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23 May 2008
Turnover in Government Securities Market (Face Value)
(Rs. crore) Items Week Ended Apr. 11, 2008 Apr. 18, 2008 Apr. 25, 2008 May 2, 2008 May 9, 2008 May 16, 2008 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 I. Outright Transactions (a) Govt. of India Dated Securities 56,784 26,170 43,291 60,950 86,551 82,646 (b) State Government Securities 185 219 1,327 889 10,048 251 (c) 91 – Day Treasury Bills 3,693 1,621 2,075 1,664 3,077 2,490 (d) 182 – Day Treasury Bills 680 324 719 188 1,020 447 (e) 364 – Day Treasury Bills 2,589 650 1,608 630 1,751 956 II. RBI*
16 May 2008
Turnover in Government Securities Market (Face Value)
(Rs. crore) Items Week Ended Apr. 4, 2008 Apr. 11, 2008 Apr. 18, 2008 Apr. 25, 2008 May 2, 2008 May 9, 2008 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 I. Outright Transactions (a) Govt. of India Dated Securities 37,032 56,784 26,170 43,291 60,950 86,551 (b) State Government Securities 672 185 219 1,327 889 10,048 (c) 91 – Day Treasury Bills 1,471 3,693 1,621 2,075 1,664 3,077 (d) 182 – Day Treasury Bills 807 680 324 719 188 1,020 (e) 364 – Day Treasury Bills 3,355 2,589 650 1,608 630 1,751 II. RB
09 May 2008
Turnover in Government Securities Market (Face Value)
(Rs. crore) Items Week Ended Mar. 28, 2008 Apr. 4, 2008 Apr. 11, 2008 Apr. 18, 2008 Apr. 25, 2008 May 2, 2008 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 I. Outright Transactions (a) Govt. of India Dated Securities 48,377 37,032 56,784 26,170 43,291 60,950 (b) State Government Securities 913 672 185 219 1,327 889 (c) 91 – Day Treasury Bills 1,365 1,471 3,693 1,621 2,075 1,664 (d) 182 – Day Treasury Bills 1,116 807 680 324 719 188 (e) 364 – Day Treasury Bills 2,102 3,355 2,589 650 1,608 630 II. RBI
02 May 2008
Turnover in Government Securities Market (Face Value)
(Rs. crore) Items Week Ended Mar. 21, 2008 Mar. 28, 2008 Apr. 4, 2008 Apr. 11, 2008 Apr. 18, 2008 Apr. 25, 2008 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 I. Outright Transactions (a) Govt. of India Dated Securities 18,076 48,377 37,032 56,784 26,170 43,291 (b) State Government Securities 170 913 672 185 219 1,327 (c) 91 – Day Treasury Bills 130 1,365 1,471 3,693 1,621 2,075 (d) 182 – Day Treasury Bills 382 1,116 807 680 324 719 (e) 364 – Day Treasury Bills 987 2,102 3,355 2,589 650 1,608 II. RBI
25 Apr 2008
Turnover in Government Securities Market (Face Value)
(Rs. crore) Week Ended Items Mar. 14, 2008 Mar. 21, 2008 Mar. 28, 2008 Apr. 4, 2008 Apr. 11, 2008 Apr. 18, 2008 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 I. Outright Transactions (a) Govt. of India Dated Securities 50,021 18,076 48,377 37,032 56,784 26,170 (b) State Government Securities 718 170 913 672 185 219 (c) 91 – Day Treasury Bills 728 130 1,365 1,471 3,693 1,621 (d) 182 – Day Treasury Bills 284 382 1,116 807 680 324 (e) 364 – Day Treasury Bills 3,251 987 2,102 3,355 2,589 650 II. RBI* 87
18 Apr 2008
Turnover in Government Securities Market (Face Value)
(Rs. crore) Items Week Ended Mar. 7, 2008 Mar. 14, 2008 Mar. 21, 2008 Mar. 28, 2008 Apr. 4, 2008 Apr. 11, 2008 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 I. Outright Transactions (a) Govt. of India Dated Securities 56,095 50,021 18,076 48,377 37,032 56,784 (b) State Government Securities 162 718 170 913 672 185 (c) 91 – Day Treasury Bills 670 728 130 1,365 1,471 3,693 (d) 182 – Day Treasury Bills 274 284 382 1,116 807 680 (e) 364 – Day Treasury Bills 1,829 3,251 987 2,102 3,355 2,589 II. RBI* 2,1
11 Apr 2008
Turnover in Government Securities Market (Face Value)
(Rs. crore) Items Week Ended Feb. 29, 2008 Mar. 7, 2008 Mar. 14, 2008 Mar. 21, 2008 Mar. 28, 2008 Apr. 4, 2008 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 I. Outright Transactions (a) Govt. of India Dated Securities 70,870 56,095 50,021 18,076 48,377 37,032 (b) State Government Securities 1,174 162 718 170 913 672 (c) 91 – Day Treasury Bills 447 670 728 130 1,365 1,471 (d) 182 – Day Treasury Bills 298 274 284 382 1,116 807 (e) 364 – Day Treasury Bills 1,359 1,829 3,251 987 2,102 3,355 II. RBI* 2,6
