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RBI Announcements
RBI Announcements

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AA Account Aggregator
ACC Asian Consultative Council
ACU Asian Currency Union
AD Authorised Dealer/Additional Director
AD Cat-I Authorised Dealer Category-I
ADF Asset Development Fund
AED (United) Arab Emirates Dirham
AEs Advanced Economies
AePS Aadhaar Enabled Payment System
AFA Additional Factor of Authentication
AFS Available for Sale
AI Artificial Intelligence
AIFs Alternative Investment Funds
AIFIs All India Financial Institutions
AMFI Association of Mutual Funds in India
AML Anti-Money Laundering
AML-CFT Anti-Money Laundering-Combating the Financing of Terrorism
AMRMS Audit Management and Risk Monitoring System
AMS Audit Management System
ANBC Adjusted Net Bank Credit
AO Auditee Office
AP Authorised Person
APBS Aadhaar Payment Bridge System
API Application Programming Interface
ARCs Asset Reconstruction Companies
AREAER Annual Report on Exchange Arrangements and Exchange Restrictions
ARMS Audit and Risk Management Sub-Committee
ASISO Automated Sweep-in and Sweep-out
ASTRA Advanced Security Threat and Risk Assessment
ATBs Auction Treasury Bills
ATM Automated Teller Machine
AUM Assets Under Management
BBAs Bilateral Borrowing Agreements
BBPOUs Bharat Bill Payment Operating Units
BBPS Bharat Bill Payment System
BCs Business Correspondents
BCBS Basel Committee on Banking Supervision
BC-ICT Business Correspondents -Information and Communication Technology
BCM Business Continuity Management
BCP Business Continuity Plan
BE Budget Estimates
BESS Battery Energy Storage Systems
BFS Board for Financial Supervision
BFSI Banking, Financial Services and Insurance
BG Bank Guarantee
BHIM Bharat Interface for Money
BIC Business Indicator Component
BIS Bank for International Settlements/Bureau of Indian Standards
BoE Bank of England
BoG Board of Governors
BoJ Bank of Japan
BoP Balance of Payments
bps Basis Points
BPSS Board for Regulation and Supervision of Payment and Settlement Systems
BQR Bharat Quick Response
BRBNMPL Bharatiya Reserve Bank Note Mudran Private Limited
BRICS Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa
BSBDA Basic Savings Bank Deposit Account
B-SC Building Sub-Committee
BSR Basic Statistical Return
CA Concurrent Audit
CAB College of Agricultural Banking
CAD Current Account Deficit
CAFRAL Centre for Advanced Financial Research and Learning
CaMS Case Management System
CBDC Central Bank Digital Currency
CBDC-R Central Bank Digital Currency-Retail
CBDC-W Central Bank Digital Currency-Wholesale
CBGN Central Bank Governance Network
CBIA Central Banks’ Internal Auditors
CBP Capacity Building Programme
CBSL Central Bank of Sri Lanka
CBUAE Central Bank of the United Arab Emirates
CCB Committee of the Central Board
CCIL Clearing Corporation of India Limited
CCIR Comprehensive Credit Information Repository
CCP Central Counterparty
CCPI Climate Change Performance Index
CCS Consumer Confidence Survey
CCTS Carbon Credit and Trading Scheme
CDBMS Centralised Database Management System
CDs Certificates of Deposit
CD Credit to Deposit
CEO Chief Executive Officer
CEOBE Credit Equivalent of Off-Balance Sheet Exposure
CEPD Consumer Education and Protection Department
CERT-IN Computer Emergency Response Team - India
CFLs Centres for Financial Literacy
CGFS Committee on the Global Financial System
CGTMSE Credit Guarantee Fund Trust for Micro and Small Enterprises
CiC Currency in Circulation
CICs Credit Information Companies
CII Critical Information Infrastructure
CIMS Centralised Information Management System
CIs Credit Institutions
CMBs Cash Management Bills
CMIE Centre for Monitoring Indian Economy
CMS Complaint Management System
