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মে 19, 2022
RBI to conduct 14-day Variable Rate Reverse Repo auction under LAF on May 20, 2022
The Reserve Bank of India will conduct a Variable Rate Reverse Repo auction on May 20, 2022, Friday, as under: Sl. No. Notified Amount (₹ crore) Tenor(day) Window Timing Date of Reversal 1 4,00,000 14 10:30 AM to 11:00 AM June 03, 2022 (Friday) 2. The operational guidelines for the auction as given in the Reserve Bank’s Press Release 2019-2020/1947 dated February 13, 2020 will remain the same.(Yogesh Dayal) Chief General ManagerPress Release: 2022-2023/235
The Reserve Bank of India will conduct a Variable Rate Reverse Repo auction on May 20, 2022, Friday, as under: Sl. No. Notified Amount (₹ crore) Tenor(day) Window Timing Date of Reversal 1 4,00,000 14 10:30 AM to 11:00 AM June 03, 2022 (Friday) 2. The operational guidelines for the auction as given in the Reserve Bank’s Press Release 2019-2020/1947 dated February 13, 2020 will remain the same.(Yogesh Dayal) Chief General ManagerPress Release: 2022-2023/235
মে 18, 2022
Money Market Operations as on May 17, 2022
(Amount in ₹ crore, Rate in Per cent) MONEY MARKETS@ Volume (One Leg) Weighted Average Rate Range A. Overnight Segment (I+II+III+IV) 512,162.28 4.05 0.01-6.00 I. Call Money 10,771.36 4.05 2.30-4.30 II. Triparty Repo 390,724.00 4.04 3.70-4.10 III. Market Repo 110,561.92 4.08 0.01-4.25 IV. Repo in Corporate Bond 105.00 6.00 6.00-6.00 B. Term Segment I. Notice Money** 851.05 4.11 2.50-4.35 II. Term Money@@ 205.50 - 3.75-5.00 III. Triparty Repo 0.00 - - IV. Market Repo 61
(Amount in ₹ crore, Rate in Per cent) MONEY MARKETS@ Volume (One Leg) Weighted Average Rate Range A. Overnight Segment (I+II+III+IV) 512,162.28 4.05 0.01-6.00 I. Call Money 10,771.36 4.05 2.30-4.30 II. Triparty Repo 390,724.00 4.04 3.70-4.10 III. Market Repo 110,561.92 4.08 0.01-4.25 IV. Repo in Corporate Bond 105.00 6.00 6.00-6.00 B. Term Segment I. Notice Money** 851.05 4.11 2.50-4.35 II. Term Money@@ 205.50 - 3.75-5.00 III. Triparty Repo 0.00 - - IV. Market Repo 61
মে 17, 2022
Money Market Operations as on May 16, 2022
(Amount in ₹ crore, Rate in Per cent) MONEY MARKETS@ Volume (One Leg) Weighted Average Rate Range A. Overnight Segment (I+II+III+IV) 0.00 - - I. Call Money 0.00 - - II. Triparty Repo 0.00 - - III. Market Repo 0.00 - - IV. Repo in Corporate Bond 0.00 - - B. Term Segment I. Notice Money** 0.00 - - II. Term Money@@ 0.00 - - III. Triparty Repo 0.00 - - IV. Market Repo 0.00 - - V. Repo in Corporate Bond 0.00 - - RBI OPERATIONS@ Auction Date Tenor (Days) Maturity Date Amoun
(Amount in ₹ crore, Rate in Per cent) MONEY MARKETS@ Volume (One Leg) Weighted Average Rate Range A. Overnight Segment (I+II+III+IV) 0.00 - - I. Call Money 0.00 - - II. Triparty Repo 0.00 - - III. Market Repo 0.00 - - IV. Repo in Corporate Bond 0.00 - - B. Term Segment I. Notice Money** 0.00 - - II. Term Money@@ 0.00 - - III. Triparty Repo 0.00 - - IV. Market Repo 0.00 - - V. Repo in Corporate Bond 0.00 - - RBI OPERATIONS@ Auction Date Tenor (Days) Maturity Date Amoun
মে 17, 2022
Money Market Operations as on May 13, 2022
(Amount in ₹ crore, Rate in Per cent) MONEY MARKETS@ Volume (One Leg) Weighted Average Rate Range A. Overnight Segment (I+II+III+IV) 503,276.21 4.04 0.01-5.95 I. Call Money 10,596.39 4.08 2.00-4.30 II. Triparty Repo 354,326.60 4.05 3.85-4.23 III. Market Repo 137,824.22 4.01 0.01-4.25 IV. Repo in Corporate Bond 529.00 4.39 4.30-5.95 B. Term Segment I. Notice Money** 122.15 4.06 3.35-4.25 II. Term Money@@ 585.00 - 4.00-5.30 III. Triparty Repo 0.00 - - IV. Market Repo 0.
