List of Select Abbreviations - আরবিআই - Reserve Bank of India
এই তারিখে প্রকাশিত ডিসেম্বর 21, 2017
List of Select Abbreviations
AA | Account Aggregator |
AACS | As Applicable to Co-operative Societies |
ADR | American Depository Receipt |
AE | Advanced Economy |
AEPS | Aadhaar-Enabled Payment System |
AFC | Asset Finance Company |
AIC | Akaike Information Criteria |
AIFI | All India Financial Institution |
ALM | Asset Liability Management |
AMC | Asset Management Company |
AML / CFT | Anti-Money Laundering/ Combating the Financing of Terrorism |
ANBC | Adjusted Net Bank Credit |
AQR | Asset Quality Review |
ARC | Asset Reconstruction Company |
ATM | Automated Teller Machine |
BC | Business Correspondent |
BCBS | Basel Committee on Banking Supervision |
BCP | Business Continuity Planning |
BCSBI | Banking Codes and Standards Board of India |
BFS | Board for Financial Supervision |
BHIM | Bharat Interface for Money |
BIRD | Bankers’ Institute of Rural Development |
BIS | Bank for International Settlements |
BO | Banking Ombudsman |
BoE-CCS | Bank of England’s Credit Condition Survey |
BRICS | Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa |
BSBDA | Basic Savings Bank Deposit Account |
BSE | Bombay Stock Exchange |
CAMELS | Capital Adequacy, Asset Quality, Management, Earnings, Liquidity, and Systems and Control |
CAP | Corrective Action Plan |
CAR | Capital to Assets Ratio |
CARE | Credit Analysis and Research Limited |
CASA | Current Account and Savings Account |
CBR | Correspondent Banking Relationship |
CBS | Core Banking Solution |
CCB | Capital Conservation Buffer |
CCC | Certified Credit Counsellor |
CCCB | Counter-Cyclical Capital Buffer |
CCP | Central Counterparty |
CD | Certificate of Deposit |
C-D Ratio | Credit to Deposit Ratio |
CDIC | Canada Deposit Insurance Corporation |
CDS | Credit Default Swap |
CEPC | Consumer Education and Protection Cell |
CET1 | Common Equity Tier-1 |
CIC | Core Investment Company |
CMB | Cash Management Bill |
CMS | Complaint Management System |
CoR | Certificate of Registration |
CP | Commercial Paper |
CPI | Consumer Price Index |
CRAR | Capital to Risk-Weighted Assets Ratio |
CRILC | Central Repository of Information on Large Credits |
CRISIL | Credit Rating Information Services of India Limited |
CRR | Cash Reserve Ratio |
DCCB | District Central Co-operative Bank |
DE | Designated Entity |
DICGC | Deposit Insurance and Credit Guarantee Corporation |
DNFBP | Designated Non-Financial Business and Profession |
DRT | Debt Recovery Tribunal |
DSR | Debt Service Ratio |
DSTI | Debt-Service-to-Income |
DTI | Debt-to-Income |
EBPT | Earning Before Provisions and Taxes |
ECL | Expected Credit Loss |
ECS | Electronic Clearance Service |
EMDE | Emerging Market and Developing Economy |
EFD | Enforcement Department |
EME | Emerging Market Economy |
EoL | Exchange of Letter |
ESDC | European Sovereign Debt Crisis |
EURIBOR | Euro Interbank Offered Rate |
EXIM Bank | Export Import Bank of India |
FATF | Financial Action Task Force |
FB | Foreign Bank |
FC | Financial Conglomerate |
FCCB | Foreign Currency Convertible Bond |
FCNR(B) | Foreign Currency Non-Resident (Bank) |
FI | Financial Institution |
FII | Foreign Institutional Investor |
FINCON | Financial Conglomerate Return |
FIP | Financial Inclusion Plan |
FMR | Fraud Monitoring Return |
FOBAPROA | Fonda Bancario de Proteccion al Ahorro |
FPI | Foreign Portfolio Investor |
FPO | Follow-on Public Offer |
FRDI | Financial Resolution and Deposit Insurance |
FSB | Financial Stability Board |
FSI | Financial Stability Institute |
FSLRC | Financial Sector Legislative Reforms Commission |
FSWM | Financially Sound and Well Managed |
GCC | General Credit Card |
GDP | Gross Domestic Product |
GDR | Global Depository Receipt |
GFC | Global Financial Crisis |
GNPA | Gross Non-Performing Asset |
G-secs | Government Securities |
G-SIB | Global Systemically Important Bank |
G-SII | Global Systemically Important Insurer |
GST | Goods and Services Tax |
HFC | Housing Finance Company |
HKMA | Hong Kong Monetary Authority |
HP | Hodrick-Prescott |
HQ | Hannan-Quinn Information Criterion |
HQLA | High Quality Liquid Assets |
HRM | Human Resource Management |
