Appendix I - IMF's SDDS Specifications, India's Status andGroups Remarks/Recommendations - আৰবিআই - Reserve Bank of India
Appendix I - IMF's SDDS Specifications, India's Status andGroups Remarks/Recommendations
Category |
IMF specifications |
Status |
Remarks/ Recommendations |
1.NSDP and Hyperlink |
Hyperlink from the DSBB to the NSDP is mandatory |
India has an NSDP web site. The NSDP site of India is not hyperlinked to the DSBB of the IMF. |
At present the Ministry of Finance (MoF) is maintaining the NSDP web site while the web site for disseminating data on International Reserves and Foreign Currency Liquidity is maintained by the RBI. The NSDP is updated only monthly. For some of the data categories appearing on the NSDP, information is available on weekly/ fortnightly basis also which deserve to be incorporated in the NSDP. Further hyperlink from the DSBB of IMF to the NSDP of India is not available. The Group recommends that hyperlink from the DSBB to the NSDP of India should be established. Further, in order to facilitate wider use of data by the public at large, the system of hyper-link has to be further extended to take care of the links with more disaggregated information available in respect of the concerned sectors of the economy. |
2.National accounts: nominal, real and associated prices |
Coverage: The national accounts feature Gross Domestic Product (GDP) as a measure of the output of the economy. For this comprehensive statistical framework, the standard calls for GDP by major expenditure category and/or productive sector, showing nominal levels and real (price-adjusted) levels, together with associated prices (deflators or price indices). At least two of the three are required. Provision of gross national income (formerly GNP) and saving is encouraged. Classification according to the 1968 or 1993 editions of the System of National Accounts is strongly encouraged. Periodicity: Quarterly Timeliness: One quarter |
Coverage: Data are disseminated in crores of rupees (1 crore=10 million) on Gross Domestic Product (GDP) at current and constant (1993-94) prices. The data cover the entire economy and there are no exclusions. to the extent feasible. The data are not seasonally adjusted. Periodicity: Quarterly Timeliness: Within one quarter after the end of the reference quarter. |
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3.Production index/indices |
Coverage: A single production index or a selection of production indices is called for by the standard to track GDP. The index that is relevant in a country will depend on its economic structure. Periodicity: Monthly (or as relevant) Timeliness: Six weeks (one month encouraged, or as relevant) |
Data are disseminated on the Index of Industrial Production (IIP), a Laspeyres index (1993-94 = 100) which measures changes in the volume of production in the mining, manufacturing and electricity sectors. Periodicity: Monthly Timeliness: Within 6 weeks after the end of the reference week. |
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4.Forward looking indicator |
Coverage: The standard encourages dissemination of relevant forward-looking indicators such as surveys of expectations, surveys of orders (e.g., for manufactured products), or composite indices. Periodicity: Monthly or quarterly Timeliness: One month or one quarter |
Not Disseminated |
Forward looking indicators should be disseminated in certain sectors viz. the surveys of business expectations. |
5.Labour market |
Coverage: Employment, unemployment, and wages/earnings are called for, as relevant. The standard does not prescribe a definition for this category or its components, but encourages the use of the International Labour Office's (ILO) concepts, definitions and classifications. Periodicity: Quarterly Timeliness: One quarter |
Employment and Unemployment Coverage: Data are disseminated on employment, unemployment as actual numbers at the aggregate level, and as rates at the disaggregated level. The NSSO collects data on employment and unemployment using alternative reference periods relating to three approaches. These are: the "usual status" (US) approach, based on the a reference period of one year; the "current weekly status" (CWS) approach, based on a reference period of one week; and the "current daily status" (CDS), based on the activity pursued on each day of the reference week. While all three approaches are used for collection of data on employment and unemployment in the quinquennial surveys, the first two approaches are only used for the intervening annual surveys. The definitions of these three approaches are set out below. (2) "Current Weekly Status" approach. A person is considered to be working or employed if the person was engaged for at least one hour on any one day of the previous