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11 Feb 2011
Reserve Bank of India - Liabilities and Assets
(` crore) Item 2010 2011 Variation Feb. 5 Jan. 28 Feb. 4# Week Year 1 2 3 4 5 6 Notes Issued 7,67,949 9,12,522 9,17,417 4,895 1,49,468 Notes in Circulation 7,67,932 9,12,514 9,17,402 4,888 1,49,470 Notes held in Banking Department 17 8 15 7 –2 Deposits Central Government 100 68,471 26,975 –41,496 26,875 Market Stabilisation Scheme 7,737 — — — –7,737 State Governments 41 41 41 — — Scheduled Commercial Banks 2,21,625 2,90,630 3,15,993 25,363 94,368 Scheduled State Co-op
04 Feb 2011
Reserve Bank of India - Liabilities and Assets
(` crore) Item 2010 2011 Variation Jan. 29 Jan. 21 Jan. 28# Week Year 1 2 3 4 5 6 Notes Issued 7,61,641 9,14,527 9,12,522 –2,005 1,50,881 Notes in Circulation 7,61,622 9,14,510 9,12,514 –1,996 1,50,892 Notes held in Banking Department 19 17 8 –9 –11 Deposits Central Government 4,211 66,704 68,471 1,767 64,260 Market Stabilisation Scheme 7,737 — — — –7,737 State Governments 41 41 41 — — Scheduled Commercial Banks 2,34,244 3,28,182 2,90,630 –37,552 56,386 Scheduled Stat
28 Jan 2011
Reserve Bank of India - Liabilities and Assets
(` crore) Item 2010 2011 Variation Jan. 22 Jan. 14 Jan. 21# Week Year 1 2 3 4 5 6 Notes Issued 7,64,689 9,14,459 9,14,527 68 1,49,838 Notes in Circulation 7,64,664 9,14,444 9,14,510 66 1,49,846 Notes held in Banking Department 25 16 17 2 –8 Deposits Central Government 17,539 64,390 66,704 2,314 49,166 Market Stabilisation Scheme 7,737 — — — –7,737 State Governments 41 41 41 — — Scheduled Commercial Banks 2,35,201 3,08,283 3,28,182 19,898 92,981 Scheduled State Co-oper
21 Jan 2011
Reserve Bank of India - Liabilities and Assets
(` crore) Item 2010 2011 Variation Jan. 15 Jan. 7 Jan. 14# Week Year 1 2 3 4 5 6 Notes Issued 7,66,547 9,04,068 9,14,459 10,391 1,47,913 Notes in Circulation 7,66,531 9,04,059 9,14,444 10,385 1,47,912 Notes held in Banking Department 15 9 16 7 — Deposits Central Government 10,221 65,302 64,390 –912 54,169 Market Stabilisation Scheme 7,737 — — — –7,737 State Governments 41 41 41 — — Scheduled Commercial Banks 2,30,565 3,11,476 3,08,283 –3,193 77,719 Scheduled State Co-
14 Jan 2011
Reserve Bank of India - Liabilities and Assets
(` crore) Item 2010 2011 Variation Jan. 8 Dec. 31 Jan. 7# Week Year 1 2 3 4 5 6 Notes Issued 7,59,518 8,94,615 9,04,068 9,453 1,44,550 Notes in Circulation 7,59,501 8,94,599 9,04,059 9,460 1,44,558 Notes held in Banking Department 16 16 9 –7 –7 Deposits Central Government 19,150 94,537 65,302 –29,236 46,151 Market Stabilisation Scheme 7,737 — — — –7,737 State Governments 41 41 41 — — Scheduled Commercial Banks 2,22,570 3,12,868 3,11,476 –1,392 88,906 Scheduled State C
07 Jan 2011
Reserve Bank of India - Liabilities and Assets
(` crore) Item 2010 Variation Jan. 1 Dec. 24 Dec. 31# Week Year 1 2 3 4 5 6 Notes Issued 7,50,311 8,98,189 8,94,615 –3,574 1,44,304 Notes in Circulation 7,50,297 8,98,172 8,94,599 –3,573 1,44,302 Notes held in Banking Department 15 17 16 –1 2 Deposits Central Government 37,193 1,06,190 94,537 –11,653 57,345 Market Stabilisation Scheme 18,773 — — — –18,773 State Governments 41 41 41 — — Scheduled Commercial Banks 2,02,108 3,18,753 3,12,868 –5,884 1,10,760 Scheduled Sta
31 Dec 2010
Reserve Bank of India - Liabilities and Assets
(` crore) Item 2009 2010 Variation Dec. 25 Dec. 17 Dec. 24# Week Year 1 2 3 4 5 6 Notes Issued 7,54,603 9,00,965 8,98,189 –2,776 1,43,587 Notes in Circulation 7,54,587 9,00,948 8,98,172 –2,776 1,43,586 Notes held in Banking Department 16 17 17 — 1 Deposits Central Government 53,538 1,00,278 1,06,190 5,913 52,652 Market Stabilisation Scheme 18,773 — — — –18,773 State Governments 41 304 41 –263 — Scheduled Commercial Banks 2,47,196 3,07,732 3,18,753 11,021 71,556 Schedu
