Notifications - Banker to Governments and Banks - আরবিআই - Reserve Bank of India
মার্চ 24, 2009
Special Measures for Annual Closing of Government Accounts
TOP PRIORITY RBI/2008-09/416 DGBA.GAD.No.H- 8293 /42.01.029/2008-09 March 24, 2009 @@NBSP@@ The Chairman & Managing Director / Managing Director State Bank of India and its Associate Banks / All Public Sector Banks / IDBI Bank / HDFC Bank Ltd. / ICICI Bank Ltd. / Axis Bank Ltd. / Jammu & Kashmir Bank Ltd. @@NBSP@@ Dear Sir, @@NBSP@@ Annual Closing of Government Accounts - Transactions of Central/State Governments - Special Measures for the Current Financial Ye
TOP PRIORITY RBI/2008-09/416 DGBA.GAD.No.H- 8293 /42.01.029/2008-09 March 24, 2009 @@NBSP@@ The Chairman & Managing Director / Managing Director State Bank of India and its Associate Banks / All Public Sector Banks / IDBI Bank / HDFC Bank Ltd. / ICICI Bank Ltd. / Axis Bank Ltd. / Jammu & Kashmir Bank Ltd. @@NBSP@@ Dear Sir, @@NBSP@@ Annual Closing of Government Accounts - Transactions of Central/State Governments - Special Measures for the Current Financial Ye
মার্চ 24, 2009
Repayment of 8 % Savings (Taxable) Bonds, 2003
RBI No. 2008-2009/417 Ref DGBA.CDD No. H- @@NBSP@@8217 / 13.04.137 / 2008 - 09 @@NBSP@@ March@@NBSP@@ 24, 2009 Chaitra @@NBSP@@03, 1931 (Saka) @@NBSP@@ The General Manager State Bank of India and Associate Banks and 17 Nationalised Banks Axis Bank Ltd / ICICI Bank Ltd / IDBI Bank Ltd / HDFC Bank Ltd & Stock Holding Corporation of India Ltd @@NBSP@@ Dear Sir, @@NBSP@@ Repayment of 8 % Savings (Taxable) Bonds, 2003 @@NBSP@@ Please refer to our Loan Circular CO.DT. 1
RBI No. 2008-2009/417 Ref DGBA.CDD No. H- @@NBSP@@8217 / 13.04.137 / 2008 - 09 @@NBSP@@ March@@NBSP@@ 24, 2009 Chaitra @@NBSP@@03, 1931 (Saka) @@NBSP@@ The General Manager State Bank of India and Associate Banks and 17 Nationalised Banks Axis Bank Ltd / ICICI Bank Ltd / IDBI Bank Ltd / HDFC Bank Ltd & Stock Holding Corporation of India Ltd @@NBSP@@ Dear Sir, @@NBSP@@ Repayment of 8 % Savings (Taxable) Bonds, 2003 @@NBSP@@ Please refer to our Loan Circular CO.DT. 1
অক্টোবর 24, 2008
Relief/Savings Bonds - Rights of Customers
RBI/2008-09/249 Ref DGBA.CDD No H – 3854 / 13.01.299 / 2008-09 October 24, 2008 Kartika 2, 1930 (S) The General Manager State Bank of India and Associate Banks 17 Nationalised Banks The Managing Director Axis Bank Ltd / HDFC Bank Ltd / ICICI Bank Ltd / IDBI Bank Ltd and SHCIL Dear Sir, Relief/Savings Bonds – Rights of Customers Please refer to our Circular No RBI / 2004 / 181 (Ref No DGBA.CO.DT. No. 13.01.299 / H-6252./ 2003-04) dated April 22, 2004 wherein Agency Ban
RBI/2008-09/249 Ref DGBA.CDD No H – 3854 / 13.01.299 / 2008-09 October 24, 2008 Kartika 2, 1930 (S) The General Manager State Bank of India and Associate Banks 17 Nationalised Banks The Managing Director Axis Bank Ltd / HDFC Bank Ltd / ICICI Bank Ltd / IDBI Bank Ltd and SHCIL Dear Sir, Relief/Savings Bonds – Rights of Customers Please refer to our Circular No RBI / 2004 / 181 (Ref No DGBA.CO.DT. No. 13.01.299 / H-6252./ 2003-04) dated April 22, 2004 wherein Agency Ban
সেপ্টেম্বর 17, 2008
Updation of cgt_flg as 'I' in case of e-payment transactions
RBI/2008-09/173 DGBA.GAD. No. H.2528/ 42.01.038 /2008-09 September 17, 2008@@NBSP@@ The Chairman & Managing Director/Managing Director State Bank of India and its Associates/ All Nationalised banks/ Axis Bank Ltd/ HDFC Bank Ltd/ ICICI Bank Ltd/ J&K Bank Ltd. Dear Sir, Updation of cgt_flg as 'I' in case of e-payment transactions As you are aware, as per extant instructions, only one branch which is allotted an exclusive BSR code is the designated branch authori