week on any work related (economic) activity. A person who has not worked for even one hour on any one day of the week, but has been seeking or has been available for work at any time for at least one hour during the week, is considered to be "seeking/available for work" (unemployed). Others are considered to be "not available for work" (not in the labour force). Periodicity: Annual (see Notes). Timeliness: Within 24 months after the end of the reference year. (See Notes). Notes: Labour market data do not have the same macroeconomic implications for India as they do for highly industrialized countries in the sense that they are not considered to be useful indicators of short-run pressures on the economy, particularly in view of the substantial proportion of value-added generated by the agricultural sector and the structure of that sector. India will therefore use the "as relevant" flexibility of the SDDS for the labour market data category. Wages/earnings Coverage: Data are disseminated in Rupees on average earnings during the reference period. Periodicity: Every five years. (See Notes above). Timeliness: Within 24 months after the end of the reference year. (See Notes above). |
Dissemination of accurate data on labour market (employment, unemployment and wages/earnings) in the real sector in India will be difficult because of the structure of the largely prevailing unorganised sector including agriculture. The Group concurs with the view taken on this by the official agencies. |
6.Price indices |
Coverage: Consumer price indices and producer or wholesale price indices are prescribed. Periodicity: Monthly Timeliness: One month |
Consumer Price Indices: Coverage: Data are disseminated for 3 separate consumer price indices: (1) the Consumer Price Index for Industrial Workers (CPI [IW]); (2) the Consumer Price Index for Rural Labourers (CPI [RL]) and (3) the Consumer Price Index for Non-Manual Employees (CPI [UNME]). The data for the CPI (IW) are not seasonally adjusted. Periodicity: Monthly Timeliness: Within three weeks after the end of the reference month for the CPI (UNME). Producer Price Indices: Coverage: Data are disseminated on the wholesale price index (WPI), a fixed weight Laspeyres index (1993-94=100). The current series covers 98 primary articles, 19 fuel, power, light and lubricants items, and 318 manufactured products covering all important items transacted in the economy. The index is based on 1,918 quotations (455 for primary articles, 72 for fuel, power and light etc., and 1,391 for manufactured products). The price data are collected on a voluntary basis from official as well as non-official sources. As the data for certain aspects, such as agriculture, livestock products and fishing are compiled from consolidated data obtained from state governments, it is difficult to determine the number of establishments covered by the data. Prices are collected weekly and include excise taxes.The index is normally re-based once every ten years. The data are not seasonally adjusted. Periodicity: Weekly Timeliness: Within 2 weeks after the end of the reference week. |
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7.General government or public sector operations, as relevant |
Coverage: This comprehensive statistical framework covers general (central plus state or provincial and local) government or the public sector, depending on which coverage is the focus of policy and analysis in a particular country. The standard calls for revenue, expenditure, balance, and where relevant/feasible, domestic (with a bank/non-bank breakdown) and foreign financing. In other cases, financing transactions may be presented by type of instrument, currency of issue, or other relevant characteristics. Dissemination of separately identifiable data on interest payments, as part of expenditures, is encouraged. Classification of the surplus/deficit determining transactions according to the IMF's A Manual on Government Finance Statistics is encouraged. Periodicity: Annual Timeliness: Two quarters |
Coverage: Data are disseminated in crore of rupees (1 crore=10 million) on general government operations, covering the combined budgetary transactions of the Central and State Governments and the Union Territories. The data on central government are inclusive of the receipts of commercial departments in the revenue account. The data for State governments are inclusive of departmental State enterprises, both in the revenue and the capital accounts. These do not, however, include the transactions of State public enterprises, such as the State Electricity Boards, or State Road Transport Corporations. Although data on local governments are not included, the impact of these governments on the fiscal data is negligible as they are not permitted to borrow and