Substitution of term Micro and Small Enterprises in place of SSI in the documents - আরবিআই - Reserve Bank of India
Substitution of term Micro and Small Enterprises in place of SSI in the documents
RBI/2011-12/143 August 3, 2011 The Chairman/Managing Director/ All Scheduled Commercial Banks Dear Sir Substitution of term Micro and Small Enterprises in place of SSI in the documents Copies of the notification No.S.O.1642 (E) dated September 29, 2006 issued by the Ministry of Small Scale Industries and S.O.563 (E) dated February 27, 2009 issued by Ministry of Commerce and Industry regarding substitution of term 'Micro and Small Enterprises' in place of the term 'Small Scale Industries' are enclosed. Kindly ensure that your internal guidelines / instructions are compliant with these notifications. 2. You are requested to issue suitable instructions to your branches / controlling offices. 3. Kindly acknowledge receipt. Yours faithfully (C.D. Srinivasan) Encl: as above |