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May 26, 2014
KYC : Compliance vs Convenience
Is KYC a recent phenomenon? KYC was always there in banking! The focus, earlier, was more on the asset side and not on the liability side as no banker could risk parting with his funds to an unknown person. The thorough appraisal process to screen the potential borrowers is a good example of KYC process. Then, issues such as illegal/black money and more recently, terrorism financing became matters of serious concern and then KYC on payments and remittances, and conseq
Shri R. Gandhi, Deputy Governor, Reserve Bank of India
Is KYC a recent phenomenon? KYC was always there in banking! The focus, earlier, was more on the asset side and not on the liability side as no banker could risk parting with his funds to an unknown person. The thorough appraisal process to screen the potential borrowers is a good example of KYC process. Then, issues such as illegal/black money and more recently, terrorism financing became matters of serious concern and then KYC on payments and remittances, and conseq
May 20, 2014
Banks Must build a Structure to provide Superior and Efficient Customer Service
Respected Shri Mahajan, Smt Rama Bijapurkar, member, Governing Council, Banking Standards Codes and Standards Board of India (BCSBI), Shri N Raja, CEO, BCSBI and banker colleagues. At the very outset, I thank Shri Mahajan, Chairman, BCSBI for the kind invitation to address Principal Code Compliance Officers of the BCSBI, this afternoon. I attach a great deal of value to this interaction. The day long deliberations will provide you the opportunity to Brainstorm with PC
Dr. (Smt.) Deepali Pant Joshi, Executive Director, Reserve Bank of India
Respected Shri Mahajan, Smt Rama Bijapurkar, member, Governing Council, Banking Standards Codes and Standards Board of India (BCSBI), Shri N Raja, CEO, BCSBI and banker colleagues. At the very outset, I thank Shri Mahajan, Chairman, BCSBI for the kind invitation to address Principal Code Compliance Officers of the BCSBI, this afternoon. I attach a great deal of value to this interaction. The day long deliberations will provide you the opportunity to Brainstorm with PC
May 20, 2014
Competition in the Banking Sector: Opportunities and Challenges
Good evening. Shri Ashok Chawla, distinguished invitees, our friends from the press, and ladies and gentlemen: It is a great honour to be invited to deliver the Annual Day lecture at the Competition Commission of India. Competition is the life force of a modern economy – it replaces dated and inefficient methods while preserving valuable traditions; it rewards the innovative and energetic and punishes the merely connected; it destroys the stability of the status quo w
Dr. Raghuram G. Rajan, Governor, Reserve Bank of India
Good evening. Shri Ashok Chawla, distinguished invitees, our friends from the press, and ladies and gentlemen: It is a great honour to be invited to deliver the Annual Day lecture at the Competition Commission of India. Competition is the life force of a modern economy – it replaces dated and inefficient methods while preserving valuable traditions; it rewards the innovative and energetic and punishes the merely connected; it destroys the stability of the status quo w
May 13, 2014
Credit Scoring
Shri R.K. Dubey, Chairman and Managing Director, Canara Bank of India, other distinguished guests, ladies and gentlemen. I am happy to be here for the launch of Canara Bank’s credit scoring model for MSMEs. We had recently on November 29, 2013 held a workshop on credit scoring models with experts from IFC, which was fundamentally aimed at capacity building in the banking sector by imparting practical knowhow to Bankers who are expected to use it in their day-to-day op
Dr. (Smt.) Deepali Pant Joshi, Executive Director, Reserve Bank of India
Shri R.K. Dubey, Chairman and Managing Director, Canara Bank of India, other distinguished guests, ladies and gentlemen. I am happy to be here for the launch of Canara Bank’s credit scoring model for MSMEs. We had recently on November 29, 2013 held a workshop on credit scoring models with experts from IFC, which was fundamentally aimed at capacity building in the banking sector by imparting practical knowhow to Bankers who are expected to use it in their day-to-day op
May 09, 2014
Indian Banking at Crossroads – Challenge of Risk Management from Globalisation to Financial Inclusion