(Amount in ₹ crore, Rate in Per cent) MONEY MARKETS@ Volume (One Leg) Weighted Average Rate Range A. Overnight Segment (I+II+III+IV) 503,276.21 4.04 0.01-5.95 I. Call Money 10,596.39 4.08 2.00-4.30 II. Triparty Repo 354,326.60 4.05 3.85-4.23 III. Market Repo 137,824.22 4.01 0.01-4.25 IV. Repo in Corporate Bond 529.00 4.39 4.30-5.95 B. Term Segment I. Notice Money** 122.15 4.06 3.35-4.25 II. Term Money@@ 585.00 - 4.00-5.30 III. Triparty Repo 0.00 - - IV. Market Repo 0.
মে 17, 2022
Result of the 28-day Variable Rate Reverse Repo auction held on May 17, 2022
Tenor 28-day Notified Amount (in ₹ crore) 50,000 Total amount of offers received (in ₹ crore) 33,711 Amount accepted (in ₹ crore) 33,711 Cut off Rate (%) 4.39 Weighted Average Rate (%) 4.38 Partial Acceptance Percentage of offers received at cut off rate NA Rupambara Director (Communications) Press Release: 2022-2023/218
Tenor 28-day Notified Amount (in ₹ crore) 50,000 Total amount of offers received (in ₹ crore) 33,711 Amount accepted (in ₹ crore) 33,711 Cut off Rate (%) 4.39 Weighted Average Rate (%) 4.38 Partial Acceptance Percentage of offers received at cut off rate NA Rupambara Director (Communications) Press Release: 2022-2023/218
মে 13, 2022
Money Market Operations as on May 12, 2022
(Amount in ₹ crore, Rate in Per cent) MONEY MARKETS@ Volume (One Leg) Weighted Average Rate Range A. Overnight Segment (I+II+III+IV) 496,784.32 4.04 0.01-6.05 I. Call Money 11,609.69 4.06 2.30-4.30 II. Triparty Repo 344,822.30 4.05 4.01-4.20 III. Market Repo 140,327.33 4.01 0.01-4.30 IV. Repo in Corporate Bond 25.00 6.05 6.05-6.05 B. Term Segment I. Notice Money** 220.00 3.66 3.25-4.00 II. Term Money@@ 356.50 - 3.65-4.45 III. Triparty Repo 5.00 4.10 4.10-4.10 IV. Mark
(Amount in ₹ crore, Rate in Per cent) MONEY MARKETS@ Volume (One Leg) Weighted Average Rate Range A. Overnight Segment (I+II+III+IV) 496,784.32 4.04 0.01-6.05 I. Call Money 11,609.69 4.06 2.30-4.30 II. Triparty Repo 344,822.30 4.05 4.01-4.20 III. Market Repo 140,327.33 4.01 0.01-4.30 IV. Repo in Corporate Bond 25.00 6.05 6.05-6.05 B. Term Segment I. Notice Money** 220.00 3.66 3.25-4.00 II. Term Money@@ 356.50 - 3.65-4.45 III. Triparty Repo 5.00 4.10 4.10-4.10 IV. Mark
মে 13, 2022
RBI to conduct 28-day Variable Rate Reverse Repo auction under LAF on May 17, 2022
The Reserve Bank of India will conduct a Variable Rate Reverse Repo auction on May 17, 2022, Tuesday, as under: Sl. No. Notified Amount (₹ crore) Tenor (day) Window Timing Date of Reversal 1 50,000 28 10:30 AM to 11:00 AM June 14, 2022 (Tuesday) 2. The operational guidelines for the auction as given in the Reserve Bank’s Press Release 2019-2020/1947 dated February 13, 2020 will remain the same.(Yogesh Dayal) Chief General ManagerPress Release: 2022-2023/207
The Reserve Bank of India will conduct a Variable Rate Reverse Repo auction on May 17, 2022, Tuesday, as under: Sl. No. Notified Amount (₹ crore) Tenor (day) Window Timing Date of Reversal 1 50,000 28 10:30 AM to 11:00 AM June 14, 2022 (Tuesday) 2. The operational guidelines for the auction as given in the Reserve Bank’s Press Release 2019-2020/1947 dated February 13, 2020 will remain the same.(Yogesh Dayal) Chief General ManagerPress Release: 2022-2023/207
মে 12, 2022
Money Market Operations as on May 11, 2022
(Amount in ₹ crore, Rate in Per cent) MONEY MARKETS@ Volume (One Leg) Weighted Average Rate Range A. Overnight Segment (I+II+III+IV) 473,233.85 4.01 0.01-6.00 I. Call Money 10,054.40 4.04 2.30-4.35 II. Triparty Repo 327,273.90 4.03 3.70-4.20 III. Market Repo 135,880.55 3.97 0.01-4.25 IV. Repo in Corporate Bond 25.00 6.00 6.00-6.00 B. Term Segment I. Notice Money** 82.85 3.55 3.15-4.25 II. Term Money@@ 406.50 - 3.65-4.50 III. Triparty Repo 0.00 - - IV. Market Repo 354.
