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10 Oct 2008
Turnover in Government Securities Market (Face Value)
(Rs. crore) Items Week Ended Aug. 29, 2008 Sep. 5, 2008 Sep. 12, 2008 Sep. 19, 2008 Sep. 26, 2008 Oct. 3, 2008 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 I. Outright Transactions (a) Govt. of India Dated Securities 75,725 75,973 78,244 85,511 58,427 34,064 (b) State Government Securities 127 85 283 259 31 437 (c) 91 – Day Treasury Bills 4,812 4,535 4,998 4,122 2,679 1,695 (d) 182 – Day Treasury Bills 87 207 1,226 576 667 673 (e) 364 – Day Treasury Bills 390 1,190 1,937 909 1,312 402 II. RBI* 7,04
03 Oct 2008
Turnover in Government Securities Market (Face Value)
(Rs. crore) Items Week Ended Aug. 22, 2008 Aug. 29, 2008 Sep. 5, 2008 Sep. 12, 2008 Sep. 19, 2008 Sep. 26, 2008 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 I. Outright Transactions (a) Govt. of India Dated Securities 40,794 75,725 75,973 78,244 85,511 58,427 (b) State Government Securities 169 127 85 283 259 31 (c) 91 – Day Treasury Bills 2,863 4,812 4,535 4,998 4,122 2,679 (d) 182 – Day Treasury Bills 1,006 87 207 1,226 576 667 (e) 364 – Day Treasury Bills 691 390 1,190 1,937 909 1,312 II. RBI* 6
26 Sep 2008
Turnover in Government Securities Market (Face Value)
(Rs. crore) Items Week Ended Aug. 15, 2008 Aug. 22, 2008 Aug. 29, 2008 Sep. 5, 2008 Sep. 12, 2008 Sep. 19, 2008 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 I. Outright Transactions (a) Govt. of India Dated Securities 57,868 40,794 75,725 75,973 78,244 85,511 (b) State Government Securities 195 169 127 85 283 259 (c) 91 – Day Treasury Bills 2,341 2,863 4,812 4,535 4,998 4,122 (d) 182 – Day Treasury Bills 262 1,006 87 207 1,226 576 (e) 364 – Day Treasury Bills 1,837 691 390 1,190 1,937 909 II. RBI*
19 Sep 2008
Turnover in Government Securities Market (Face Value)
(Rs. crore) Items Week Ended Aug. 8, 2008 Aug. 15, 2008 Aug. 22, 2008 Aug. 29, 2008 Sep. 5, 2008 Sep. 12, 2008 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 I. Outright Transactions (a)\ Govt. of India Dated Securities 51,347 57,868 40,794 75,725 75,973 78,244 (b) State Government Securities 817 195 169 127 85 283 (c) 91 – Day Treasury Bills 2,796 2,341 2,863 4,812 4,535 4,998 (d) 182 – Day Treasury Bills 131 262 1,006 87 207 1,226 (e) 364 – Day Treasury Bills 1,356 1,837 691 390 1,190 1,937 II. RBI
12 Sep 2008
Turnover in Government Securities Market (Face Value)
(Rs. crore) Items Week Ended Aug. 1, 2008 Aug. 8, 2008 Aug. 15, 2008 Aug. 22, 2008 Aug. 29, 2008 Sep. 5, 2008 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 I. Outright Transactions (a) Govt. of India Dated Securities 41,729 51,347 57,868 40,794 75,725 75,973 (b) State Government Securities 145 817 195 169 127 85 (c) 91 – Day Treasury Bills 1,679 2,796 2,341 2,863 4,812 4,535 (d) 182 – Day Treasury Bills 545 131 262 1,006 87 207 (e) 364 – Day Treasury Bills 2,569 1,356 1,837 691 390 1,190 II. RBI* 39
05 Sep 2008
Turnover in Government Securities Market (Face Value)
(Rs. crore) Items Week Ended Jul. 25, 2008 Aug. 1, 2008 Aug. 8, 2008 Aug. 15, 2008 Aug. 22, 2008 Aug. 29, 2008 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 I. Outright Transactions (a) Govt. of India Dated Securities 43,561 41,729 51,347 57,868 40,794 75,725 (b) State Government Securities 186 145 817 195 169 127 (c) 91 – Day Treasury Bills 1,623 1,679 2,796 2,341 2,863 4,812 (d) 182 – Day Treasury Bills 986 545 131 262 1,006 87 (e) 364 – Day Treasury Bills 988 2,569 1,356 1,837 691 390 II. RBI* 90
29 Aug 2008
Turnover in Government Securities Market (Face Value)
(Rs. crore) Items Week Ended Jul. 18, 2008 Jul. 25, 2008 Aug. 1, 2008 Aug. 8, 2008 Aug. 15, 2008 Aug. 22, 2008 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 I. Outright Transactions (a) Govt. of India Dated Securities 31,152 43,561 41,729 51,347 57,868 40,794 (b) State Government Securities 317 186 145 817 195 169 (c) 91 – Day Treasury Bills 986 1,623 1,679 2,796 2,341 2,863 (d) 182 – Day Treasury Bills 204 986 545 131 262 1,006 (e) 364 – Day Treasury Bills 1,052 988 2,569 1,356 1,837 691 II. RBI* 7
22 Aug 2008
Turnover in Government Securities Market (Face Value)
(Rs. crore) Items Week Ended Jul. 11, 2008 Jul. 18, 2008 Jul. 25, 2008 Aug. 1, 2008 Aug. 8, 2008 Aug. 15, 2008 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 I. Outright Transactions (a) Govt. of India Dated Securities 43,568 31,152 43,561 41,729 51,347 57,868 (b) State Government Securities 208 317 186 145 817 195 (c) 91 – Day Treasury Bills 1,605 986 1,623 1,679 2,796 2,341 (d) 182 – Day Treasury Bills 685 204 986 545 131 262 (e) 364 – Day Treasury Bills 2,236 1,052 988 2,569 1,356 1,837 II. RBI* 2
15 Aug 2008
Turnover in Government Securities Market (Face Value)
(Rs. crore) Items Week Ended Jul. 4, 2008 Jul. 11, 2008 Jul. 18, 2008 Jul. 25, 2008 Aug. 1, 2008 Aug. 8, 2008 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 I. Outright Transactions (a) Govt. of India Dated Securities 26,075 43,568 31,152 43,561 41,729 51,347 (b) State Government Securities 3,566 208 317 186 145 817 (c) 91 – Day Treasury Bills 467 1,605 986 1,623 1,679 2,796 (d) 182 – Day Treasury Bills 792 685 204 986 545 131 (e) 364 – Day Treasury Bills 3,010 2,236 1,052 988 2,569 1,356 II. RBI* 2,
08 Aug 2008
Turnover in Government Securities Market (Face Value)
(Rs. crore) Items Week Ended Jun. 27, 2008 Jul. 4, 2008 Jul. 11, 2008 Jul. 18, 2008 Jul. 25, 2008 Aug. 1, 2008 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 I. Outright Transactions (a) Govt. of India Dated Securities 53,715 26,075 43,568 31,152 43,561 41,729 (b) State Government Securities 633 3,566 208 317 186 145 (c) 91 – Day Treasury Bills 2,433 467 1,605 986 1,623 1,679 (d) 182 – Day Treasury Bills 851 792 685 204 986 545 (e) 364 – Day Treasury Bills 1,444 3,010 2,236 1,052 988 2,569 II. RBI* 4

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