UCBs - List of Terrorist individuals / organizations - under UNSCR 1267 (1999) and 1822(2008) on Taliban / Al-Qaida organisation - આરબીઆઈ - Reserve Bank of India
UCBs - List of Terrorist individuals / organizations - under UNSCR 1267 (1999) and 1822(2008) on Taliban / Al-Qaida organisation
RBI/2009-10/314 February 11, 2010 The Chief Executive Officers of Dear Sir / Madam, List of Terrorist individuals / organizations – under UNSCR 1267 (1999) and 1822(2008) on Taliban / Al-Qaida organisation Please refer to our circular UBD (PCB) CO.BPD. Cir. No. 43 / 14.01.062 / 2009-10 dated February 9, 2010 and UBD (PCB) CO.BPD. Cir. No. 44 /14.01.062/2009-10 dated February 10, 2010 on the above subject. We have since received from Government of India (Ministry of External Affairs), a copy of note dated January 26, 2010 from the Chairman of UN Security Council's 1267 Committee regarding changes made in the Consolidated List of Individuals and entities linked to Al-Qaida and Taliban (copy enclosed). 6. The Compliance Officer / Principal Officer of the bank should acknowledge receipt of this circular to our Regional Office concerned. Yours faithfully (Monisha Chakraborty) Encl: As above. |