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Order Books, Inventories and Capacity Utilisation Survey on the Manufacturing sector for Q2:2024-25

Today, the Reserve Bank released the results of its 67th round of the quarterly Order Books, Inventories, and Capacity Utilisation Survey (OBICUS), which was conducted during Q3:2024-25 and covered 1,008 manufacturing companies. The survey1 provides a snapshot of the demand conditions in India’s manufacturing sector during July-September 2024.


  • At the aggregate level, capacity utilisation (CU) in the manufacturing sector increased marginally to 74.2 per cent in Q2:2024-25, from 74.0 per cent in the previous quarter. The seasonally adjusted CU (CU-SA), however, declined by 110 basis points from the previous quarter and stands at 74.7 per cent in Q2:2024-25. Both CU and CU-SA for Q2:2024-05 are higher as compared with the corresponding quarter in the previous year (Chart 1 and Table 1).

Chart 1: Capacity Utilisation (CU) and Seasonally Adjusted CU (CU-SA)
  • Manufacturers reported higher sequential (q-o-q) growth in new orders during Q2:2024-25. On an annual (y-o-y) basis, however, new order growth moderated. (Chart 2 and Table 2A).

Chart 2: Growth in New Orders
  • As a ratio to sales, both the finished goods inventory (FGI) and the raw material inventory2 (RMI) remained stable during Q2:2024-25 (Chart 3 and Table 3A).

Chart 3: Inventories to Sales Ratios

Note - Please see the excel file for time series data.

ANNEX 1: Data Tables

Table 1: Capacity Utilisation
Quarter Number of responding companies Capacity Utilisation Seasonally Adjusted Capacity Utilisation
Q2:2023-24 752 74.0 74.5
Q3:2023-24 761 74.7 74.6
Q4:2023-24 832 76.8 74.6
Q1:2024-25 839 74.0 75.8
Q2:2024-25 932 74.2 74.7
Note: The Seasonally Adjusted Capacity Utilisation is calculated using X13-ARIMA-SEATS (Signal Extraction in ARIMA Time Series) taking the Covid-19 lockdown quarter Q1:2020-21 as an additive outlier.
Table 2A: Order Books Growth
Quarter Number of companies Q-o-Q Growth # (per cent) Y-o-Y Growth # (per cent)
Backlog Orders New Order Book Pending Orders Backlog Orders New Order Book Pending Orders
Q2:2023-24 245 3.1 3.5 5.6 24.1 7.3 15.7
Q3:2023-24 233 4.7 -0.4 4.1 13.7 10.1 19.0
Q4:2023-24 224 3.4 10.0 0.2 18.9 6.8 10.4
Q1:2024-25 238 2.0 -0.4 7.2 11.2 12.3 16.2
Q2:2024-25 315 7.2 1.1 2.8 9.8 4.1 9.9
#: Growth rates are calculated using common set of companies responding in three survey rounds, namely the current quarter, one quarter ago and the corresponding quarter a year ago.
Table 2B: Average Size of Order Books
Quarter Number of companies Average Amount (₹ crore)
Backlog Orders  New Order Book Pending Orders
Q2:2023-24 245 227.7 248.6 240.4
Q3:2023-24 233 228.6 252.1 238.0
Q4:2023-24 224 221.6 267.2 222.2
Q1:2024-25 238 266.4 292.5 285.8
Q2:2024-25 315 257.8 309.0 291.9
Table 3A: Inventory to Sales Ratios
Quarter Number of Companies Ratio (per cent) ##
Total Inventory / Sales Finished Goods Inventory / Sales Raw Material Inventory / Sales
Q2:2023-24 688 65.9 24.6 24.4
Q3:2023-24 714 67.7 26.8 24.8
Q4:2023-24 803 65.4 26.6 24.3
Q1:2024-25 800 67.4 26.1 24.8
Q2:2024-25 927 69.3 26.0 25.1
##: Weighted average of industry level ratios using Gross Value Added as weights.
Table 3B: Average Sales and Inventories
Quarter Number of Companies Average Amount (₹ crore)
Sales Total Inventory Finished Goods Inventory Work in progress Inventory Raw Material Inventory
Q2:2023-24 688 1091.7 608.1 226.7 120.4 203.8
Q3:2023-24 714 1069.6 581.4 226.0 110.3 187.5
Q4:2023-24 803 1185.6 585.0 228.8 104.9 197.8
Q1:2024-25 800 1016.8 551.0 192.7 106.5 195.5
Q2:2024-25 927 987.7 558.1 198.3 111.2 195.0

Note: The methodology for computations of order book growth and inventory to sales ratios is given in the RBI press release dated October 8, 2021 (link: https://website.rbi.org.in/en/web/rbi/-/publications/obicus-survey-on-the-manufacturing-sector-for-q1-2021-22-20650). Please also see footnote 2 on direct estimation of RMI since 53rd round of the survey.

1 The survey responses are voluntary, and the results reflect the views of the respondents, which are not necessarily shared by the Reserve Bank. Results of the previous survey round were released on the Bank’s website on October 09, 2024.

2 The estimates of raw materials inventory (including stores and spares, loose tools, stock-in-trade, and other inventories) were arrived at by netting out finished goods inventory and work-in-progress inventory from total inventory. Since the 53rd round of the survey (i.e., Q4:2020−21), however, direct data on raw material inventory (excluding stores and spares, loose tools, stock-in-trade, and other inventories) are also being collected from survey respondents, in parallel. Estimates of raw materials inventory based on the additional reporting are presented here.



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