CODs Central Office Departments
CoFT Card-on-File Tokenisation
COR Certificate of Registration
CoS College of Supervisors
COSO Committee of Sponsoring Organisations
CPF Counter Proliferation Financing
CPFIR Central Payments Fraud Information Registry
CPHS Consumer Pyramids Household Survey
CPI Consumer Price Index
CPI-AL CPI for Agricultural Labourers
CPI-IW CPI for Industrial Workers
CPI-RL CPI for Rural Labourers
CPs Commercial Papers
CPS Centralised Payment System
CRA Contingent Reserve Arrangement
CRAR Capital to Risk-Weighted Assets Ratio
CRDC Currency Research and Development Centre
CRILC Central Repository of Information on Large Credits
CRR Cash Reserve Ratio
CSAA Control Self-Assessment Audit
CSAP Cyber Security Augmentation Plan
CSBD Corporate Strategy and Budget Department
CSF Consolidated Sinking Fund
CSGL Constituent Subsidiary General Ledger
CSP Cloud Service Provider
CSS Centrally Sponsored Scheme
CTS Cheque Truncation System
CU Capacity Utilisation
CUG Closed User Group
CVO Chief Vigilance Officer
CwP Currency with the Public
DAP Diammonium Phosphate
DBIE Database on Indian Economy
DCCBs District Central Cooperative Banks
DCW Development Centre Workshop
DDs Demand Drafts
DEAF Depositor Education Awareness Fund
DEIO Department of External Investments and Operations
DEPR Department of Economic and Policy Research
DevSecOps Development, Security and Operations
DGBA Department of Government and Bank Accounts
DGF Data Governance Framework
DGFT Directorate General of Foreign Trade
DICGC Deposit Insurance and Credit Guarantee Corporation
DIF Deposit Insurance Fund
DIS Deposit Insurance System
DISCOM Distribution Companies
DIT Department of Information Technology
DLG Default Loss Guarantee
DLT Distributed Ledger Technology
DoC Department of Communication
DoR Department of Regulation
DoS Department of Supervision
DPI Digital Payments Index/Digital Public Infrastructure
DPSS Department of Payment and Settlement Systems
DQE Data Query Engine
DQI Data Quality Index
DR Disaster Recovery
DRaaS Data Recovery as a Service
DSIM Department of Statistics and Information Management
e-BAAT Electronic Banking Awareness and Training
EBITDA Earnings Before Interest, Taxes, Depreciation and Amortisation
EBLR External Benchmark-based Lending Rate
EBR Element Based Repository
ECB European Central Bank
ECBs External Commercial Borrowings
ECCTI Enterprise Computing and Cybersecurity Training Institute
ECL Expected Credit Loss
ECLGS Emergency Credit Line Guarantee Scheme
ECS Electronic Clearing Service
EDC Executive Directors’ Committee
EDDPE Expanding and Deepening of Digital Payment Ecosystem
EFD Enforcement Department
EFI External Funded Institutions
EGRC Enterprise Governance Risk and Compliance
EI Emotional Intelligence
EKP Enterprise Knowledge Portal
EMDEs Emerging Market and Developing Economies
EMEs Emerging Market Economies
EMIs Equated Monthly Instalments
EoI Expression of Interest
ERM Enterprise-wide Risk Management
e₹ Digital Rupee
e₹-R Digital Rupee - Retail
e₹-W Digital Rupee - Wholesale
ESG Environmental, Social and Governance
ETCD Exchange Traded Currency Derivatives
ETP Electronic Trading Platform
EU European Union
EWS Early Warning Signals/ Economically Weaker Section
FACT Financial Awareness and Consumer Training
FAE First Advance Estimates
FAR Fully Accessible Route
FATF Financial Action Task Force
FBIL Financial Benchmarks India Private Limited
FBs Foreign Banks
FC Finance Commission/Financial Conglomerate
FCA Foreign Currency Assets
FCB Foreign Central Banks
FCNR(B) Foreign Currency Non-Resident Account (Bank)
FCRA Foreign Currency (Regulation) Act
FCY Foreign Currency
FDI Foreign Direct Investment
FE Final Estimates
FED Foreign Exchange Department
