Reporting of Information on Investment in Commercial Papers and Unhedged Foreign Currency Exposures of the Borrowers to Credit Information Companies - আরবিআই - Reserve Bank of India
Reporting of Information on Investment in Commercial Papers and Unhedged Foreign Currency Exposures of the Borrowers to Credit Information Companies
RBI/2015-16/432 June 23, 2016 All Scheduled Commercial Banks Dear Sir / Madam Reporting of Information on Investment in Commercial Papers and Unhedged Foreign Currency Exposures of the Borrowers to Credit Information Companies Please refer to our circular DBOD.No.CID.BC.127/20.16.056/2013-14 dated June 27, 2014 advising banks to implement certain recommendations of the Committee to Recommend Data Format for Furnishing of Credit Information to Credit Information Companies (Chairman: Shri Aditya Puri) constituted by the Reserve Bank of India (RBI). 2. The recommendations that remain to be implemented relate to reporting of information concerning (i) investment of banks and All India Financial Institutions (AIFIs) in Commercial Papers (CPs) - Recommendation No.8.6, and (ii) Unhedged Foreign Currency Exposures (UFCE) of borrowers of banks and AIFIs - Recommendation No.8.14. The feasibility and operationalization of the collection and dissemination of information relating to these two items were examined in depth by the Technical Group on Credit Information set up by RBI and coordinated by CIBIL1. It has been decided to capture the information on CPs and UFCE taking into account the inputs provided by the Technical Group. 3. The information on CPs issued by the companies shall be reported on a monthly basis to all the four credit information companies (CICs) by the bank which has been designated as the Issuing and Payment Agent (IPA) for the particular CP issue. However, if there are multiple IPAs for a single CP issue, they shall report to the CICs the details pertaining to the portion of the issue which is with them. This information shall be reported in the Commercial Data format in the fields given in the Annex. The IPA shall also report any default in the redemption of the relevant CP issue. It is clarified that the investing credit institutions need not report the information on CPs to the CICs. 4. The information regarding UFCE of individual borrowers shall be reported on a quarterly basis to all the four CICs by the lending bank (in the case of solo lenders) /consortium leader (in the case of consortium arrangements)/largest lender (in the case of multiple lending arrangements). This information shall be reported in the Credit Facility (CR) Segment of Commercial Data format in the fields given in the Annex. 5. The reporting requirements set out above shall be effective from July 1, 2016 i.e. from the credit information reports showing the position for the month of June 2016. 6. These instructions are being issued under sub-section (1) of Section 11 of Credit Information Companies (Regulation) Act, 2005. Yours faithfully (Rajinder Kumar) Format for reporting information on investment in Commercial Papers and
1 Technical Group on Credit Information coordinated by CIBIL was set up by RBI based on recommendations of Aditya Puri Committee on Data Format for Furnishing of Credit Information to Credit Information Companies to review and suggest improvements to data formats. It has representation from all categories of banks, IBA, NBFCs and the CICs. |