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serial_number regulatory_reporting_return_name regulatory_reporting_return_description regulatory_reporting_frequency regulatory_reporting_department_concerned regulatory_reporting_reporting_entity regulatory_reporting_related_circulars regulatory_reporting_reporting_format regulatory_reporting_reporting_platform
161 Proforma

Consolidated proforma which has replaced Proforma I and Proforma II

As and when DSIM SCBs (including RRBs), Co-operative Banks Revision in Proforma and Reporting of Bank/Banking Outlet (BO) details under
the Central Information System for Banking Infrastructure (CISBI) RBI/2018-19/228
DBR.No.BAPD.BC.50/22.01.001/2018-19 dated June 28, 2019
162 Liberalised Remittance Scheme

Liberalised Remittance Scheme of USD 2,50,000 for resident individuals

Daily FED AD Category - I Banks Liberalised Remittance Scheme (LRS) for Resident Individuals - daily reporting of transactions XBRL Phase II
163 Return on Connected Exposure (RCE)

Return on Connected Exposure

Quarterly DoS All CBs DBS.CO.OSMOS.BC.4/33.01.001/2000-2001 dated October 18, 2000

DBS.No.BC.OSMOS.3/ 33.01.021/2001-02 dated September 28, 2001
164 Large Exposure Framework Return (LEF)

Large Exposures Framework

Quarterly DoS All SCBs excluding PBs Large Exposures Framework RBI/2016-17/167 DBR.No.BP.BC.43/21.01.003/2016-17 dated December 01, 2016 CIMS

CRILC return for UCBs

Quarterly DoS UCBs with total assets ₹500 crores and above as on previous financial year Central Repository of Information on Large Credit- UCBs CIMS
166 Form I

Monthly Return of unclaimed deposits/credits/ accounts/ in India which have not been operated upon/remained unclaimed for 10 years or more as on the date of the return and transferred to the DEA Fund Account. (To be submitted online to the Reserve Bank of India by 15th of the succeeding month)

Monthly DoR SCBs (including RRBs), Local Area Banks, UCBs, StCBs, DCCBs, SFBs and PBs Operational Guidelines issued for DEA Fund Scheme, 2014 vide letter no. 3044/30.01.002/2017-18 dated September 27, 2017 to all banks eKuber
167 Proforma for reporting details of profits remitted to Head Office by foreign banks operating in India

Statement of remittance of profits/surplus by foreign banks

Yearly DOR/DoS Foreign Banks DBOD.No.IBS.BC.175/23.09.001/99-2000 dt May 19, 2000; DBOD.No.IBS.BC.99/23.09.001/98-99 dt October 09, 1998; Hardcopy
168 Form II

Monthly return claiming refund from the DEA Fund (Original hardcopy to be submitted by 15th of the succeeding month to which the claim pertains)

Monthly DoR SCBs (including RRBs), Local Area Banks, UCBs, StCBs, DCCBs, SFBs and PBs Operational Guidelines issued for DEA Fund Scheme, 2014 vide letter no. 3044/30.01.002/2017-18 dated September 27, 2017 to all banks eKuber/ Hardcopy
169 Form III

Certificate of reconciliation of balances for the Half Year ended June/December to be submitted by banks not later than July 31 and January 31

Half-yearly DoR SCBs (including RRBs), Local Area Banks, UCBs, StCBs, DCCBs, SFBs and PBs The Depositor Education and Awareness Fund Scheme, 2014 –Section 26A of Banking Regulation Act, 1949- Operational Guidelines

Operational Guidelines issued for DEA Fund Scheme, 2014 vide letter dated September 27, 2017

Revised Timeline for submission of Reconciliation Certificate - Letter dated August 27, 2018
170 Annual Certificate

A yearly return certified by statutory auditor and to be submitted by banks in original within one month from the date of completion of their annual audit

Annual DoR SCBs (including RRBs), Local Area Banks, UCBs, StCBs, DCCBs, SFBs and PBs The Depositor Education and Awareness Fund Scheme, 2014 –Section 26A of Banking Regulation Act, 1949- Operational Guidelines

Operational Guidelines issued for DEA Fund Scheme, 2014 vide letter dated September 27, 2017