FEMA Foreign Exchange Management Act
FEPA Financial Education Programme for Adults
FER Foreign Exchange Reserves
FETP Financial Education Training Programme
FFMCs Full-Fledged Money Changers
FI Financial Information
FIAP Financial Inclusion Action Plan
FICNs Fake Indian Currency Notes
FIDD Financial Inclusion and Development Department
FIF Financial Inclusion Fund
FI-Index Financial Inclusion Index
FIMMDA Fixed Income Money Market and Derivatives Association of India
FinTech Financial Technology
FIP Financial Inclusion Plan/ Financial Information Provider
FIs Financial Intermediaries/ Financial Institutions
FIRRI Framework for Identification and Reporting of Risk Incidents
FLW Financial Literacy Week
FMCBG Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors
FMOD Financial Markets Operations Department
FMRD Financial Markets Regulation Department
Forex/FX Foreign Exchange
FPI Foreign Portfolio Investment
FPOs Follow-on Public Offers
FPS Fast Payment Systems
FRMS Fraud Risk Management System
FRRR Fixed Rate Reverse Repo
FRSB Floating Rate Savings Bond
FSAP Financial Sector Assessment Programme
FSB Financial Stability Board
FSD Financial Stability Department
FSDC Financial Stability and Development Council
FSDC-SC Financial Stability and Development Council - Sub-Committee
FSI Financial Sector Issues
FSR Financial Stability Report
FSRs Financial Sector Regulators
FSWM Financially Sound and Well Managed
FUs Factoring Units
FVTPL Fair Value through Profit and Loss Account
FWG Framework Working Group
G20 Group of Twenty
GCCs General Credit Cards
GCF Gross Capital Formation
GCM Governance and Compliance Manager
GDP Gross Domestic Product
GeM Government e-Marketplace
GFCE Government Final Consumption Expenditure
GFCF Gross Fixed Capital Formation
GFD Gross Fiscal Deficit
GFIN Global Financial Innovation Network
GFSN Global Financial Safety Net
GIFT-City Gujarat International Finance Tec-City
GNDI Gross National Disposable Income
GNPA Gross Non-Performing Asset
GoI Government of India
GPFI Global Partnership for Financial Inclusion
GREEN Generation of Renewable Energy, Energy Conservation and Neer Conservation
GRF Guarantee Redemption Fund
GRIHA Green Rating for Integrated Habitat Assessment
GRQ General Review of Quotas
GSCPI Global Supply Chain Pressure Index
GSDP Gross State Domestic Product
G-secs Government Securities
GST Goods and Services Taxes
GVA Gross Value Added
GVCs Global Value Chains
GW Gigawatt
HFCs Housing Finance Companies
HFIs High Frequency Indicators
HFT Held for Trading
HI Hearing Impaired
HRMD Human Resource Management Department
HRM-SC Human Resource Management Sub-Committee
HS Harmonised System
HTM Held to Maturity
IA Internal Audit
IaaS Infrastructure as a Service
IAM Identity and Access Management
IBA Indian Banks’ Association
IBCC Indian Banking Community Cloud
IBU IFSC Banking Unit
ICC International Cricket Council
ICRIER Indian Council for Research on International Economic Relations
ICT Information and Communication Technology
I-CRR Incremental Cash Reserve Ratio
ID International Department
IDF Infrastructure Debt Fund
IDG Inter Departmental Group
IDMD Internal Debt Management Department
IDR Indonesian Rupiah
IFA International Financial Architecture
IFA WG International Financial Architecture Working Group
IFMIS Integrated Financial Management and Information System
IFR Investment Fluctuation Reserve
IFSC Indian Financial System Code
IFSCA International Financial Services Centres Authority
IFTAS Indian Financial Technology and Allied Services
IGAS Indian Government Accounting Standards
IGBs Indian Government Bonds
IGBC Indian Green Building Council
IGIDR Indira Gandhi Institute of Development Research
IGR Internal Grievance Redress
IIBM Indian Institute of Bank Management