HTM | Held To Maturity |
IAC | Internal Advisory Committee |
IAIS | International Association of Insurance Supervisors |
IBA | Indian Banks’ Association |
IBBI | Insolvency and Bankruptcy Board of India |
IBC | Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code |
IRB | Interest Rate Benchmark |
IC | Investment Company |
ICAAP | Internal Capital Adequacy Assessment Process |
ICRR | Incremental Cash Reserve Ratio |
ICT | Information and Communications Technology |
IDFC | Infrastructure Development Finance Corporation |
IDF-NBFC | Infrastructure Debt Fund-Non- Banking Financial Company |
IFC | Infrastructure Finance Company |
IFRS | International Financial Reporting Standards |
IFSC | Indian Financial System Code |
IMF | International Monetary Fund |
IMPS | Immediate Payment Service |
Ind AS | Indian Accounting Standards |
INFE | International Network on Financial Education |
INFOMERICS | Integrated Financial Omnibus Metrics Research of International Corporate Systems |
InvIT | Infrastructure Investment Trust |
IOSCO | International Organisation of Securities Commissions |
IPDI | Innovative Perpetual Debt Instruments |
IRACP | Income Recognition, Asset Classification and Provisioning |
IRDA | Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority |
IRF | Inter Regulatory Forum |
IRISc | Integrated Risk and Impact Scoring (Model) |
IRRBB | Interest Rate Risk in the Banking Book |
ISS | Interest Subvention Scheme |
IT | Information Technology |
JLF | Joint Lenders’ Forum |
JLG | Joint Liability Group |
JStCB | Jharkhand State Co-operative Bank |
KA | Key Attribute |
KAMCO | Korean Asset Management Company |
KCC | Kisan Credit Card |
KYC | Know Your Customer |
LAB | Local Area Bank |
LAF | Liquidity Adjustment Facility |
LBS | Locational Banking Statistics |
LC | Loan Company |
LCR | Liquidity Coverage Ratio |
LE | Large Exposures |
LIBOR | London Inter-bank Offered Rate |
LIC | Life Insurance Corporation of India |
LOLR | Lender-of-Last-Resort |
LR | Likelihood Ratio |
LTD | Long-Term (Subordinated) Deposit |
LTRCF | Long Term Rural Credit Fund |
LTV | Loan-to-Value |
MCLR | Marginal Cost of Funds based Lending Rate |
MFI | Micro-Finance Institution |
MGC | Mortgage Guarantee Company |
MIS | Management Information System |
MMF | Money Market Fund |
MOSPI | Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation |
MoU | Memorandum of Understanding |
MPC | Monetary Policy Committee |
MPR | Monetary Policy Report |
MSC | Multi Service Centre |
MSE | Micro and Small Enterprise |
MSME | Micro, Small and Medium Enterprise |
MSS | Market Stabilisation Scheme |
NABARD | National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development |
NACH | National Automated Clearing House |
NAFSCOB | National Federation of State Co-operative Banks Ltd. |
NAMCABS | National Mission for Capacity Building of Bankers for Financing the MSME Sector |
NAV | Net Asset Value |
NBFC | Non-Banking Financial Company |
NBFC-AA | Non-Banking Financial Company – Account Aggregator |
NBFC-D | Non-Banking Financial Company – Deposit-taking |
NBFC-IFC | Non-Banking Financial Company – Infrastructure Finance Company |
NBFC-MFI | Non-Banking Financial Company – Micro Finance Institution |
NBFC-ND | Non-Banking Financial Company – Non-Deposit taking |
NBFC-ND-SI | Non-Deposit taking Systemically Important Non-Banking Financial Company |
NBFC-P2P | Non-Banking Financial Company – Peer to Peer Lending Platform |
NBFE | Non-Banking Financial Entity |
NBFI | Non-Banking Financial Institution |
NBNI G-SIFI | Non-Bank Non-Insurer Global Systemically Important Financial Institution |
NCLAT | National Company Law Appellate Tribunal |
NCLT | National Company Law Tribunal |
NDS-OM | Negotiated Dealing System – Order Matching System |
NDTL | Net Demand and Time Liabilities |
NEDFi | North Eastern Development Finance Corporation Ltd. |
NEFT | National Electronic Funds Transfer |
NHB | National Housing Bank |
NII | Net Interest Income |
NIM | Net Interest Margin |
NNPA | Net Non-Performing Asset |
NOF | Net Owned Fund |
NPA | Non-Performing Asset |
NPCI | National Payments Corporation of India |
NPL | Non-Performing Loan |
NPS | National Pension System |
NRA | National Risk Assessment |
