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27 Feb 2009
Turnover in Government Securities Market (Face Value)
Items Week Ended Jan. 16, 2009 Jan. 23, 2009 Jan. 30, 2009 Feb. 6, 2009 Feb. 13, 2009 Feb. 20, 2009 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 I. Outright Transactions (a) Govt. of India Dated Securities 1,72,790 1,49,717 85,966 91,002 1,04,074 73,919 (b) State Government Securities 2,377 998 616 140 1,011 895 (c) 91 – Day Treasury Bills 8,928 5,482 6,723 11,216 12,334 6,024 (d) 182 – Day Treasury Bills 139 1,656 60 893 884 820 (e) 364 – Day Treasury Bills 3,001 3,510 1,499 1,920 2,149 1,834 II R
20 Feb 2009
Turnover in Government Securities Market (Face Value)
(Rs. crore) Items Week Ended Jan. 9, 2009 Jan. 16, 2009 Jan. 23, 2009 Jan. 30, 2009 Feb. 6, 2009 Feb. 13, 2009 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 I. Outright Transactions (a) Govt. of India Dated Securities 1,35,572 1,72,790 1,49,717 85,966 91,002 1,04,074 (b) State Government Securities 958 2,377 998 616 140 1,011 (c) 91 – Day Treasury Bills 4,363 8,928 5,482 6,723 11,216 12,334 (d) 182 – Day Treasury Bills 546 139 1,656 60 893 884 (e) 364 – Day Treasury Bills 3,204 3,001 3,510 1,499 1,9
13 Feb 2009
Turnover in Government Securities Market (Face Value)
(Rs. crore) Week Ended Items Jan. 2, 2009 Jan. 9, 2009 Jan. 16, 2009 Jan. 23, 2009 Jan. 30, 2009 Feb. 6, 2009 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 I. Outright Transactions (a) Govt. of India Dated Securities 1,51,298 1,35,572 1,72,790 1,49,717 85,966 91,002 (b) State Government Securities 1,030 958 2,377 998 616 140 (c) 91 – Day Treasury Bills 3,411 4,363 8,928 5,482 6,723 11,216 (d) 182 – Day Treasury Bills 697 546 139 1,656 60 893 (e) 364 – Day Treasury Bills 1,375 3,204 3,001 3,510 1,499
06 Feb 2009
Turnover in Government Securities Market (Face Value)
(Rs. crore) Week Ended Items Dec. 26, 2008 Jan. 2, 2009 Jan. 9, 2009 Jan. 16, 2009 Jan. 23, 2009 Jan. 30, 2009 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 I. Outright Transactions (a) Govt. of India Dated Securities 1,11,541 1,51,298 1,35,572 1,72,790 1,49,717 85,966 (b) State Government Securities 2,434 1,030 958 2,377 998 616 (c) 91 – Day Treasury Bills 3,795 3,411 4,363 8,928 5,482 6,723 (d) 182 – Day Treasury Bills 705 697 546 139 1,656 60 (e) 364 – Day Treasury Bills 1,539 1,375 3,204 3,001 3
30 Jan 2009
Turnover in Government Securities Market (Face Value)
(Rs. crore) Items Week Ended Dec. 19, 2008 Dec. 26, 2008 Jan. 2, 2009 Jan. 9, 2009 Jan. 16, 2009 Jan. 23, 2009 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 I. Outright Transactions (a) Govt. of India Dated Securities 2,11,934 1,11,541 1,51,298 1,35,572 1,72,790 1,49,717 (b) State Government Securities 3,198 2,434 1,030 958 2,377 998 (c) 91 – Day Treasury Bills 9,305 3,795 3,411 4,363 8,928 5,482 (d) 182 – Day Treasury Bills 366 705 697 546 139 1,656 (e) 364 – Day Treasury Bills 3,056 1,539 1,375 3,
23 Jan 2009
Turnover in Government Securities Market (Face Value)
(Rs. crore) Week Ended Items Dec. 12, 2008 Dec. 19, 2008 Dec. 26, 2008 Jan. 2, 2009 Jan. 9, 2009 Jan. 16, 2009 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 I. Outright Transactions (a) Govt. of India Dated Securities 1,36,768 2,11,934 1,11,541 1,51,298 1,35,572 1,72,790 (b) State Government Securities 1,268 3,198 2,434 1,030 958 2,377 (c) 91 – Day Treasury Bills 7,184 9,305 3,795 3,411 4,363 8,928 (d) 182 – Day Treasury Bills 746 366 705 697 546 139 (e) 364 – Day Treasury Bills 922 3,056 1,539 1,37
16 Jan 2009
Turnover in Government Securities Market (Face Value)
(Rs. crore) Week Ended Items Dec. 5, 2008 Dec. 12, 2008 Dec. 19, 2008 Dec. 26, 2008 Jan. 2, 2009 Jan. 9, 2009 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 I. Outright Transactions (a) Govt. of India Dated Securities 1,47,609 1,36,768 2,11,934 1,11,541 1,51,298 1,35,572 (b) State Government Securities 1,559 1,268 3,198 2,434 1,030 958 (c) 91 – Day Treasury Bills 8,115 7,184 9,305 3,795 3,411 4,363 (d) 182 – Day Treasury Bills 882 746 366 705 697 546 (e) 364 – Day Treasury Bills 3,182 922 3,056 1,539
