Master Circular - Operational Guidelines to Primary Dealers - આરબીઆઈ - Reserve Bank of India
Master Circular - Operational Guidelines to Primary Dealers
RBI/2010-11/81 July 1, 2010 All Primary Dealers in the Government Securities Market Dear Sir Master Circular – Operational Guidelines to Primary Dealers The Reserve Bank of India has, from time to time, issued a number of guidelines/instructions/circulars to the Primary Dealers (PDs) in regard to their operations in the Government Securities Market and other activities. To enable the PDs to have all the current instructions at one place, a Master Circular incorporating the guidelines/instructions/circulars on the subject issued up to June 30, 2010 is enclosed. The additional guidelines applicable to banks undertaking PD business departmentally are incorporated under Section II of the Master Circular. The guidelines on Risk Management and Capital Adequacy for the stand alone PDs are being issued vide our Master Circular IDMD.PDRD.02/03.64.00/2010-11 dated July 1, 2010. The banks undertaking PD activities departmentally shall follow the extant guidelines applicable to the banks regarding their capital adequacy requirement and risk management. Yours faithfully (K.K.Vohra) Encl: As above
Section I : Regulations governing Primary Dealers 1.1 Introduction In 1995, the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) introduced the system of Primary Dealers (PDs) in the Government Securities (G-Sec) Market, which comprised independent entities undertaking PD activity. In order to broad base the Primary Dealership system, banks were permitted to undertake Primary Dealership business departmentally in 2006-07. Further, the standalone PDs were permitted to diversify into business activities, other than the core PD business, subject to certain conditions. As on June 30, 2010, there are eight standalone PDs and twelve banks authorized to undertake PD business departmentally. 1.2 The objectives of PD System The objectives of the PD system are to:
1.3 Eligibility conditions 1.3.1 The following institutions are eligible to apply for Primary Dealership
1.3.2 Indian banks which are undertaking PD business through a partly or wholly owned subsidiary and wish to undertake PD business departmentally by merging / taking over PD business from their partly / wholly owned subsidiary may do so subject to fulfilling the criteria stipulated above. 1.3.3 Foreign banks operating in India who wish to undertake PD business departmentally by merging the PD business being undertaken by a group entity may do so subject to fulfillment of the criteria stipulated above. 1.3.4 A non-bank entity applying for permission to undertake PD business shall obtain Certificate of Registration (COR) as an NBFC under Section 45-IA of the RBI Act, 1934 from the Department of Non-Banking Supervision, RBI. 1.3.5 A non-bank applicant shall have net owned funds (NOF) of a minimum of Rs. 150 crore. In the case of a PD intending to diversify into permissible activities, the minimum NOF shall be Rs.250 crore. The enhanced level of NOF requirement for PDs is effective from April 1, 2010. NOF will be computed in terms of the explanatory note to Section 45-IA of Chapter III-B of the RBI Act, 1934. In terms of the RBI Act, 1934, NOF is calculated as (a) the aggregate of the paid-up equity capital and free reserves as disclosed in the latest balance-sheet of the company after deducting there from– (i) accumulated balance of loss; (ii) deferred revenue expenditure; and (iii) other intangible assets; and (b) further reduced by the amounts representing– (1) investments of such company in shares of– (i) its subsidiaries; (ii) companies in the same group; (iii) all other non-banking financial companies; and (2) the book value of debentures, bonds, outstanding loans and advances (including hire-purchase and lease finance) made to, and deposits with,– (i) subsidiaries of such company; and (ii) companies in the same group, to the extent such amount exceeds ten per cent of (a) above. 1.3.6 PDs are not permitted to set up step-down subsidiaries. 