their expenditure are primarily financed by transfers from the state governments. (A recent survey for 1993-94 indicated that income of local governments amounted to less than 5 percent of total central government revenue, and less than 1 percent of GDP.) The data disseminated include: Periodicity: Annual Timeliness: Approximately 9 months after the end of the reference year. (See Notes.) Notes: A flexibility option is being taken on the timeliness of the data on General government operations. By the end of the transition period, a regular notice will be given in a relevant high-frequency publication informing the public that an advance release calendar which meets the SDDS requirements is disseminated on the Ministry of Finance's Internet web site ( |
Under the data category General government or public sector operations in the Fiscal sector, the country disseminates data on general government consisting of central and state government/ the Union Territories and finances only under the SDDS. However, data pertaining to the public sector (non banking areas only; since data on public sector banks are already disseminated under the financial sector) operations are also suggested to be disseminated because of the large scale presence of public sector organisations that include public corporations, state electricity boards, transport corporations in the economy of the country. Similarly, data on local finances also have to be in general government for a fuller picture. Though at present local finances do not constitute the focus of policy, they are likely to grow and it is necessary to expand the coverage of the general government. |
8.Central government operations |
Coverage: Central government operations are prescribed by the standard as a tracking indicator, providing a more frequent and timely indicator of fiscal stance than is usual with general government or public sector operations. They should cover, in addition to budgetary accounts, as wide a range of central government units (social security and extra budgetary units and accounts) as is feasible. The standard prescribes a deficit/surplus being the concept in use in the country, and the principal determinants of that balance. Dissemination of data on total interest payments, as part of expenditures, is encouraged. Aggregate financing is prescribed and, where relevant, a breakdown between domestic and external financing, according to residence, should be presented. Domestic financing should be divided between that provided by the banking system and that provided by other domestic sectors. In other cases, financing transactions may be presented by type of instrument, currency of issue, or other relevant characteristics. Classification and definition of the surplus/deficit determining items according to the IMF's A Manual on Government Finance Statistics is encouraged. Periodicity: Monthly Timeliness: One month |
Coverage: Data are disseminated in crores of rupees (1 crore=10 million) covering the operations of budgetary central government. Data on the operations of the extrabudgetary funds and social security funds are not included. Periodicity: Monthly Timeliness: Within one month after the end of the reference month for all months except the last month of the fiscal year (that is, March), when the data are released within two months after the end of the reference month. |
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9.Central government debt |
Coverage:The standard prescribes dissemination of data that reflect the comprehensive debt liabilities of central government and, where analytically useful, the debt of other units that is guaranteed by the central government. It prescribes that data be disaggregated as relevant to a country's circumstances. Breakdowns by maturity, preferably by remaining maturity, are called for. Where feasible, a breakdown of debt by foreign and domestic components according to residence should be provided. Where this is not feasible a number of breakdowns are acceptable: these include a breakdown by currency and debt instrument or debt holder. Dissemination of government debt service (interest and amortization) projections is encouraged. Classification and definition of debt may be described according to the guidelines of A Manual on Government Finance Statistics, the recommendations in External Debt: Definition, Statistical Coverage, and Methodology or regional guidelines. Periodicity: Quarterly Timeliness: One quarter |
Coverage: Data are disseminated in crores of rupees (1 crore=10 million) on the total outstanding gross debt of central government. The data have the same institutional coverage as the data on central government operations (that is, the data cover the operations of budgetary central government only and data on the operations of the extra budgetary funds and social security funds are not included). Periodicity: Quarterly Timeliness: Within one quarter after the end of the reference quarter. |
