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17 Jun 2000
21. Secondary Market Transactions in Government Securities (Face Value)
(Amount in Rs. crore) For the Week Ended Jun. 2, 2000For the Week Ended Jun. 9, 2000ItemAmountYTM (%PA) IndicativeAmountYTM (%PA) Indicative MinimumMaximum MinimumMaximum1 234567I. Outright Transactions 1.Govt. of India Dated Securities Maturing in the year 2000-014368.75939.69453449.05989.9491 2001-021,3368.77479.98974979.260710.0138 2002-03 $8269.535010.11873889.594610.0066 2003-041,0359.654810.03005929.715910.2135 2004-055609.820710.06802809.864210.1204 2005-064769
10 Jun 2000
21. Secondary Market Transactions in Government Securities (Face Value)
(Amount in Rs. crore) For the Week Ended May 26, 2000For the Week Ended Jun. 2, 2000Item AmountYTM (%PA) IndicativeAmountYTM (%PA) Indicative MinimumMaximum MinimumMaximum1 234567I. Outright Transactions 1.Govt. of India Dated Securities Maturing in the year 2000-01 4847.514010.22074368.75939.6945 2001-02 1,6188.892810.05551,3368.77479.9897 2002-03 $ 6459.403510.12898269.535010.1187 2003-04 1,3429.479410.16971,0359.654810.0300 2004-05 2319.68089.90175609.820710.0680 2
03 Jun 2000
21. Secondary Market Transactions in Government Securities (Face Value)
(Amount in Rs. crore) For the Week Ended May 19, 2000For the Week Ended May 26, 2000Item AmountYTM (%PA) IndicativeAmountYTM (%PA) Indicative MinimumMaximum MinimumMaximum1 2345 67I. Outright Transactions 1.Govt. of India Dated Securities Maturing in the year 2000-01 3208.27069.31944847.514010.2207 2001-02 6728.91039.36851,6188.892810.0555 2002-03 $ 4569.34729.47676459.403510.1289 2003-04 16809.44069.69361,3429.479410.1697 2004-05 4009.64539.75402319.68089.9017 2005-0
27 May 2000
21. Secondary Market Transactions in Government Securities (Face Value)
(Amount in Rs. crore) For the Week Ended May 12, 2000For the Week Ended May 19, 2000Item AmountYTM (%PA) IndicativeAmountYTM (%PA) Indicative MinimumMaximum MinimumMaximum1 2345 67I. Outright Transactions 1.Govt. of India Dated Securities Maturing in the year 2000-01 4597.61599.41093208.27069.3194 2001-02 1,3928.97569.35756728.91039.3685 2002-03 $ 7559.32659.49394569.34729.4767 2003-04 1,2319.42779.693416809.44069.6936 2004-05 6989.64879.90034009.64539.7540 2005-06 1,
20 May 2000
21. Secondary Market Transactions in Government Securities (Face Value)
(Amount in Rs. crore) For the Week Ended May 5, 2000For the Week Ended May 12, 2000Item AmountYTM (%PA) IndicativeAmountYTM (%PA) Indicative MinimumMaximum MinimumMaximum1 2345 67I. Outright Transactions 1.Govt. of India Dated Securities Maturing in the year 2000-01 3808.63649.40704597.61599.4109 2001-02 7218.90879.43991,3928.97569.3575 2002-03 $ 3509.40519.57907559.32659.4939 2003-04 6729.55429.76371,2319.42779.6934 2004-05 6609.67899.79006989.64879.9003 2005-06 1,28
13 May 2000
21. Secondary Market Transactions in Government Securities (Face Value)
(Amount in Rs. crore) For the Week Ended April 28, 2000For the Week Ended May 5, 2000Item AmountYTM (%PA) IndicativeAmountYTM (%PA) Indicative MinimumMaximum MinimumMaximum1 23 45 67I. Outright Transactions 1.Govt. of India Dated Securities Maturing in the year 2000-01 5518.56659.60003808.63649.4070 2001-02 9209.22959.52147218.90879.4399 2002-03 $ 8309.40279.62933509.40519.5790 2003-04 9489.562411.81406729.55429.7637 2004-05 8869.70339.84306609.67899.7900 2005-06 1,60
06 May 2000
21. Secondary Market Transactions in Government Securities (Face Value)
(Amount in Rs. crore) For the Week Ended April 21, 2000For the Week Ended April 28, 2000Item AmountYTM (%PA) IndicativeAmountYTM (%PA) Indicative MinimumMaximum MinimumMaximum1 23 45 67I. Outright Transactions 1.Govt. of India Dated Securities Maturing in the year 2000-01 7118.52629.51395518.56659.6000 2001-02 8149.40929.55899209.22959.5214 2002-03 $ 5619.56129.67938309.40279.6293 2003-04 5009.67069.82479489.562411.8140 2004-05 4559.78099.89338869.70339.8430 2005-06 2