09 Jan 2009
Turnover in Government Securities Market (Face Value)
(Rs. crore) Items Week Ended Nov. 28, 2008 Dec. 5, 2008 Dec. 12, 2008 Dec. 19, 2008 Dec. 26, 2008 Jan. 2, 2009 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 I. Outright Transactions (a) Govt. of India Dated Securities 1,08,961 1,47,609 1,36,768 2,11,934 1,11,541 1,51,298 (b) State Government Securities 880 1,559 1,268 3,198 2,434 1,030 (c) 91 – Day Treasury Bills 5,966 8,115 7,184 9,305 3,795 3,411 (d) 182 – Day Treasury Bills 906 882 746 366 705 697 (e) 364 – Day Treasury Bills 1,490 3,182 922 3,05
02 Jan 2009
Turnover in Government Securities Market (Face Value)
(Rs. crore) Items Week Ended Nov. 21, 2008 Nov. 28, 2008 Dec. 5, 2008 Dec. 12, 2008 Dec. 19, 2008 Dec. 26, 2008 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 I. Outright Transactions (a) Govt. of India Dated Securities 1,17,901 1,08,961 1,47,609 1,36,768 2,11,934 1,11,541 (b) State Government Securities 952 880 1,559 1,268 3,198 2,434 (c) 91 – Day Treasury Bills 7,173 5,966 8,115 7,184 9,305 3,795 (d) 182 – Day Treasury Bills 928 906 882 746 366 705 (e) 364 – Day Treasury Bills 4,766 1,490 3,182 922
26 Dec 2008
Turnover in Government Securities Market (Face Value)
(Rs. crore) Week Ended Items Nov. 14, 2008 Nov. 21, 2008 Nov. 28, 2008 Dec. 5, 2008 Dec. 12, 2008 Dec. 19, 2008 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 I. Outright Transactions (a) Govt. of India Dated Securities 50,559 1,17,901 1,08,961 1,47,609 1,36,768 2,11,934 (b) State Government Securities 727 952 880 1,559 1,268 3,198 (c) 91 – Day Treasury Bills 4,102 7,173 5,966 8,115 7,184 9,305 (d) 182 – Day Treasury Bills 526 928 906 882 746 366 (e) 364 – Day Treasury Bills 3,434 4,766 1,490 3,182 9
19 Dec 2008
Turnover in Government Securities Market (Face Value)
(Rs. crore) Items Week Ended Nov. 7, 2008 Nov. 14, 2008 Nov. 21, 2008 Nov. 28, 2008 Dec. 5, 2008 Dec. 12, 2008 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 I. Outright Transactions (a) Govt. of India Dated Securities 74,900 50,559 1,17,901 1,08,961 1,47,609 1,36,768 (b) State Government Securities 294 727 952 880 1,559 1,268 (c) 91 – Day Treasury Bills 3,363 4,102 7,173 5,966 8,115 7,184 (d) 182 – Day Treasury Bills 834 526 928 906 882 746 (e) 364 – Day Treasury Bills 2,298 3,434 4,766 1,490 3,182
12 Dec 2008
Turnover in Government Securities Market (Face Value)
(Rs. crore) Items Week Ended Oct. 31, 2008 Nov. 7, 2008 Nov. 14, 2008 Nov. 21, 2008 Nov. 28, 2008 Dec. 5, 2008 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 I. Outright Transactions (a) Govt. of India Dated Securities 40,242 74,900 50,559 1,17,901 1,08,961 1,47,609 (b) State Government Securities 112 294 727 952 880 1,559 (c) 91 – Day Treasury Bills 2,416 3,363 4,102 7,173 5,966 8,115 (d) 182 – Day Treasury Bills 461 834 526 928 906 882 (e) 364 – Day Treasury Bills 581 2,298 3,434 4,766 1,490 3,182
05 Dec 2008
Turnover in Government Securities Market (Face Value)
(Rs. crore) Items Week Ended Oct. 24, 2008 Oct. 31, 2008 Nov. 7, 2008 Nov. 14, 2008 Nov. 21, 2008 Nov. 28, 2008 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 I. Outright Transactions (a) Govt. of India Dated Securities 69,152 40,242 74,900 50,559 1,17,901 1,08,961 (b) State Government Securities 1,425 112 294 727 952 880 (c) 91 – Day Treasury Bills 3,267 2,416 3,363 4,102 7,173 5,966 (d) 182 – Day Treasury Bills 536 461 834 526 928 906 (e) 364 – Day Treasury Bills 3,051 581 2,298 3,434 4,766 1,490 I
28 Nov 2008
Turnover in Government Securities Market (Face Value)
