Mitigating Spillovers and Contagion Lessons from the Global Financial Crisis - আরবিআই - Reserve Bank of India
Mitigating Spillovers and Contagion Lessons from the Global Financial Crisis
Dr. D. Subbarao, Governor, Reserve Bank of India
delivered-on ডিসেম্বর 04, 2008
1. On behalf of the Reserve Bank of India, it is my pleasure and privilege to welcome all of you international delegates to India, to this wonderful city of Hyderabad, and to this RBI-BIS Seminar on "Mitigating Spillovers and Contagion - Lessons from the Global Financial Crisis". Emerging Economies Impact of the Crisis on India 8. No revolution in human history has been totally benign. So, it is the case with globalisation; globalisation comes with costs and benefits. Managing globalisation requires that we minimize the costs and maximize the benefits. India has undoubtedly benefited from integrating into the world. By corollary, we also need to manage the downside ramifications of integrating into the world, as indeed evidenced by the current context. 9. The Indian banking system is not directly exposed to the sub-prime mortgage assets. It has very limited indirect exposure to the US mortgage market, or to the failed institutions or stressed assets. Indian banks, both in the public sector and in the private sector, are financially sound, well capitalised and well regulated. Even so, India is experiencing the knock-on effects of the global crisis, through the monetary, financial and real channels. Our financial markets – equity markets, money markets, forex markets and credit markets – have all come under pressure mainly because of what we have begun to call 'the substitution effect'. As credit lines and credit channels overseas went dry, some of the credit demand earlier met by overseas financing is shifting to the domestic credit sector, putting pressure on domestic resources. The reversal of capital flows taking place as part of the global de-leveraging process has put pressure on our forex markets. Together, the global credit crunch and de-leveraging were reflected at home in the sharp fluctuation in the overnight money market rates in October 2008 and the depreciation of the rupee. 10. The outlook for India, going forward, is mixed. There is evidence of economic activity slowing down. At the same time, headline inflation, as measured by the wholesale price index, has fallen sharply, and the decline has been sustained for the past three weeks, pointing to a faster than expected reduction in inflation. Clearly, falling commodity prices have been the key drivers behind the disinflation; however, some contribution has also come from slowing domestic demand. To be sure, consumer price inflation for the months of September and October did increase. This is possibly owing to the firm trend in food articles inflation and the higher weight of food articles in measures of consumer price inflation. Historically there has been a correlation between wholesale and consumer price inflation, and given this correlation, consumer price inflation too can be expected to soften in the months ahead. 11. The Reserve Bank's monetary policy stance has always been to balance growth, inflation and financial stability concerns. When inflation surged earlier this year, the RBI had moved quickly to tighten policy. Then again, reflecting the unfolding global situation and expectation of decline in inflation, RBI has adjusted its monetary stance over the last couple of months. The endeavour of our monetary stance has been to manage liquidity – both domestic and forex liquidity – and to ensure that credit continues to flow for productive activities. 12. I do not intend to go into a detailed cataloguing of all the measures we have taken, but I do want to mention that we have instituted both aggregate measures as well as sector specific measures. Although, we remain vulnerable to global financial and economic developments, the measures taken so far have eased the liquidity and credit flow situations considerably. I must also add that in managing the impact of the global crisis, we have been mindful that no policy initiative is totally costless. Managing this delicate balance between costs and benefits has been one of our challenges. 13. Going forward, developments in the real economy, financial markets and global commodity prices point to a period of moderation in growth with declining inflation. The fundamentals of our economy continue to be strong. Once calm and confidence are restored in the global markets, economic activity in India will recover sharply. But a period of painful adjustment is inevitable. 14. The Reserve Bank's policy endeavour will be to ensure an orderly adjustment, and to minimise the pain of its impact. In particular, we will try to maintain a comfortable liquidity position, see that the weighted average overnight money market rate is maintained within the repo-reverse repo corridor and ensure conditions conducive for flow of credit to productive sectors, particularly the stressed export and small and medium industry sectors. We hope that all economic agents will plan their business activities on the basis of this assurance. Lessons from the Crisis 1st debate: How do we manage global imbalances? 17. However, if only we look a little deeper, we will trace the origins of the crisis to the build up of global imbalances during the 90s and this first decade of this century. There is of course a separate debate on what caused the build up of imbalances? Is it excess consumption of the US, or is it the savings glut in emerging Asia with the US helping out as the `consumer of the last resort'? 