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25 Nov 2011
Average Daily Turnover in Call Money Market
(` crore) Week Ended Oct. 7, 2011 Oct. 14, 2011 Oct. 21, 2011 Oct. 28, 2011 Nov. 4, 2011 Nov. 11, 2011 Nov. 18, 2011 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1. Banks (a) Borrowings 9,823 12,907 8,972 12,550 10,022 8,613 8,551 (b) Lendings 10,681 13,645 9,467 12,985 10,479 9,585 9,003 2. Primary Dealers (a) Borrowings 858 738 495 435 457 972 452 (b) Lendings — — — — — — — 3. Total (a) Borrowings 10,681 13,645 9,467 12,985 10,479 9,585 9,003 (b) Lendings 10,681 13,645 9,467 12,985 10,479 9,585 9
18 Nov 2011
Average Daily Turnover in Call Money Market
(` crore) Week Ended Sep. 30, 2011 Oct. 7, 2011 Oct. 14, 2011 Oct. 21, 2011 Oct. 28, 2011 Nov. 4, 2011 Nov. 11, 2011 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1. Banks (a) Borrowings 10,070 9,823 12,907 8,972 12,550 10,022 8,613 (b) Lendings 10,522 10,681 13,645 9,467 12,985 10,479 9,585 2. Primary Dealers (a) Borrowings 452 858 738 495 435 457 972 (b) Lendings — — — — — — — 3. Total (a) Borrowings 10,522 10,681 13,645 9,467 12,985 10,479 9,585 (b) Lendings 10,522 10,681 13,645 9,467 12,985 10,4
11 Nov 2011
Average Daily Turnover in Call Money Market
(` crore) Week Ended Sep. 23, 2011 Sep. 30, 2011 Oct. 7, 2011 Oct. 14, 2011 Oct. 21, 2011 Oct. 28, 2011 Nov. 4, 2011 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1. Banks (a) Borrowings 11,605 10,070 9,823 12,907 8,972 12,550 10,022 (b) Lendings 12,723 10,522 10,681 13,645 9,467 12,985 10,479 2. Primary Dealers (a) Borrowings 1,118 452 858 738 495 435 457 (b) Lendings — — — — — — — 3. Total (a) Borrowings 12,723 10,522 10,681 13,645 9,467 12,985 10,479 (b) Lendings 12,723 10,522 10,681 13,645 9,467
04 Nov 2011
Average Daily Turnover in Call Money Market
(` crore) Week Ended Sep. 16, 2011 Sep. 23, 2011 Sep. 30, 2011 Oct. 7, 2011 Oct. 14, 2011 Oct. 21, 2011 Oct. 28, 2011 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1. Banks (a) Borrowings 12,370 11,605 10,070 9,823 12,907 8,972 12,550 (b) Lendings 13,188 12,723 10,522 10,681 13,645 9,467 12,985 2. Primary Dealers (a) Borrowings 818 1,118 452 858 738 495 435 (b) Lendings — — — — — — — 3. Total (a) Borrowings 13,188 12,723 10,522 10,681 13,645 9,467 12,985 (b) Lendings 13,188 12,723 10,522 10,681 13,6
28 Oct 2011
Average Daily Turnover in Call Money Market
(` crore) Week Ended Sep. 9, 2011 Sep. 16, 2011 Sep. 23, 2011 Sep. 30, 2011 Oct. 7, 2011 Oct. 14, 2011 Oct. 21, 2011 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1. Banks (a) Borrowings 9,646 12,370 11,605 10,070 9,823 12,907 8,972 (b) Lendings 10,678 13,188 12,723 10,522 10,681 13,645 9,467 2. Primary Dealers (a) Borrowings 1,032 818 1,118 452 858 738 495 (b) Lendings — — — — — — — 3. Total (a) Borrowings 10,678 13,188 12,723 10,522 10,681 13,645 9,467 (b) Lendings 10,678 13,188 12,723 10,522 10,6
