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08 Jul 2011
Average Daily Turnover in Call Money Market
(` crore) Week Ended May 20, 2011 May 27, 2011 Jun. 3, 2011 Jun. 10, 2011 Jun. 17, 2011 Jun. 24, 2011 Jul. 1, 2011 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1. Banks (a) Borrowings 8,739 10,331 8,075 10,440 9,141 12,818 10,257 (b) Lendings 9,719 11,037 9,018 11,341 10,090 13,271 11,035 2. Primary Dealers (a) Borrowings 980 706 943 901 949 453 779 (b) Lendings — — — — — — 1 3. Total (a) Borrowings 9,719 11,037 9,018 11,341 10,090 13,271 11,036 (b) Lendings 9,719 11,037 9,018 11,341 10,090 13,271
01 Jul 2011
Average Daily Turnover in Call Money Market
(` crore) Week Ended May 13, 2011 May 20, 2011 May 27, 2011 Jun. 3, 2011 Jun. 10, 2011 Jun. 17, 2011 Jun. 24, 2011 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1. Banks (a) Borrowings 12,678 8,739 10,331 8,075 10,440 9,141 12,818 (b) Lendings 13,194 9,719 11,037 9,018 11,341 10,090 13,271 2. Primary Dealers (a) Borrowings 516 980 706 943 901 949 453 (b) Lendings — — — — — — — 3. Total (a) Borrowings 13,194 9,719 11,037 9,018 11,341 10,090 13,271 (b) Lendings 13,194 9,719 11,037 9,018 11,341 10,09
24 Jun 2011
Average Daily Turnover in Call Money Market
(` crore) Week Ended May 6, 2011 May 13, 2011 May 20, 2011 May 27, 2011 Jun. 3, 2011 Jun. 10, 2011 Jun. 17, 2011 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1. Banks (a) Borrowings 10,542 12,678 8,739 10,331 8,075 10,440 9,141 (b) Lendings 11,128 13,194 9,719 11,037 9,018 11,341 10,090 2. Primary Dealers (a) Borrowings 586 516 980 706 943 901 949 (b) Lendings — — — — — — — 3. Total (a) Borrowings 11,128 13,194 9,719 11,037 9,018 11,341 10,090 (b) Lendings 11,128 13,194 9,719 11,037 9,018 11,341
17 Jun 2011
Average Daily Turnover in Call Money Market
(` crore) Week Ended Apr. 29, 2011 May 6, 2011 May 13, 2011 May 20, 2011 May 27, 2011 Jun. 3, 2011 Jun. 10, 2011 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1. Banks (a) Borrowings 10,155 10,542 12,678 8,739 10,331 8,075 10,440 (b) Lendings 10,851 11,128 13,194 9,719 11,037 9,018 11,341 2. Primary Dealers (a) Borrowings 696 586 516 980 706 943 901 (b) Lendings — — — — — — — 3. Total (a) Borrowings 10,851 11,128 13,194 9,719 11,037 9,018 11,341 (b) Lendings 10,851 11,128 13,194 9,719 11,037 9,018
10 Jun 2011
Average Daily Turnover in Call Money Market
(` crore) Week Ended Apr. 22, 2011 Apr. 29, 2011 May 6, 2011 May 13, 2011 May 20, 2011 May 27, 2011 Jun. 3, 2011 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1. Banks (a) Borrowings 16,202 10,155 10,542 12,678 8,739 10,331 8,075 (b) Lendings 17,285 10,851 11,128 13,194 9,719 11,037 9,018 2. Primary Dealers (a) Borrowings 1,083 696 586 516 980 706 943 (b) Lendings — — — — — — — 3. Total (a) Borrowings 17,285 10,851 11,128 13,194 9,719 11,037 9,018 (b) Lendings 17,285 10,851 11,128 13,194 9,719 11,
03 Jun 2011
Average Daily Turnover in Call Money Market
(` crore) Week Ended Apr. 15, 2011 Apr. 22, 2011 Apr. 29, 2011 May 6, 2011 May 13, 2011 May 20, 2011 May 27, 2011 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1. Banks (a) Borrowings 14,495 16,202 10,155 10,542 12,678 8,739 10,331 (b) Lendings 15,202 17,285 10,851 11,128 13,194 9,719 11,037 2. Primary Dealers (a) Borrowings 709 1,083 696 586 516 980 706 (b) Lendings 2 — — — — — — 3. Total (a) Borrowings 15,204 17,285 10,851 11,128 13,194 9,719 11,037 (b) Lendings 15,204 17,285 10,851 11,128 13,19
27 May 2011
Average Daily Turnover in Call Money Market
(` crore) Week Ended Apr. 8, 2011 Apr. 15, 2011 Apr. 22, 2011 Apr. 29, 2011 May 6, 2011 May 13, 2011 May 20, 2011 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1. Banks (a) Borrowings 11,518 14,495 16,202 10,155 10,542 12,678 8,739 (b) Lendings 11,992 15,202 17,285 10,851 11,128 13,194 9,719 2. Primary Dealers (a) Borrowings 474 709 1,083 696 586 516 980 (b) Lendings — 2 — — — — — 3. Total (a) Borrowings 11,992 15,204 17,285 10,851 11,128 13,194 9,719 (b) Lendings 11,992 15,204 17,285 10,851 11,12
20 May 2011
Average Daily Turnover in Call Money Market
(` crore) Week Ended Apr. 1, 2011 Apr. 8, 2011 Apr. 15, 2011 Apr. 22, 2011 Apr. 29, 2011 May 6, 2011 May 13, 2011 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1. Banks (a) Borrowings 10,860 11,518 14,495 16,202 10,155 10,542 12,678 (b) Lendings 11,066 11,992 15,202 17,285 10,851 11,128 13,194 2. Primary Dealers (a) Borrowings 206 474 709 1,083 696 586 516 (b) Lendings — — 2 — — — — 3. Total (a) Borrowings 11,066 11,992 15,204 17,285 10,851 11,128 13,194 (b) Lendings 11,066 11,992 15,204 17,285 10
13 May 2011
Average Daily Turnover in Call Money Market
(` crore) Week Ended Mar. 25, 2011 Apr. 1, 2011 Apr. 8, 2011 Apr. 15, 2011 Apr. 22, 2011 Apr. 29, 2011 May 6, 2011 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1. Banks (a) Borrowings 8,828 10,860 11,518 14,495 16,202 10,155 10,542 (b) Lendings 8,970 11,066 11,992 15,202 17,285 10,851 11,128 2. Primary Dealers (a) Borrowings 156 206 474 709 1,083 696 586 (b) Lendings 14 — — 2 — — — 3. Total (a) Borrowings 8,984 11,066 11,992 15,204 17,285 10,851 11,128 (b) Lendings 8,984 11,066 11,992 15,204 17,2
06 May 2011
Average Daily Turnover in Call Money Market
(` crore) Week Ended Mar. 18, 2011 Mar. 25, 2011 Apr. 1, 2011 Apr. 8, 2011 Apr. 15, 2011 Apr. 22, 2011 Apr. 29, 2011 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1. Banks (a) Borrowings 13,542 8,828 10,860 11,518 14,495 16,202 10,155 (b) Lendings 13,873 8,970 11,066 11,992 15,202 17,285 10,851 2. Primary Dealers (a) Borrowings 331 156 206 474 709 1,083 696 (b) Lendings — 14 — — 2 — — 3. Total (a) Borrowings 13,873 8,984 11,066 11,992 15,204 17,285 10,851 (b) Lendings 13,873 8,984 11,066 11,992 15

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Page Last Updated on: July 19, 2024