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17 Jul 2009
Secondary Market Transactions in Government Securities (Face Value)
(Amount in Rs. crore) Item For the Week Ended Jul. 3, 2009 For the Week Ended Jul. 10, 2009 Amount YTM (%PA) Indicative** Amount YTM (%PA) Indicative** Minimum Maximum Minimum Maximum 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 I. Outright Transactions 1 Govt. of India Dated Securities Maturing in the year 2009-10 3,427 3.6678 4.3000 1,320 3.6137 3.8526 2010-11 745 4.0902 5.2152 1,345 3.9991 5.3562 2011-12 1,727 5.2000 5.6000 260 5.0857 5.4042 2012-13 787 5.6619 6.3500 980 5.5743 6.3300 2013-14 90
10 Jul 2009
Secondary Market Transactions in Government Securities (Face Value)
(Amount in Rs. crore) Item For the Week Ended Jun. 26, 2009 For the Week Ended Jul. 3, 2009 Amount YTM (%PA) Indicative** Amount YTM (%PA) Indicative** Minimum Maximum Minimum Maximum 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 I. Outright Transactions 1. Govt. of India Dated Securities Maturing in the year 2009-10 1,518 3.9530 4.3000 3,427 3.6678 4.3000 2010-11 1,780 4.0927 5.2983 745 4.0902 5.2152 2011-12 560 5.4000 5.5165 1,727 5.2000 5.6000 2012-13 756 5.8772 5.9933 787 5.6619 6.3500 2013-14 2
03 Jul 2009
Secondary Market Transactions in Government Securities (Face Value)
(Amount in Rs. crore) Item For the Week Ended Jun. 19, 2009 For the Week Ended Jun. 26, 2009 Amount YTM (%PA) Indicative** Amount YTM (%PA) Indicative** Minimum Maximum Minimum Maximum 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 I. Outright Transactions 1. Govt. of India Dated Securities Maturing in the year 2009-10 2,881 3.8999 4.3999 1,518 3.9530 4.3000 2010-11 2,052 4.0000 5.3504 1,780 4.0927 5.2983 2011-12 345 5.3958 5.6000 560 5.4000 5.5165 2012-13 493 5.6778 5.9811 756 5.8772 5.9933 2013-14
26 Jun 2009
Secondary Market Transactions in Government Securities (Face Value)
(Amount in Rs. crore) Item For the Week Ended Jun. 12, 2009 For the Week Ended Jun. 19, 2009 Amount YTM (%PA) Indicative** Amount YTM (%PA) Indicative** Minimum Maximum Minimum Maximum 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 I. Outright Transactions 1 Govt. of India Dated Securities Maturing in the year 2009-10 1,247 3.8992 7.8217 2,881 3.8999 4.3999 2010-11 245 4.1018 6.2941 2,052 4.0000 5.3504 2011-12 460 4.7947 5.4500 345 5.3958 5.6000 2012-13 644 5.7116 6.5000 493 5.6778 5.9811 2013-14 730
19 Jun 2009
Secondary Market Transactions in Government Securities (Face Value)
(Amount in Rs. crore) Item For the Week Ended Jun. 5, 2009 For the Week Ended Jun. 12, 2009 Amount YTM (%PA) Indicative** Amount YTM (%PA) Indicative** Minimum Maximum Minimum Maximum 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 I. Outright Transactions 1 Govt. of India Dated Securities Maturing in the year 2009-10 2,056 2.1606 4.4189 1,247 3.8992 7.8217 2010-11 1,293 4.1000 5.5724 245 4.1018 6.2941 2011-12 110 5.0318 6.1954 460 4.7947 5.4500 2012-13 754 5.6060 6.2372 644 5.7116 6.5000 2013-14 565
12 Jun 2009
Secondary Market Transactions in Government Securities (Face Value)
(Amount in Rs. crore) Item For the Week Ended May 29, 2009 For the Week Ended Jun. 5, 2009 Amount YTM (%PA) Indicative** Amount YTM (%PA) Indicative** Minimum Maximum Minimum Maximum 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 I. Outright Transactions 1. Govt. of India Dated Securities Maturing in the year 2009-10 1,959 3.0201 4.4320 2,056 2.1606 4.4189 2010-11 1,526 4.0500 5.2516 1,293 4.1000 5.5724 2011-12 462 4.8172 6.2758 110 5.0318 6.1954 2012-13 581 5.6746 6.4986 754 5.6060 6.2372 2013-14 1,
05 Jun 2009
Secondary Market Transactions in Government Securities (Face Value)
(Amount in Rs. crore) Item For the Week Ended May 22, 2009 For the Week Ended May 29, 2009 Amount YTM (%PA) Indicative** Amount YTM (%PA) Indicative** Minimum Maximum Minimum Maximum 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 I. Outright Transactions 1 Govt. of India Dated Securities Maturing in the year 2009-10 2,770 3.0201 4.2084 1,959 3.0201 4.4320 2010-11 620 3.9800 4.1500 1,526 4.0500 5.2516 2011-12 260 4.8372 4.9500 462 4.8172 6.2758 2012-13 370 5.2561 6.1200 581 5.6746 6.4986 2013-14 1,815
