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Reserve Bank of India - Bulletin Weekly Statistical Supplement - Extract

1. Reserve Bank of India - Liabilities and Assets*
(₹ Crore)
Item 2020 2021 Variation
Sep. 18 Sep. 10 Sep. 17 Week Year
1 2 3 4 5
4 Loans and Advances          
4.1 Central Government - - - - -
4.2 State Governments 23430 12260 13300 1040 -10129
* Data are provisional.

2. Foreign Exchange Reserves
Item As on September 17, 2021 Variation over
Week End-March 2021 Year
₹ Cr. US$ Mn. ₹ Cr. US$ Mn. ₹ Cr. US$ Mn. ₹ Cr. US$ Mn.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
1 Total Reserves 4701267 639642 -13031 -1470 482314 62659 698084 94605
1.1 Foreign Currency Assets 4248108 577986 -8493 -892 323940 41293 564897 76522
1.2 Gold 272700 37103 -4290 -567 24977 3223 -2293 -337
1.3 SDRs 142839 19434 -91 -4 131975 17948 131950 17952
1.4 Reserve Position in the IMF 37621 5119 -157 -8 1423 194 3531 468
*Difference, if any, is due to rounding off

4. Scheduled Commercial Banks - Business in India
(₹ Crore)
Item Outstanding as on Sep. 10, 2021 Variation over
Fortnight Financial year so far Year-on-year
2020-21 2021-22 2020 2021
1 2 3 4 5 6
2 Liabilities to Others            
2.1 Aggregate Deposits 15574660 57609 679793 461147 1524428 1327374
2.1a Growth (Per cent)   0.4 5.0 3.1 12.0 9.3
2.1.1 Demand 1753571 -37425 -104106 -107621 200688 240674
2.1.2 Time 13821088 95034 783899 568769 1323741 1086700
2.2 Borrowings 243400 5319 -50882 -625 -75652 -15157
2.3 Other Demand and Time Liabilities 616597 60398 -55224 -40010 -76697 68146
7 Bank Credit 10912042 14441 -143931 -37467 513272 685112
7.1a Growth (Per cent)   0.1 –1.4 –0.3 5.3 6.7
7a.1 Food Credit 69738 938 12090 8484 -882 5884
7a.2 Non-food credit 10842304 13503 -156021 -45951 514154 679228

6. Money Stock: Components and Sources
(₹ Crore)
Item Outstanding as on Variation over
2021 Fortnight Financial Year so far Year-on-Year
2020-21 2021-22 2020 2021
Mar. 31 Sep. 10 Amount % Amount % Amount % Amount % Amount %
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
M3 18844578 19399596 71088 0.4 938401 5.6 555019 2.9 2089959 13.4 1661232 9.4
1 Components (1.1.+1.2+1.3+1.4)                        
1.1 Currency with the Public 2751828 2843296 12376 0.4 250494 10.7 91468 3.3 492082 23.3 243054 9.3
1.2 Demand Deposits with Banks 1995120 1888130 -37949 -2.0 -103074 -5.9 -106990 –5.4 206233 14.4 253512 15.5
1.3 Time Deposits with Banks 14050278 14621448 96095 0.7 787425 6.2 571170 4.1 1380144 11.4 1160008 8.6
1.4 ‘Other’ Deposits with Reserve Bank 47351 46722 566 1.2 3556 9.2 -629 –1.3 11500 37.6 4659 11.1
2 Sources (2.1+2.2+2.3+2.4-2.5)                        
2.1 Net Bank Credit to Government 5850374 6246310 169968 2.8 657473 13.3 395936 6.8 848473 17.8 628475 11.2
2.1.1 Reserve Bank 1099686 1251825 60593   -15193   152139   15835   274826  
2.1.2 Other Banks 4750689 4994485 109375 2.2 672666 17.0 243797 5.1 832638 21.9 353649 7.6
2.2 Bank Credit to Commercial Sector 11668466 11621791 13310 0.1 -149126 -1.4 -46675 –0.4 563532 5.5 732273 6.7
2.2.1 Reserve Bank 8709 7000 -1616   678   -1709   6207   -6844  
2.2.2 Other Banks 11659757 11614790 14926 0.1 -149804 -1.4 -44967 –0.4 557325 5.4 739116 6.8

8. Liquidity Operations by RBI
(₹ Crore)
Date Liquidity Adjustment Facility MSF* Standing Liquidity Facili ties Market Stabili sation Scheme OMO (Outright) Long Term Repo Oper ations & Targeted Long Term Repo Oper ations# Special Long-
Term Repo
Oper ations for
Small Finance
Net Injection (+)/
Absorption (-)
(1+3+5+ 6+9+
10+11+12-2- 4-7 -8- 13)
Repo Reverse Repo* Variable Rate Repo Variable Rate Reverse Repo Sale Pur chase
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
Sep. 13, 2021 540722 13 200 -540509
Sep. 14, 2021 497954 100019 65 -597908
Sep. 15, 2021 451181 527 150 -450504
Sep. 16, 2021 375743 4 5 5 -375739
Sep. 17, 2021 319912 168 -319744
Sep. 18, 2021 45044 1755 -43289
Sep. 19, 2021 2782 16 -2766
* Includes additional Reverse Repo and additional MSF operations (for the period December 16, 2019 to February 13, 2020).
# Includes Targeted Long Term Repo Operations (TLTRO) and Targeted Long Term Repo Operations 2.0 (TLTRO 2.0) and On Tap Targeted Long Term Repo Operations. Negative (-) sign indicates repayments done by Banks.
& Negative (-) sign indicates repayments done by Banks.
£ As per Press Release No. 2021-2022/177 dated May 07, 2021. From June 18, 2021, the data also includes the amount absorbed as per the Press Release No. 2021-2022/323 dated June 04, 2021.

The above information can be accessed on Internet at /en/web/rbi/publications/weekly-statistical-supplement

The concepts and methodologies for WSS are available in Handbook on WSS (/en/web/rbi/-/publications/a-handbook-on-rbi-s-weekly-statistical-supplement-15762).

Time series data are available at https://dbie.rbi.org.in

Ajit Prasad

Press Release: 2021-2022/925



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