24 Dec 2010
Reserve Bank of India - Liabilities and Assets
(` crore) Item 2009 2010 Variation Dec. 18 Dec. 10 Dec. 17# Week Year 1 2 3 4 5 6 Notes Issued 7,56,466 8,99,831 9,00,965 1,135 1,44,499 Notes in Circulation 7,56,449 8,99,818 9,00,948 1,130 1,44,500 Notes held in Banking Department 17 13 17 4 — Deposits Central Government 48,394 38,786 1,00,278 61,492 51,884 Market Stabilisation Scheme 18,773 — — — –18,773 State Governments 41 41 304 263 263 Scheduled Commercial Banks 2,30,417 3,19,058 3,07,732 –11,326 77,315 Schedul
17 Dec 2010
Reserve Bank of India - Liabilities and Assets
(` crore) Item 2009 2010 Variation Dec. 11 Dec. 3 Dec. 10# Week Year 1 2 3 4 5 6 Notes Issued 7,55,297 8,91,068 8,99,831 8,763 1,44,534 Notes in Circulation 7,55,277 8,91,054 8,99,818 8,765 1,44,541 Notes held in Banking Department 19 14 13 –2 –7 Deposits Central Government 101 18,605 38,786 20,181 38,685 Market Stabilisation Scheme 18,773 — — — –18,773 State Governments 41 41 41 — — Scheduled Commercial Banks 2,20,188 3,03,307 3,19,058 15,751 98,870 Scheduled State C
10 Dec 2010
Reserve Bank of India - Liabilities and Assets
(` crore) Item 2009 2010 Variation Dec. 4 Nov. 26 Dec. 3# Week Year 1 2 3 4 5 6 Notes Issued 7,47,542 8,89,304 8,91,068 1,764 1,43,526 Notes in Circulation 7,47,521 8,89,288 8,91,054 1,766 1,43,532 Notes held in Banking Department 21 16 14 –1 –6 Deposits Central Government 101 43,525 18,605 –24,920 18,504 Market Stabilisation Scheme 18,773 — — — –18,773 State Governments 41 41 41 — — Scheduled Commercial Banks 2,28,689 3,10,878 3,03,307 –7,571 74,618 Scheduled State C
03 Dec 2010
Reserve Bank of India - Liabilities and Assets
(` crore) Item 2009 2010 Variation Nov. 27 Nov. 19 Nov. 26# Week Year 1 2 3 4 5 6 Notes Issued 7,41,242 8,96,987 8,89,304 –7,684 1,48,062 Notes in Circulation 7,41,227 8,96,975 8,89,288 –7,687 1,48,061 Notes held in Banking Department 14 12 16 3 1 Deposits Central Government 8,560 36,550 43,525 6,975 34,965 Market Stabilisation Scheme 18,773 — — — –18,773 State Governments 183 41 41 — –141 Scheduled Commercial Banks 2,28,609 3,00,631 3,10,878 10,247 82,268 Scheduled S
26 Nov 2010
Reserve Bank of India - Liabilities and Assets
(` crore) Item 2009 2010 Variation Nov. 20 Nov. 12 Nov. 19# Week Year 1 2 3 4 5 6 Notes Issued 7,40,747 8,96,937 8,96,987 50 1,56,241 Notes in Circulation 7,40,732 8,96,921 8,96,975 54 1,56,244 Notes held in Banking Department 15 16 12 –4 –3 Deposits Central Government 4,909 33,459 36,550 3,091 31,642 Market Stabilisation Scheme 18,773 — — — –18,773 State Governments 41 41 41 — — Scheduled Commercial Banks 2,32,481 3,32,369 3,00,631 –31,738 68,150 Scheduled State Co-o
19 Nov 2010
Reserve Bank of India - Liabilities and Assets
(` crore) Item 2009 2010 Variation Nov. 13 Nov. 5 Nov. 12# Week Year 1 2 3 4 5 6 Notes Issued 7,40,587 8,86,350 8,96,937 10,587 1,56,351 Notes in Circulation 7,40,570 8,86,332 8,96,921 10,589 1,56,351 Notes held in Banking Department 16 18 16 –2 –1 Deposits Central Government 8,756 12,768 33,459 20,691 24,703 Market Stabilisation Scheme 18,773 — — — –18,773 State Governments 41 41 41 — — Scheduled Commercial Banks 2,26,257 3,11,460 3,32,369 20,909 1,06,112 Scheduled S
12 Nov 2010
Reserve Bank of India - Liabilities and Assets