IIBX India International Bullion Exchange
IIP Index of Industrial Production
ILM Internal Loss Multiplier
IMD India Meteorological Department
IMEs Informal Micro Enterprises
IMF International Monetary Fund
IMFC International Monetary and Financial Committee
IMPS Immediate Payment Service
IMT Instant Money Transfer
INB Internet Banking
InFiNet Indian Financial Network
INR Indian Rupee
IO Internal Ombudsman
IOs International Organisations
IoRS Inter-Operable Regulatory Sandbox
IPCs Irrevocable Payment Commitments
IPO Initial Public Offering
IPP Instant Payment Platform
IRA Investment Revaluation Accounts
IRACP Income Recognition, Asset Classification and Provisioning
IRD Interest Rate Derivatives
IRF Inter-Regulatory Forum
IRS Interest Rate Swap
IS Information Systems
ISPI Index of Supply Chain Pressures for India
IT Information Technology
ITeS IT-enabled Services
IT-SC Information Technology Sub-Committee
ITBs Intermediate Treasury Bills
ITC Indian Trade Classification
IWG Internal Working Group
JTCC Joint Technical Coordination Committee
KCC Kisan Credit Card
KLEMS Capital(K), Labour(L), Energy(E), Material(M) and Services(S)
KRIs Key Risk Indicators
kWp Kilowatt Peak
KYC Know Your Customer
LABs Local Area Banks
LAES Liquidity Adjusted Expected Shortfall
LAF Liquidity Adjustment Facility
LC Letter of Credit
LCR Liquidity Coverage Ratio
LCS Local Currency Settlement
LCSS Local Currency Settlement System
LEI Legal Entity Identifier
LFPR Labour Force Participation Rate
LIBOR London Inter-Bank Offered Rate
LPA Long Period Average
LPG Liquefied Petroleum Gas
LSF Late Submission Fee
LSP Lending Service Provider
M3 Money Supply
MANI Mobile Aided Note Identifier
MAS Monetary Authority of Singapore
MCA Ministry of Corporate Affairs
MCLR Marginal Cost of Funds-based Lending Rate
MCV Mobile Coin Van
MD Master Direction/Managing Director
MDM Mobile Device Management
MGNREGS Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme
MIBOR Mumbai Interbank Offered Rate
MIFOR Mumbai Interbank Forward Outright Rate
MIS Management Information System
ML Machine Learning
MM Money Multiplier
MNBCs Miscellaneous Non-Banking Companies
MoE Memorandum of Error
MoF Ministry of Finance
MoSPI Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation
MoU Memorandum of Understanding
MPC Monetary Policy Committee
MSF Marginal Standing Facility
MSMEs Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises
MSP Minimum Support Price
MTF Medium Term Framework
MTSS Money Transfer Service Scheme
NAB New Agreements to Borrow
NABARD National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development
NACH National Automated Clearing House
NAMCABS National Mission for Capacity Building of Bankers for Financing MSME Sector
NBBL NPCI Bharat BillPay Limited
NBFC Non-Banking Financial Company
NBFIs Non-Banking Financial Institutions
NCCDs Non-Centrally Cleared Derivatives
NCDs Non-Convertible Debentures
NCFE National Centre for Financial Education
NCIIPC National Critical Information Infrastructure Protection Centre
NDA Net Domestic Assets
NDDC Non-Deliverable Derivative Contract
NDI Non-Debt Instrument
NDLD New Delhi Leaders’ Declaration
NDTL Net Demand and Time Liabilities
NER North Eastern Region
NEER Nominal Effective Exchange Rate
NEFT National Electronic Funds Transfer
NETC National Electronic Toll Collection
NFA Net Foreign Assets
NFC Non-Food Credit/Near Field Communication
NGCH National Grid Clearing House
NGSOC Next Generation Security Operation Centre
NGTA Next Generation Treasury Application
NHB National Housing Bank
NIAP Nationwide Intensive Awareness Programme
NIBM National Institute of Bank Management
NIM Net Interest Margin
NIPL NPCI International Private Limited
