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31 Oct 1998
16b. Turnover in Government Securities Market (Face Value)
(Rs. crore) Week Ended Items Sept. 18, 98 Sept. 25, 98 Oct. 2, 98 Oct. 9, 98 Oct. 16, 98 Oct. 23, 98 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 I. Outright Transactions a. Govt. of India Dated Securities 2,492 2,550 2,410 3,740 1,915 393 b. State Government Securities 87 1 11 47 2 7 c. 14 - Day Treasury Bills - 50 106 164 1,069 383 d. 91 - Day Treasury Bills 370 298 434 1,395 1,441 258 e. 364 -Day Treasury Bills 821 617 429 96 752 121 II. RBI* 3 - 42 342 216 46 @ : Excluding Repo Transactions. *
24 Oct 1998
16b. Turnover in Government Securities Market (Face Value)
(Rs. crore) Week Ended Items Sept. 11, 98 Sept. 18, 98 Sept. 25, 98 Oct. 2, 98 Oct. 9, 98 Oct. 16, 98 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 I. Outright Transactions a. Govt. of India Dated Securities 3,134 2,492 2,550 2,410 3,740 1,915 b. State Government Securities 111 87 1 11 47 2 c. 14 - Day Treasury Bills 20 - 50 106 164 1,069 d. 91 - Day Treasury Bills 272 370 298 434 1,395 1,441 e. 364 -Day Treasury Bills 209 821 617 429 96 752 II. RBI* 104 3 - 42 342 216 @ : Excluding Repo Transaction
17 Oct 1998
16b. Turnover in Government Securities Market (Face Value)
(Rs. crore) Week Ended Items Sept. 4, 98 Sept. 11, 98 Sept. 18, 98 Sept. 25, 98 Oct. 2, 98 Oct. 9, 98 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 I. Outright Transactions a. Govt. of India Dated Securities 3,739 3,134 2,492 2,550 2,410 3,740 b. State Government Securities 95 111 87 1 11 47 c. 14 - Day Treasury Bills 30 20 - 50 106 164 d. 91 - Day Treasury Bills 457 272 370 298 434 1,395 e. 364 -Day Treasury Bills 187 209 821 617 429 96 II. RBI* 543 104 3 - 42 342 @ : Excluding Repo Transactions. *
10 Oct 1998
16b. Turnover in Government Securities Market (Face Value)
(Rs. crore) Week Ended Items Aug.28,98 Sept.4,98 Sept.11,98 Sept.18,98 Sept.25,98 Oct.2,98 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 I. Outright Transactions a. Govt. of India Dated Securities 5,679 3,739 3,134 2,492 2,550 2,410 b. State Government Securities 94 95 111 87 1 11 c. 14 - Day Treasury Bills 43 30 20 - 50 106 d. 91 - Day Treasury Bills 96 457 272 370 298 434 e. 364 -Day Treasury Bills 219 187 209 821 617 429 II. RBI* 2,261 543 104 3 - 42 @ : Excluding Repo Transactions. * : RBI's sal
03 Oct 1998
16b. Turnover in Government Securities Market (Face Value)
Week Ended Items Aug. 21, '98 Aug. 28, 98 Sept. 4, '98 Sept. 11, '98 Sept. 18, '98 Sept. 25, '98 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 I. Outright Transactions a. Govt. of India Dated Securities 10,561 5,679 3,739 3,134 2,492 2,550 b State Goverment Securities 40 94 95 111 87 1 c. 14 - Day Treasury Bills 967 43 30 20 - 50 d. 91 - Day Treasury Bills 390 96 457 272 370 298 e. 364 -Day Treasury Bills 898 219 187 209 821 617 II. RBI* 2,549 2,261 543 104 3 0.46 @ : Excluding Repo Transactions. *
26 Sep 1998
16b. Turnover in Government Securities Market (Face Value)
(Rs. crore) Items Week Ended August 14, '98 August 21, '98 August 28, '98 Sept. 4, '98 Sept. 11, '98 Sept. 18, '98 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 I. Outright Transactions a. Govt. of India Dated Securities 10,007 10,561 5,679 3,739 3,134 2,492 b. State Goverment Securities 75 40 94 95 111 87 c. 14 - Day Treasury Bills 1,119 967 43 30 20 - d. 91 -Day Treasury Bills 353 390 96 457 272 370 e. 364 -Day Treasury Bills 598 898 219 187 209 821 II. RBI* 1,746 2,549 2,261 543 104 3 @ : Excludi
19 Sep 1998
16b. Turnover in Government Securities Market (Price Value)
Items Week Ended August 7, '98 August 14, '98 August 21, '98 August 28, '98 Sept. 4, '98 Sept. 11, '98 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 I. Outright Transactions a. Govt. of India Dated Securities 6,292 10,007 10,561 5,679 3,739 3,134 b. State Goverment Securities 31 75 40 94 95 111 c. 14 - Day Treasury Bills 1,056 1,119 967 43 30 20 d. 91 -Day Treasury Bills 449 353 390 96 457 272 e. 364 -Day Treasury Bills 583 598 898 219 187 209 II. RBI* 343 1,746 2,549 2,261 543 104 @ : Excluding Rep

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