1.4 Procedure for Authorisation of the PDs 1.4.1 For enlistment as a PD, an eligible institution should submit its application to the Chief General Manager, Internal Debt Management Department (IDMD), RBI. The RBI will consider the application and, if satisfied, would grant approval `in principle’. The applicant will thereafter submit an undertaking in respect of the terms and conditions agreed to. Based on the application and undertaking, an authorisation letter will be issued by RBI. Continuation as a PD would depend on its compliance with the terms and conditions of authorisation. Note: The decision to enlist PDs will be taken by RBI based on its perception of market needs, suitability of the applicant and the likely value addition to the system. 1.5 Role and obligations of the PDs PDs are expected to play an active role in the G-Sec market, both in its primary and secondary market segments. A PD will be required to have a standing arrangement with RBI based on the execution of an undertaking (Annex I) and the authorization letter issued by RBI each year. The major roles and obligations of PDs are as below:
1.6 Facilities from RBIThe RBI currently extends the following facilities to the PDs to enable them to fulfill their obligations effectively:
The facilities are, however, subject to review, depending upon the market conditions and requirements. 1.7 Regulation
1.8 Supervision by RBI1.8.1 Off-site supervision : PDs are required to submit prescribed periodic returns to RBI promptly. The current list of such returns, their periodicity, etc. is furnished in Annex II. 1.8.2 On-site inspection: RBI will have the right to inspect the books, records, documents and accounts of a PD. PDs are required to make available all such documents, records, etc. to the RBI officers and render all necessary assistance as and when required. 2. Role of PDs in the Primary Market Concomitant with the objectives of PD system, the PDs are expected to support the primary issues of dated securities of Central Government and State Government and Treasury Bills of Central Government, through underwriting/bidding commitments and success ratios. The related guidelines are as under: 2.1 Underwriting of Dated Government Securities 2.1.1 Dated securities of Central Government :
2.1.2 Dated securities of State Governments
2.2 Bidding in Primary auctions of Treasury Bills
2.2.1 Cash Management Bills (CMBs) As the PDs are expected to support the primary issuances of Government of India, the PDs shall bid in each auction of Cash Management Bills (CMBs) as per the bidding commitment submitted by the PDs for T-Bills auctions. Further, the success in CMBs auctions will be taken into account while calculating minimum success ratio of 40 per cent for T-Bills for each half year. The CMBs transactions may be reported in PDR returns along with the T-Bills transactions. 2.3 ‘When-Issued’ transactions in Central Government Securities PDs shall adhere to the guidelines issued by the RBI vide circular IDMD.No. 2130 /11.01.01 (D) /2006-07 dated November 16, 2006, as amended from time to time, for undertaking “When Issued” transactions. 2.4 Submission of non-competitive bids PDs shall adhere to the guidelines issued vide circular RBI / 2008-09 / 479 - IDMD.No.5877 / 08.02.33 / 2008-09 dated May 22, 2009, as amended from time to time, in respect of submission of non-competitive bids in the auctions of the Government of India securities. 2.5 Sale of securities allotted in primary issues on the same day PDs shall adhere to the guidelines issued vide circulars IDMC.PDRS.No. PDS.1 / 03.64.00 / 2000-01 dated October 6, 2000 and RBI / 2005 / 461 – IDMD.PDRS.4777 / 10.02.01 / 2004-05 dated May 11, 2005, for undertaking sale of securities allotted in primary issues on the same day. 2.6 Settlement of primary auctions PDs shall adhere to the guidelines issued vide circular IDMD.PDRD.No. 1393 / 03.64.00 / 2008-09 dated September 19, 2008. The primary auction settlement is independent from the secondary market settlements and therefore has to be funded separately. Successful PDs shall provide sufficient funds in their current account with the RBI on the auction settlement days before 3:00 pm to meet their obligations against the subscriptions in the primary auctions failing which the shortage will be treated as an instance of ‘SGL bouncing’ and will be subjected to the applicable penal provisions. 