Annual Credit Plans - Potential Linked Plan (PLPs) prepared by NABARD - আরবিআই - Reserve Bank of India
Annual Credit Plans - Potential Linked Plan (PLPs) prepared by NABARD
RBI/2013-14/520 March 14, 2014 The Chairmen and Managing Directors Dear Sir, Annual Credit Plans – Potential Linked Plan (PLPs) prepared by NABARD Please refer to the circular RPCD.CO.LBS. (SAA) BC.No.93/08.01.00/2004-05 dated April 11, 2005 advising all scheduled commercial banks including Regional Rural Banks that a pre-PLP meeting may be convened by Lead District Manager during August /September to be attended by the banks, Government agencies etc. 2. In this connection, NABARD has requested to consider advising LDMs to hold the pre-PLP meeting in the month of June every year as PLPs are now finalized by August every year. The matter has been examined and it has been decided that henceforth the pre-PLP meeting may be convened by LDMs during June every year. Accordingly, Lead Banks may ensure that pre-PLP meetings may be convened by LDMs during June every year. Yours faithfully, (A. Udgata) |