Central government debt data are disseminated with a breakdown of original maturity. However long term debt should be disseminated by remaining or residual maturity also along with original maturity. This will give the total short term debt position of the country. |
10.Analytical accounts of the banking sector (Financial Sector) |
Coverage: This is the comprehensive statistical framework for the financial sector. While its composition will differ among countries, the coverage of the banking sector should be as comprehensive as possible. The ideal coverage would include all institutions covered in the central bank and other depository corporations sub-sectors in the SNA 1993. The standard prescribes that components should include, at a minimum: money aggregates; domestic credit broken down by general government/rest of the domestic economy or general government/non-financial public enterprises/private sector or public sector/private sector; and the external position of the banking sector on either a gross or a net basis. Periodicity: Monthly Timeliness: One month |
Coverage: Data are disseminated in crore of rupees (1 crore=10 million) on the analytical accounts of the banking sector, covering the accounts of the Reserve Bank of India (RBI), the commercial banks, and the cooperative banks. Data are disseminated on the following: Periodicity: Every two weeks. Timeliness: Three weeks after the end of the reference period, on the third Saturday after the reference week. |
The coverage of data disseminated by India on banking sector meets the minimum requirement under the SDDS. Coverage of data under this data category may be broadened since wider information on banking sector data are available in the country that go beyond the minimum requirements specified by the IMF under the SDDS. Since the RBI maintains comprehensive account wise banking data viz. BSR (Basic Statistical Returns) data it is suggested to disseminate BSR reports published by the bank in the RBI web site for the benefit of users. Further, it is hoped that the BSR data would be placed in the Data Ware house being planned by the RBI. In a supplementary report prepared by the Group, various suggestions have been made for improving the analytical tables generated out of the BSR. |
11.Analytical accounts of the central bank. (Financial Sector) |
Coverage: This is a tracking category, providing a more timely indicator of monetary and credit conditions than the analytical accounts of the banking sector. The standard prescribes that components should include: reserve money, base money, or the monetary base; domestic credit, broken down by general government/rest of the domestic economy or general government/non-financial public enterprises/private sector or public sector/private sector; and the external position of the central bank on either a gross or a net basis. Periodicity: Monthly (weekly encouraged) Timeliness: Two weeks (one week encouraged) |
Coverage: Data are disseminated in crore of rupees (1 crore =10 million) on the accounts of the Reserve Bank of India. Data are disseminated for: (4)Claims on banks. Periodicity: Weekly (the balance as at each Friday). Timeliness: A week after the end of the reference week, on the second Saturday after the reference Friday. |
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12.Interest rates (Financial Sector) |
Coverage: The standard prescribes dissemination of short-term and long-term government securities rates (e.g., three-month Treasury bill rate and ten-year government bond rate) and a policy variable rate (e.g., central bank lending rate). Dissemination of deposit and lending rates is encouraged. Periodicity: Daily Timeliness: Given that data are widely available from private sources, timeliness is not specified to allow the disseminating agency flexibility to incorporate these data into another (preferably high-frequency) product. |
Coverage: Data are disseminated on the following: (a) The bank rate, which is the rate at which the RBI is prepared to buy or rediscount bills of exchange or other commercial paper eligible for purchase under the Reserve Bank of India Act, 1934. The interest rates on accommodation from the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) are linked to the bank rate. Periodicity: Daily for government securities trading in the secondary markets.Weekly for weekly auction rates of 14-day and 91-day Treasury Bills and the daily data on the prime lending rates. Every two weeks for 182-day and 364-day Treasury Bills issued every two weeks. Whenever auctions or issues take place for 2-20 year Government dated securities.