Revised Timeline for submission of Reconciliation Certificate - Letter dated August 27, 2018
171 Interest Rate Risk Positions for clients

Interest Rate Risk Positions for clients having outstanding derivative of Rs.10 billion

Quarterly FMRD Banks and Primary Dealers Rupee Interest Rate Derivatives (Reserve Bank) Directions, 2019 Email & CIMS
172 Cross-border remittances arising out of Rupee interest rate derivatives transactions undertaken by non-residents

Cross-border remittances arising out of Rupee interest rate derivatives transactions undertaken by non-residents

Monthly FMRD Banks Rupee Interest Rate Derivatives (Reserve Bank) Directions, 2019 Email
173 FX- Transactions- Retail platform

The distribution of customer transactions (across FX-Retail, other electronic trading platforms and other channels) and the fees charged by them

Quarterly FMRD AD Category - I - Banks Rollout of the foreign exchange trading platform for retail participants – FX-Retail Email & CIMS
174 FC-GPR

To report issue of equity instruments by an Indian company to non-resident investors

Within 30 days from the date of issue Indian company FED Indian company Foreign Exchange Management (Mode of Payment and Reporting of Non-Debt Instruments) Regulations, 2019 FIRMS
175 FC-TRS

To report transfer of equity instruments between resident and non-resident.

Within 60 days from the date of transfer or date of remittance whichever is earlier FED Transferor/Transferee/ Investee indian company with onus on the resident transferor/transferee Foreign Exchange Management (Mode of Payment and Reporting of Non-Debt Instruments) Regulations, 2019 FIRMS
176 LLP-I

To report receipt of capital contribution/ acquisition of profit shares in an LLP to a non-resident investor

Within 30 days from the date of remittance. FED LLP Foreign Exchange Management (Mode of Payment and Reporting of Non-Debt Instruments) Regulations, 2019 FIRMS
177 LLP-II

To report transfer of capital contribution/ profit shares between a resident and a non-resident

Within 60 days from the date of remittance FED Transfereor/transferee/ investee LLP with onus on the resident transferor/transferee Foreign Exchange Management (Mode of Payment and Reporting of Non-Debt Instruments) Regulations, 2019 FIRMS
178 CN

To report issue of Convertible Notes by a start-up company to non-resident investor or transfer of convertible notes between a resident and a non-resident.

For issue :Within 30 days from the date of issue
For transfer: Within 30 days from the date of transfer
FED For issue: Indian Start-up company
For transfer: Resident transferor/transferee
Foreign Exchange Management (Mode of Payment and Reporting of Non-Debt Instruments) Regulations, 2019 FIRMS
179 ESOP

To report issue of ESOPs by an indian company to its non-resident employees

Within 30 days from the date of issue of ESOPs FED Indian company Foreign Exchange Management (Mode of Payment and Reporting of Non-Debt Instruments) Regulations, 2019 FIRMS
180 DRR

To report issue of Depository receipts (ADRs/GDRs) by an Indian company

Within 30 days from date of close of issue. FED Domestic custodian Foreign Exchange Management (Mode of Payment and Reporting of Non-Debt Instruments) Regulations, 2019 FIRMS


* Notes

SCBs: Scheduled Commercial Banks

RRBs: Regional Rural Banks

SFBs: Small Finance Banks

PBs: Payment Banks

LABs: Lead Area Banks

AIFIs: All India Financial Institutions

ADs: Authorised Dealers

IP Agents: Issuing and Paying Agents

NBFCs: Non-Banking Financial Companies

RNBCs:Residuary Non-Banking Companies

NBFC-D:Non-Banking Financial Companies- Deposit Taking

NBFC-ND-SI: Non-Banking Financial Companies- Non-Deposit Taking-Systemically Important

UCBs: Urban Cooperative Banks

StCBs: State / Central Co-operative Banks

DCCBs: District Central Co-operative Banks

CICs: Credit Information Companies

AMCs: All Authorised Money Changers

FFMCs: Full Fledged Money Changers

MTSS: Money Transfer Service Scheme

WLAs: White label ATMs

PDs: Primary Dealers

SIDBI: Small Industries Development Bank of India

@ Master Directions will be issued soon



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পেজের শেষ আপডেট করা তারিখ: আগস্ট 06, 2024

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