2.7 Secondary Market Transactions - Short-selling PDs shall adhere to the guidelines issued by the RBI vide circular RBI / 2006-07 / 243 IDMD.No./11.01.01 (B)/2006-07 dated January 31, 2007, on short sale in Central Government dated securities, as amended from time to time. 2.8 Separate Trading of Registered Interest and Principal of Securities (STRIPS) in G-Sec PDs shall adhere to the guidelines issued by the RBI vide circular IDMD.DOD.No. 7 /11.01.09 /2009-10 dated March 25, 2010, on STRIPS in G-Sec, as amended from time to time. 3. PDs operations - Sources and application of funds 3.1 PDs are permitted to borrow funds from call/notice/term money market and repo (including CBLO) market. They are also eligible for liquidity support from RBI. 3.2 PDs are allowed to borrow from call/notice market, on an average in a reporting fortnight, up to 225 percent of their net owned funds (NOF) as at the end March of the preceding financial year. 3.3 PDs may lend up to 25 percent of their NOF in call/notice money market, on an average in a ‘reporting fortnight’. 3.4 These limits on borrowing and lending are subject to periodic review by RBI. 3.5 Liquidity Support from RBI In addition to access to the RBI's Liquidity Adjustment Facility, stand-alone PDs are also provided with liquidity support by the RBI against eligible G-Sec including State Development Loans (SDLs). The parameters based on which liquidity support will be allocated are given below :
3.6 Inter-Corporate Deposits 3.6.1 Inter-Corporate Deposits (ICDs) may be raised by PDs sparingly and should not be used as a continuous source of funds. After proper and due consideration of the risks involved, the Board of Directors of the PD should lay down the policy in this regard, which among others, should include the following general principles:
3.6.2 PDs are prohibited from placing funds in ICD market. 3.7 FCNR (B) loans / External Commercial Borrowings 3.7.1 PDs may avail of FCNR(B) loans up to a maximum of 25% of the NOF as at the end of March of the preceding financial year and subject to the foreign exchange risk of such loans being hedged at all times at least to the extent of 50 per cent of the exposure. 3.7.2 PDs are not permitted to raise funds through External Commercial Borrowings. 3.8 Reporting Requirements 3.8.1 PDs are required to report, the sources and application of funds maintained on daily basis, to RBI on fortnightly intervals. The format of return (PDR-I) is enclosed in Annex V. 3.8.2 PDs are required to report the securities market turnover on monthly basis. The format of return (PDR-II) is enclosed in Annex VI. 3.8.3 PDs are required to submit a quarterly statement on capital adequacy in the prescribed format (PDR-III). 3.8.4 PDs are required to report select financial and Balance Sheet indicators on quarterly basis. The format of return (PDR-IV) is enclosed in Annex VII. 4. Diversification of activities by stand-alone PDs 4.1 Stand-alone PDs are permitted to diversify their activities, as considered appropriate, in addition to their existing business of G-Sec, subject to limits. 4.2 PDs may bifurcate their operations into core and non-core activities. 4.2.1 The following activities are permitted under core activities:
4.2.2 PDs are permitted to undertake the following activities under non-core activities: Services, which do not consume capital or require insignificant capital outlay such as:
4.2.3 For distribution of insurance products, the PDs may comply with the guidelines contained in the circular DNBS(PD)CC.No.35/10.24/2003-04 dated February 10, 2004 issued by the Department of Non-Banking Supervision, as amended from time to time. 4.2.4 Specific approvals of other regulators, if needed, should be obtained for undertaking the activities detailed above. 4.2.5 PDs are not allowed to undertake broking in equity, trading / broking in commodities, gold and foreign exchange. 4.3 The investment in G-Sec should have predominance over the non-core activities in terms of investment pattern. Stand-alone PDs are required to ensure predominance by maintaining at least 50 per cent of their total financial investments (both long term and short term) in G-Sec at any point of time. Investment in G-Sec will include the PD’s Own Stock, Stock with RBI under Liquidity Support / Intra-day Liquidity (IDL)/ Liquidity Adjustment Facility (LAF), Stock with market for repo borrowings and G-Sec pledged with the Clearing Corporation of India Ltd (CCIL). 4.4 The exposure to non-core activities shall be subject to the guidelines on regulatory and prudential norms for diversification of activities by stand-alone PDs, which are as under : 4.4.1 The minimum NOF requirement for a PD, proposing to undertake non-core activities, as detailed in para 4.2.2, should be Rs.250 crore as against Rs.150 crore for a PD, which does not diversify into these activities. 