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02 Oct 2004
18. Turnover in Government Securities Market (Face Value)
(Rs. crore) WeekEnded Items Aug. 20, 2004 Aug. 27, 2004 Sep. 3, 2004 Sep. 10, 2004 Sep. 17, 2004 Sep. 24, 2004 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 I. Outright Transactions (a) Govt. of India Dated Securities 20,356 44,734 45,312 49,155 39,635 43,880 (b) State Government Securities 585 403 721 1,493 1,092 1,104 (c) 91 – Day Treasury Bills 2,196 8,492 8,385 5,184 5,898 5,795 (d) 364 – Day Treasury Bills 737 3,941 4,386 1,536 4,335 1,993 II. RBI* 9 29 86 12 5 — @ :Excluding Repo Transactions.
25 Sep 2004
18. Turnover in Government Securities Market (Face Value)
(Rs. crore) WeekEnded Items Aug. 13, 2004 Aug. 20, 2004 Aug. 27, 2004 Sep. 3, 2004 Sep. 10, 2004 Sep. 17, 2004 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 I. Outright Transactions (a) Govt. of India Dated Securities 26,063 20,356 44,734 45,312 49,155 39,635 (b) State Government Securities 188 585 403 721 1,493 1,092 (c) 91 – Day Treasury Bills 6,368 2,196 8,492 8,385 5,184 5,898 (d) 364 – Day Treasury Bills 2,054 737 3,941 4,386 1,536 4,335 II. RBI* 45 9 29 86 12 5 @ :Excluding Repo Transactions.*
18 Sep 2004
18. Turnover in Government Securities Market (Face Value)
(Rs. crore) WeekEnded Items Aug. 6, 2004 Aug. 13, 2004 Aug. 20, 2004 Aug. 27, 2004 Sep. 3, 2004 Sep. 10, 2004 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 I. Outright Transactions (a) Govt. of India Dated Securities 24,910 26,063 20,356 44,734 45,312 49,155 (b) State Government Securities 556 188 585 403 721 1,493 (c) 91 – Day Treasury Bills 6,793 6,368 2,196 8,492 8,385 5,184 (d) 364 – Day Treasury Bills 3,498 2,054 737 3,941 4,386 1,536 II. RBI* 11 45 9 29 86 12@ :Excluding Repo Transactions.*: R
11 Sep 2004
18. Turnover in Government Securities Market (Face Value)
(Rs. crore) WeekEnded Items Jul. 30, 2004 Aug. 6, 2004 Aug. 13, 2004 Aug. 20, 2004 Aug. 27, 2004 Sep. 3, 2004 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 I. Outright Transactions (a) Govt. of India Dated Securities 23,881 24,910 26,063 20,356 44,734 45,312 (b) State Government Securities 988 556 188 585 403 721 (c) 91 – Day Treasury Bills 6,048 6,793 6,368 2,196 8,492 8,385 (d) 364 – Day Treasury Bills 4,092 3,498 2,054 737 3,941 4,386 II. RBI* 12 11 45 9 29 86 @ :Excluding Repo Transactions.*: RB
04 Sep 2004
18. Turnover in Government Securities Market (Face Value)
(Rs. crore) WeekEnded Items Jul. 23, 2004 Jul. 30, 2004 Aug. 6, 2004 Aug. 13, 2004 Aug. 20, 2004 Aug. 27, 2004 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 I. Outright Transactions (a) Govt. of India Dated Securities 25,557 23,881 24,910 26,063 20,356 44,734 (b) State Government Securities 1,610 988 556 188 585 403 (c) 91 – Day Treasury Bills 5,166 6,048 6,793 6,368 2,196 8,492 (d) 364 – Day Treasury Bills 2,456 4,092 3,498 2,054 737 3,941 II. RBI* 6 12 11 45 9 29@ :Excluding Repo Transactions.*: R
28 Aug 2004
18. Turnover in Government Securities Market (Face Value)
WeekEnded (Rs. crore) Items Jul. 16, 2004 Jul. 23, 2004 Jul. 30, 2004 Aug. 6, 2004 Aug. 13, 2004 Aug. 20, 2004 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 I.Outright Transactions (a) Govt. of India Dated Securities 19,364 25,557 23,881 24,910 26,063 20,356 (b) State Government Securities 1,269 1,610 988 556 188 585 (c) 91 – Day Treasury Bills 7,144 5,166 6,048 6,793 6,368 2,196 (d) 364 – Day Treasury Bills 1,880 2,456 4,092 3,498 2,054 737 II. RBI* 22 6 12 11 45 9 @ : Excluding Repo Transactions.*
21 Aug 2004
18. Turnover in Government Securities Market (Face Value)
(Rs. crore) WeekEnded Items Jul. 9, 2004 Jul. 16, 2004 Jul. 23, 2004 Jul. 30, 2004 Aug. 6, 2004 Aug. 13, 2004 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 I. Outright Transactions (a) Govt. of India Dated Securities 41,912 19,364 25,557 23,881 24,910 26,063 (b) State Government Securities 952 1,269 1,610 988 556 188 (c) 91 – Day Treasury Bills 3,854 7,144 5,166 6,048 6,793 6,368 (d) 364 – Day Treasury Bills 2,746 1,880 2,456 4,092 3,498 2,054 II. RBI* — 22 6 12 11 45 @ :Excluding Repo Transactions.
14 Aug 2004
18. Turnover in Government Securities Market (Face Value)
(Rs. crore) WeekEnded Items Jul. 2, 2004 Jul. 9, 2004 Jul. 16, 2004 Jul. 23, 2004 Jul. 30, 2004 Aug. 6, 2004 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 I. Outright Transactions (a) Govt. of India Dated Securities 29,201 41,912 19,364 25,557 23,881 24,910 (b) State Government Securities 671 952 1,269 1,610 988 556 (c) 91 – Day Treasury Bills 5,742 3,854 7,144 5,166 6,048 6,793 (d) 364 – Day Treasury Bills 3,862 2,746 1,880 2,456 4,092 3,498 II. RBI* 189 — 22 6 12 11 @ :Excluding Repo Transactions.
07 Aug 2004
18. Turnover in Government Securities Market (Face Value)
(Rs. crore) WeekEnded Items Jun. 25, 2004 Jul. 2, 2004 Jul. 9, 2004 Jul. 16, 2004 Jul. 23, 2004 Jul. 30, 2004 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 I. Outright Transactions (a) Govt. of India Dated Securities 38,987 29,201 41,912 19,364 25,557 23,881 (b) State Government Securities 1,299 671 952 1,269 1,610 988 (c) 91 – Day Treasury Bills 3,322 5,742 3,854 7,144 5,166 6,048 (d) 364 – Day Treasury Bills 4,879 3,862 2,746 1,880 2,456 4,092 II. RBI* — 189 — 22 6 12 @ :Excluding Repo Transaction
31 Jul 2004
18. Turnover in Government Securities Market (Face Value)
(Rs. crore) WeekEnded Items Jun. 18, 2004 Jun. 25, 2004 Jul. 2, 2004 Jul. 9, 2004 Jul. 16, 2004 Jul. 23, 2004 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 I. Outright Transactions (a) Govt. of India Dated Securities 40,449 38,987 29,201 41,912 19,364 25,557 (b) State Government Securities 2,197 1,299 671 952 1,269 1,610 (c) 91 – Day Treasury Bills 4,778 3,322 5,742 3,854 7,144 5,166 (d) 364 – Day Treasury Bills 2,057 4,879 3,862 2,746 1,880 2,456 II. RBI* — — 189 — 22 6@ :Excluding Repo Transaction

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Page Last Updated on: July 19, 2024