(Rs. crore) Items Week Ended Oct. 17, 2008Oct. 24, 2008Oct. 31, 2008Nov. 7, 2008Nov. 14, 2008Nov. 21, 2008 1 234567 I.Outright Transactions (a)Govt. of India Dated Securities 79,36869,15240,24274,90050,5591,17,901 (b)State Government Securities 8681,425112294727952 (c)91 – Day Treasury Bills 2,7853,2672,4163,3634,1027,173 (d)182 – Day Treasury Bills 815536461834526928 (e)364 – Day Treasury Bills 1,7703,0515812,2983,4344,766 II.RBI* 395485816157— @ : Excluding Repo Tra
21 Nov 2008
Turnover in Government Securities Market (Face Value)
(Rs. crore) Items Week Ended Oct. 10, 2008 Oct. 17, 2008 Oct. 24, 2008 Oct. 31, 2008 Nov. 7, 2008 Nov. 14, 2008 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 I. Outright Transactions (a) Govt. of India Dated Securities 58,448 79,368 69,152 40,242 74,900 50,559 (b) State Government Securities 368 868 1,425 112 294 727 (c) 91 – Day Treasury Bills 1,889 2,785 3,267 2,416 3,363 4,102 (d) 182 – Day Treasury Bills 209 815 536 461 834 526 (e) 364 – Day Treasury Bills 476 1,770 3,051 581 2,298 3,434 II. RBI
14 Nov 2008
Turnover in Government Securities Market (Face Value)
(Rs. crore) Items Week Ended Oct. 3, 2008 Oct. 10, 2008 Oct. 17, 2008 Oct. 24, 2008 Oct. 31, 2008 Nov. 7, 2008 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 I. Outright Transactions (a) Govt. of India Dated Securities 34,064 58,448 79,368 69,152 40,242 74,900 (b) State Government Securities 437 368 868 1,425 112 294 (c) 91 – Day Treasury Bills 1,695 1,889 2,785 3,267 2,416 3,363 (d) 182 – Day Treasury Bills 673 209 815 536 461 834 (e) 364 – Day Treasury Bills 402 476 1,770 3,051 581 2,298 II. RBI* 3
07 Nov 2008
Turnover in Government Securities Market (Face Value)
(Rs. crore) Week Ended Items Sep. 26, 2008 Oct. 3, 2008 Oct. 10, 2008 Oct. 17, 2008 Oct. 24, 2008 Oct. 31, 2008 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 I. Outright Transactions (a) Govt. of India Dated Securities 58,427 34,064 58,448 79,368 69,152 40,242 (b) State Government Securities 31 437 368 868 1,425 112 (c) 91 – Day Treasury Bills 2,679 1,695 1,889 2,785 3,267 2,416 (d) 182 – Day Treasury Bills 667 673 209 815 536 461 (e) 364 – Day Treasury Bills 1,312 402 476 1,770 3,051 581 II. RBI* 3
31 Oct 2008
Turnover in Government Securities Market (Face Value)
(Rs. crore) Items Week Ended Sep. 19, 2008 Sep. 26, 2008 Oct. 3, 2008 Oct. 10, 2008 Oct. 17, 2008 Oct. 24, 2008 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 I. Outright Transactions (a) Govt. of India Dated Securities 85,511 58,427 34,064 58,448 79,368 69,152 (b) State Government Securities 259 31 437 368 868 1,425 (c) 91 – Day Treasury Bills 4,122 2,679 1,695 1,889 2,785 3,267 (d) 182 – Day Treasury Bills 576 667 673 209 815 536 (e) 364 – Day Treasury Bills 909 1,312 402 476 1,770 3,051 II. RBI* 5
24 Oct 2008
Turnover in Government Securities Market (Face Value)
(Rs. crore) Items Week Ended Sep. 12, 2008 Sep. 19, 2008 Sep. 26, 2008 Oct. 3, 2008 Oct. 10, 2008 Oct. 17, 2008 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 I. Outright Transactions (a) Govt. of India Dated Securities 78,244 85,511 58,427 34,064 58,448 79,368 (b) State Government Securities 283 259 31 437 368 868 (c) 91 – Day Treasury Bills 4,998 4,122 2,679 1,695 1,889 2,785 (d) 182 – Day Treasury Bills 1,226 576 667 673 209 815 (e) 364 – Day Treasury Bills 1,937 909 1,312 402 476 1,770 II.RBI* 1,
17 Oct 2008
Turnover in Government Securities Market (Face Value)
(Rs. crore) Items Week Ended Sep. 5, 2008 Sep. 12, 2008 Sep. 19, 2008 Sep. 26, 2008 Oct. 3, 2008 Oct. 10, 2008 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 I. Outright Transactions (a) Govt. of India Dated Securities 75,973 78,244 85,511 58,427 34,064 58,448 (b) State Government Securities 85 283 259 31 437 368 (c) 91 – Day Treasury Bills 4,535 4,998 4,122 2,679 1,695 1,889 (d) 182 – Day Treasury Bills 207 1,226 576 667 673 209 (e) 364 – Day Treasury Bills 1,190 1,937 909 1,312 402 476 II. RBI* 1,6

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