4.4.2 The exposure to non-core activities, as defined in paragraph 4.2.2 above, shall be subject to risk capital allocation as prescribed below. PDs may calculate the capital charge for market risk on the stock positions / underlying stock positions/ units of equity oriented mutual funds using Internal Models (VaR based) based on the guidelines prescribed vide RBI Master circular No. IDMD.PDRD. 2/03.64.00/2010-11 dated July 1, 2010 on Capital Adequacy and Risk Management, as updated from time to time. PDs may continue to provide for credit risk arising out of equity, equity derivatives and equity oriented mutual funds as prescribed in the circular mentioned above. The guidelines for both credit risk and market risk in respect of Commercial Paper, Corporate / PSU / FI bonds / Underwriting are contained in the RBI Master circular IDMD.PDRD.No. 2 /03.64.00/2010-11 dated July 1, 2010, as updated from time to time. PDs choosing to diversify into non-core business segments should define internally the scope of diversification, organization structure and reporting levels for those segments. PDs should clearly lay down exposure and risk limits for those segments in the investment policy with the approval of their Board. 5.1 Investment policy - PDs should frame and implement investment and operational policy guidelines on securities transactions which should be approved by their Boards. The guidelines should contain the broad objectives to be followed while undertaking transactions in securities on their own account and on behalf of clients, clearly define the authority to put through deals, and lay down procedure to be followed while putting through deals, various prudential exposure limits, policy regarding dealings through brokers, systems for management of various risks, guidelines for valuation of the portfolio and the reporting systems etc. Operational procedures and controls in relation to the day-to-day business operations should also be worked out and put in place to ensure that operations in securities are conducted in accordance with sound and acceptable business practices. While laying down these guidelines, the PDs should strictly adhere to RBI’s instructions, issued from time to time. The effectiveness of the policy and operational guidelines should be periodically evaluated. 5.2 PDs should necessarily hold their investments in G-Sec portfolio in SGL with RBI. They may also have a dematerialised account with depositories (NSDL/CDSL). All purchase/sale transactions in G-Sec by PDs should be compulsorily through SGL/CSGL/Demat accounts. 5.3 PDs should hold all other investments such as commercial papers, bonds and debentures, privately placed or otherwise, and equity instruments, only in dematerialised form. 5.4 All problem exposures, which are not backed by any security or backed by security of doubtful value, should be fully provided for. Where a PD has filed suit against another party for recovery, such exposures should be evaluated and provisions made to the satisfaction of auditors. Any claim against the PD should also be taken note of and provisions made to the satisfaction of auditors. 5.5 The profit and loss account should reflect the problem exposures if any, and also the effect of valuation of portfolio, as per the instructions issued by the RBI, from time to time. The report of the statutory auditors should contain a certification to this effect. 5.6 PDs should formulate, within the above parameters, their own internal guidelines on securities transactions in both primary and secondary markets, with the approval of their Board of Directors. 5.7 HTM Portfolio 5.7.1 Stand-alone PDs are allowed to categorize a portion of their Government Security portfolio in the HTM category, subject to the following conditions :