Shri Shailesh Vaidya, Chairman, Indian Merchants’ Chamber (IMC), Shri Chandan Bhattacharya, Chairman, Finance and Banking Committee, IMC and delegates to this IMC National Seminar, a very warm good evening! It is an honour for me to be here today to deliver the valedictory address of this National Seminar organised by IMC. The Seminar provides an opportunity to consider the developments in the banking risk management, assess the recent experience in this space and wor
Shri R. Gandhi, Deputy Governor, Reserve Bank of India
Shri Shailesh Vaidya, Chairman, Indian Merchants’ Chamber (IMC), Shri Chandan Bhattacharya, Chairman, Finance and Banking Committee, IMC and delegates to this IMC National Seminar, a very warm good evening! It is an honour for me to be here today to deliver the valedictory address of this National Seminar organised by IMC. The Seminar provides an opportunity to consider the developments in the banking risk management, assess the recent experience in this space and wor
Apr 23, 2014
Framework for the conduct of macroprudential policy in India: experiences and perspectives
(Reproduced with permission from Financial Stability Review, April 2014 published by Banque de France)
Dr. K.C. Chakrabarty, Deputy Governor, Reserve Bank of India
(Reproduced with permission from Financial Stability Review, April 2014 published by Banque de France)
Mar 21, 2014
Transforming Credit Information into Action: Issues and Challenges
Shri M.V.Nair, Chairman, CIBIL; Shri R.V.Verma, CMD, National Housing Bank; Shri M.V.Tanksale, Chief Executive, Indian Banks’ Association; Shri Rajiv Sabharwal, Executive Director, ICICI Bank; Shri Arun Thukral, Managing Director, CIBIL; Shri Satish Pillai, Chief Operating Officer, CIBIL; delegates to the Conference; friends from the media fraternity; ladies and gentlemen! It is a pleasure for me to be present here this morning to deliver the keynote address at the Si
Dr. K.C. Chakrabarty, Deputy Governor, Reserve Bank of India
Shri M.V.Nair, Chairman, CIBIL; Shri R.V.Verma, CMD, National Housing Bank; Shri M.V.Tanksale, Chief Executive, Indian Banks’ Association; Shri Rajiv Sabharwal, Executive Director, ICICI Bank; Shri Arun Thukral, Managing Director, CIBIL; Shri Satish Pillai, Chief Operating Officer, CIBIL; delegates to the Conference; friends from the media fraternity; ladies and gentlemen! It is a pleasure for me to be present here this morning to deliver the keynote address at the Si
Mar 11, 2014
Efficient systems and Proficient banks
Shri Sambamurthy, Dr Ramasastri, Dr Gulshan Rai, CIOs of banks, faculty and staff of IDRBT, ladies and gentlemen. I would like to express my gratitude to the Director for inviting me to deliver the keynote address at the two day Conference for the Chief Information Officers (CIO) of banks. I addressed a similar forum of CIOs in December 2012 at this very venue. I recollect that I had left the audience with a few questions for further deliberations in the Conference. I
Shri G Padmanabhan, Executive Director, Reserve Bank of India
Shri Sambamurthy, Dr Ramasastri, Dr Gulshan Rai, CIOs of banks, faculty and staff of IDRBT, ladies and gentlemen. I would like to express my gratitude to the Director for inviting me to deliver the keynote address at the two day Conference for the Chief Information Officers (CIO) of banks. I addressed a similar forum of CIOs in December 2012 at this very venue. I recollect that I had left the audience with a few questions for further deliberations in the Conference. I
Feb 25, 2014
Bold face of India’s economy speaks out
Emerging markets Jacob Greber and Greg Earl report on governor with an impeccable pedigree Raghuram Rajan represents the bold face of India’s potential new economy – ­impeccably credentialed, upbeat and ready to force himself onto centre stage in the ­global debate about the reshaping of the world economy. Appointed as governor of the Reserve Bank of India in September, Rajan has taken no time to make himself heard in international financial markets. Last month he too
Dr. Raghuram G. Rajan, Governor, Reserve Bank of India
Emerging markets Jacob Greber and Greg Earl report on governor with an impeccable pedigree Raghuram Rajan represents the bold face of India’s potential new economy – ­impeccably credentialed, upbeat and ready to force himself onto centre stage in the ­global debate about the reshaping of the world economy. Appointed as governor of the Reserve Bank of India in September, Rajan has taken no time to make himself heard in international financial markets. Last month he too
Feb 15, 2014
Financial Regulation: Which Way Forward?
