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જાન્યુ 19, 2015
RBI Reference Rate for US $
The Reserve Bank of India’s Reference Rate for the US Dollar is ` 61.6990 on January 19, 2015. The corresponding rate for the previous day (January 16, 2015) was ` 61.8933. Based on the reference rate for the US Dollar and the middle rates of the cross-currency quotes, the exchange rate of EUR, GBP and JPY against the Rupee are given below: Currency Date January 16, 2015 January 19, 2015 1 EUR 72.0067 71.3302 1 GBP 93.9231 93.4123 100 YEN 53.08 52.68 Note : The SDR-Ru
The Reserve Bank of India’s Reference Rate for the US Dollar is ` 61.6990 on January 19, 2015. The corresponding rate for the previous day (January 16, 2015) was ` 61.8933. Based on the reference rate for the US Dollar and the middle rates of the cross-currency quotes, the exchange rate of EUR, GBP and JPY against the Rupee are given below: Currency Date January 16, 2015 January 19, 2015 1 EUR 72.0067 71.3302 1 GBP 93.9231 93.4123 100 YEN 53.08 52.68 Note : The SDR-Ru
જાન્યુ 16, 2015
Foreign Exchange Turnover Data
The Reserve Bank of India today released the data showing daily merchant and inter-bank transactions in foreign exchange for the period December 29, 2014 to January 02, 2015. All Figures are in USD Million Position Date MERCHANT INTER BANK FCY / INR FCY / FCY FCY / INR FCY / FCY Spot Forward Forward Cancel Spot Forward Forward Cancel Spot Swap Forward Spot Swap Forward Purchase 29-12-2014 2,710 1,552 1,410 379 436 368 8,149 5,171 201 2,369 3,409 195 30-12-2014 2,891 1
The Reserve Bank of India today released the data showing daily merchant and inter-bank transactions in foreign exchange for the period December 29, 2014 to January 02, 2015. All Figures are in USD Million Position Date MERCHANT INTER BANK FCY / INR FCY / FCY FCY / INR FCY / FCY Spot Forward Forward Cancel Spot Forward Forward Cancel Spot Swap Forward Spot Swap Forward Purchase 29-12-2014 2,710 1,552 1,410 379 436 368 8,149 5,171 201 2,369 3,409 195 30-12-2014 2,891 1
જાન્યુ 16, 2015
RBI Reference Rate for US $
The Reserve Bank of India’s Reference Rate for the US Dollar is ` 61.8933 on January 16, 2015. The corresponding rate for the previous day (January 15, 2015) was ` 61.7588. Based on the reference rate for the US Dollar and the middle rates of the cross-currency quotes, the exchange rate of EUR, GBP and JPY against the Rupee are given below: Currency Date January 15, 2015 January 16, 2015 1 EUR 72.6345 72.0067 1 GBP 94.0154 93.9231 100 YEN 52.40 53.08 Note : The SDR-Ru
The Reserve Bank of India’s Reference Rate for the US Dollar is ` 61.8933 on January 16, 2015. The corresponding rate for the previous day (January 15, 2015) was ` 61.7588. Based on the reference rate for the US Dollar and the middle rates of the cross-currency quotes, the exchange rate of EUR, GBP and JPY against the Rupee are given below: Currency Date January 15, 2015 January 16, 2015 1 EUR 72.6345 72.0067 1 GBP 94.0154 93.9231 100 YEN 52.40 53.08 Note : The SDR-Ru
જાન્યુ 15, 2015
RBI Reference Rate for US $
The Reserve Bank of India’s Reference Rate for the US Dollar is ` 61.7588 on January 15, 2015. The corresponding rate for the previous day (January 14, 2015) was ` 62.1530. Based on the reference rate for the US Dollar and the middle rates of the cross-currency quotes, the exchange rate of EUR, GBP and JPY against the Rupee are given below: Currency Date January 14, 2015 January 15, 2015 1 EUR 73.2970 72.6345 1 GBP 94.2426 94.0154 100 YEN 53.08 52.40 Note : The SDR-Ru
The Reserve Bank of India’s Reference Rate for the US Dollar is ` 61.7588 on January 15, 2015. The corresponding rate for the previous day (January 14, 2015) was ` 62.1530. Based on the reference rate for the US Dollar and the middle rates of the cross-currency quotes, the exchange rate of EUR, GBP and JPY against the Rupee are given below: Currency Date January 14, 2015 January 15, 2015 1 EUR 73.2970 72.6345 1 GBP 94.2426 94.0154 100 YEN 53.08 52.40 Note : The SDR-Ru
જાન્યુ 14, 2015
Data on ECB / FCCB for December 2014
The Reserve Bank of India has today released the data on External Commercial Borrowings (ECB) and Foreign Currency Convertible Bonds (FCCB), both through Automatic Route and Approval Route, for the month of December 2014. Sangeeta Das Director Press Release : 2014-2015/1478
The Reserve Bank of India has today released the data on External Commercial Borrowings (ECB) and Foreign Currency Convertible Bonds (FCCB), both through Automatic Route and Approval Route, for the month of December 2014. Sangeeta Das Director Press Release : 2014-2015/1478
