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17 Jun 2011
Secondary Market Transactions in Government Securities (Face Value)
(Amount in ` crore) Item For the Week Ended Jun. 3, 2011 For the Week Ended Jun. 10, 2011 Amount YTM (%PA) Indicative** Amount YTM (%PA) Indicative** Minimum Maximum Minimum Maximum 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 I. Outright Transactions 1. Govt. of India Dated Securities Maturing in the year 2011-12 895 7.3989 8.5377 533 7.5301 8.3648 2012-13 120 8.0845 8.2385 120 8.1557 8.1577 2013-14 — — — 25 8.2072 8.2072 2014-15 1 — — 100 8.2800 8.2800 2015-16 970 8.3886 8.4960 484 8.3165 8.4064
10 Jun 2011
Secondary Market Transactions in Government Securities (Face Value)
(Amount in ` crore) Item For the Week Ended May 27, 2011 For the Week Ended Jun. 3, 2011 Amount YTM (%PA) Indicative** Amount YTM (%PA) Indicative** Minimum Maximum Minimum Maximum 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 I. Outright Transactions 1. Govt. of India Dated Securities Maturing in the year 2011-12 110 7.6499 8.4001 895 7.3989 8.5377 2012-13 610 8.0982 8.2035 120 8.0845 8.2385 2013-14 55 8.1707 8.1707 — — — 2014-15 1 — — 1 — — 2015-16 656 8.3812 8.4445 970 8.3886 8.4960 2016-17 2,025
03 Jun 2011
Secondary Market Transactions in Government Securities (Face Value)
(Amount in ` crore) Item For the Week Ended May 20, 2011 For the Week Ended May 27, 2011 Amount YTM (%PA) Indicative** Amount YTM (%PA) Indicative** Minimum Maximum Minimum Maximum 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 I. Outright Transactions 1. Govt. of India Dated Securities Maturing in the year 2011-12 150 7.7495 7.8398 110 7.6499 8.4001 2012-13 40 8.0902 8.1269 610 8.0982 8.2035 2013-14 45 8.1031 8.1628 55 8.1707 8.1707 2014-15 — — — 1 — — 2015-16 194 8.3295 8.4082 656 8.3812 8.4445 201
27 May 2011
Secondary Market Transactions in Government Securities (Face Value)
(Amount in ` crore) Item For the Week Ended May 13, 2011 For the Week Ended May 20, 2011 Amount YTM (%PA) Indicative** Amount YTM (%PA) Indicative** Minimum Maximum Minimum Maximum 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 I. Outright Transactions 1. Govt. of India Dated Securities Maturing in the year 2011-12 — — — 150 7.7495 7.8398 2012-13 190 8.0250 8.1000 40 8.0902 8.1269 2013-14 210 8.0732 8.2300 45 8.1031 8.1628 2014-15 5 8.0091 8.0091 — — — 2015-16 235 8.3152 8.3708 194 8.3295 8.4082 2016
20 May 2011
Secondary Market Transactions in Government Securities (Face Value)
(Amount in ` crore) Item For the Week Ended May 6, 2011 For the Week Ended May 13, 2011 Amount YTM (%PA) Indicative** Amount YTM (%PA) Indicative** Minimum Maximum Minimum Maximum 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 I. Outright Transactions 1. Govt. of India Dated Securities Maturing in the year 2011-12 90 7.2500 8.2476 — — — 2012-13 275 8.0000 8.0500 190 8.0250 8.1000 2013-14 — — — 210 8.0732 8.2300 2014-15 300 7.5877 8.3200 5 8.0091 8.0091 2015-16 775 8.2027 8.3759 235 8.3152 8.3708 2016
13 May 2011
Secondary Market Transactions in Government Securities (Face Value)
(Amount in ` crore) Item For the Week Ended Apr. 29, 2011 For the Week Ended May 6, 2011 Amount YTM (%PA) Indicative** Amount YTM (%PA) Indicative** Minimum Maximum Minimum Maximum 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 I. Outright Transactions 1. Govt. of India Dated Securities Maturing in the year 2011-12 1,205 7.2203 8.0132 90 7.2500 8.2476 2012-13 1,492 7.7700 8.1300 275 8.0000 8.0500 2013-14 415 7.8320 8.0500 — — — 2014-15 — — — 300 7.5877 8.3200 2015-16 271 8.1492 8.2887 775 8.2027 8.37
06 May 2011
Secondary Market Transactions in Government Securities (Face Value)
(Amount in ` crore) Item For the Week Ended Apr. 22, 2011 For the Week Ended Apr. 29, 2011 Amount YTM (%PA) Indicative** Amount YTM (%PA) Indicative** Minimum Maximum Minimum Maximum 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 I. Outright Transactions 1. Govt. of India Dated Securities Maturing in the year 2011-12 250 7.2149 7.4494 1,205 7.2203 8.0132 2012-13 1,835 7.4760 7.7545 1,492 7.7700 8.1300 2013-14 340 7.7333 7.8936 415 7.8320 8.0500 2014-15 — — — — — — 2015-16 500 8.0260 8.1483 271 8.1492