29 May 2009
Secondary Market Transactions in Government Securities (Face Value)
(Amount in Rs. crore) Item For the Week Ended May 15, 2009 For the Week Ended May 22, 2009 Amount YTM (%PA) Indicative** Amount YTM (%PA) Indicative** Minimum Maximum Minimum Maximum 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 I. Outright Transactions 1 Govt. of India Dated Securities Maturing in the year 2009-10 975 2.9850 4.0038 2,770 3.0201 4.2084 2010-11 1,440 4.0000 4.8497 620 3.9800 4.1500 2011-12 1,230 4.5953 6.1000 260 4.8372 4.9500 2012-13 805 5.4471 6.3061 370 5.2561 6.1200 2013-14 2,474
22 May 2009
Secondary Market Transactions in Government Securities (Face Value)
(Amount in Rs. crore) Item For the Week Ended May 8, 2009 For the Week Ended May 15, 2009 Amount YTM (%PA) Indicative** Amount YTM (%PA) Indicative** Minimum Maximum Minimum Maximum 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 I. Outright Transactions 1 Govt. of India Dated Securities Maturing in the year 2009-10 1,607 2.7739 4.4488 975 2.9850 4.0038 2010-11 1,015 3.8042 4.2500 1,440 4.0000 4.8497 2011-12 1,140 4.6500 6.0312 1,230 4.5953 6.1000 2012-13 411 5.2766 6.1500 805 5.4471 6.3061 2013-14 3,
15 May 2009
Secondary Market Transactions in Government Securities (Face Value)
(Amount in Rs. crore) Item For the Week Ended May 1, 2009 For the Week Ended May 8, 2009 Amount YTM (%PA) Indicative** Amount YTM (%PA) Indicative** Minimum Maximum Minimum Maximum 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 I. Outright Transactions 1. Govt. of India Dated Securities Maturing in the year 2009-10 900 3.1573 4.8561 1,607 2.7739 4.4488 2010-11 662 4.0800 4.8501 1,015 3.8042 4.2500 2011-12 285 4.8975 4.9902 1,140 4.6500 6.0312 2012-13 436 5.3625 6.0000 411 5.2766 6.1500 2013-14 1,944
08 May 2009
Secondary Market Transactions in Government Securities (Face Value)
(Amount in Rs. crore) Item For the Week Ended Apr. 24, 2009 For the Week Ended May 1, 2009 Amount YTM (%PA) Indicative** Amount YTM (%PA) Indicative** Minimum Maximum Minimum Maximum 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 I. Outright Transactions 1. Govt. of India Dated Securities Maturing in the year 2009-10 2,836 3.2537 4.7500 900 3.1573 4.8561 2010-11 1,732 3.9500 5.0595 662 4.0800 4.8501 2011-12 240 4.8870 6.1211 285 4.8975 4.9902 2012-13 198 5.1401 6.1500 436 5.3625 6.0000 2013-14 2,926
01 May 2009
Secondary Market Transactions in Government Securities (Face Value)
(Amount in Rs. crore) Item For the Week Ended Apr. 17, 2009 For the Week Ended Apr. 24, 2009 Amount YTM (%PA) Indicative** Amount YTM (%PA) Indicative** Minimum Maximum Minimum Maximum 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 I. Outright Transactions 1. Govt. of India Dated Securities Maturing in the year 2009-10 1,320 3.5945 4.9999 2,836 3.2537 4.7500 2010-11 457 4.4600 5.0856 1,732 3.9500 5.0595 2011-12 785 5.1000 6.5038 240 4.8870 6.1211 2012-13 520 5.2373 6.3500 198 5.1401 6.1500 2013-14 3,
24 Apr 2009
Secondary Market Transactions in Government Securities (Face Value)
(Amount in Rs. crore) Item For the Week Ended Apr. 10, 2009 For the Week Ended Apr. 17, 2009 Amount YTM (%PA) Indicative** Amount YTM (%PA) Indicative** Minimum Maximum Minimum Maximum 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 I. Outright Transactions 1 Govt. of India Dated Securities Maturing in the year 2009-10 726 4.6101 5.1025 1,320 3.5945 4.9999 2010-11 823 4.7500 5.5457 457 4.4600 5.0856 2011-12 754 5.2423 5.9610 785 5.1000 6.5038 2012-13 433 5.5311 6.5500 520 5.2373 6.3500 2013-14 3,100 6
17 Apr 2009
Secondary Market Transactions in Government Securities (Face Value)