I thank Prof. Rajas Parchure for inviting me to this Economic Conclave at the Gokhale Institute. The Conclave has brought together eminent scholars and policy practitioners to brainstorm on issues of contemporary relevance to the Indian economy. Such interchange of ideas is important not only in encouraging research but also in shaping the contours of policymaking. While the recent global financial crisis taught us several lessons, one key message has been the weaknes
Shri Deepak Mohanty, Executive Director, Reserve Bank of India
I thank Prof. Rajas Parchure for inviting me to this Economic Conclave at the Gokhale Institute. The Conclave has brought together eminent scholars and policy practitioners to brainstorm on issues of contemporary relevance to the Indian economy. Such interchange of ideas is important not only in encouraging research but also in shaping the contours of policymaking. While the recent global financial crisis taught us several lessons, one key message has been the weaknes
Feb 07, 2014
Human Resource Challenges in Indian banks: ‘Foolproof’ing the employees
Smt. Meena Hemchandra, Principal, College of Agricultural Banking (CAB), Pune; Shri R.K.Gupta, Executive Director, Bank of Maharashtra; delegates to the Conference; ladies and gentlemen! I thank the Principal, CAB for inviting me to inaugurate this conference of HR heads of banks and financial institutions. I feel the choice of theme for the Conference i.e. “Future Proofing of Banking Personnel” is quite interesting. Given that this Conference is now in its 7th year,
Dr. K.C. Chakrabarty, Deputy Governor, Reserve Bank of India
Smt. Meena Hemchandra, Principal, College of Agricultural Banking (CAB), Pune; Shri R.K.Gupta, Executive Director, Bank of Maharashtra; delegates to the Conference; ladies and gentlemen! I thank the Principal, CAB for inviting me to inaugurate this conference of HR heads of banks and financial institutions. I feel the choice of theme for the Conference i.e. “Future Proofing of Banking Personnel” is quite interesting. Given that this Conference is now in its 7th year,
Feb 03, 2014
Indian Banking: the New Landscape
Sukumar and Tamal, thank you very much, for this invite. I am happy to note that you and your paper- the Mint, have been focussing on the process of change for the Indian banking that is presently underway. I see that in many of its writings. By organizing this discussion on ‘Indian Banking: The New Landscape’, it will further spur thoughts and debates in this area. That this discussion has drawn several doyens of the Indian banking, is a testimony to the importance o
Dr. K.C. Chakrabarty, Deputy Governor, Reserve Bank of India
Sukumar and Tamal, thank you very much, for this invite. I am happy to note that you and your paper- the Mint, have been focussing on the process of change for the Indian banking that is presently underway. I see that in many of its writings. By organizing this discussion on ‘Indian Banking: The New Landscape’, it will further spur thoughts and debates in this area. That this discussion has drawn several doyens of the Indian banking, is a testimony to the importance o
Dec 13, 2013
NISM Conference on Ethics and Corporate Governance
Introduction At the outset, let me congratulate the organisers for this topical choice of subject, one which concerns us all. I thank Director, National Institute of Securities Markets, Dr.Sandip Ghose and the Institute of Company Secretaries for having me here and my dear friend, Prashant Saran, for that brilliant opening address, which quite sets the tone for this panel. Que Custodiet Ipso Custodes? Who will guard the guards ? Over the last two decades, corporate go
Dr. (Smt.) Deepali Pant Joshi, Executive Director, Reserve Bank of India
