THE BANKING OMBUDSMAN SCHEME 2006 - আরবিআই - Reserve Bank of India
Ref.CSD.BOS.No.4736 /13.01.01/2008-09 February 3, 2009 |
In exercise of the powers conferred by Section 35A of the Banking Regulation Act, 1949 (10 of 1949) and in artial modification of its Notification Ref.RPCD.BOS.No.441/13.01.01/2005-06 dated December 26, 2005, and SD.BOS 4638/13.01.01/2006-07 dated May 24, 2007 Reserve Bank of India hereby amends the Banking Ombudsman Scheme 2006 to the extent specified in the Annex hereto. The Reserve Bank hereby directs that all commercial banks, regional rural banks and scheduled primary co-operative banks shall comply with the Banking Ombudsman cheme, 2006 as amended hereby. 2. The amendments in the Scheme shall come into force from February 3, 2009 |
(Usha Thorat)
Amendments to the Banking Ombudsman Scheme, 2006
1. In the Banking Ombudsman Scheme, 2006 (hereinafter referred to as the ‘principal scheme’, sub paragraph (1) of paragraph 8 shall be substituted by the following, namely, -
2. In the principal scheme, clauses (g) and (j) in sub paragraph (1) of paragraph 8 shall be omitted. 3. In the principal scheme, sub paragraph (1) of paragraph 8 after clause (r), the following clauses (s) & (t) shall be inserted: - |
4. In the principal scheme, Clauses (d) and (e) in sub paragraph (2) of paragraph 8, the following shall be substituted: -
5. In the principal scheme, the existing clause (d) in sub paragraph (2) of paragraph 8 may be renumbered as clause (f); 6. In the principal scheme, the proviso to sub paragraph (1) of paragraph 9, the following shall be substituted: - |
7. In the principal scheme, clauses (c) and (d) of sub paragraph (3) of paragraph 9, the following shall be substituted: - |
8. In the principal scheme, sub paragraph (4) of paragraph 12, the following shall be substituted -
9. In the principal scheme, clause (6) of sub paragraph (1) of paragraph 12, the following shall be substituted - |
10. In the principal scheme, in the place of paragraph 13, the following shall be substituted |
11. In the principal scheme, sub paragraph (1) of paragraph 14, in the place of words 'clauses (c) to (g)' 'clauses (d) |
13. In the principal scheme, Annex `A' shall be substituted as follows: - |
Annex ‘A’
To: Place of BO’s office…………………………..) Dear Sir, Sub: Complaint against …………………….(Name of the bank’s branch) of …………………………………………………………………………………(Name of the Bank) |
Details of the complaint are as under: |
1. Name of the Complainant ………………….. 2. Full Address of the Complainant …………………… |
3. Complaint against (Name and full |
4. Particulars of Bank or Credit card Account (If any) |
5. (a) Date of representation already made by the complainant to the bank (b) Whether any reminder was sent by the complainant? YES/NO |
6. Subject matter of the complaint (Please refer to Clause 8 of the Scheme) |
7. Details of the complaint: |
8. Whether any reply (Within a period of one month after the bank concerned received the representation) has been received from the bank? Yes/ No |
9. Nature of Relief sought from the Banking Ombudsman
………………………………………………………………………………................. (Please enclose a copy of documentary proof, if any, in support of your claim) |
10. Nature and extent of monetary loss, if any, claimed by the complainant by way of compensation Rs.………………. |
11. List of documents enclosed: |
Yours faithfully,
(Signature of Complainant)
NOMINATION – (If the complainant wants to nominate his representative to appear and make submissions on his behalf before the Banking Ombudsman or to the Office of the Banking Ombudsman, the following declaration should be submitted.)
I/We the above named complainant/s hereby nominate Shri/Smt………………………………………….. who is not an Advocate and whose address is |
(Signature of Representative)
(Signature of Complainant)
Note: If submitted online, the complaint need not be signed.
1. As amended vide latest notification