5.7.2 Banks undertaking PD activities departmentally may continue to follow the extant guidelines applicable to the banks in regard to the classification and valuation of the investment portfolio issued by our Department of Banking Operations and Development. 5.8 Guidelines on investments in non-Government securities 5.8.1 These guidelines cover PD’s investments in non-G-Sec (including capital gains bonds, bonds eligible for priority sector status, bonds issued by Central or State public sector undertakings with or without Government guarantees and bonds issued by banks and financial companies) generally issued by corporates, banks, FIs and State and Central Government sponsored institutions, Special Purpose Vehicles (SPVs), etc. These guidelines will, however, not be applicable to (i) units of equity oriented mutual fund schemes where any part of the corpus can be invested in equity, (ii) venture capital funds, (iii) commercial paper, (iv) certificate of deposit, and (v) investments in equity shares. The guidelines will apply to investments both in the primary market and the secondary market. 5.8.2 PDs should not invest in non-G-Sec of original maturity of less than one year, other than Commercial Paper and Certificates of Deposits, which are covered under RBI guidelines. 5.8.3 PDs should undertake usual due diligence in respect of investments in non-Government securities. 5.8.4 PDs must not invest in unrated non-G-Sec. 5.8.5 PDs will abide by the requirements stipulated by the SEBI in respect of corporate debt securities. Accordingly, while making fresh investments in non-Government debt securities, PDs should ensure that such investments are made only in listed debt securities, except to the extent indicated in paragraph 5.7.6 below. 5.8.6 PD's investment in unlisted non-G-Sec should not exceed 10% of the size of their non-G-Sec portfolio on an on-going basis. The ceiling of 10% will be inclusive of investment in Security Receipts issued by Securitization Companies/Reconstruction Companies and also the investment in Asset Backed Securities (ABS) and Mortgage Backed Securities (MBS). The unlisted non-Government debt securities in which PDs may invest up to the limits specified above, should comply with the disclosure requirements as prescribed by the SEBI for listed companies. 5.8.7 PDs are required to report their secondary market transactions in corporate bonds done in the OTC market on FIMMDA's reporting platform as indicated vide circular IDMD.530/03.64.00/2007-08 dated July 31, 2007. Further, PDs shall adhere to the guidelines prescribed vide circular IDMD No.1764 /11.08.38/2009-10 dated October 16, 2009 as regards to clearing and settlement of OTC trades in corporate bonds. 5.8.8 PDs should ensure that their investment policies duly approved by their Board are formulated after taking into account all the relevant issues specified in these guidelines on investment in non-G-Sec. PDs should put in place proper risk management systems for capturing and analysing the risk in respect of non-G-Sec before making investments and taking remedial measures in time. PDs should also put in place appropriate systems to ensure that investment in privately placed instruments is made in accordance with the systems and procedures prescribed under respective PD’s investment policy. 5.8.9 Boards of the PDs should review the following aspects of investment in non-G-Sec at least at quarterly intervals:
5.8.10 In order to help creation of a central database on private placement of debt, a copy of all offer documents should be filed with the Credit Information Bureau (India) Ltd. (CIBIL) by the PDs. Further, any default relating to interest/ installment in respect of any privately placed debt should also be reported to CIBIL by the investing PDs along with a copy of the offer document. 5.8.11 As per the SEBI guidelines, all trades with the exception of the spot transactions, in a listed debt security, shall be executed only on the trading platform of a stock exchange. In addition to complying with these SEBI guidelines, (as and when applicable) PDs should ensure that all spot transactions in listed and unlisted debt securities are reported on the NDS and settled through the CCIL. 6. Prudential systems/controls 6.1 Internal Control System in respect of securities transactions
6.2 Purchase/Sale of securities through SGL transfer forms All PDs should report / conclude their transactions on NDS / NDS(OM) and clear/settle them through CCIL as central counter-party. In such cases where exceptions have been permitted to tender physical SGL transfer forms, the following guidelines should be followed:
6.3 Bank Receipt or similar receipt should not be issued or accepted by the PDs under any circumstances in respect of transactions in G-Sec. 6.4 Accounting Standards for securities transactions
6.5 Reconciliation of holdings of Government securities Balances as per PDs books should be reconciled at least at monthly intervals with the balances in the books of PDOs. If the number of transactions so warrant, the reconciliation should be undertaken at more frequent intervals. This reconciliation should be periodically checked during audit. 6.6. Transactions on behalf of Constituents :