Introduction At the outset, let me congratulate the organisers for this topical choice of subject, one which concerns us all. I thank Director, National Institute of Securities Markets, Dr.Sandip Ghose and the Institute of Company Secretaries for having me here and my dear friend, Prashant Saran, for that brilliant opening address, which quite sets the tone for this panel. Que Custodiet Ipso Custodes? Who will guard the guards ? Over the last two decades, corporate go
Dec 12, 2013
Financial Sector Reforms
The economy is stabilizing, but there is no room for complacency. Some part of improvement in the CAD has happened due to suppressing gold imports. Not all the measures to reduce fiscal deficit are of high quality. We have considerable work to do still. At the same time the country faces elections next year. A stable government post elections, while likely, cannot be taken for granted. This implies that all parties have to work together today to ensure that any govern
Dr. Raghuram G. Rajan, Governor, Reserve Bank of India
The economy is stabilizing, but there is no room for complacency. Some part of improvement in the CAD has happened due to suppressing gold imports. Not all the measures to reduce fiscal deficit are of high quality. We have considerable work to do still. At the same time the country faces elections next year. A stable government post elections, while likely, cannot be taken for granted. This implies that all parties have to work together today to ensure that any govern
Dec 04, 2013
Credit Scoring – An effective way to ensure availability of timely and adequate credit to MSEs
Ms. Jennifer Isern, Manager, South Asia Advisory Services, International Finance Corporation (IFC); Shri S.K. Dubey, CMD, Canara Bank; Shri H.S.U. Kamath, CMD, Vijaya Bank; Smt. Archana Bhargava, CMD, United Bank of India; Shri Ashwini Kumar, CMD, Dena Bank; Shri S.R. Bansal, CMD, Corporation Bank; Shri Sushil Muhnot, CMD, Bank of Maharashtra; Dr. Deepali Pant Joshi, Executive Director, Reserve Bank of India; Executive Directors and other senior officials from various
Dr. K.C. Chakrabarty, Deputy Governor, Reserve Bank of India
Ms. Jennifer Isern, Manager, South Asia Advisory Services, International Finance Corporation (IFC); Shri S.K. Dubey, CMD, Canara Bank; Shri H.S.U. Kamath, CMD, Vijaya Bank; Smt. Archana Bhargava, CMD, United Bank of India; Shri Ashwini Kumar, CMD, Dena Bank; Shri S.R. Bansal, CMD, Corporation Bank; Shri Sushil Muhnot, CMD, Bank of Maharashtra; Dr. Deepali Pant Joshi, Executive Director, Reserve Bank of India; Executive Directors and other senior officials from various
Nov 18, 2013
Two decades of credit management in banks : Looking back and moving ahead
Presentation Shri K.R. Kamath, Chairman, IBA and Chairman, Punjab National Bank; Smt. V.R. Iyer, Chairperson, Bank of India; CMDs of banks, delegates to the BANCON 2013; members of the print and electronic media; my other colleagues from the banking fraternity; ladies and gentlemen! At the outset let me thank the Indian Banks’ Association and the Bank of India for giving me this opportunity to share my thoughts with you from the platform of BANCON. This annual event i
Dr. K.C. Chakrabarty, Deputy Governor, Reserve Bank of India
Presentation Shri K.R. Kamath, Chairman, IBA and Chairman, Punjab National Bank; Smt. V.R. Iyer, Chairperson, Bank of India; CMDs of banks, delegates to the BANCON 2013; members of the print and electronic media; my other colleagues from the banking fraternity; ladies and gentlemen! At the outset let me thank the Indian Banks’ Association and the Bank of India for giving me this opportunity to share my thoughts with you from the platform of BANCON. This annual event i
Nov 15, 2013
The Five Pillars of RBI’s Financial Sector Policies
Good evening. I thank the organisers for inviting me. These are challenging times for the Indian economy, but I have dwelt on those near-term challenges elsewhere. Let me turn instead to the opportunities we have to make India a far better place than it is today, focussing in particular on finance. Much of the world is ageing, facing the demographic tax of having to pay for an increasingly elderly population with a shrinking work force. Much of the world has run out o