04 Apr 2008
Turnover in Government Securities Market (Face Value)
(Rs. crore) Week Ended Items Feb. 22, 2008 Feb. 29, 2008 Mar. 7, 2008 Mar. 14, 2008 Mar. 21, 2008 Mar. 28, 2008 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 I. Outright Transactions (a) Govt. of India Dated Securities 73,039 70,870 56,095 50,021 18,076 48,377 (b) State Government Securities 1,724 1,174 162 718 170 913 (c) 91 – Day Treasury Bills 453 447 670 728 130 1,365 (d) 182 – Day Treasury Bills 604 298 274 284 382 1,116 (e) 364 – Day Treasury Bills 2,831 1,359 1,829 3,251 987 2,102 II. RBI* 20
28 Mar 2008
Turnover in Government Securities Market (Face Value)
(Rs. crore) Items Week Ended Feb. 15, 2008 Feb. 22, 2008 Feb. 29, 2008 Mar. 7, 2008 Mar. 14, 2008 Mar. 21, 2008 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 I. Outright Transactions (a) Govt. of India Dated Securities 1,10,789 73,039 70,870 56,095 50,021 18,076 (b) State Government Securities 303 1,724 1,174 162 718 170 (c) 91 – Day Treasury Bills 729 453 447 670 728 130 (d) 182 – Day Treasury Bills 1,160 604 298 274 284 382 (e) 364 – Day Treasury Bills 3,299 2,831 1,359 1,829 3,251 987 II. RBI* 11
21 Mar 2008
Turnover in Government Securities Market (Face Value)
(Rs. crore) Items Week Ended Feb. 8, 2008 Feb. 15, 2008 Feb. 22, 2008 Feb. 29, 2008 Mar. 7, 2008 Mar. 14, 2008 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 I. Outright Transactions (a) Govt. of India Dated Securities 92,110 1,10,789 73,039 70,870 56,095 50,021 (b) State Government Securities 353 303 1,724 1,174 162 718 (c) 91 – Day Treasury Bills 645 729 453 447 670 728 (d) 182 – Day Treasury Bills 1,805 1,160 604 298 274 284 (e) 364 – Day Treasury Bills 1,233 3,299 2,831 1,359 1,829 3,251 II. RBI*
14 Mar 2008
Turnover in Government Securities Market (Face Value)
(Rs. crore) Items Week Ended Feb. 1, 2008 Feb. 8, 2008 Feb. 15, 2008 Feb. 22, 2008 Feb. 29, 2008 Mar. 7, 2008 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 I. Outright Transactions (a) Govt. of India Dated Securities 87,994 92,110 1,10,789 73,039 70,870 56,095 (b) State Government Securities 1,176 353 303 1,724 1,174 162 (c) 91 – Day Treasury Bills 537 645 729 453 447 670 (d) 182 – Day Treasury Bills 618 1,805 1,160 604 298 274 (e) 364 – Day Treasury Bills 3,193 1,233 3,299 2,831 1,359 1,829 II. RBI
07 Mar 2008
Turnover in Government Securities Market (Face Value)
(Rs. crore) Items Week Ended Jan. 25, 2008 Feb. 1, 2008 Feb. 8, 2008 Feb. 15, 2008 Feb. 22, 2008 Feb. 29, 2008 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 I. Outright Transactions (a) Govt. of India Dated Securities 1,29,720 87,994 92,110 1,10,789 73,039 70,870 (b) State Government Securities 562 1,176 353 303 1,724 1,174 (c) 91 – Day Treasury Bills 1,326 537 645 729 453 447 (d) 182 – Day Treasury Bills 1,349 618 1,805 1,160 604 298 (e) 364 – Day Treasury Bills 2,368 3,193 1,233 3,299 2,831 1,359
29 Feb 2008
Turnover in Government Securities Market (Face Value)
(Rs. crore) Week Ended Items Jan. 18, 2008 Jan. 25, 2008 Feb. 1, 2008 Feb. 8, 2008 Feb. 15, 2008 Feb. 22, 2008 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 I. Outright Transactions (a) Govt. of India Dated Securities 1,37,413 1,29,720 87,994 92,110 1,10,789 73,039 (b) State Government Securities 347 562 1,176 353 303 1,724 (c) 91 – Day Treasury Bills 1,490 1,326 537 645 729 453 (d) 182 – Day Treasury Bills 1,653 1,349 618 1,805 1,160 604 (e) 364 – Day Treasury Bills 2,820 2,368 3,193 1,233 3,299 2,
22 Feb 2008
Turnover in Government Securities Market (Face Value)
