Press Releases - આરબીઆઈ - Reserve Bank of India
પ્રેસ રિલીઝ
જૂન 06, 2022
Money Market Operations as on June 03, 2022
(Amount in ₹ crore, Rate in Per cent) MONEY MARKETS@ Volume (One Leg) Weighted Average Rate Range A. Overnight Segment (I+II+III+IV) 4,808.38 3.89 3.00-6.05 I. Call Money 919.13 3.83 3.30-4.35 II. Triparty Repo 3,859.25 3.89 3.00-4.25 III. Market Repo 0.00 - - IV. Repo in Corporate Bond 30.00 6.05 6.05-6.05 B. Term Segment I. Notice Money** 10,833.70 4.12 2.35-4.55 II. Term Money@@ 102.00 - 3.60-4.05 III. Triparty Repo 3,82,146.65 4.06 4.00-4.20 IV. Market Repo 1,23,4
(Amount in ₹ crore, Rate in Per cent) MONEY MARKETS@ Volume (One Leg) Weighted Average Rate Range A. Overnight Segment (I+II+III+IV) 4,808.38 3.89 3.00-6.05 I. Call Money 919.13 3.83 3.30-4.35 II. Triparty Repo 3,859.25 3.89 3.00-4.25 III. Market Repo 0.00 - - IV. Repo in Corporate Bond 30.00 6.05 6.05-6.05 B. Term Segment I. Notice Money** 10,833.70 4.12 2.35-4.55 II. Term Money@@ 102.00 - 3.60-4.05 III. Triparty Repo 3,82,146.65 4.06 4.00-4.20 IV. Market Repo 1,23,4
જૂન 03, 2022
Money Market Operations as on June 02, 2022
(Amount in ₹ crore, Rate in Per cent) MONEY MARKETS@ Volume (One Leg) Weighted Average Rate Range A. Overnight Segment (I+II+III+IV) 509,557.31 4.08 1.50-4.45 I. Call Money 11,865.95 4.07 2.35-4.45 II. Triparty Repo 381,481.00 4.07 3.50-4.18 III. Market Repo 116,110.36 4.08 1.50-4.25 IV. Repo in Corporate Bond 100.00 4.30 4.30-4.30 B. Term Segment I. Notice Money** 283.70 3.95 3.25-4.25 II. Term Money@@ 119.00 - 3.75-4.40 III. Triparty Repo 0.00 - - IV. Market Repo 44
(Amount in ₹ crore, Rate in Per cent) MONEY MARKETS@ Volume (One Leg) Weighted Average Rate Range A. Overnight Segment (I+II+III+IV) 509,557.31 4.08 1.50-4.45 I. Call Money 11,865.95 4.07 2.35-4.45 II. Triparty Repo 381,481.00 4.07 3.50-4.18 III. Market Repo 116,110.36 4.08 1.50-4.25 IV. Repo in Corporate Bond 100.00 4.30 4.30-4.30 B. Term Segment I. Notice Money** 283.70 3.95 3.25-4.25 II. Term Money@@ 119.00 - 3.75-4.40 III. Triparty Repo 0.00 - - IV. Market Repo 44
જૂન 03, 2022
Result of the 14-day Variable Rate Reverse Repo auction held on June 03, 2022
Tenor 14-day Notified Amount (in ₹ crore) 4,00,000 Total amount of offers received (in ₹ crore) 64,965 Amount accepted (in ₹ crore) 64,965 Cut off Rate (%) 4.39 Weighted Average Rate (%) 4.39 Partial Acceptance Percentage of offers received at cut off rate NA Rupambara Director (Communications) Press Release: 2022-2023/304
Tenor 14-day Notified Amount (in ₹ crore) 4,00,000 Total amount of offers received (in ₹ crore) 64,965 Amount accepted (in ₹ crore) 64,965 Cut off Rate (%) 4.39 Weighted Average Rate (%) 4.39 Partial Acceptance Percentage of offers received at cut off rate NA Rupambara Director (Communications) Press Release: 2022-2023/304
જૂન 02, 2022
Money Market Operations as on June 01, 2022
(Amount in ₹ crore, Rate in Per cent) MONEY MARKETS@ Volume (One Leg) Weighted Average Rate Range A. Overnight Segment (I+II+III+IV) 510,635.37 4.10 0.01-4.50 I. Call Money 12,737.33 4.13 2.35-4.50 II. Triparty Repo 386,829.35 4.10 3.35-4.20 III. Market Repo 111,068.69 4.11 0.01-4.30 IV. Repo in Corporate Bond 0.00 - - B. Term Segment I. Notice Money** 353.55 3.86 3.30-4.30 II. Term Money@@ 310.50 - 3.70-4.45 III. Triparty Repo 0.00 - - IV. Market Repo 535.00 3.62 3.2