21 Oct 2011
Average Daily Turnover in Call Money Market
(` crore) Week Ended Sep. 2, 2011 Sep. 9, 2011 Sep. 16, 2011 Sep. 23, 2011 Sep. 30, 2011 Oct. 7, 2011 Oct. 14, 2011 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1. Banks (a) Borrowings 9,800 9,646 12,370 11,605 10,070 9,823 12,907 (b) Lendings 10,942 10,678 13,188 12,723 10,522 10,681 13,645 2. Primary Dealers (a) Borrowings 1,142 1,032 818 1,118 452 858 738 (b) Lendings — — — — — — — 3. Total (a) Borrowings 10,942 10,678 13,188 12,723 10,522 10,681 13,645 (b) Lendings 10,942 10,678 13,188 12,723 1
14 Oct 2011
Average Daily Turnover in Call Money Market
(` crore) Week Ended Aug. 26, 2011 Sep. 2, 2011 Sep. 9, 2011 Sep. 16, 2011 Sep. 23, 2011 Sep. 30, 2011 Oct. 7, 2011 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1. Banks (a) Borrowings 9,042 9,800 9,646 12,370 11,605 10,070 9,823 (b) Lendings 9,937 10,942 10,678 13,188 12,723 10,522 10,681 2. Primary Dealers (a) Borrowings 895 1,142 1,032 818 1,118 452 858 (b) Lendings — — — — — — — 3. Total (a) Borrowings 9,937 10,942 10,678 13,188 12,723 10,522 10,681 (b) Lendings 9,937 10,942 10,678 13,188 12,72
07 Oct 2011
Average Daily Turnover in Call Money Market
(` crore) Week Ended Aug. 19, 2011 Aug. 26, 2011 Sep. 2, 2011 Sep. 9, 2011 Sep. 16, 2011 Sep. 23, 2011 Sep. 30, 2011 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1. Banks (a) Borrowings 8,182 9,042 9,800 9,646 12,370 11,605 10,070 (b) Lendings 9,054 9,937 10,942 10,678 13,188 12,723 10,522 2. Primary Dealers (a) Borrowings 872 895 1,142 1,032 818 1,118 452 (b) Lendings — — — — — — — 3. Total (a) Borrowings 9,054 9,937 10,942 10,678 13,188 12,723 10,522 (b) Lendings 9,054 9,937 10,942 10,678 13,188
30 Sep 2011
Average Daily Turnover in Call Money Market
(` crore) Week Ended Aug. 12, 2011 Aug. 19, 2011 Aug. 26, 2011 Sep. 2, 2011 Sep. 9, 2011 Sep. 16, 2011 Sep. 23, 2011 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1. Banks (a) Borrowings 9.168 8,182 9,042 9,800 9,646 12,370 11,605 (b) Lendings 10,501 9,054 9,937 10,942 10,678 13,188 12,723 2. Primary Dealers (a) Borrowings 1,333 872 895 1,142 1,032 818 1,118 (b) Lendings — — — — — — — 3. Total (a) Borrowings 10,501 9,054 9,937 10,942 10,678 13,188 12,723 (b) Lendings 10,501 9,054 9,937 10,942 10,678
23 Sep 2011
Average Daily Turnover in Call Money Market
(` crore) Week Ended Aug. 5, 2011 Aug. 12, 2011 Aug. 19, 2011 Aug. 26, 2011 Sep. 2, 2011 Sep. 9, 2011 Sep. 16, 2011 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1. Banks (a) Borrowings 6,794 9.168 8,182 9,042 9,800 9,646 12,370 (b) Lendings 8,054 10,501 9,054 9,937 10,942 10,678 13,188 2. Primary Dealers (a) Borrowings 1,274 1,333 872 895 1,142 1,032 818 (b) Lendings 14 — — — — — — 3. Total (a) Borrowings 8,068 10,501 9,054 9,937 10,942 10,678 13,188 (b) Lendings 8,068 10,501 9,054 9,937 10,942 10,
16 Sep 2011