(Amount in ₹ crore, Rate in Per cent) MONEY MARKETS@ Volume (One Leg) Weighted Average Rate Range A. Overnight Segment (I+II+III+IV) 473,233.85 4.01 0.01-6.00 I. Call Money 10,054.40 4.04 2.30-4.35 II. Triparty Repo 327,273.90 4.03 3.70-4.20 III. Market Repo 135,880.55 3.97 0.01-4.25 IV. Repo in Corporate Bond 25.00 6.00 6.00-6.00 B. Term Segment I. Notice Money** 82.85 3.55 3.15-4.25 II. Term Money@@ 406.50 - 3.65-4.50 III. Triparty Repo 0.00 - - IV. Market Repo 354.
মে 12, 2022
38th Half Yearly Report on Management of Foreign Exchange Reserves: October - March, 2021-22
The Reserve Bank of India has today released the 38th half-yearly report on management of foreign exchange reserves with reference to end-March 2022. The position of foreign exchange reserves as on April 29, 2022 is as under: US $ Billion Foreign Exchange Reserves (i+ii+iii+iv) 597.73 i) Foreign Currency Assets (FCA) 532.82 ii) Gold 41.60 iii) Special Drawing Rights (SDRs) 18.30 iv) Reserve Tranche Position (RTP) 5.00 *Difference, if any, is due to rounding-off. It ma
The Reserve Bank of India has today released the 38th half-yearly report on management of foreign exchange reserves with reference to end-March 2022. The position of foreign exchange reserves as on April 29, 2022 is as under: US $ Billion Foreign Exchange Reserves (i+ii+iii+iv) 597.73 i) Foreign Currency Assets (FCA) 532.82 ii) Gold 41.60 iii) Special Drawing Rights (SDRs) 18.30 iv) Reserve Tranche Position (RTP) 5.00 *Difference, if any, is due to rounding-off. It ma
মে 11, 2022
Money Market Operations as on May 10, 2022
(Amount in ₹ crore, Rate in Per cent) MONEY MARKETS@ Volume (One Leg) Weighted Average Rate Range A. Overnight Segment (I+II+III+IV) 463,151.15 4.04 0.01-6.05 I. Call Money 10,740.55 4.09 2.30-4.35 II. Triparty Repo 325,439.25 4.04 3.80-4.18 III. Market Repo 126,951.35 4.02 0.01-4.30 IV. Repo in Corporate Bond 20.00 6.05 6.05-6.05 B. Term Segment I. Notice Money** 314.95 3.91 3.35-4.30 II. Term Money@@ 216.00 - 3.75-4.45 III. Triparty Repo 100.00 4.20 4.20-4.20 IV. Ma
(Amount in ₹ crore, Rate in Per cent) MONEY MARKETS@ Volume (One Leg) Weighted Average Rate Range A. Overnight Segment (I+II+III+IV) 463,151.15 4.04 0.01-6.05 I. Call Money 10,740.55 4.09 2.30-4.35 II. Triparty Repo 325,439.25 4.04 3.80-4.18 III. Market Repo 126,951.35 4.02 0.01-4.30 IV. Repo in Corporate Bond 20.00 6.05 6.05-6.05 B. Term Segment I. Notice Money** 314.95 3.91 3.35-4.30 II. Term Money@@ 216.00 - 3.75-4.45 III. Triparty Repo 100.00 4.20 4.20-4.20 IV. Ma


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