18. Be that as it may, there is little disagreement over the mega trends that lead to the imbalances. First, there was the globalisation of labour. Emerging Asia added nearly three billion to the world pool of labour as it integrated into the world through the 90s. What this did was to reduce production costs at the aggregate level and increase Asia's comparative advantage. In a manner of speaking, Asia produced and America consumed. Asian economies ran up huge surpluses on their trade accounts which were mirrored by current account deficits in the US. This geographical savings – consumption imbalance was inherently fragile, but we refused to acknowledge it. Instead, we lulled ourselves into believing that we have entered, what Mervyn King of Bank of England famously called NICE era - `non-inflationary consistently expansionary' era. It is these imbalances that generated easy liquidity and low interest rates which in turn encouraged under-pricing of risk and deterioration in credit quality. 19. So, the debating issue is, can we prevent global imbalances from building up in the future? There is an argument that global imbalances are inevitable given the demographic profile of the world. Emerging economies typically have younger populations with a higher marginal propensity to save. Conversely, advanced countries with ageing populations have a higher marginal propensity to consume. If the demand for, and supply of, savings at the global level is structurally so well matched, how do we prevent a recurrence of global imbalances? 2nd debate: Is self-insurance a viable option for emerging economies? 21. Self-insurance, of course, is not costless, as Subramanian himself argues. Reserves should ideally be built through current account surpluses. This implies greater reliance on the external sector, particularly exports. But such reliance on exports can become a liability if export demand shrinks which can happen for reasons exogenous to the emerging economy. There is obviously a trade off here. Self-insurance, as defined by reserve build up through aggressive exports, offers protection against financial contagion, but it also makes the economy vulnerable to trade contagion. How do we balance this trade off between vulnerability to financial contagion and vulnerability to trade contagion? 22. Another relevant issue is that self-insurance may not be necessary, indeed may be redundant, if international collective arrangements - regional or multilateral – can provide easy, quick and unconditional liquidity during a crisis. For example, the motivation for self-insurance will be less compelling if the recently instituted IMF's Short-term Liquidity Facility for Market Access Countries or the swap facility offered to select countries by the US Federal Reserve become more common and can be accessed with relatively low transaction costs. 23. So, the second debating issue I want to raise is the following: "Is self-insurance a viable policy option for emerging economies?" 3rd debate: How do we reform financial sector regulation? 25. The burden of all the above questions is to identify the drawbacks in the present regulatory regimes and indicate possible solutions. There is no doubt that we must pursue all these questions. In doing so, I would urge that we remember two things. The first thing to remember is that no one size fits all. For example, universal banking may be good in some countries and in some situations, and not so in others. The second thing to remember is that some regulations arguably have been behind the curve. There is no denying that regulations have to keep pace with innovations. But in doing so, we must be mindful of the risks of over tightening regulations so much that they stifle innovation. 26. While on the subject of reforming regulation, there is also the larger question of risk modelling. True, the probability of risk follows a normal distribution – popularly called the bell curve. But our regulatory regimes have been tailored to respond to the central, higher probability portion of the bell curve. Typically, we ignored the black swan lying in the long tail of the curve. We now know from the benefit of hindsight that this was a fatal flaw. The black swan represents the low probability, high risk events that pose systemic risk. While our regulatory regimes were tailored to address institutional failures, they were not equipped to address systemic failures. 27. So, the issues for debate are the following. What are the flaws of the current regulatory regimes? How do we fix them? In what ways can international cooperation be fostered in this regard? How do we address the black swan systemic risk events? 4th debate: How do we address regulatory arbitrage? 29. So, the question for debate is, how do we address the problem of regulatory arbitrage? 5th debate: How do we keep the financial sector in line with the real sector? 31. Forgotten in the euphoria of financial alchemy is the basic tenet that the financial sector has no standing of its own; it derives its strength and resilience from the real economy. It is the real sector that should drive the financial sector, not the other way round. 32. So, the issue for debate is, how do we keep the financial sector in line with the real sector? Summary and Conclusion
ii) Is self-insurance a viable option for emerging economies? iii) How do we reform financial sector regulation? iv) How do we address regulatory arbitrage? v) How do we keep the financial sector in line with the real sector? 34. I am aware that there are several other important issues beyond what I have raised. I hope and trust that we will have an opportunity to discuss all these issues. I wish you all a rewarding learning experience over the next two days. Speech delivered by Dr. D. Subbarao, Governor, Reserve Bank of India at the RBI-BIS Seminar on "Mitigating Spillovers and Contagion – Lessons from the Global Financial Crisis" at Hyderabad on December 4, 2008. |