29 Apr 2000
21. Secondary Market Transactions in Government Securities (Face Value)
(Amount in Rs. crore) For the Week Ended April 14, 2000For the Week Ended April 21, 2000ItemAmountYTM (%PA) IndicativeAmountYTM (%PA) Indicative MinimumMaximum MinimumMaximum1 23 45 67I. Outright Transactions 1.Govt. of India Dated Securities Maturing in the year 2000-01 5148.28339.82127118.52629.5139 2001-02 1,0009.43579.66978149.40929.5589 2002-03 $ 3709.59719.72575619.56129.6793 2003-04 3109.71769.91955009.67069.8247 2004-05 4759.80409.93354559.78099.8933 2005-06 4
22 Apr 2000
21. Secondary Market Transactions in Government Securities (Face Value)
(Amount in Rs. crore) For the Week Ended April 7, 2000For the Week Ended April 14, 2000ItemAmountYTM (%PA) IndicativeAmountYTM (%PA) Indicative MinimumMaximum MinimumMaximum1 23 45 67I. Outright Transactions 1.Govt. of India Dated Securities Maturing in the year 2000-01 4049.374210.91105148.28339.8212 2001-02 6769.470411.79891,0009.43579.6697 2002-03 $ 6119.657310.30023709.59719.7257 2003-04 6709.853810.54663109.71769.9195 2004-05 8489.903510.39344759.80409.9335 2005-
17 Apr 2000
21. Secondary Market Transactions in Government Securities (Face Value)
(Amount in Rs. crore) For the Week Ended March 31, 2000For the Week Ended April 7, 2000ItemAmountYTM (%PA) IndicativeAmountYTM (%PA) Indicative MinimumMaximum MinimumMaximum1 23 45 67I. Outright Transactions 1.Govt. of India Dated Securities Maturing in the year 2000-01 1725.270512.67904049.374210.9110 2001-02 3439.531810.34076769.470411.7989 2002-03 $ 61410.022110.44066119.657310.3002 2003-04 86710.049710.53676709.853810.5466 2004-05 28110.177910.64968489.903510.3934
08 Apr 2000
21. Secondary Market Transactions in Government Securities (Face Value)
(Amount in Rs. crore) For the Week Ended March 24, 2000For the Week Ended March 31, 2000Item AmountYTM (%PA) IndicativeAmountYTM (%PA) Indicative MinimumMaximum MinimumMaximum1 23 45 6 7I. Outright Transactions 1.Govt. of India Dated Securities Maturing in the year 1999-2000 —— —— — — 2000-01 2398.791710.92781725.270512.6790 2001-02 2419.603910.69933439.531810.3407 2002-03 $ 2399.980410.265161410.022110.4406 2003-04 6110.111910.349786710.049710.5367 2004-05 16510.2162
25 Mar 2000
21. Secondary Market Transactions in Government Securities (Face Value)
(Amount in Rs. crore) For the Week Ended March 10, 2000For the Week Ended March 17, 2000ItemAmountYTM (%PA) Indicative AmountYTM (%PA) Indicative MinimumMaximum MinimumMaximum1 2 3 4 5 6 7I.Outright Transactions 1.Govt. of India Dated Securities Maturing in the year 1999-2000 — — — — — — 2000-01 2267.893110.05311207.903510.2672 2001-02 2579.711910.04901289.722112.0649 2002-03 $ 1719.913410.1443709.703010.0658 2003-04 5069.938810.39485509.839910.5700 2004-05 15710.0688
18 Mar 2000
21. Secondary Market Transactions in Government Securities (Face Value)
(Amount in Rs. crore) For the Week Ended March 3, 2000For the Week Ended March 10, 2000Item AmountYTM (%PA) IndicativeAmountYTM (%PA) Indicative MinimumMaximum MinimumMaximum1 23 45 6 7I. Outright Transactions 1.Govt. of India Dated Securities Maturing in the year 1999-2000 —— —— — — 2000-01 1515.32689.89622267.893110.0531 2001-02 4679.472410.10562579.711910.0490 2002-03 $ 1499.654010.35851719.913410.1443 2003-04 4539.749511.75055069.938810.3948 2004-05 3369.819510.11
11 Mar 2000
21. Secondary Market Transactions in Government Securities (Face Value)
