Withdrawal of Obsolete Regulatory Circulars/ Instructions - Interim Recommendations of the Regulations Review Authority 2.0 - আরবিআই - Reserve Bank of India
Withdrawal of Obsolete Regulatory Circulars/ Instructions - Interim Recommendations of the Regulations Review Authority 2.0
RBI/2021-22/131 November 16, 2021 The Chairman / Managing Director Madam / Dear Sir, Withdrawal of Obsolete Regulatory Circulars/ Instructions - Interim Recommendations of the Regulations Review Authority 2.0 Please refer to the Press Release on Interim Recommendations of the Regulations Review Authority (RRA) 2.0 dated November 16, 2021. 2. A comprehensive review of the circulars issued by the Department of Currency Management was undertaken as part of the rationalisation exercise under RRA 2.0 and as per recommendations of the RRA, the regulatory instructions / circulars listed in the Annex stand withdrawn with immediate effect. Yours faithfully, (Suman Ray) Encl: As above List of Circulars withdrawn with effect from November 16, 2021