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31 Oct 2008
Average Daily Turnover in Call Money Market
(Rs. crore) Week Ended Sep. 12, 2008 Sep. 19, 2008 Sep. 26, 2008 Oct. 3, 2008 Oct. 10, 2008 Oct. 17, 2008 Oct. 24, 2008 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1. Banks (a) Borrowings 11,820 13,590 7,922 11,636 13,217 14,271 10,728 (b) Lendings 12,510 14,163 8,248 12,146 13,671 14,703 11,873 2. Primary Dealers (a) Borrowings 696 582 361 521 499 777 1,268 (b) Lendings 6 9 35 10 45 346 123 3. Total (a) Borrowings 12,516 14,172 8,283 12,157 13,716 15,048 11,996 (b) Lendings 12,516 14,172 8,283
24 Oct 2008
Average Daily Turnover in Call Money Market
(Rs. crore) Week Ended Sep. 5, 2008 Sep. 12, 2008 Sep. 19, 2008 Sep. 26, 2008 Oct. 3, 2008 Oct. 10, 2008 Oct. 17, 2008 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1. Banks (a) Borrowings 11,803 11,820 13,590 7,922 11,636 13,217 14,271 (b) Lendings 12,268 12,510 14,163 8,248 12,146 13,671 14,703 2. Primary Dealers (a) Borrowings 478 696 582 361 521 499 777 (b) Lendings 13 6 9 35 10 45 346 3. Total (a) Borrowings 12,281 12,516 14,172 8,283 12,157 13,716 15,048 (b) Lendings 12,281 12,516 14,172 8,2
17 Oct 2008
Average Daily Turnover in Call Money Market
(Rs. crore) Week Ended Aug. 29, 2008 Sep. 5, 2008 Sep. 12, 2008 Sep. 19, 2008 Sep. 26, 2008 Oct. 3, 2008 Oct. 10, 2008 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1. Banks (a) Borrowings 10,373 11,803 11,820 13,590 7,922 11,636 13,217 (b) Lendings 10,943 12,268 12,510 14,163 8,248 12,146 13,671 2. Primary Dealers (a) Borrowings 613 478 696 582 361 521 499 (b) Lendings 43 13 6 9 35 10 45 3. Total (a) Borrowings 10,986 12,281 12,516 14,172 8,283 12,157 13,716 (b) Lendings 10,986 12,281 12,516 14,1
10 Oct 2008
Average Daily Turnover in Call Money Market
(Rs. crore) Week Ended Aug. 22, 2008 Aug. 29, 2008 Sep. 5, 2008 Sep. 12, 2008 Sep. 19, 2008 Sep. 26, 2008 Oct. 3, 2008 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1. Banks (a) Borrowings 12,270 10,373 11,803 11,820 13,590 7,922 11,636 (b) Lendings 12,441 10,943 12,268 12,510 14,163 8,248 12,146 2. Primary Dealers (a) Borrowings 210 613 478 696 582 361 521 (b) Lendings 39 43 13 6 9 35 10 3. Total (a) Borrowings 12,480 10,986 12,281 12,516 14,172 8,283 12,157 (b) Lendings 12,480 10,986 12,281 12,5
03 Oct 2008
Average Daily Turnover in Call Money Market
(Rs. crore) Week Ended Aug. 15, 2008 Aug. 22, 2008 Aug. 29, 2008 Sep. 5, 2008 Sep. 12, 2008 Sep. 19, 2008 Sep. 26, 2008 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1. Banks (a) Borrowings 12,823 12,270 10,373 11,803 11,820 13,590 7,922 (b) Lendings 13,053 12,441 10,943 12,268 12,510 14,163 8,248 2. Primary Dealers (a) Borrowings 303 210 613 478 696 582 361 (b) Lendings 73 39 43 13 6 9 35 3. Total (a) Borrowings 13,126 12,480 10,986 12,281 12,516 14,172 8,283 (b) Lendings 13,126 12,480 10,986 12,
26 Sep 2008