(Amount in ₹ crore, Rate in Per cent) MONEY MARKETS@ Volume (One Leg) Weighted Average Rate Range A. Overnight Segment (I+II+III+IV) 510,635.37 4.10 0.01-4.50 I. Call Money 12,737.33 4.13 2.35-4.50 II. Triparty Repo 386,829.35 4.10 3.35-4.20 III. Market Repo 111,068.69 4.11 0.01-4.30 IV. Repo in Corporate Bond 0.00 - - B. Term Segment I. Notice Money** 353.55 3.86 3.30-4.30 II. Term Money@@ 310.50 - 3.70-4.45 III. Triparty Repo 0.00 - - IV. Market Repo 535.00 3.62 3.2
જૂન 02, 2022
RBI to conduct 14-day Variable Rate Reverse Repo auction under LAF on June 03, 2022
The Reserve Bank of India will conduct a Variable Rate Reverse Repo auction on June 03, 2022, Friday, as under: Sl. No. Notified Amount (₹ crore) Tenor(day) Window Timing Date of Reversal 1 4,00,000 14 10:30 AM to 11:00 AM June 17, 2022 (Friday) 2. The operational guidelines for the auction as given in the Reserve Bank’s Press Release 2019-2020/1947 dated February 13, 2020 will remain the same.(Yogesh Dayal) Chief General ManagerPress Release: 2022-2023/298
The Reserve Bank of India will conduct a Variable Rate Reverse Repo auction on June 03, 2022, Friday, as under: Sl. No. Notified Amount (₹ crore) Tenor(day) Window Timing Date of Reversal 1 4,00,000 14 10:30 AM to 11:00 AM June 17, 2022 (Friday) 2. The operational guidelines for the auction as given in the Reserve Bank’s Press Release 2019-2020/1947 dated February 13, 2020 will remain the same.(Yogesh Dayal) Chief General ManagerPress Release: 2022-2023/298
જૂન 01, 2022
Money Market Operations as on May 31, 2022
(Amount in ₹ crore, Rate in Per cent) MONEY MARKETS@ Volume (One Leg) Weighted Average Rate Range A. Overnight Segment (I+II+III+IV) 5,44,167.69 4.15 2.40-4.30 I. Call Money 10,939.32 4.09 2.40-4.30 II. Triparty Repo 3,86,245.95 4.15 3.00-4.19 III. Market Repo 1,46,982.42 4.15 3.00-4.30 IV. Repo in Corporate Bond 0.00 - - B. Term Segment I. Notice Money** 237.10 4.19 3.35-4.25 II. Term Money@@ 25.60 - 3.50-4.00 III. Triparty Repo 0.00 - - IV. Market Repo 170.00 3.41 3
(Amount in ₹ crore, Rate in Per cent) MONEY MARKETS@ Volume (One Leg) Weighted Average Rate Range A. Overnight Segment (I+II+III+IV) 5,44,167.69 4.15 2.40-4.30 I. Call Money 10,939.32 4.09 2.40-4.30 II. Triparty Repo 3,86,245.95 4.15 3.00-4.19 III. Market Repo 1,46,982.42 4.15 3.00-4.30 IV. Repo in Corporate Bond 0.00 - - B. Term Segment I. Notice Money** 237.10 4.19 3.35-4.25 II. Term Money@@ 25.60 - 3.50-4.00 III. Triparty Repo 0.00 - - IV. Market Repo 170.00 3.41 3
મે 31, 2022
Money Market Operations as on May 30, 2022
(Amount in ₹ crore, Rate in Per cent) MONEY MARKETS@ Volume (One Leg) Weighted Average Rate Range A. Overnight Segment (I+II+III+IV) 518,760.19 4.18 2.00-6.10 I. Call Money 11,319.06 4.11 2.00-4.30 II. Triparty Repo 380,178.30 4.18 4.10-4.22 III. Market Repo 127,172.83 4.16 3.00-4.30 IV. Repo in Corporate Bond 90.00 6.10 6.10-6.10 B. Term Segment I. Notice Money** 312.95 3.92 3.25-4.30 II. Term Money@@ 37.50 - 4.00-4.30 III. Triparty Repo 125.00 4.20 4.20-4.20 IV. Mar