(Amount in Rs. crore) Item For the Week Ended Apr. 3, 2009 For the Week Ended Apr. 10, 2009 Amount YTM (%PA) Indicative** Amount YTM (%PA) Indicative** Minimum Maximum Minimum Maximum 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 I. Outright Transactions 1.Govt. of India Dated Securities Maturing in the year 2009-10 3,563 4.9156 7.9895 726 4.6101 5.1025 2010-11 1,349 5.0187 5.7013 823 4.7500 5.5457 2011-12 575 5.6049 6.2508 754 5.2423 5.9610 2012-13 337 6.1350 7.1800 433 5.5311 6.5500 2013-14 2,412
10 Apr 2009
Secondary Market Transactions in Government Securities (Face Value)
(Amount in Rs. crore) Item For the Week Ended Mar. 27, 2009 For the Week Ended Apr. 3, 2009 Amount YTM (%PA) Indicative** Amount YTM (%PA) Indicative** Minimum Maximum Minimum Maximum 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 I. Outright Transactions 1 Govt. of India Dated Securities Maturing in the year 2009-10 2,327 4.5906 6.5460 3,563 4.9156 7.9895 2010-11 536 5.0726 5.9244 1,349 5.0187 5.7013 2011-12 265 5.9000 7.0000 575 5.6049 6.2508 2012-13 682 6.2118 6.5000 337 6.1350 7.1800 2013-14 2,10
03 Apr 2009
Secondary Market Transactions in Government Securities (Face Value)
(Amount in Rs. crore) Item For the Week Ended Mar. 20, 2009 For the Week Ended Mar. 27, 2009 Amount YTM (%PA) Indicative** Amount YTM (%PA) Indicative** Minimum Maximum Minimum Maximum 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 I. Outright Transactions 1. Govt. of India Dated Securities Maturing in the year 2008-09 729 4.3823 5.0541 — — — 2009-10 4,905 4.5749 6.0997 2,327 4.5906 6.5460 2010-11 640 4.7438 6.0681 536 5.0726 5.9244 2011-12 1,805 5.2500 7.0094 265 5.9000 7.0000 2012-13 1,049 5.8976 6
27 Mar 2009
Secondary Market Transactions in Government Securities (Face Value)
(Amount in Rs. crore) Item For the Week Ended Mar. 13, 2009 For the Week Ended Mar. 20, 2009 Amount YTM (%PA) Indicative** Amount YTM (%PA) Indicative** Minimum Maximum Minimum Maximum 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 I. Outright Transactions 1. Govt. of India Dated Securities Maturing in the year 2008-09 — — — 729 4.3823 5.0541 2009-10 930 4.5984 5.3091 4,905 4.5749 6.0997 2010-11 816 4.9000 6.1253 640 4.7438 6.0681 2011-12 310 5.1000 6.0020 1,805 5.2500 7.0094 2012-13 752 5.7000 6.400
20 Mar 2009
Secondary Market Transactions in Government Securities (Face Value)
(Amount in Rs. crore) Item For the Week Ended Mar. 6, 2009 For the Week Ended Mar. 13, 2009 Amount YTM (%PA) Indicative** Amount YTM (%PA) Indicative** Minimum Maximum Minimum Maximum 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 I. Outright Transactions 1 Govt. of India Dated Securities Maturing in the year 2008-09 40 4.2847 4.7323 — — — 2009-10 1,448 4.5586 5.2948 930 4.5984 5.3091 2010-11 1,171 4.6768 5.0703 816 4.9000 6.1253 2011-12 1,275 5.0000 5.2314 310 5.1000 6.0020 2012-13 2,278 5.4762 6.67
13 Mar 2009
Secondary Market Transactions in Government Securities (Face Value)
(Amount in Rs. crore) Item For the Week Ended Feb. 27, 2009 For the Week Ended Mar. 6, 2009 Amount YTM (%PA) Indicative** Amount YTM (%PA) Indicative** Minimum Maximum Minimum Maximum 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 I. Outright Transactions 1 Govt. of India Dated Securities Maturing in the year 2008-09 923 4.0009 4.5595 40 4.2847 4.7323 2009-10 1,752 4.5365 5.8229 1,448 4.5586 5.2948 2010-11 2,405 4.5599 5.2121 1,171 4.6768 5.0703 2011-12 536 4.7685 6.4494 1,275 5.0000 5.2314 2012-13 2
06 Mar 2009
Secondary Market Transactions in Government Securities (Face Value)
(Amount in Rs. crore) Item For the Week Ended Feb. 20, 2009 For the Week Ended Feb. 27, 2009 Amount YTM (%PA) Indicative** Amount YTM (%PA) Indicative** Minimum Maximum Minimum Maximum 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 I. Outright Transactions 1. Govt. of India Dated Securities Maturing in the year 2008-09 285 4.9393 4.9953 923 4.0009 4.5595 2009-10 1,781 4.3624 5.6345 1,752 4.5365 5.8229 2010-11 964 4.4360 5.0514 2,405 4.5599 5.2121 2011-12 105 4.9860 5.1001 536 4.7685 6.4494 2012-13 51

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Page Last Updated on: July 26, 2024