NIST National Institute of Standards and Technology
NLP Natural Language Processing
NNML Net Non-Monetary Liabilities
NPA Non-Performing Assets
NPCI National Payments Corporation of India
NPI National Payments Interface
NQM National Quantum Mission
NRB Nepal Rastra Bank
NRC Nomination and Remuneration Committee
NRE Non-Resident (External)
NRF National Research Foundation
NRIs Non-Resident Indians
NRO Non-Resident Ordinary
NSDL National Securities Depository Limited
NSFE National Strategy for Financial Education
NSFI National Strategy for Financial Inclusion
NSMs Note Sorting Machines
NSO National Statistical Office
NSSF National Small Savings Fund
NUCFDC National Urban Cooperative Finance and Development Corporation Limited
OBC Other Backward Classes
OBICUS Order Books, Inventories and Capacity Utilisation Survey
OD Overdraft
OECD Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
OH Orthopedically Handicapped
OI Overseas Investment
OID Overseas Investment Division
OIS Overnight Index Swap
OLTAS Online Tax Accounting System
OMO Open Market Operation
OoH Out-of-Home
OPEC Organisation of Petroleum Exporting Countries
ORBIOs Offices of the Reserve Bank of India Ombudsmen
OTC Over the Counter
OTP One-time Password
PAs Payment Aggregators
PaaS Platform as a Service
PACs Public Awareness Campaigns
PADO Public Administration, Defence and Other Services
PAN Permanent Account Number
PBs Payments Banks
PCA Prompt Corrective Action
PDs Primary Dealers
PDS Public Distribution System
PFCE Private Final Consumption Expenditure
PFMIs Principles for Financial Market Infrastructure
PFMS Public Financial Management System
PIDF Payments Infrastructure Development Fund
PLFS Periodic Labour Force Survey
PLI Production-Linked Incentive
PMGKAY Pradhan Mantri Garib Kalyan Anna Yojana
PML Prevention of Money Laundering
PMUY Pradhan Mantri Ujjwala Yojana
POL Petroleum, Oil and Lubricants
POs Payment Orders
PoS Point of Sale
PPAC Petroleum Planning and Analysis Cell
PPIs Prepaid Payment Instruments
PPP Public Private Partnership
PRAVAAH Platform for Regulatory Application, Validation and AutHorisation
PROI Persons Resident Outside India
PSBs Public Sector Banks
PSL Priority Sector Lending
PSLCs Priority Sector Lending Certificates
PSOs Payment System Operators
PSS Payment and Settlement Systems
PSUs Public Sector Undertakings
PTPFC Public Tech Platform for Frictionless Credit
P2M Person-to-Merchant
P2P Person-to-Person
PVBs Private Banks
PwBD Persons with Benchmark Disabilities
QIP Qualified Institutional Placement
QR Quick Response
QT Quantum Technology
RASCI Responsible, Accountable, Supporting, Consulted and Informed
RBI Reserve Bank of India
RBIA Risk-Based Internal Audit
RBI EPF Reserve Bank of India Employees’ Provident Fund
RBIH Reserve Bank Innovation Hub
RB-IOS Reserve Bank-Integrated Ombudsman Scheme
RBSC Reserve Bank Staff College
RCA Root Cause Analysis
RCCS Rural Consumer Confidence Survey
R&D Research and Development
RDA Rupee Drawing Arrangement
RDBs Rupee Denominated Bonds
ReBIT Reserve Bank Information Technology Private Limited
RE Revised Estimates
REs Regulated Entities
REEs Rare Earth Elements
RFA Red Flagging of Accounts
RFID Radio Frequency Identification
RFP Request for Proposal
RM Reserve Money
RMAB Royal Monetary Authority of Bhutan
RMC Risk Monitoring Committee
RMD Risk Monitoring Department
ROs Regional Offices
RoA Return on Assets
RoE Return on Equity
RPO Recovery Point Objective
RR Risk Register
RRBs Regional Rural Banks
RS Regulatory Sandbox
RTGS Real Time Gross Settlement
RTI Right to Information
RTL Risk Tolerance Limits
RTO Recovery Time Objective
SAF Supervisory Action Framework
SAKAR Supervisory Assessment of KYC/ AML Risks
SAs Statutory Auditors
SAS Statistical Analytics System