NRE | Non-Resident External Rupee |
NRI | Non-Resident Indian |
NRLM | National Rural Livelihoods Mission |
NRNR | Non-Resident Non-Repatriable |
NRO | Non-Resident Ordinary |
NSCB | Non-Scheduled Co-operative Bank |
NSE | National Stock Exchange |
NSFR | Net Stable Funding Ratio |
NSUCB | Non-Scheduled Urban Co-operative Bank |
NULM | National Urban Livelihoods Mission |
OBE | Off-Balance Sheet Exposure |
OC | Overseeing Committee |
OD | Overdraft |
OECD | Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development |
OSFI | Office of the Superintendent of Financial Institutions |
OTC | Over-the-Counter |
OTP | One-Time Password |
P2P | Peer-to-Peer |
PACS | Primary Agricultural Credit Societies |
PAT | Profit After Tax |
PB | Payments Bank |
PBT | Profit Before Tax |
PCA | Prompt Corrective Action |
PCARDB | Primary Co-operative Agriculture and Rural Development Bank |
PCE | Partial Credit Enhancement |
PCFC | Pre-Shipment Credit in Foreign Currency |
PCR | Provision Coverage Ratio |
PD | Primary Dealer |
PDI | Perpetual Debt Instruments |
PFRDA | Pension Fund Regulatory and Development Authority |
PIF | Pro-active Intervention Framework |
PLR | Prime Lending Rate |
PMJDY | Pradhan Mantri Jan Dhan Yojana |
PNCPS | Perpetual Non-Cumulative Preference Shares |
PoS | Point of Sale |
PP | Phillips-Perron |
PPI | Pre-paid Payment Instrument |
PR | Principal Regulator |
PRA | Prudential Regulatory Authority |
PSB | Public Sector Bank |
PSL | Priority Sector Lending |
PSLC | Priority Sector Lending Certificate |
PVA | Prudent Valuation Adjustment |
PVB | Private Sector Bank |
QIP | Qualified Institutional Placement |
QR | Quick Response |
RBI | Reserve Bank of India |
RC | Resolution Corporation |
RCS | Registrar of Co-operative Societies |
RE | Regulated Entities |
ReBIT | Reserve Bank Information Technology Private Limited |
REITs | Real Estate Investment Trust |
RFR | Risk-Free Reference Rate |
RHS | Right Hand Scale |
RNBC | Residuary Non-Banking Company |
RoA | Return on Asset |
RoE | Return on Equity |
RRB | Regional Rural Bank |
RTGS | Real Time Gross Settlement |
S4A | Scheme for Sustainable Structuring of Stressed Assets |
SA-CCR | Standardised Approach for Measuring Counterparty Credit Risk |
SARFAESI | Securitisation and Reconstruction of Financial Assets and Enforcement of Security Interest |
SBN | Specified Bank Note |
SC | Sub-committee |
SC / RC | Securitisation Company/ Reconstruction Company |
SCA | Statutory Central Auditor |
SCARDB | State Co-operative Agriculture and Rural Development Bank |
SCB | Scheduled Commercial Bank |
SDR | Strategic Debt Restructuring |
SEBI | Securities and Exchange Board of India |
SFB | Small Finance Bank |
SFC | State Financial Corporation |
SGSY | Swarnajayanti Gram Swarojgar Yojana |
SHG | Self-Help Group |
SIB | Systemically Important Bank |
SIDBI | Small Industries Development Bank of India |
SLR | Statutory Liquidity Ratio |
SMA | Special Mention Account |
SME | Small and Medium Enterprise |
SMERA | Small and Medium Enterprises Ratings Agency |
SMF | Small and Marginal Farmer |
SoC | Statement of Co-operation |
SPARC | Supervisory Program for Assessment of Risk and Capital |
SPD | Standalone Primary Dealer |
SPV | Special Purpose Vehicle |
SR | Security Receipt |
StCB | State Co-operative Bank |
STCCS | Short-Term Co-operative Credit Structure |
ST-SAO | Short-Term (Seasonal Agricultural Operations) |
SUCB | Scheduled Urban Co-operative Bank |
TAICO Bank | Tamil Nadu Industrial Co-operative Bank Ltd. |
T-Bills | Treasury Bills |
TBTF | Too-Big-to-Fail |
TIBOR | Tokyo Interbank Offered Rate |
TLAC | Total Loss-Absorbing Capacity |
TR | Trade Repository |
TReDS | Trade Receivables Discounting System |
UCB | Urban Co-operative Bank |
UPI | Unified Payment Interface |
VAR | Vector Auto Regression |
VCF | Venture Capital Fund |
WAC | Weighted Average Cost |
WACR | Weighted Average Call Money Rate |
WALR | Weighted Average Lending Rate |
WAM | Weighted Average Maturity |
WGRR | Working Group on Resolution Regimes |
WLA | White Label ATM |
WLTF | Wholesale and Long-Term Finance |
XBRL | eXtensible Business Reporting Language |
y-o-y | Year-on-Year |
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