RBI/2008-09/173 DGBA.GAD. No. H.2528/ 42.01.038 /2008-09 September 17, 2008@@NBSP@@ The Chairman & Managing Director/Managing Director State Bank of India and its Associates/ All Nationalised banks/ Axis Bank Ltd/ HDFC Bank Ltd/ ICICI Bank Ltd/ J&K Bank Ltd. Dear Sir, Updation of cgt_flg as 'I' in case of e-payment transactions As you are aware, as per extant instructions, only one branch which is allotted an exclusive BSR code is the designated branch authori
সেপ্টেম্বর 05, 2008
Data quality in Electronic Accounting system in Central Excise and Service Tax (EASIEST)
RBI/2008-09/165 DGBA.GAD.No. 2286/41.07.006/ 2008-09 September 5, 2008 The Chairman & Managing Director All agency banks (as per list) Dear Sir, Data quality in Electronic Accounting system in Central Excise and Service Tax (EASIEST) Please refer to our circular RBI/2007-08/225 DGBA.GAD.No.H-7633 /41.07.006/ 2007-08 dated January 15, 2008 on the above subject.@@NBSP@@ Point 4 of para 2 thereof deals with situations where the assessee does not have a valid assessee
RBI/2008-09/165 DGBA.GAD.No. 2286/41.07.006/ 2008-09 September 5, 2008 The Chairman & Managing Director All agency banks (as per list) Dear Sir, Data quality in Electronic Accounting system in Central Excise and Service Tax (EASIEST) Please refer to our circular RBI/2007-08/225 DGBA.GAD.No.H-7633 /41.07.006/ 2007-08 dated January 15, 2008 on the above subject.@@NBSP@@ Point 4 of para 2 thereof deals with situations where the assessee does not have a valid assessee
সেপ্টেম্বর 05, 2008
Repayment of 7 % Savings Bonds, 2002
RBI No. 2008-2009 / 156 Ref DGBA.CDD No. H - 2242 / 13.04.137 / 2008 - 09 September 5, 2008 Bhadra 14, 1930 (Saka) The General Manager State Bank of India and Associate Banks and 17 Nationalised Banks Axis Bank Ltd / ICICI Bank Ltd / IDBI Bank Ltd / HDFC Bank Ltd & Stock Holding Corporation of India Ltd Dear Sir, Repayment of 7 % Savings Bonds, 2002 Please refer to our Loan Circular CO.DT. 13.01.289 / H-1043 /2002-03 dated September 6, 2002 regarding issue of 7 %
RBI No. 2008-2009 / 156 Ref DGBA.CDD No. H - 2242 / 13.04.137 / 2008 - 09 September 5, 2008 Bhadra 14, 1930 (Saka) The General Manager State Bank of India and Associate Banks and 17 Nationalised Banks Axis Bank Ltd / ICICI Bank Ltd / IDBI Bank Ltd / HDFC Bank Ltd & Stock Holding Corporation of India Ltd Dear Sir, Repayment of 7 % Savings Bonds, 2002 Please refer to our Loan Circular CO.DT. 13.01.289 / H-1043 /2002-03 dated September 6, 2002 regarding issue of 7 %
সেপ্টেম্বর 02, 2008
7% Savings Bonds 2002, 6.5% Savings Bonds 2003 (Non-taxable) & 8 % Savings (Taxable) Bonds 2003 - nomination facility to joint holders
RBI/2008-09/152 Ref. DGBA.CDD. No. H- 2173 / 13.01.299 / 2008-09 September 2, 2008 Bhadra 11, 1930 (S) The General Manager State Bank of India & Associate Banks 17 Nationalised Banks Axis Bank Ltd / HDFC Bank Ltd / ICICI Bank Ltd / IDBI Bank Ltd & Stock Holding Corporation of India Ltd Dear Sir, 7% Savings Bonds 2002, 6.5% Savings Bonds 2003 (Non-taxable) & 8 % Savings (Taxable) Bonds 2003 - nomination facility to joint holders As you are aware of, in term