6.7 Failure to complete delivery of security/funds in an SGL transaction Any default in delivery of security/funds in an SGL sale /purchase transaction undertaken by a PD will be viewed seriously. A report on such transaction, even if completed through the securities/funds shortage handling procedure of CCIL, must be submitted to the Internal Debt Management Department, RBI immediately. The occurrence of third default in a period of 6 months (April -September and October-March) in funds and/or securities delivery will result in debarment of the PD from the use of SGL facility for a period of 6 months from the date of the third occurrence. If, after restoration of the facility, any default occurs again, the PD will be debarred permanently from the use of SGL facility. 7. Trading of Government Securities on Stock Exchanges 7.1 With a view to encouraging wider participation of all classes of investors, including retail, in G-Sec, trading in G-Sec through a nationwide, anonymous, order driven screen based trading system on stock exchanges, in the same manner in which trading takes place in equities, has been permitted. Accordingly, trading of dated Government of India securities in dematerialized form is allowed on automated order driven system of the National Stock Exchange (NSE) of India, the Bombay Stock Exchange Ltd., Mumbai (BSE) and the Over the Counter Exchange of India (OTCEI). This trading facility is in addition to the reporting/trading facility in the Negotiated Dealing System. Being a parallel system, the trades concluded on the exchanges will be cleared by their respective clearing corporations/clearing houses. 7.2 PDs are expected to play an active role in providing liquidity to the G-Sec market and promote retailing. They may, therefore, make full use of the facility to distribute G-Sec to all categories of investors through the process of placing and picking-up orders on the exchanges. PDs may open demat accounts with a Depository Participant (DP) of NSDL/CDSL in addition to their accounts with RBI. Value free transfer of securities between SGL/CSGL and demat accounts is enabled by PDO-Mumbai subject to guidelines issued by RBI’s Department of Government and Bank Accounts (DGBA). 7.3 Guidelines
8.1 Business through brokers and contract limits for approved brokers PDs may undertake securities or derivative transactions among themselves or with clients through the members of the BSE, NSE and OTCEI. A disproportionate part of the business should not be transacted through only one or a few brokers. PDs should fix aggregate contract limits for each of the approved brokers. A limit of 5% of total transactions (both purchase and sales) entered into by a PD during a year should be treated as the aggregate upper contract limit for each of the approved brokers. However, if for any reason it becomes necessary to exceed the aggregate limit for any broker, the specific reasons there for should be recorded and the Board should be informed of this, post facto. 8.2 With the approval of their top management, PDs should prepare a panel of approved brokers, which should be reviewed annually or more often if so warranted. Clear-cut criteria should be laid down for empanelment of brokers, including verification of their creditworthiness, market reputation, etc. A record of broker-wise details of deals put through and brokerage paid, should be maintained. 8.3 The brokerage on the deal payable to the broker, if any (if the deal was put through with the help of a broker), should be clearly indicated on the notes/memorandum put up seeking approval for putting through the transaction, and a separate account of brokerage paid, broker-wise, should be maintained. 8.4 The role of the broker should be restricted to that of bringing the two parties to the deal together. Settlement of deals between PDs and counter-parties should be directly between the counter-parties and the broker will have no role in the settlement process. 8.5 While negotiating the deal, the broker is not obliged to disclose the identity of the counter-party to the deal. On conclusion of the deal, he should disclose the counter-party and his contract note should clearly indicate the name of the counter-party. 9. Norms for Ready Forward transactions PDs are permitted to participate in ready forward (Repo) market both as lenders and borrowers. The terms and conditions subject to which ready forward contracts (including reverse ready forward contracts) may be entered into by PDs will be as under:
