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RBI Announcements
RBI Announcements

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ABCP – Asset Backed Commercial Paper

ABS – Asset-Backed Securities

ACMA – Automobile Components Manufacturing Association of India

AD – Authorised Dealer

ADF – Augmented Dicky Fuller

ARM – Adjustable Rate Mortgages

BCBS – Basel Committee on Banking Supervision

BIS – Bank for International Settlements

BoP – Balance of Payments

BPO – Business Process Outsourcing

CAD – Current Account Deficit

CBRG – Cross-Border Bank Resolution Group

CBO – Congressional Budget Office

CDOs – Collateralised Debt Obligations

CDS – Credit Default Swaps

CESR – Committee of European Securities Regulators

CFPA – Consumer Financial Protection Agency

CMBS – Commercial Mortgage-Backed Securities

CP – Commercial Paper

CPI – Consumer Price Index

CPFF – Commercial Paper Funding Facility

CPSS – Committee on Payment and Settlement Systems

CRAs – Credit Rating Agencies

CRAR – Capital to Risk-Weighted Assets Ratio

CRR – Cash Reserve Ratio

CVD – Countervailing Duty

EC – European Commission

ECB – European Central Bank

Ecofin – Economic and Financial Affairs Council

EMEs – Emerging Market Economies

EMPI – Exchange Market Pressure Index

ESF – Exogenous Shock Facility

ERM – Exchange Rate Mechanism

ESFS – European System of Financial Supervisors

ESRC – European Systemic Risk Council

FASB – Financial Accounting Standards Board

FBT – Fringe Benefit Tax

FCL – Flexible Credit Line

FDI – Foreign Direct Investment

FDIC Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation

FHCs – Financial Holding Companies

FHLMC – Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation

FIIs – Foreign Institutional Investors

FIPB – Foreign Investment Promotion Board

FSI – Financial Stress Indicator

FNMA – Federal National Mortgage Association

FSA – Financial Services Authority

FSCS – Financial Services Compensation Scheme

FTC – Federal Trade Commission

GAAP – Generally Accepted Accounting Principles

GDP – Gross Domestic Product

GECC – Global Economic Co-ordination Council

GFD – Gross Fiscal Deficit

GFSR – Global Financial Stability Report

GIMF – Global Integrated Monetary and Fiscal

GPRF – Global Food Crisis Response Programme

GSDP – Gross State Domestic Product

DTA – Domestic Tariff Areas

HFCs – Housing Finance Companies

HP – Hodrick-Prescott

HKMA – Hong Kong Monetary Authority

IASB – International Accounting Standards Board

IFC – International Finance Corporation

IFRS – International Financial Reporting Standards

IIFCL – India Infrastructure Finance Company Limited

INFRA – Infrastructure Recovery and Assets

IMF – International Monetary Fund

IMFC – International Monetary and Financial Committee

IOSCO – International Organization of Securities Commissions

IPAs – Issuing and Paying Agents

IPOs – Initial Public Offerings

IRB – Internal Rating Based

IT – Information Technology

ITEs – Intra-Group Transactions and Exposures (ITEs)

ITES – Information Technology-enabled Services

LAF – Liquidity Adjustment Facility

LCBGs – Large and Complex Banking Groups

LCD – Liquid Crystal Display

LIBOR – London Inter-Bank Offer Rate

LOLR – Lender of Last Resort

MAS – Monetary Authority of Singapore

MBS – Mortgage Backed Securities

MFIs – Micro-Finance Institutions

MIBOR – Mumbai Inter-Bank Offer Rate

MIGA – Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency

MSMEs – Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises

MSS – Market Stabilisation Scheme

MTM – Mark-to-Market

M&As – Mergers and Acquisitions

NAB – New Arrangements to Borrow

NBFCs – Non-Banking Financial Companies

NBS – National Bank Supervisor

NCBP – Non-Concessional Borrowing Policy

NDA – Net Domestic Asset

NDTL – Net Demand and Time Liability

NFA – Net Foreign Assets

NFC – Non-Food Credit

NMF – Investment by Mutual Funds

NPLs – Non-Performing Loans

NRSROs – Nationally Recognised Securities Rating Organisations

OBSVs – Off-Balance Sheet Vehicles

OCR – Ordinary Capital Resources

OECD – Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development

OIS – Overnight Indexed Swap

OLS – Ordinary Least Squares

OMO – Open Market Operation

ONI – Office of National Insurance

OTC – Over-the-Counter

OTD – Originate-to-Distribute

OTH – Originate-to-Hold

OTS – Office of Thrift Supervision

OBSEs – Off-Balance Sheet Entities

PDIC – Philippine Deposit Insurance Corporation

PDs – Primary Dealers

PPAC – Petroleum Planning Analysis Cell

PPP – Public Private Partnership

PRGF – Poverty Reduction and Growth Facility

PVAR – Panel Vector Auto-Regression

REER – Real Effective Exchange Rate

RMBS – Residential Mortgage-Backed Securities

RWA – Risk-Weighted Assets

SEBI – Securities and Exchange Board of India

SEC – Securities and Exchange Commission

SEP – Supervisory Enhancement Programme

SEZs – Special Economic Zones

SHGs – Self-Help Groups

SIDBI – Small Industries Development Bank of India

SDL – State Development Loan

SIVs – Structured Investment Vehicles

SLR – Statutory Liquidity Ratio

SMEs – Small and Medium Enterprises

SMO – Special Market Operation

SSMB – Standard Setting and Monitoring Body

SSIs – Small-Scale Industries

StAR – Stolen Asset Recovery

S&L – Savings and Loan Associations

TAF – Term Auction Facility

TARP – Troubled Asset Relief Program

TFFP – Trade Facilitation Programme

TUF – Technology Upgradation Fund

UNWTO – United Nations World Tourism Organization

VAR – Vector Autoregression

WADR – Weighted Average Discount Rate

WEO – World Economic Outlook

WTO – World Trade Organisation



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