Timeliness: Same day for Treasury Bill rates, Government securities auction rates and bank rates. Three weeks after the reference week for the prime lending rates. |
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13.Stock market. (Financial Sector) |
Coverage: In countries where a stock market exists, the standard calls for re-dissemination of a share price index. Periodicity: Daily Timeliness: Given that data are widely available from private sources, timeliness is not specified to allow the re-disseminating agency flexibility to incorporate these data into another (preferably high-frequency) product. |
Coverage: Data are re-disseminated on the following two widely used share price indices: (2) The National Stock Exchange (NSE) S&P CNX Nifty Index (Base: March 11, 1995=100), which covers 50 widely traded equities. Periodicity: Daily. Timeliness: Up to one week after the reference date. |
Two notes contained in the supplementary report attached to the main report present a series of suggestions for improving the data base for the Indian stock markets in particular and for the capital market in general. |
14.Balance of payments. (External Sector) |
Coverage: This is the comprehensive statistical framework for the external sector. The SDDS prescribes, for the current account: the dissemination of imports and exports of goods and services; net income receipts; and net current transfers. For the capital (or capital and financial) account, the prescribed components include international reserves and other financial transactions as available. A breakdown of financial transactions according to direct investment and portfolio investment is encouraged. Classification according to the fourth or fifth edition of the IMF's Balance of Payments Manual is strongly encouraged. Periodicity: Quarterly Timeliness: One quarter |
Coverage: Data are disseminated in millions of U.S. dollars and crores of rupees (1 crore = 10 million) on the balance of payments showing:
Data are compiled in accordance with the methodology set out in the fifth edition of the IMF's BoP Manual. Periodicity: Quarterly. Timeliness: 3 months after the end of the reference quarter. |
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15.Inter-national reserves and foreign currency liquidity (External Sector) |
Coverage: This category serves as a tracking category, providing a more frequent and timely indicator of external sector developments than the comprehensive framework of the balance of payments. The standard prescribes dissemination of data on total official reserve assets; other foreign currency assets; predetermined short-term drains on foreign currency assets; contingent short-term drains on foreign currency assets; and other related items in national currency and/or U.S. dollars. Periodicity: Monthly (weekly encouraged) Timeliness: One week for reserve assets and one month for all other items. |
There are two publications relating to the reserve assets: Gross Foreign Exchange Reserves of the Reserve Bank of India, released weekly, and the International Reserves and Foreign Currency Liquidity, released monthly. Data are disseminated in millions of U.S. dollars and crores of rupees (1 crore=10 million) on the gross foreign exchange reserves of India (comprising gold held by the Reserve Bank of India, foreign exchange held by the Reserve Bank of India and SDRs). Data are released in millions of US dollars only on the Data Template on International Reserves and Foreign
Gold is revalued at the end of each month at 90 percent of the monthly average price of gold on the London market. Periodicity: Weekly (every Friday) for the international reserves and monthly (on the last working day) for the Data Template on International Reserves and Foreign Currency Liquidity. Timeliness: One week after the end of the reference Friday with respect to international reserves. |
It has been observed by the Group that information pertaining to certain items (total currency and deposits with other national central banks, BIS and IMF and total currency and deposits with banks headquartered outside the reporting country) under the first part of the template viz. official reserve assets and other foreign currency assets (approximate market value) is not disclosed by the country. In this regard, the Group concurs with the stand taken by the concerned authority i.e. the RBI, that acute sensitivity is involved in disseminating the above information. Secondly, it has been observed by the Group that information disseminated by India on this data category pertains to its monetary authority i.e. the RBI only though the template is intended to apply to the monetary authorities as well as to the central government. Thirdly, the Group has not got a clear view as to what decision the Government of India is going to take on the dissemination of data pertaining to short term net drains. However, the Group believes that in supplying this information no sensitive issue is involved except in the case of Aggregate short and long positions of options in foreign currencies vis-à-vis the domestic currency under Part-III of the template, viz. Contingent short-term net drains on foreign currency assets (nominal value). |
16.Merchan-dise trade (External Sector) |
Coverage: This category is a tracking category, providing a more frequent and timely indication of developments in the current account of the balance of payments. The standard prescribes dissemination of total imports and total exports with the prescribed timeliness and encourages dissemination of detail by major commodity within a slightly longer lapse of time for compilation. Periodicity: Monthly Timeliness:Eight weeks (4-6 weeks encouraged) |
