Minimum Standards for a Currency Chest - আরবিআই - Reserve Bank of India
Minimum Standards for a Currency Chest
RBI/2018-19/166 April 08, 2019 Chairman/Managing Director/ Madam/Sir, Minimum Standards for a Currency Chest As stated in para 15 of the monetary policy statement dated October 04, 2016, the Bank had constituted a Committee on Currency Movement (CCM) [Chair: Shri D.K. Mohanty, Executive Director]. The Committee, inter-alia, recommended that the Reserve Bank should encourage banks to open large Currency Chests (CCs) with modern facilities and Chest Balance Limit (CBL) of at least ₹ 10 billion. Accordingly, it has been decided to have the following minimum standards for setting up new CCs:
2. Banks desirous of setting up CCs shall ensure that the above mentioned minimum standards are conformed to. 3. All other instructions regarding opening of CCs shall remain unchanged. Yours faithfully, (Sanjay Kumar) |