Average Daily Turnover in Call Money Market
(` crore) Week Ended Jul. 29, 2011 Aug. 5, 2011 Aug. 12, 2011 Aug. 19, 2011 Aug. 26, 2011 Sep. 2, 2011 Sep. 9, 2011 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1. Banks (a) Borrowings 9,334 6,794 9.168 8,182 9,042 9,800 9,646 (b) Lendings 10,320 8,054 10,501 9,054 9,937 10,942 10,678 2. Primary Dealers (a) Borrowings 986 1,274 1,333 872 895 1,142 1,032 (b) Lendings — 14 — — — — — 3. Total (a) Borrowings 10,320 8,068 10,501 9,054 9,937 10,942 10,678 (b) Lendings 10,320 8,068 10,501 9,054 9,937 10,9
09 Sep 2011
Average Daily Turnover in Call Money Market
(` crore) Week Ended Jul. 22, 2011 Jul. 29, 2011 Aug. 5, 2011 Aug. 12, 2011 Aug. 19, 2011 Aug. 26, 2011 Sep. 2, 2011 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1. Banks (a) Borrowings 12,366 9,334 6,794 9.168 8,182 9,042 9,800 (b) Lendings 13,466 10,320 8,054 10,501 9,054 9,937 10,942 2. Primary Dealers (a) Borrowings 1,100 986 1,274 1,333 872 895 1,142 (b) Lendings — — 14 — — — — 3. Total (a) Borrowings 13,466 10,320 8,068 10,501 9,054 9,937 10,942 (b) Lendings 13,466 10,320 8,068 10,501 9,054 9
02 Sep 2011
Average Daily Turnover in Call Money Market
(` crore) Week Ended Jul. 15, 2011 Jul. 22, 2011 Jul. 29, 2011 Aug. 5, 2011 Aug. 12, 2011 Aug. 19, 2011 Aug. 26, 2011 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1. Banks (a) Borrowings 11,179 12,366 9,334 6,794 9.168 8,182 9,042 (b) Lendings 12,358 13,466 10,320 8,054 10,501 9,054 9,937 2. Primary Dealers (a) Borrowings 1,189 1,100 986 1,274 1,333 872 895 (b) Lendings 10 — — 14 — — — 3. Total (a) Borrowings 12,368 13,466 10,320 8,068 10,501 9,054 9,937 (b) Lendings 12,368 13,466 10,320 8,068 10,5
26 Aug 2011
Average Daily Turnover in Call Money Market
(` crore) Week Ended Jul. 8, 2011 Jul. 15, 2011 Jul. 22, 2011 Jul. 29, 2011 Aug. 5, 2011 Aug. 12, 2011 Aug. 19, 2011 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1. Banks (a) Borrowings 11,753 11,179 12,366 9,334 6,794 9.168 8,182 (b) Lendings 12,819 12,358 13,466 10,320 8,054 10,501 9,054 2. Primary Dealers (a) Borrowings 1,066 1,189 1,100 986 1,274 1,333 872 (b) Lendings — 10 — — 14 — — 3. Total (a) Borrowings 12,819 12,368 13,466 10,320 8,068 10,501 9,054 (b) Lendings 12,819 12,368 13,466 10,320
19 Aug 2011
Average Daily Turnover in Call Money Market
(` crore) Week Ended Jul. 1, 2011 Jul. 8, 2011 Jul. 15, 2011 Jul. 22, 2011 Jul. 29, 2011 Aug. 5, 2011 Aug. 12, 2011 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1. Banks (a) Borrowings 10,257 11,753 11,179 12,366 9,334 6,794 9.168 (b) Lendings 11,035 12,819 12,358 13,466 10,320 8,054 10,501 2. Primary Dealers (a) Borrowings 779 1,066 1,189 1,100 986 1,274 1,333 (b) Lendings 1 — 10 — — 14 — 3. Total (a) Borrowings 11,036 12,819 12,368 13,466 10,320 8,068 10,501 (b) Lendings 11,036 12,819 12,368 13,4
12 Aug 2011
Average Daily Turnover in Call Money Market