SAAR Seasonally Adjusted Annualised (Growth) Rate
SAARC South Asian Association of Regional Cooperation
SAMWAD Secure Audio-video Meetings with Advanced Devices
SARFAESI Securitisation and Reconstruction of Financial Assets and Enforcement of Security Interest
SATARC Security Automation, Threat Analysis and Response Centre
SBE Scale-Based Enforcement
SBS Shredding and Briquetting Systems
SCBs Scheduled Commercial Banks
SDF Special Drawing Facility/ Standing Deposit Facility
SDMX Statistical Data and Metadata Exchange
SDRs Special Drawing Rights
SD-WAN Software Defined-Wide Area Network
SEs Supervised Entities
SEACEN South East Asian Central Banks
SFBs Small Finance Banks
SFMS Structured Financial Messaging System
SFMS MI SFMS Member Interface
SFTP Secure File Transfer Protocol
SFWG Sustainable Finance Working Group
SGB Sovereign Gold Bond
SGL Subsidiary General Ledger
SGrBs Sovereign Green Bonds
SGSs State Government Securities
SHGs Self-Help Groups
SIP Systematic Investment Plan
SLBC State Level Bankers’ Committee
SLCC State Level Coordination Committee
SLR Statutory Liquidity Ratio/Sri Lankan Rupee
SLS State Linked Schemes
SMCC Social Media Command Centre
SMEs Small and Medium Enterprises
SMS Short Messaging Service
SNA Single Nodal Agency
SNA-SPARSH Single Nodal Agency -Samayochit Pranali Akikrut Sheeghra Hastantaran
SNRR Special Non-Resident Rupee
SOC Security Operations Centre
SOP Standard Operating Procedure
SPDs Standalone Primary Dealers
SPECTRA Software Platform for External Commercial Borrowings and Trade Credits Reporting and Approval
SPMCIL Security Printing and Minting Corporation of India Limited
SRO Self-Regulatory Organisation
SRVA Special Rupee Vostro Account
S-SC Strategy Sub-Committee
SSO Single Sign-On
S-SOC Sectoral Security Operations Centre
SSCI Services Sector Composite Index
ST Scheduled Tribe
STC Short-term Trade Credit
StCBs State Cooperative Banks
SWIFT Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication
SWM South-West Monsoon
TAT Turn-Around Time
T-Bills Treasury Bills
TEs Training Establishments
TGFIFL Technical Group on Financial Inclusion and Financial Literacy
TIN Tax Information Network
TOT Toll-Operate-Transfer
TPS Transactions Per Second
TRs Trade Repositories
TReDS Trade Receivables Discounting System
TSCAs Time-Sensitive Critical Activities
UAP Udyam Assist Platform
UCBs Urban Cooperative Banks
UDAY Ujjwal DISCOM Assurance Yojana
UDCH User Defined Customer Hierarchy
UI/UX User Interface/User Experience
UK United Kingdom
UN United Nations
UO Umbrella Organisation
UPI Unified Payment Interface
URC Udyam Registration Certificate
USA United States of America
USD US Dollar
UTs Union Territories
UTI Unique Transaction Identifier
UTLBCs Union Territory Level Bankers’ Committees
VAPT Vulnerability Assessment and Penetration Testing
VAaaS Vulnerability Assessment as a Service
VC Video Conferencing
VFT Value Free Transfers
VGF Viability Gap Funding
VOICE Voicing Opinion to Inspire, Contribute, and Excel
VRR Variable Rate Repo/Voluntary Retention Route
VRRR Variable Rate Reverse Repo
WACR Weighted Average Call Rate
WADTDR Weighted Average Domestic Term Deposit Rate
WAFaaS Web Application Firewall as a Service
WALR Weighted Average Lending Rate
WAM Weighted Average Maturity
WAS Weighted Average Spread
WAY Weighted Average Yield
WB World Bank
WEO World Economic Outlook
WG Working Group
WLA White Label ATM
WLAOs White Label ATM Operators
WMA Ways and Means Advances
WPI Wholesale Price Index
WPR Worker Population Ratio
WTO World Trade Organisation
XBRL eXtensible Business Reporting Language
XML eXtensible Markup Language
ZIs Zonal Inspectorates
ZTCs Zonal Training Centres



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