly pension to the joint account with the spouse, after the death of the pensioner. If, however, any amount has been wrongly credited to the joint account, it shall be recoverable from the joint account and/or any to her account held by the pensioner/spouse either individually or jointly. The legal heirs, successors, executors etc. shall also be liable to refund any amount, which has been wrongly credited to the joint account. Existing pensioners desiring to get their pension credited to a joint account as indicated above are required to submit an application to the branch bank, from where they are presently drawing pension in the prescribed form. This would also be signed by the pensioner's spouse in token of having accepted the terms and conditions laid down in this Office Memorandum. These instructions are also applicable to the Govt. Servants who will be retiring after the issue of this Office Memorandum. 16. Scheme for payment of pension to Punjab Government pensioners by public sector banks. Government of Punjab has modified the scheme for payment of pension permitting credit of pension also to a joint account operated by Punjab Government pensioner with his/her spouse in whose favour an authorization for family pension exists in the Pension Payment Order (PPO). The joint account of the pensioner with the spouse could be operated either by 'Former or Survivor' or 'Either or Survivor' basis subject to the following terms and conditions: Existing pensioners desiring to get their pension credited to a joint account as indicated above are required to submit an application to the branch bank, from where they are presently drawing pension in the prescribed form. This would also be signed by the pensioner's spouse in token of having accepted the terms and conditions laid down in this letter. These instructions are also applicable to the Government servants who will be retiring after issue of this letter. 17. Introduction of Single Window System for reimbursement of Defence Pension Payments It has been decided in consultation with the Office of Principal Controller of Defence Accounts (Pension) to introduce Single Window System for reimbursement of Defence Pension with effect from April 1,2007. Hence, the Reimbursing Banks i.e. RBI (PADs),SBI and its associate banks will cease to reimburse Defence pension payments made by the banks with effect from April 1, 2007. Pension payments transactions may be reported through Link Cell in Nagpur to Central Accounts Section, Reserve Bank of India, Nagpur for fund settlement as in the case of Central Civil Pension. The agency banks are required to send the Payment scrolls direct by name to Shri B. D. Tiwari, SAO(P) office of the PCDA (P), Draupadi Ghat, Allahabad. All the past transactions remaining outstanding prior to April 1, 2007 for which Pension Payment Scrolls Advices are wanting shall be resolved through Reimbursing Branches of RBI/SBI and it's Associates. 18. Scheme for payment of pension to Arunachal Pradesh Government pensioners by public sector banks: Government of Arunachal Pradesh has modified the scheme for payment of pension permitting credit of pension also to a joint account operated by pensioner with his/her spouse in whose favour an authorization for family pension exists in the pension payment order (P.P.O.). The joint account of the pensioner with the spouse could be operated either by 'former or survivor' or 'either or survivor' basis subject to the following terms and conditions. 19. Disbursement of Central Government pension through Public Sector Banks - Issue of Pension Slip It has been decided in consultation with the Central Pension Accounting Office, Ministry of Finance, and Government of India to issue pension slips to the Central Government pensioners (Civil) at commencement of pension and thereafter, wherever there is a change in quantum of pension. All the agency banks were advised to issue suitable instructions to their pension paying branches. 20. Disbursement of Central Government pension through Public Sector Banks-Issue of Pension Slips to Defence Pensioners : It has been decided in consultation with the Office of Chief Controller of Defence Accounts and the Department of Ex-Servicemen welfare, Ministry of Defence to issue pension slip to Armed Forces Personnel /Defence Civilian pensioners including family pensioners on par with the existing system as applicable to Central Government Pensioners (Civil). All the agency banks were advised to issue suitable instructions to their pension paying branches. List of Circulars consolidated by the Master Circular