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04 Dec 2009
Average Daily Turnover in Call Money Market
(Rs. crore) Week Ended Oct. 16, 2009 Oct. 23, 2009 Oct. 30, 2009 Nov. 6, 2009 Nov. 13, 2009 Nov. 20, 2009 Nov. 27, 2009 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1. Banks (a) Borrowings 7,724 8,076 7,182 3,111 6,642 6,382 5,435 (b) Lendings 8,804 9,473 8,088 3,884 7,651 7,371 6,317 2. Primary Dealers (a) Borrowings 1,083 1,404 908 786 1,012 989 886 (b) Lendings 3 7 1 14 3 — 4 3. Total (a) Borrowings 8,807 9,480 8,089 3,897 7,654 7,371 6,321 (b) Lendings 8,807 9,480 8,089 3,897 7,654 7,371 6,32
27 Nov 2009
Average Daily Turnover in Call Money Market
(Rs. crore) Week Ended Oct. 9, 2009 Oct. 16, 2009 Oct. 23, 2009 Oct. 30, 2009 Nov. 6, 2009 Nov. 13, 2009 Nov. 20, 2009 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 Banks (a) Borrowings 5,021 7,724 8,076 7,182 3,111 6,642 6,382 (b) Lendings 5,789 8,804 9,473 8,088 3,884 7,651 7,371 2 Primary Dealers (a) Borrowings 768 1,083 1,404 908 786 1,012 989 (b) Lendings — 3 7 1 14 3 — 3 Total (a) Borrowings 5,789 8,807 9,480 8,089 3,897 7,654 7,371 (b) Lendings 5,789 8,807 9,480 8,089 3,897 7,654 7,371 No
20 Nov 2009
Average Daily Turnover in Call Money Market
(Rs. crore) Week Ended Oct. 2, 2009 Oct. 9, 2009 Oct. 16, 2009 Oct. 23, 2009 Oct. 30, 2009 Nov. 6, 2009 Nov. 13, 2009 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 Banks (a) Borrowings 6,222 5,021 7,724 8,076 7,182 3,111 6,642 (b) Lendings 7,302 5,789 8,804 9,473 8,088 3,884 7,651 2 Primary Dealers (a) Borrowings 1,080 768 1,083 1,404 908 786 1,012 (b) Lendings — — 3 7 1 14 3 3 Total (a) Borrowings 7,302 5,789 8,807 9,480 8,089 3,897 7,654 (b) Lendings 7,302 5,789 8,807 9,480 8,089 3,897 7,654 N
13 Nov 2009
Average Daily Turnover in Call Money Market
(Rs. crore) Week Ended Sep. 25, 2009 Oct. 2, 2009 Oct. 9, 2009 Oct. 16, 2009 Oct. 23, 2009 Oct. 30, 2009 Nov. 6, 2009 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 Banks (a) Borrowings 5,434 6,222 5,021 7,724 8,076 7,182 3,111 (b) Lendings 6,181 7,302 5,789 8,804 9,473 8,088 3,884 2 Primary Dealers (a) Borrowings 746 1,080 768 1,083 1,404 908 786 (b) Lendings — — — 3 7 1 14 3 Total (a) Borrowings 6,181 7,302 5,789 8,807 9,480 8,089 3,897 (b) Lendings 6,181 7,302 5,789 8,807 9,480 8,089 3,897 Not
06 Nov 2009
Average Daily Turnover in Call Money Market
(Rs. crore) Week Ended Sep. 18, 2009 Sep. 25, 2009 Oct. 2, 2009 Oct. 9, 2009 Oct. 16, 2009 Oct. 23, 2009 Oct. 30, 2009 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 Banks (a) Borrowings 10,669 5,434 6,222 5,021 7,724 8,076 7,182 (b) Lendings 11,452 6,181 7,302 5,789 8,804 9,473 8,088 2 Primary Dealers (a) Borrowings 785 746 1,080 768 1,083 1,404 908 (b) Lendings 2 — — — 3 7 1 3 Total (a) Borrowings 11,454 6,181 7,302 5,789 8,807 9,480 8,089 (b) Lendings 11,454 6,181 7,302 5,789 8,807 9,480 8,089
30 Oct 2009