10. Portfolio Management Services by PDs 10.1 PDs may offer Portfolio Management Services (PMS) to their clients under the SEBI scheme of PMS, subject to the following conditions:
10.2 In addition, PDs should adhere to the under noted conditions:
11. Guidelines on interest rate derivatives 11.1 PDs shall adhere to the guidelines laid down in circular DBOD.No.BP.BC.86 /21.04.157 /2006-07 dated April 20, 2007 as applicable to interest rate derivatives and the Interest Rate Futures (Reserve Bank) Directions, 2009 dated August 28, 2009 issued by the RBI. Stand-alone PDs (PDs) are allowed to deal in Interest Rate Futures (IRFs) for both hedging and trading on own account and not on client’s account, as given in the circular IDMD.PDRD.No. 1056/03.64.00/2009-10 dated September 1, 2009 and as amended from time to time. 11.2 PDs are required to report all their IRS/FRA trades on the CCIL reporting platform within 30 minutes from the deal time in terms of circular IDMD/11.08.15/809/2007-08 dated August 23, 2007. 11.3 PDs are required to report to IDMD, as per the pro forma indicated in Annex IX, their FRAs/ IRS operations on a monthly basis. 12. Guidelines on declaration of dividends PDs should follow the following guidelines while declaring dividend distribution:
13. Guidelines on Corporate Governance PDs may adhere to circular DNBS.PD/CC 94/03.10.042/2006-07 dated May 8, 2007 on guidelines on corporate governance, as amended from time to time. 14. Prevention of Money Laundering Act, 2002 -Obligations of NBFCs PDs shall adhere to the guidelines contained in circular DNBS(PD).CC.68 /03.10.042/2005-06 dated April 5, 2006, as amended from time to time. 15. Violation/Circumvention of Instructions Any violation/circumvention of the above guidelines or the terms and conditions of the undertaking executed by a PD with the RBI (Annex I) would be viewed seriously and such violation would attract penal action including the withdrawal of liquidity support, denial of access to the money market, withdrawal of authorization for carrying on the business as a PD, and/or imposition of monetary penalty or liquidated damages, as the RBI may deem fit. 16. Disclosure of Penal Actions 16.1 In order to maintain transparency with regard to imposition of penalties and in conformity with the best practices in disclosure of penalties imposed by the regulator, the details of the penalty levied on a PD shall be placed in the public domain. 16.2 The mode of disclosures of penalties, imposed by RBI will be as follows:
Section II: Additional Guidelines applicable to banks undertaking PD business departmentally Scheduled commercial banks (except Regional Rural Banks) have been permitted to undertake Primary Dealership business departmentally from 2006-07. 2. Procedure for Authorization of bank-PDs 2.1 Banks eligible to apply for undertaking Primary Dealership business, (please see eligibility conditions at (iv) of paragraph 1.3.1 above) may approach the Chief General Manager, Department of Banking Operations & Development (DBOD), RBI, Central Office. On obtaining an in-principle approval from DBOD, banks may then apply to the Chief General Manager, Internal Debt Management Department, RBI, 23rd Floor, Central Office Building, Fort, Mumbai- 400 001 for an authorization for undertaking PD business departmentally. 2.2 The banks, proposing to undertake the PD business by merging / taking over PD business from their partly / wholly owned subsidiary, or foreign banks, operating in India, proposing to undertake PD business departmentally by merging the PD business being undertaken by a group company, will be subject to the terms and conditions, as applicable, of the undertaking given by such subsidiary/ group company till such time a fresh undertaking is executed by the bank. 2.3 The banks authorized to undertake PD business will be required to have a standing arrangement with RBI based on the execution of an undertaking (Annex I) and the authorization letter issued by RBI each year (July-June). 