(` crore) Week Ended Jun. 24, 2011 Jul. 1, 2011 Jul. 8, 2011 Jul. 15, 2011 Jul. 22, 2011 Jul. 29, 2011 Aug. 5, 2011 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1. Banks (a) Borrowings 12,818 10,257 11,753 11,179 12,366 9,334 6,794 (b) Lendings 13,271 11,035 12,819 12,358 13,466 10,320 8,054 2. Primary Dealers (a) Borrowings 453 779 1,066 1,189 1,100 986 1,274 (b) Lendings — 1 — 10 — — 14 3. Total (a) Borrowings 13,271 11,036 12,819 12,368 13,466 10,320 8,068 (b) Lendings 13,271 11,036 12,819 12,36
05 Aug 2011
Average Daily Turnover in Call Money Market
(` crore) Week Ended Jun. 17, 2011 Jun. 24, 2011 Jul. 1, 2011 Jul. 8, 2011 Jul. 15, 2011 Jul. 22, 2011 Jul. 29, 2011 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1. Banks (a) Borrowings 9,141 12,818 10,257 11,753 11,179 12,366 9,334 (b) Lendings 10,090 13,271 11,035 12,819 12,358 13,466 10,320 2. Primary Dealers (a) Borrowings 949 453 779 1,066 1,189 1,100 986 (b) Lendings — — 1 — 10 — — 3. Total (a) Borrowings 10,090 13,271 11,036 12,819 12,368 13,466 10,320 (b) Lendings 10,090 13,271 11,036 12,81
29 Jul 2011
Average Daily Turnover in Call Money Market
(` crore) Week Ended Jun. 10, 2011 Jun. 17, 2011 Jun. 24, 2011 Jul. 1, 2011 Jul. 8, 2011 Jul. 15, 2011 Jul. 22, 2011 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1. Banks (a) Borrowings 10,440 9,141 12,818 10,257 11,753 11,179 12,366 (b) Lendings 11,341 10,090 13,271 11,035 12,819 12,358 13,466 2. Primary Dealers (a) Borrowings 901 949 453 779 1,066 1,189 1,100 (b) Lendings — — — 1 — 10 — 3. Total (a) Borrowings 11,341 10,090 13,271 11,036 12,819 12,368 13,466 (b) Lendings 11,341 10,090 13,271 11,0
22 Jul 2011
Average Daily Turnover in Call Money Market
(` crore) Week Ended Jun. 3, 2011 Jun. 10, 2011 Jun. 17, 2011 Jun. 24, 2011 Jul. 1, 2011 Jul. 8, 2011 Jul. 15, 2011 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1. Banks (a) Borrowings 8,075 10,440 9,141 12,818 10,257 11,753 11,179 (b) Lendings 9,018 11,341 10,090 13,271 11,035 12,819 12,358 2. Primary Dealers (a) Borrowings 943 901 949 453 779 1,066 1,189 (b) Lendings — — — — 1 — 10 3. Total (a) Borrowings 9,018 11,341 10,090 13,271 11,036 12,819 12,368 (b) Lendings 9,018 11,341 10,090 13,271 11,0
15 Jul 2011
Average Daily Turnover in Call Money Market
(` crore) Week Ended May 27, 2011 Jun. 3, 2011 Jun. 10, 2011 Jun. 17, 2011 Jun. 24, 2011 Jul. 1, 2011 Jul. 8, 2011 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1. Banks (a) Borrowings 10,331 8,075 10,440 9,141 12,818 10,257 11,753 (b) Lendings 11,037 9,018 11,341 10,090 13,271 11,035 12,819 2. Primary Dealers (a) Borrowings 706 943 901 949 453 779 1,066 (b) Lendings — — — — — 1 — 3. Total (a) Borrowings 11,037 9,018 11,341 10,090 13,271 11,036 12,819 (b) Lendings 11,037 9,018 11,341 10,090 13,271 1

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Page Last Updated on: July 19, 2024