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RBI Announcements
RBI Announcements

Asset Publisher


12. Commercial Bank Survey

(₹ Crore)
Item Outstanding as on last reporting Fridays of the month/ reporting Fridays of the month
2022-23 2022 2023
May 20 Apr. 21 May 5 May 19
1 2 3 4 5
1 Components          
1.1 Aggregate Deposits of Residents 17882990 16444797 18145164 18261716 18204191
1.1.1 Demand Deposits 2180431 1985767 2138355 2177876 2120870
1.1.2 Time Deposits of Residents 15702560 14459030 16006809 16083840 16083320 Short-term Time Deposits 7066152 6506563 7203064 7237728 7237494 Certificates of Deposits (CDs) 304088 190349 302212 289922 297389 Long-term Time Deposits 8636408 7952466 8803745 8846112 8845826
1.2 Call/Term Funding from Financial Institutions 445329 393770 458516 480874 453662
2 Sources          
2.1 Domestic Credit 20197180 17867170 20383774 20507220 20553286
2.1.1 Credit to the Government 5414322 4770031 5444679 5518341 5550541
2.1.2 Credit to the Commercial Sector 14782858 13097139 14939095 14988878 15002745 Bank Credit 13675235 12038119 13859394 13900053 13893871 Non-food Credit 13655330 11984865 13838102 13866868 13857522 Net Credit to Primary Dealers 19491 14113 17699 18104 20522 Investments in Other Approved Securities 826 784 807 807 786 Other Investments (in non-SLR Securities) 1087305 1044122 1061195 1069915 1087566
2.2 Net Foreign Currency Assets of Commercial Banks (2.2.1-2.2.2-2.2.3) 114930 225933 110773 73890 32395
2.2.1 Foreign Currency Assets 353850 427226 358172 323580 281238
2.2.2 Non-resident Foreign Currency Repatriable Fixed Deposits 160923 129477 166640 172362 170264
2.2.3 Overseas Foreign Currency Borrowings 77997 71816 80759 77328 78580
2.3 Net Bank Reserves (2.3.1+2.3.2-2.3.3) 833002 1232851 1000933 1019717 993524
2.3.1 Balances with the RBI 809907 810295 838212 837756 852417
2.3.2 Cash in Hand 90263 95732 97235 97952 95354
2.3.3 Loans and Advances from the RBI 67168 -326824 -65486 -84009 -45754
2.4 Capital Account 1916966 1865502 1970331 2012613 2043674
2.5 Other items (net) (2.1+2.2+2.3-2.4-1.1-1.2) 899827 621884 921469 845623 877678
2.5.1 Other Demand and Time Liabilities (net of 2.2.3) 711654 565542 660124 756801 718297
2.5.2 Net Inter-Bank Liabilities (other than to PDs) 44733 7741 29540 22146 46066


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