3. Applicability of the guidelines issued for PDs 3.1 The bank-PDs would be governed by the operational guidelines as given in Section – I above, to the extent applicable, unless otherwise stated. Furthermore, the bank-PDs' role and obligations in terms of supporting the primary market auctions for issue of Government dated securities and Treasury Bills, underwriting of dated G-Sec, market-making in G-Sec and secondary market turnover of G-Sec will also be on par with those applicable to stand-alone PDs as enumerated in Section - I of this Master Circular. 3.2 Bank-PDs are expected to join Primary Dealers Association of India (PDAI) and Fixed Income Money Market and Derivatives Association (FIMMDA) and abide by the code of conduct framed by them and such other actions initiated by them in the interests of the securities markets. 3.3 The requirement of ensuring minimum investment in G-Sec and Treasury Bills on a daily basis based on net call/ RBI borrowing and net owned funds will not be applicable to bank-PDs who shall be guided by the extant guidelines applicable to banks. 3.4 As banks have access to the call money market, refinance facility and the Liquidity Adjustment Facility (LAF) of RBI, bank-PDs will not have separate access to these facilities and liquidity support as applicable to the standalone PDs. 3.5 It is clarified that for the purpose of "when-issued trades" issued vide circular IDMD.No/2130/11.01.01 (D)/2006-07 dated November 16, 2006, bank-PDs will be treated as PDs. 3.6 Bank-PDs shall be guided by the extant guidelines applicable to banks as regards borrowing in call/notice/term money market, Inter-Corporate Deposits, FCNR (B) loans /External Commercial Borrowings and other sources of funds. 3.7 The investment policy of the bank may be suitably amended to include PD activities also. Within the overall framework of the investment policy, the PD business undertaken by the bank will be limited to dealing, underwriting and market-making in G-Sec. Investments in Corporate/ PSU/ FIs bonds, Commercial Papers, Certificate of deposits, debt mutual funds and other fixed income securities will not be deemed to be a part of PD business. 3.8 The classification, valuation and operation of investment portfolio guidelines as applicable to banks in regard to "Held for Trading" portfolio will also apply to the portfolio of Government Dated Securities and Treasury Bills earmarked for PD business. 3.9 The Government Dated Securities and Treasury Bills under PD business will count for SLR. 3.10 Bank-PDs shall be guided by the extant guidelines applicable to banks as regards business through brokers, ready forward transactions, interest rate derivatives (OTC & exchange traded derivatives), investment in non- Securities, Issue of Subordinated Debt Instruments and declaration of dividends. 4. Maintenance of books and accounts 4.1 The transactions related to Primary Dealership business, undertaken by a bank departmentally, should be executed through the existing Subsidiary General Ledger (SGL) account of the bank. However, such banks will have to maintain separate books of accounts for transactions relating to PD business (as distinct from normal banking business) with necessary audit trails. It should be ensured that, at any point of time, there is a minimum balance of Rs. 100 crore of G-Sec earmarked for PD business. 4.2 Bank-PDs should subject 100 per cent of the transactions and regulatory returns submitted by PD department to concurrent audit. An auditors' certificate for having maintained the minimum stipulated balance of Rs. 100 crore of G-Sec in the PD-book on an ongoing basis and having adhered to the guidelines/ instructions issued by RBI, should be forwarded to IDMD, RBI on a quarterly basis. 5. Capital Adequacy and Risk Management 5.1 The capital adequacy and risk management guidelines applicable to a bank undertaking PD activity departmentally, will be as per the extant guidelines applicable to banks. In other words, for the purpose of assessing the bank's capital adequacy requirement and coverage under risk management framework, the PD activity should also be taken into account. 5.2 The bank undertaking PD activity may put in place adequate risk management systems to measure and provide for the risks emanating from the PD activity. 6.1 The banks authorized to undertake PD business departmentally are required to submit prescribed periodic returns to RBI promptly. The current list of such returns and their periodicity, etc. is furnished in Annex II A. 6.2 RBI reserves its right to amend or modify the above guidelines from time to time, as may be considered necessary. |