Coverage: Data are disseminated in millions of U.S. dollars covering total merchandise exports (f.o.b.) and total imports (c.i.f.). Periodicity: Monthly Timeliness: Within 6 weeks after the end of the reference month. |
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17.Inter-national investment position (External Sector) |
Coverage: While the SDDS prescribes the dissemination of data on the international investment position, it recognizes that this is a new framework and that, at present, only a few countries compile it. Accordingly, subscribers have until the end of the year 2001 to compile and disseminate IIP data. The standard calls for the IIP to be compiled in accordance with the fifth edition of the IMF's BoP Manual. Assets and liabilities should be classified into direct investment; portfolio investment, showing a breakdown into equity and debt; other investment; and reserves (assets only). A breakdown of liabilities in the form of securities and loans, within portfolio and other investment, by currency of issue and by original maturity (e.g., short-, medium-, and long-term) is encouraged in situations where analysis of a country's debt is highly desirable. Periodicity: Annual (quarterly encouraged). Timeliness: Two quarters (one quarter encouraged). |
Data are disseminated in crores of rupees (1 crore = 10 million) on government assets/liabilities and private sector liabilities. The data are obtained from annual surveys which relate to foreign investment stock. The annual surveys do not cover the foreign assets of the corporate and banking sectors. Liabilities covered include nonresident holdings of shares and debentures, retained earnings attributable to nonresident shareholders, outstanding external loans and credits, balances in nonresident deposits, outstanding loans of the government of India, liabilities of the insurance sector, and short-term liabilities. Assets include investment in foreign government securities, loans and advances extended to foreign governments by the Government of India, subscription to the capital stock of international institutions, outstanding export credits, and short-term assets. The data are based on the fiscal year which begins on April 1 and ends on March 31. Periodicity: Annual Timeliness: Approximately three years after the end of the reference year. Annual IIP data for the components prescribed by the SDDS that have been compiled in accordance with the recommendations of the fifth edition of the IMF's "Balance of Payments Manual", and that meet the timeliness requirements of the SDDS, will be disseminated no later than September 30, 2002 (that is, six months after the end of the 2001/2002 fiscal year which ends on March 31, 2002). |
Transition period to disseminate data on International Investment Position (IIP) ends on December 31, 2000. Data as on March 31, 2002 will have to be disseminated by September 30, 2002. Immediate steps should be taken so that information on this data category is disseminated in time. |
18.Exchange rates (External Sector) |
Coverage: The standard calls for the dissemination of spot market exchange rates for major currencies with respect to the national currency. Dissemination of three- and six-month forward market rates is prescribed as relevant. Periodicity: Daily Timeliness: Given that data are widely available from private sources, timeliness is not specified to allow the disseminating agency flexibility to incorporate the data into another (preferably high-frequency) product. |
Coverage: Data are disseminated on
These market rates are determined by averaging the rates quoted by the major banks involved in foreign exchange operations. Both the buying and selling rates are published. Periodicity: Daily Timeliness: Within two weeks after the end of the reference date. |
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19.Population (Addendum) |
Coverage: The standard prescribes population because of its usefulness as a scaling factor, e.g., in GDP per capita. This category refers to the total size of the population. No component detail is prescribed, but dissemination of distributions such as by age and sex is encouraged. Periodicity: Annual Timeliness: Timeliness is not specified, but the standard implies that data should be disseminated with an annual periodicity and on a regular basis. |
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20.Summery Methodology |
In addition to the metadata base pages that describe the data disseminated under the SDDS, subscribers are required to provide summary methodology statements that describe the statistical compilation practices for each data series in some detail. These statements contain information that users may access to determine if the data disseminated are of sufficient quality for their purposes. The summary methodology requires descriptions on the following:
Other Aspects. |
India has posted summary methodology under the data category Producer prices in the Real sector only. As has been informed by India in its metadata in the DSBB, summary methodologies are under development in respect of other data categories and would be posted as they become available. In respect of these data categories India has mentioned in their DSBB about the publication in which information on methodology, concepts etc. are available. |
It is suggested to post summary methodologies on all the data categories. |