29 Apr 2011
Secondary Market Transactions in Government Securities (Face Value)
(Amount in ` crore) Item For the Week Ended Apr. 15, 2011 For the Week Ended Apr. 22, 2011 Amount YTM (%PA) Indicative** Amount YTM (%PA) Indicative** Minimum Maximum Minimum Maximum 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 I. Outright Transactions 1. Govt. of India Dated Securities Maturing in the year 2011-12 243 7.4333 7.7136 250 7.2149 7.4494 2012-13 80 7.4490 7.5336 1,835 7.4760 7.7545 2013-14 5 7.5769 7.5769 340 7.7333 7.8936 2014-15 350 7.9833 8.0136 — — — 2015-16 699 7.8624 8.0069 500 8
22 Apr 2011
Secondary Market Transactions in Government Securities (Face Value)
(Amount in ` crore) Item For the Week Ended Apr. 8, 2011 For the Week Ended Apr. 15, 2011 Amount YTM (%PA) Indicative** Amount YTM (%PA) Indicative** Minimum Maximum Minimum Maximum 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 I. Outright Transactions 1. Govt. of India Dated Securities Maturing in the year 2011-12 601 7.3208 7.4011 243 7.4333 7.7136 2012-13 258 7.4333 7.6794 80 7.4490 7.5336 2013-14 81 7.5610 7.8198 5 7.5769 7.5769 2014-15 1 — — 350 7.9833 8.0136 2015-16 917 7.8502 7.9409 699 7.862
15 Apr 2011
Secondary Market Transactions in Government Securities (Face Value)
(Amount in ` crore) Item For the Week Ended Apr. 1, 2011 For the Week Ended Apr. 8, 2011 Amount YTM (%PA) Indicative** Amount YTM (%PA) Indicative** Minimum Maximum Minimum Maximum 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 I. Outright Transactions 1. Govt. of India Dated Securities Maturing in the year 2011-12 135 7.2606 7.7082 601 7.3208 7.4011 2012-13 1,545 7.4737 7.6157 258 7.4333 7.6794 2013-14 238 7.5781 7.6562 81 7.5610 7.8198 2014-15 125 7.6541 7.8581 1 — — 2015-16 1,399 7.8660 7.9414 917
08 Apr 2011
Secondary Market Transactions in Government Securities (Face Value)
(Amount in ` crore) Item For the Week Ended Mar. 25, 2011 For the Week Ended Apr. 1, 2011 Amount YTM (%PA) Indicative** Amount YTM (%PA) Indicative** Minimum Maximum Minimum Maximum 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 I. Outright Transactions 1. Govt. of India Dated Securities Maturing in the year 2011-12 57 7.6751 7.7075 135 7.2606 7.7082 2012-13 192 7.4838 7.6397 1,545 7.4737 7.6157 2013-14 258 7.6552 7.6915 238 7.5781 7.6562 2014-15 26 7.6541 7.9700 125 7.6541 7.8581 2015-16 602 7.9190
01 Apr 2011
Secondary Market Transactions in Government Securities (Face Value)
(Amount in ` crore) Item For the Week Ended Mar. 18, 2011 For the Week Ended Mar. 25, 2011 Amount YTM (%PA) Indicative** Amount YTM (%PA) Indicative** Minimum Maximum Minimum Maximum 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 I. Outright Transactions 1. Govt. of India Dated Securities Maturing in the year 2010-11 — — — — — — 2011-12 343 7.3071 7.4500 57 7.6751 7.7075 2012-13 423 7.4344 7.7000 192 7.4838 7.6397 2013-14 45 7.6541 7.6541 258 7.6541 7.6915 2014-15 50 7.9541 7.9600 26 7.9700 7.9700 20
25 Mar 2011
Secondary Market Transactions in Government Securities (Face Value)
(Amount in ` crore) Item For the Week Ended Mar. 11, 2011 For the Week Ended Mar. 18, 2011 Amount YTM (%PA) Indicative** Amount YTM (%PA) Indicative** Minimum Maximum Minimum Maximum 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 I. Outright Transactions 1. Govt. of India Dated Securities Maturing in the year 2010-11 — — — — — — 2011-12 874 7.3589 7.4501 343 7.3071 7.4500 2012-13 372 7.4418 7.6469 423 7.4344 7.7000 2013-14 415 7.6292 8.0737 45 7.6541 7.6541 2014-15 57 8.0323 8.1500 50 7.9541 7.9600 2
18 Mar 2011
Secondary Market Transactions in Government Securities (Face Value)