(Amount in ₹ crore, Rate in Per cent) MONEY MARKETS@ Volume (One Leg) Weighted Average Rate Range A. Overnight Segment (I+II+III+IV) 518,760.19 4.18 2.00-6.10 I. Call Money 11,319.06 4.11 2.00-4.30 II. Triparty Repo 380,178.30 4.18 4.10-4.22 III. Market Repo 127,172.83 4.16 3.00-4.30 IV. Repo in Corporate Bond 90.00 6.10 6.10-6.10 B. Term Segment I. Notice Money** 312.95 3.92 3.25-4.30 II. Term Money@@ 37.50 - 4.00-4.30 III. Triparty Repo 125.00 4.20 4.20-4.20 IV. Mar
મે 30, 2022
Money Market Operations as on May 27, 2022
(Amount in ₹ crore, Rate in Per cent) MONEY MARKETS@ Volume (One Leg) Weighted Average Rate Range A. Overnight Segment (I+II+III+IV) 5,24,345.66 4.18 2.35-6.20 I. Call Money 10,198.89 4.09 2.35-4.35 II. Triparty Repo 3,91,060.00 4.19 3.95-4.31 III. Market Repo 1,23,041.77 4.15 3.00-4.35 IV. Repo in Corporate Bond 45.00 6.20 6.20-6.20 B. Term Segment I. Notice Money** 68.30 4.00 3.30-4.25 II. Term Money@@ 109.75 - 3.70-4.45 III. Triparty Repo 0.00 - - IV. Market Repo 8
(Amount in ₹ crore, Rate in Per cent) MONEY MARKETS@ Volume (One Leg) Weighted Average Rate Range A. Overnight Segment (I+II+III+IV) 5,24,345.66 4.18 2.35-6.20 I. Call Money 10,198.89 4.09 2.35-4.35 II. Triparty Repo 3,91,060.00 4.19 3.95-4.31 III. Market Repo 1,23,041.77 4.15 3.00-4.35 IV. Repo in Corporate Bond 45.00 6.20 6.20-6.20 B. Term Segment I. Notice Money** 68.30 4.00 3.30-4.25 II. Term Money@@ 109.75 - 3.70-4.45 III. Triparty Repo 0.00 - - IV. Market Repo 8
મે 30, 2022
Money Market Operations as on May 29, 2022
(Amount in ₹ crore, Rate in Per cent) MONEY MARKETS@ Volume (One Leg) Weighted Average Rate Range A. Overnight Segment (I+II+III+IV) 0.00 - - I. Call Money 0.00 - - II. Triparty Repo 0.00 - - III. Market Repo 0.00 - - IV. Repo in Corporate Bond 0.00 - - B. Term Segment I. Notice Money** 0.00 - - II. Term Money@@ 0.00 - - III. Triparty Repo 0.00 - - IV. Market Repo 0.00 - - V. Repo in Corporate Bond 0.00 - - RBI OPERATIONS@ Auction Date Tenor (Days) Maturity Date Amoun
(Amount in ₹ crore, Rate in Per cent) MONEY MARKETS@ Volume (One Leg) Weighted Average Rate Range A. Overnight Segment (I+II+III+IV) 0.00 - - I. Call Money 0.00 - - II. Triparty Repo 0.00 - - III. Market Repo 0.00 - - IV. Repo in Corporate Bond 0.00 - - B. Term Segment I. Notice Money** 0.00 - - II. Term Money@@ 0.00 - - III. Triparty Repo 0.00 - - IV. Market Repo 0.00 - - V. Repo in Corporate Bond 0.00 - - RBI OPERATIONS@ Auction Date Tenor (Days) Maturity Date Amoun
મે 27, 2022
Annual Report for the Year 2021-22
Today, the Reserve Bank of India released its Annual Report for 2021-22, a statutory report of its Central Board of Directors. The Report covers the working and functions of the Reserve Bank of India for the period April 2021 - March 2022. (Yogesh Dayal) Chief General Manager Press Release: 2022-2023/270
Today, the Reserve Bank of India released its Annual Report for 2021-22, a statutory report of its Central Board of Directors. The Report covers the working and functions of the Reserve Bank of India for the period April 2021 - March 2022. (Yogesh Dayal) Chief General Manager Press Release: 2022-2023/270
પેજની છેલ્લી અપડેટની તારીખ: ડિસેમ્બર 23, 2024