(Rs. crore) Items Week Ended Jan. 11, 2008 Jan. 18, 2008 Jan. 25, 2008 Feb. 1, 2008 Feb. 8, 2008 Feb. 15, 2008 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 I. Outright Transactions (a) Govt. of India Dated Securities 1,54,725 1,37,413 1,29,720 87,994 92,110 1,10,789 (b) State Government Securities 1,492 347 562 1,176 353 303 (c) 91 – Day Treasury Bills 1,326 1,490 1,326 537 645 729 (d) 182 – Day Treasury Bills 1,671 1,653 1,349 618 1,805 1,160 (e) 364 – Day Treasury Bills 7,052 2,820 2,368 3,193 1,
15 Feb 2008
Turnover in Government Securities Market (Face Value)
(Rs. crore) Items Week Ended Jan. 4, 2008 Jan. 11, 2008 Jan. 18, 2008 Jan. 25, 2008 Feb. 1, 2008 Feb. 8, 2008 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 I. Outright Transactions (a) Govt. of India Dated Securities 1,32,415 1,54,725 1,37,413 1,29,720 87,994 92,110 (b) State Government Securities 2,012 1,492 347 562 1,176 353 (c) 91 – Day Treasury Bills 1,440 1,326 1,490 1,326 537 645 (d) 182 – Day Treasury Bills 1,328 1,671 1,653 1,349 618 1,805 (e) 364 – Day Treasury Bills 9,664 7,052 2,820 2,368
08 Feb 2008
Turnover in Government Securities Market (Face Value)
(Rs. crore) Items Week Ended Dec. 28, 2007 Jan. 4, 2008 Jan. 11, 2008 Jan. 18, 2008 Jan. 25, 2008 Feb. 1, 2008 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 I. Outright Transactions (a) Govt. of India Dated Securities 36,831 1,32,415 1,54,725 1,37,413 1,29,720 87,994 (b) State Government Securities 613 2,012 1,492 347 562 1,176 (c) 91 – Day Treasury Bills 766 1,440 1,326 1,490 1,326 537 (d) 182 – Day Treasury Bills 816 1,328 1,671 1,653 1,349 618 (e) 364 – Day Treasury Bills 4,565 9,664 7,052 2,820
01 Feb 2008
Turnover in Government Securities Market (Face Value)
(Rs. crore) Items Week Ended Dec. 21, 2007 Dec. 28, 2007 Jan. 4, 2008 Jan. 11, 2008 Jan. 18, 2008 Jan. 25, 2008 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 I. Outright Transactions (a) Govt. of India Dated Securities 43,163 36,831 1,32,415 1,54,725 1,37,413 1,29,720 (b) State Government Securities 389 613 2,012 1,492 347 562 (c) 91 – Day Treasury Bills 1,484 766 1,440 1,326 1,490 1,326 (d) 182 – Day Treasury Bills 771 816 1,328 1,671 1,653 1,349 (e) 364 – Day Treasury Bills 1,639 4,565 9,664 7,052
25 Jan 2008
Turnover in Government Securities Market (Face Value)
(Rs. crore) Week Ended Items Dec. 14, 2007 Dec. 21, 2007 Dec. 28, 2007 Jan. 4, 2008 Jan. 11, 2008 Jan. 18, 2008 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 I. Outright Transactions (a) Govt. of India Dated Securities 64,026 43,163 36,831 1,32,415 1,54,725 1,37,413 (b) State Government Securities 411 389 613 2,012 1,492 347 (c) 91 – Day Treasury Bills 2,083 1,484 766 1,440 1,326 1,490 (d) 182 – Day Treasury Bills 636 771 816 1,328 1,671 1,653 (e) 364 – Day Treasury Bills 3,486 1,639 4,565 9,664 7,0
18 Jan 2008
Turnover in Government Securities Market (Face Value)
(Rs. crore) Items Week Ended Dec. 7, 2007 Dec. 14, 2007 Dec. 21, 2007 Dec. 28, 2007 Jan. 4, 2008 Jan. 11, 2008 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 I. Outright Transactions (a) Govt. of India Dated Securities 68,448 64,026 43,163 36,831 1,32,415 1,54,725 (b) State Government Securities 931 411 389 613 2,012 1,492 (c) 91 – Day Treasury Bills 1,666 2,083 1,484 766 1,440 1,326 (d) 182 – Day Treasury Bills 276 636 771 816 1,328 1,671 (e) 364 – Day Treasury Bills 3,761 3,486 1,639 4,565 9,664 7,
11 Jan 2008
Turnover in Government Securities Market (Face Value)
Week Ended Items Nov. 30, 2007 Dec. 7, 2007 Dec. 14, 2007 Dec. 21, 2007 Dec. 28, 2007 Jan. 4, 2008 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 I. Outright Transactions (a) Govt. of India Dated Securities 38,381 68,448 64,026 43,163 36,831 1,32,415 (b) State Government Securities 684 931 411 389 613 2,012 (c) 91 – Day Treasury Bills 506 1,666 2,083 1,484 766 1,440 (d) 182 – Day Treasury Bills 824 276 636 771 816 1,328 (e) 364 – Day Treasury Bills 1,900 3,761 3,486 1,639 4,565 9,664 II. RBI* 47 1,62

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