(Amount in Rs. crore) For the Week Ended February 25, 2000For the Week Ended March 3, 2000ItemAmountYTM (%PA) IndicativeAmountYTM (%PA) Indicative MinimumMaximum MinimumMaximum1 2 3 45 6 7I. Outright Transactions 1.Govt. of India Dated Securities Maturing in the year 1999-2000 — — —— — — 2000-01 2377.83489.77751515.32689.8962 2001-02 6788.045811.65734679.472410.1056 2002-03 $ 2929.63429.84801499.654010.3585 2003-04 2549.73959.98644539.749511.7505 2004-05 3539.85399.99
04 Mar 2000
21. Secondary Market Transactions in Government Securities (Face Value)
(Rs. crore) For the Week Ended February 25, 2000ItemAmountYTM (%PA) Indicative MinimumMaximum1 2 3 4I. Outright Transactions 1.Govt. of India Dated Securities Maturing in the year 1999-2000 — — — 2000-01 2377.83489.7775 2001-02 6788.045811.6573 2002-03 $ 2929.63429.8480 2003-04 2549.73959.9864 2004-05 3539.85399.9970 2005-08 83210.035910.5343 2008-09 3,50910.240510.4256 Beyond 2009 2,71010.247011.24872. State Government Securities9310.499911.42153.Treasury Bills (Resi
26 Feb 2000
21. Secondary Market Transactions in Government Securities (Face Value)
(Amount in Rs. crore) For the Week Ended February 11, 2000For the Week Ended February 18, 2000Item AmountYTM (%PA) IndicativeAmountYTM (%PA) Indicative MinimumMaximum MinimumMaximum1 2 3 45 6 7I. Outright Transactions 1.Govt. of India Dated Securities Maturing in the year 1999-2000 — — —— — — 2000-01 6507.65319.69011,5436.54259.9349 2001-02 1,1859.455510.05317449.23209.6747 2002-03 $ 6049.64569.97242949.34139.9099 2003-04 9109.773710.34268229.586510.2527 2004-05 7909.
19 Feb 2000
21. Secondary Market Transactions in Government Securities (Face Value)
(Amount in Rs. crore) For the Week Ended February 4, 2000For the Week Ended February 11, 2000Item AmountYTM (%PA) IndicativeAmountYTM (%PA) Indicative MinimumMaximum MinimumMaximum1 2 3456 7I. Outright Transactions 1.Govt. of India Dated Securities Maturing in the year 1999-2000 — ———— — 2000-01 5857.46189.96206507.65319.6901 2001-02 1,1829.689610.15541,1859.455510.0531 2002-03 $ 6829.897010.23226049.64569.9724 2003-04 1,0529.999910.41889109.773710.3426 2004-05 62510.
12 Feb 2000
21. Secondary Market Transactions in Government Securities (Face Value)
(Amount in Rs. crore) For the Week Ended January 28, 2000For the Week Ended February 4, 2000Item AmountYTM (%PA) IndicativeAmountYTM (%PA) Indicative MinimumMaximum MinimumMaximum1 23 45 6 7I. Outright Transactions 1.Govt. of India Dated Securities Maturing in the year 1999-2000 1099.514010.1200— — — 2000-01 3977.967910.28705857.46189.9620 2001-02 48410.037910.14871,1829.689610.1554 2002-03 $ 47010.146610.24946829.897010.2322 2003-04 45210.271510.52041,0529.999910.418
05 Feb 2000
21. Secondary Market Transactions in Government Securities (Face Value)
(Amount in Rs. crore) For the Week Ended January 21, 2000For the Week Ended January 28, 2000Item AmountYTM (%PA) IndicativeAmountYTM (%PA) Indicative MinimumMaximum MinimumMaximum1 23 45 6 7I. Outright Transactions 1.Govt. of India Dated Securities Maturing in the year 1999-2000 298.21659.75561099.514010.1200 2000-01 4198.333910.13773977.967910.2870 2001-02 3809.892010.284848410.037910.1487 2002-03 $ 45010.159010.850047010.146610.2494 2003-04 77010.268710.674845210.27
29 Jan 2000
21. Secondary Market Transactions in Government Securities (Face Value)
(Amount in Rs. crore) For the Week Ended January 14, 2000 For the Week Ended January 21, 2000ItemAmountYTM (%PA) IndicativeAmountYTM (%PA) Indicative MinimumMaximum MinimumMaximum1 23 45 6 7I. Outright Transactions 1.Govt. of India Dated Securities Maturing in the year 1999-2000 808.65729.6045298.21659.7556 2000-01 4369.212810.38644198.333910.1377 2001-02 38510.269010.48233809.892010.2848 2002-03 $ 24210.339510.463345010.159010.8500 2003-04 42510.484510.714077010.2687

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Page Last Updated on: June 28, 2024