RBI/2008-09/152 Ref. DGBA.CDD. No. H- 2173 / 13.01.299 / 2008-09 September 2, 2008 Bhadra 11, 1930 (S) The General Manager State Bank of India & Associate Banks 17 Nationalised Banks Axis Bank Ltd / HDFC Bank Ltd / ICICI Bank Ltd / IDBI Bank Ltd & Stock Holding Corporation of India Ltd Dear Sir, 7% Savings Bonds 2002, 6.5% Savings Bonds 2003 (Non-taxable) & 8 % Savings (Taxable) Bonds 2003 - nomination facility to joint holders As you are aware of, in term
আগস্ট 29, 2008
Refund of deposits from Special Deposit Scheme, 1975
RBI/2008-09/148 DGBA.CDD.H-2090/15.01.001/2008-09 August 29, 2008 The General Manager Government Accounts/Business Department State Bank of India / State Bank of Indore / State Bank of Patiala State Bank of Bikaner & Jaipur / State Bank of Saurashtra / State Bank of Travancore / State Bank of Hyderabad / State Bank of Mysore / Allahabad Bank / Bank of Baroda / Bank of India / Bank of Maharashtra / Canara Bank / Central Bank of India / Corporation Bank / Dena Bank
RBI/2008-09/148 DGBA.CDD.H-2090/15.01.001/2008-09 August 29, 2008 The General Manager Government Accounts/Business Department State Bank of India / State Bank of Indore / State Bank of Patiala State Bank of Bikaner & Jaipur / State Bank of Saurashtra / State Bank of Travancore / State Bank of Hyderabad / State Bank of Mysore / Allahabad Bank / Bank of Baroda / Bank of India / Bank of Maharashtra / Canara Bank / Central Bank of India / Corporation Bank / Dena Bank
আগস্ট 21, 2008
7% Savings Bonds 2002, 6.5% Savings Bonds 2003 (Non-taxable) & 8% Savings (Taxable) Bonds 2003 - Collateral facility
RBI/2008-2009/136Ref. DGBA.CDD. No. H - 1772/13.01.299/2008-09August 21, 2008Shravana 30, 1930 (S)The Chairman and Managing DirectorState Bank of India & Associate Banks17 Nationalised BanksAxis Bank Ltd / HDFC Bank Ltd / ICICI Bank Ltd/ IDBI Bank Ltd &Stock Holding Corporation of India LtdDear Sir,7% Savings Bonds 2002, 6.5% Savings Bonds 2003 (Non-taxable) & 8% Savings (Taxable) Bonds 2003 - Collateral facilityAs you are aware of, in terms of relevant Go
RBI/2008-2009/136Ref. DGBA.CDD. No. H - 1772/13.01.299/2008-09August 21, 2008Shravana 30, 1930 (S)The Chairman and Managing DirectorState Bank of India & Associate Banks17 Nationalised BanksAxis Bank Ltd / HDFC Bank Ltd / ICICI Bank Ltd/ IDBI Bank Ltd &Stock Holding Corporation of India LtdDear Sir,7% Savings Bonds 2002, 6.5% Savings Bonds 2003 (Non-taxable) & 8% Savings (Taxable) Bonds 2003 - Collateral facilityAs you are aware of, in terms of relevant Go
আগস্ট 05, 2008
8% Savings (Taxable) Bonds, 2003 - Income Tax Act, 1961 - TDS
RBI/2008-2009/121Ref. DGBA.CDD. No. H - 1311/13.01.299/2008-09August 5, 2008Shravana 14, 1930 (S)The Chairman and Managing DirectorState Bank of India & Associate Banks17 Nationalised BanksAXIS Bank Ltd / HDFC Bank Ltd / ICICI Bank Ltd / IDBI Bank Ltd / & SHCILDear Sir,8% Savings (Taxable) Bonds, 2003 - Income Tax Act, 1961 - TDS Please refer to our circular No. RBI/2007-08/141 with reference No. DGBA.CDD No. H-3024/13.01.299/2007-08 dated September 19, 2007 c
RBI/2008-2009/121Ref. DGBA.CDD. No. H - 1311/13.01.299/2008-09August 5, 2008Shravana 14, 1930 (S)The Chairman and Managing DirectorState Bank of India & Associate Banks17 Nationalised BanksAXIS Bank Ltd / HDFC Bank Ltd / ICICI Bank Ltd / IDBI Bank Ltd / & SHCILDear Sir,8% Savings (Taxable) Bonds, 2003 - Income Tax Act, 1961 - TDS Please refer to our circular No. RBI/2007-08/141 with reference No. DGBA.CDD No. H-3024/13.01.299/2007-08 dated September 19, 2007 c
পেজের শেষ আপডেট করা তারিখ: মার্চ 17, 2025