Average Daily Turnover in Call Money Market
(Rs. crore) Week Ended Sep. 11, 2009 Sep. 18, 2009 Sep. 25, 2009 Oct. 2, 2009 Oct. 9, 2009 Oct. 16, 2009 Oct. 23, 2009 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 Banks (a) Borrowings 5,874 10,669 5,434 6,222 5,021 7,724 8,076 (b) Lendings 6,800 11,452 6,181 7,302 5,789 8,804 9,473 2 Primary Dealers (a) Borrowings 926 785 746 1,080 768 1,083 1,404 (b) Lendings — 2 — — — 3 7 3 Total (a) Borrowings 6,800 11,454 6,181 7,302 5,789 8,807 9,480 (b) Lendings 6,800 11,454 6,181 7,302 5,789 8,807 9,480
23 Oct 2009
Average Daily Turnover in Call Money Market
(Rs. crore) Week Ended Sep. 4, 2009 Sep. 11, 2009 Sep. 18, 2009 Sep. 25, 2009 Oct. 2, 2009 Oct. 9, 2009 Oct. 16, 2009 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 Banks (a) Borrowings 7,845 5,874 10,669 5,434 6,222 5,021 7,724 (b) Lendings 8,911 6,800 11,452 6,181 7,302 5,789 8,804 2 Primary Dealers (a) Borrowings 1,129 926 785 746 1,080 768 1,083 (b) Lendings 64 — 2 — — — 3 3 Total (a) Borrowings 8,974 6,800 11,454 6,181 7,302 5,789 8,807 (b) Lendings 8,974 6,800 11,454 6,181 7,302 5,789 8,807
16 Oct 2009
Average Daily Turnover in Call Money Market
(Rs. crore) Week Ended Aug. 28, 2009 Sep. 4, 2009 Sep. 11, 2009 Sep. 18, 2009 Sep. 25, 2009 Oct. 2, 2009 Oct. 9, 2009 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 Banks (a) Borrowings 7,139 7,845 5,874 10,669 5,434 6,222 5,021 (b) Lendings 8,221 8,911 6,800 11,452 6,181 7,302 5,789 2 Primary Dealers (a) Borrowings 1,085 1,129 926 785 746 1,080 768 (b) Lendings 3 64 — 2 — — — 3 Total (a) Borrowings 8,224 8,974 6,800 11,454 6,181 7,302 5,789 (b) Lendings 8,224 8,974 6,800 11,454 6,181 7,302 5,789
09 Oct 2009
Average Daily Turnover in Call Money Market
(Rs. crore) Week Ended Aug. 21, 2009 Aug. 28, 2009 Sep. 4, 2009 Sep. 11, 2009 Sep. 18, 2009 Sep. 25, 2009 Oct. 2, 2009 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 Banks (a) Borrowings 10,198 7,139 7,845 5,874 10,669 5,434 6,222 (b) Lendings 11,773 8,221 8,911 6,800 11,452 6,181 7,302 2 Primary Dealers (a) Borrowings 1,583 1,085 1,129 926 785 746 1,080 (b) Lendings 9 3 64 — 2 — — 3 Total (a) Borrowings 11,781 8,224 8,974 6,800 11,454 6,181 7,302 (b) Lendings 11,781 8,224 8,974 6,800 11,454 6,18
02 Oct 2009
Average Daily Turnover in Call Money Market
(Rs. crore) Week Ended Aug. 14, 2009 Aug. 21, 2009 Aug. 28, 2009 Sep. 4, 2009 Sep. 11, 2009 Sep. 18, 2009 Sep. 25, 2009 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 Banks (a) Borrowings 6,129 10,198 7,139 7,845 5,874 10,669 5,434 (b) Lendings 7,041 11,773 8,221 8,911 6,800 11,452 6,181 2 Primary Dealers (a) Borrowings 920 1,583 1,085 1,129 926 785 746 (b) Lendings 8 9 3 64 — 2 — 3 Total (a) Borrowings 7,050 11,781 8,224 8,974 6,800 11,454 6,181 (b) Lendings 7,050 11,781 8,224 8,974 6,800 11,454

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Page Last Updated on: June 28, 2024