(` crore) Item 2009 2010 Variation Nov. 6 Oct. 29 Nov. 5# Week Year 1 2 3 4 5 6 Notes Issued 7,33,675 8,61,913 8,86,350 24,437 1,52,675 Notes in Circulation 7,33,657 8,61,891 8,86,332 24,441 1,52,675 Notes held in Banking Department 18 22 18 –4 — Deposits Central Government 100 36,559 12,768 –23,791 12,668 Market Stabilisation Scheme 18,773 — — — –18,773 State Governments 41 41 41 — — Scheduled Commercial Banks 2,19,701 3,49,160 3,11,460 –37,699 91,760 Scheduled State
05 Nov 2010
Reserve Bank of India - Liabilities and Assets
(` crore) Item 2009 2010 Variation Oct. 30 Oct. 22 Oct. 29# Week Year 1 2 3 4 5 6 Notes Issued 7,26,007 8,64,544 8,61,913 –2,631 1,35,906 Notes in Circulation 7,25,984 8,64,528 8,61,891 –2,637 1,35,907 Notes held in Banking Department 23 17 22 5 –1 Deposits Central Government 19,491 25,662 36,559 10,896 17,068 Market Stabilisation Scheme 18,773 — — — –18,773 State Governments 41 41 41 — — Scheduled Commercial Banks 2,42,199 2,74,736 3,49,160 74,424 1,06,961 Scheduled
29 Oct 2010
Reserve Bank of India - Liabilities and Assets
(` crore) Item 2009 2010 Variation Oct. 23 Oct. 15 Oct. 22# Week Year 1 2 3 4 5 6 Notes Issued 7,32,989 8,66,123 8,64,544 –1,579 1,31,555 Notes in Circulation 7,32,961 8,66,107 8,64,528 –1,580 1,31,566 Notes held in Banking Department 28 16 17 1 –11 Deposits Central Government 12,842 24,410 25,662 1,253 12,820 Market Stabilisation Scheme 18,773 — — — –18,773 State Governments 41 41 41 — — Scheduled Commercial Banks 2,08,972 3,25,904 2,74,736 –51,168 65,764 Scheduled S
22 Oct 2010
Reserve Bank of India - Liabilities and Assets
(` crore) Item 2009 2010 Variation Oct. 16 Oct. 8 Oct. 15# Week Year 1 2 3 4 5 6 Notes Issued 7,34,048 8,54,051 8,66,123 12,072 1,32,075 Notes in Circulation 7,34,018 8,54,034 8,66,107 12,073 1,32,090 Notes held in Banking Department 30 17 16 –2 –15 Deposits Central Government 11,443 20,580 24,410 3,829 12,966 Market Stabilisation Scheme 18,773 — — — –18,773 State Governments 1,499 41 41 — –1,457 Scheduled Commercial Banks 2,45,725 2,75,559 3,25,904 50,346 80,179 Sche
15 Oct 2010
Reserve Bank of India - Liabilities and Assets
(` crore) Item 2009 2010 Variation Oct. 9 Oct. 1 Oct. 8# Week Year 1 2 3 4 5 6 Notes Issued 7,18,742 8,41,331 8,54,051 12,720 1,35,309 Notes in Circulation 7,18,714 8,41,317 8,54,034 12,718 1,35,320 Notes held in Banking Department 28 14 17 3 –11 Deposits Central Government 37,558 10,202 20,580 10,378 –16,978 Market Stabilisation Scheme 18,773 — — — –18,773 State Governments 41 41 41 — — Scheduled Commercial Banks 1,88,727 3,22,931 2,75,559 –47,372 86,832 Scheduled St
08 Oct 2010
Reserve Bank of India - Liabilities and Assets
(` crore) Item 2009 2010 Variation Oct. 2 Sep. 24 Oct. 1# Week Year 1 2 3 4 5 6 Notes Issued 7,11,177 8,48,701 8,41,331 –7,370 1,30,154 Notes in Circulation 7,11,158 8,48,684 8,41,317 –7,367 1,30,158 Notes held in Banking Department 19 17 14 –3 –5 Deposits Central Government 38,340 15,577 10,202 –5,375 –28,138 Market Stabilisation Scheme 18,773 — — — –18,773 State Governments 41 41 41 — — Scheduled Commercial Banks 2,46,655 2,91,765 3,22,931 31,166 76,276 Scheduled St
01 Oct 2010
Reserve Bank of India - Liabilities and Assets
(` crore) Item 2009 2010 Variation Sep. 25 Sep. 17 Sep. 24# Week Year 1 2 3 4 5 6 Notes Issued 7,11,336 8,55,880 8,48,701 –7,179 1,37,365 Notes in Circulation 7,11,316 8,55,866 8,48,684 –7,183 1,37,368 Notes held in Banking Department 20 14 17 4 –3 Deposits Central Government 30,875 19,758 15,577 –4,181 –15,298 Market Stabilisation Scheme 18,773 — — — –18,773 State Governments 41 41 41 — — Scheduled Commercial Banks 2,25,681 2,90,313 2,91,765 1,452 66,084 Scheduled St

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Page Last Updated on: July 19, 2024