Dr. Raghuram G. Rajan, Governor, Reserve Bank of India
Good evening. I thank the organisers for inviting me. These are challenging times for the Indian economy, but I have dwelt on those near-term challenges elsewhere. Let me turn instead to the opportunities we have to make India a far better place than it is today, focussing in particular on finance. Much of the world is ageing, facing the demographic tax of having to pay for an increasingly elderly population with a shrinking work force. Much of the world has run out o
Nov 13, 2013
Vigilance Administration: Encouraging Probity in Public Life
Shri A. K. Handa, Chairman, Centre For Integrity, Governance & Training on Vigilance Administration (CIGVA); Shri S .K. Goel, former CMD, UCO Bank; Shri R.V. Verma, Chairman, NHB; other officials of CIGVA; delegates to this seminar on Vigilance Administration, ladies and gentlemen! At the outset, let me congratulate CIGVA and Shri Handa for creating an institutional forum which seeks to strengthen the governance processes with an underlying objective of bringing a
Dr. K.C. Chakrabarty, Deputy Governor, Reserve Bank of India
Shri A. K. Handa, Chairman, Centre For Integrity, Governance & Training on Vigilance Administration (CIGVA); Shri S .K. Goel, former CMD, UCO Bank; Shri R.V. Verma, Chairman, NHB; other officials of CIGVA; delegates to this seminar on Vigilance Administration, ladies and gentlemen! At the outset, let me congratulate CIGVA and Shri Handa for creating an institutional forum which seeks to strengthen the governance processes with an underlying objective of bringing a
Nov 11, 2013
Training for Commercial Bankers
Honorable Chancellor Shri Vinay Hegde, Professor Dr. Ramananda Shetty, Dr. Shantaram Shetty, Dr. Thingalaya, Shri S.K. Jain, CMD, Syndicate Bank, Shri S.R. Bansal, CMD, Corporation Bank, Shri Anantha krishna, Chairman, Karnataka Bank, ladies and gentlemen. It gives me immense pleasure to inaugurate the academic block of NITTE Institute of Banking and Finance. It is an opportune time as also the need of the hour to enhance professional skills of bankers since we are po
Shri G. Gopalakrishna, Executive Director, Reserve Bank of India
Honorable Chancellor Shri Vinay Hegde, Professor Dr. Ramananda Shetty, Dr. Shantaram Shetty, Dr. Thingalaya, Shri S.K. Jain, CMD, Syndicate Bank, Shri S.R. Bansal, CMD, Corporation Bank, Shri Anantha krishna, Chairman, Karnataka Bank, ladies and gentlemen. It gives me immense pleasure to inaugurate the academic block of NITTE Institute of Banking and Finance. It is an opportune time as also the need of the hour to enhance professional skills of bankers since we are po
Oct 11, 2013
Welcome to India: State of the Indian economy, banking sector and factoring services
Mr. Gerhard Prenner, Chairman, International Factors Group (IFG); Mr. Pramod Bhasin, Founder & Vice Chairman, Genpact Limited; Mr. Sanjay Chamria, Co-founder & CEO, Magma Fincorp Limited; Mr. Ravi Gupta, Managing Director, Blend Financial Services Ltd.; delegates to the conference, ladies and gentlemen! It gives me great pleasure to welcome you all, especially the foreign delegates, to India and to this historic city of New Delhi for IFG’s Annual Conference. I
Dr. K.C. Chakrabarty, Deputy Governor, Reserve Bank of India
Mr. Gerhard Prenner, Chairman, International Factors Group (IFG); Mr. Pramod Bhasin, Founder & Vice Chairman, Genpact Limited; Mr. Sanjay Chamria, Co-founder & CEO, Magma Fincorp Limited; Mr. Ravi Gupta, Managing Director, Blend Financial Services Ltd.; delegates to the conference, ladies and gentlemen! It gives me great pleasure to welcome you all, especially the foreign delegates, to India and to this historic city of New Delhi for IFG’s Annual Conference. I

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