Average Daily Turnover in Call Money Market
(Rs. crore) Week Ended Aug. 8, 2008 Aug. 15, 2008 Aug. 22, 2008 Aug. 29, 2008 Sep. 5, 2008 Sep. 12, 2008 Sep. 19, 2008 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1. Banks (a) Borrowings 11,978 12,823 12,270 10,373 11,803 11,820 13,590 (b) Lendings 12,268 13,053 12,441 10,943 12,268 12,510 14,163 2. Primary Dealers (a) Borrowings 323 303 210 613 478 696 582 (b) Lendings 33 73 39 43 13 6 9 3. Total (a) Borrowings 12,301 13,126 12,480 10,986 12,281 12,516 14,172 (b) Lendings 12,301 13,126 12,480 1
19 Sep 2008
Average Daily Turnover in Call Money Market
(Rs. crore) Week Ended Aug. 1, 2008 Aug. 8, 2008 Aug. 15, 2008 Aug. 22, 2008 Aug. 29, 2008 Sep. 5, 2008 Sep. 12, 2008 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1. Banks (a) Borrowings 8,767 11,978 12,823 12,270 10,373 11,803 11,820 (b) Lendings 9,183 12,268 13,053 12,441 10,943 12,268 12,510 2. Primary Dealers (a) Borrowings 442 323 303 210 613 478 696 (b) Lendings 26 33 73 39 43 13 6 3. Total (a) Borrowings 9,209 12,301 13,126 12,480 10,986 12,281 12,516 (b) Lendings 9,209 12,301 13,126 12,48
12 Sep 2008
Average Daily Turnover in Call Money Market
(Rs. crore) Week Ended Jul. 25, 2008 Aug. 1, 2008 Aug. 8, 2008 Aug. 15, 2008 Aug. 22, 2008 Aug. 29, 2008 Sep. 5, 2008 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1. Banks (a) Borrowings 13,602 8,767 11,978 12,823 12,270 10,373 11,803 (b) Lendings 13,766 9,183 12,268 13,053 12,441 10,943 12,268 2. Primary Dealers (a) Borrowings 252 442 323 303 210 613 478 (b) Lendings 88 26 33 73 39 43 13 3. Total (a) Borrowings 13,854 9,209 12,301 13,126 12,480 10,986 12,281 (b) Lendings 13,854 9,209 12,301 13,1
05 Sep 2008
Average Daily Turnover in Call Money Market
(Rs. crore) Week Ended Jul. 18, 2008 Jul. 25, 2008 Aug. 1, 2008 Aug. 8, 2008 Aug. 15, 2008 Aug. 22, 2008 Aug. 29, 2008 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1. Banks (a) Borrowings 12,086 13,602 8,767 11,978 12,823 12,270 10,373 (b)Lendings 12,442 13,766 9,183 12,268 13,053 12,441 10,943 2. Primary Dealers (a) Borrowings 405 252 442 323 303 210 613 (b) Lendings 50 88 26 33 73 39 43 3. Total (a) Borrowings 12,492 13,854 9,209 12,301 13,126 12,480 10,986 (b) Lendings 12,492 13,854 9,209 12,3
29 Aug 2008
Average Daily Turnover in Call Money Market
(Rs. crore) Week Ended Jul. 11, 2008 Jul. 18, 2008 Jul. 25, 2008 Aug. 1, 2008 Aug. 8, 2008 Aug. 15, 2008 Aug. 22, 2008 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1. Banks (a) Borrowings 13,927 12,086 13,602 8,767 11,978 12,823 12,270 (b) Lendings 14,285 12,442 13,766 9,183 12,268 13,053 12,441 2. Primary Dealers (a) Borrowings 393 405 252 442 323 303 210 (b) Lendings 35 50 88 26 33 73 39 3. Total (a) Borrowings 14,320 12,492 13,854 9,209 12,301 13,126 12,480 (b) Lendings 14,320 12,492 13,854 9,

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Page Last Updated on: July 19, 2024