(Amount in ` crore) Item For the Week Ended Mar. 4, 2011 For the Week Ended Mar. 11, 2011 Amount YTM (%PA) Indicative** Amount YTM (%PA) Indicative** Minimum Maximum Minimum Maximum 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 I. Outright Transactions 1. Govt. of India Dated Securities Maturing in the year 2010-11 — — — — — — 2011-12 500 7.3187 7.4500 874 7.3589 7.4501 2012-13 190 7.4134 7.5714 372 7.4418 7.6469 2013-14 96 7.6367 7.7175 415 7.6292 8.0737 2014-15 11 8.0323 8.0351 57 8.0323 8.1500 20
11 Mar 2011
Secondary Market Transactions in Government Securities (Face Value)
(Amount in ` crore) Item For the Week Ended Feb. 25, 2011 For the Week Ended Mar. 4, 2011 Amount YTM (%PA) Indicative** Amount YTM (%PA) Indicative** Minimum Maximum Minimum Maximum 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 I. Outright Transactions 1. Govt. of India Dated Securities Maturing in the year 2010-11 — — — — — — 2011-12 350 7.4300 7.4500 500 7.3187 7.4500 2012-13 284 7.4393 7.5277 190 7.4134 7.5714 2013-14 478 7.6001 7.7349 96 7.6367 7.7175 2014-15 10 8.0323 8.0323 11 8.0323 8.0351 20
04 Mar 2011
Secondary Market Transactions in Government Securities (Face Value)
(Amount in ` crore) Item For the Week Ended Feb. 18, 2011 For the Week Ended Feb. 25, 2011 Amount YTM (%PA) Indicative** Amount YTM (%PA) Indicative** Minimum Maximum Minimum Maximum 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 I. Outright Transactions 1. Govt. of India Dated Securities Maturing in the year 2010-11 — — — — — — 2011-12 136 7.4018 7.4018 350 7.4300 7.4500 2012-13 257 7.4727 7.6313 284 7.4393 7.5277 2013-14 420 7.6979 7.8941 478 7.6001 7.7349 2014-15 — — — 10 8.0323 8.0323 2015-16 2,7
25 Feb 2011
Secondary Market Transactions in Government Securities (Face Value)
(Amount in ` crore) Item For the Week Ended Feb. 11, 2011 For the Week Ended Feb. 18, 2011 Amount YTM (%PA) Indicative** Amount YTM (%PA) Indicative** Minimum Maximum Minimum Maximum 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 I. Outright Transactions 1. Govt. of India Dated Securities Maturing in the year 2010-11 — — — — — — 2011-12 — — — 136 7.4018 7.4018 2012-13 346 7.4721 7.9400 257 7.4727 7.6313 2013-14 260 7.7154 7.8096 420 7.6979 7.8941 2014-15 — — — — — — 2015-16 4,607 8.0651 8.2154 2,764
18 Feb 2011
Secondary Market Transactions in Government Securities (Face Value)
(Amount in ` crore) Item For the Week Ended Feb. 4, 2011 For the Week Ended Feb. 11, 2011 Amount YTM (%PA) Indicative** Amount YTM (%PA) Indicative** Minimum Maximum Minimum Maximum 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 I. Outright Transactions 1. Govt. of India Dated Securities Maturing in the year 2010-11 — — — — — — 2011-12 111 7.3398 7.8000 — — — 2012-13 514 7.4538 7.6503 346 7.4721 7.9400 2013-14 245 7.6985 7.8259 260 7.7154 7.8096 2014-15 — — — — — — 2015-16 3,498 8.0631 8.1774 4,607 8
11 Feb 2011
Secondary Market Transactions in Government Securities (Face Value)
(Amount in ` crore) Item For the Week Ended Jan. 28, 2011 For the Week Ended Feb. 4, 2011 Amount YTM (%PA) Indicative** Amount YTM (%PA) Indicative** Minimum Maximum Minimum Maximum 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 I. Outright Transactions 1. Govt. of India Dated Securities Maturing in the year 2010-11 — — — — — — 2011-12 9 7.4785 7.4958 111 7.3398 7.8000 2012-13 796 7.4701 7.7000 514 7.4538 7.6503 2013-14 266 7.6970 7.9500 245 7.6985 7.8259 2014-15 21 7.9448 8.0000 — — — 2015-16 2,264
04 Feb 2011
Secondary Market Transactions in Government Securities (Face Value)
(Amount in ` crore) Item For the Week Ended Jan. 21, 2011 For the Week Ended Jan. 28, 2011 Amount YTM (%PA) Indicative** Amount YTM (%PA) Indicative** Minimum Maximum Minimum Maximum 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 I. Outright Transactions 1. Govt. of India Dated Securities Maturing in the year 2010-11 50 6.6666 6.6666 — — — 2011-12 230 7.3560 7.4945 9 7.4785 7.4958 2012-13 305 7.4360 7.6725 796 7.4701 7.7000 2013-14 52 7.6318 7.8127 266 7.6970 7.9500 2014-15 10 8.1402 8.1402 21 7.9448

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