જાન્યુ 14, 2015
RBI Reference Rate for US $
The Reserve Bank of India’s Reference Rate for the US Dollar is ` 62.1530 on January 14, 2015. The corresponding rate for the previous day (January 13, 2015) was ` 62.1021. Based on the reference rate for the US Dollar and the middle rates of the cross-currency quotes, the exchange rate of EUR, GBP and JPY against the Rupee are given below: Currency Date January 13, 2015 January 14, 2015 1 EUR 73.4171 73.2970 1 GBP 94.0971 94.2426 100 YEN 52.28 53.08 Note : The SDR-Ru
The Reserve Bank of India’s Reference Rate for the US Dollar is ` 62.1530 on January 14, 2015. The corresponding rate for the previous day (January 13, 2015) was ` 62.1021. Based on the reference rate for the US Dollar and the middle rates of the cross-currency quotes, the exchange rate of EUR, GBP and JPY against the Rupee are given below: Currency Date January 13, 2015 January 14, 2015 1 EUR 73.4171 73.2970 1 GBP 94.0971 94.2426 100 YEN 52.28 53.08 Note : The SDR-Ru
જાન્યુ 13, 2015
Overseas Direct Investment for December 2014
The Reserve Bank of India has today released the data on Overseas Direct Investment, both under Automatic Route and the Approval Route, for the month of December 2014. Sangeeta Das Director Press Release: 2014-2015/1471
The Reserve Bank of India has today released the data on Overseas Direct Investment, both under Automatic Route and the Approval Route, for the month of December 2014. Sangeeta Das Director Press Release: 2014-2015/1471
જાન્યુ 13, 2015
RBI Reference Rate for US $
The Reserve Bank of India’s Reference Rate for the US Dollar is ` 62.1021 on January 13, 2015. The corresponding rate for the previous day (January 12, 2015) was ` 62.1605. Based on the reference rate for the US Dollar and the middle rates of the cross-currency quotes, the exchange rate of EUR, GBP and JPY against the Rupee are given below: Currency Date January 12, 2015 January 13, 2015 1 EUR 73.7348 73.4171 1 GBP 94.2788 94.0971 100 YEN 52.62 52.28 Note : The SDR-Ru
The Reserve Bank of India’s Reference Rate for the US Dollar is ` 62.1021 on January 13, 2015. The corresponding rate for the previous day (January 12, 2015) was ` 62.1605. Based on the reference rate for the US Dollar and the middle rates of the cross-currency quotes, the exchange rate of EUR, GBP and JPY against the Rupee are given below: Currency Date January 12, 2015 January 13, 2015 1 EUR 73.7348 73.4171 1 GBP 94.2788 94.0971 100 YEN 52.62 52.28 Note : The SDR-Ru
જાન્યુ 12, 2015
RBI and ECB sign an MoU on Cooperation
Photograph Dr. Raghuram Rajan, Governor, Reserve Bank of India (RBI) and Dr. Mario Draghi, President of the European Central Bank (ECB) today signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) on cooperation in the field of central banking. The Memorandum of Understanding provides a framework for regular exchange of information, policy dialogue and technical cooperation between the two institutions. Technical cooperation may take the form of joint seminars and workshops in ar
Photograph Dr. Raghuram Rajan, Governor, Reserve Bank of India (RBI) and Dr. Mario Draghi, President of the European Central Bank (ECB) today signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) on cooperation in the field of central banking. The Memorandum of Understanding provides a framework for regular exchange of information, policy dialogue and technical cooperation between the two institutions. Technical cooperation may take the form of joint seminars and workshops in ar
જાન્યુ 12, 2015
RBI Reference Rate for US $
The Reserve Bank of India’s Reference Rate for the US Dollar is `62.1605 on January 12, 2015. The corresponding rate for the previous day (January 09, 2015) was `62.3953. Based on the reference rate for the US Dollar and the middle rates of the cross-currency quotes, the exchange rate of EUR, GBP and JPY against the Rupee are given below: Currency Date January 09, 2015 January 12, 2015 1 EUR 73.6140 73.7348 1 GBP 94.1670 94.2788 100 YEN 52.23 52.62 Note : The SDR-Rupe
The Reserve Bank of India’s Reference Rate for the US Dollar is `62.1605 on January 12, 2015. The corresponding rate for the previous day (January 09, 2015) was `62.3953. Based on the reference rate for the US Dollar and the middle rates of the cross-currency quotes, the exchange rate of EUR, GBP and JPY against the Rupee are given below: Currency Date January 09, 2015 January 12, 2015 1 EUR 73.6140 73.7348 1 GBP 94.1670 94.2788 100 YEN 52.23 52.62 Note : The SDR-Rupe
જાન્યુ 09, 2015
Foreign Exchange Turnover Data
The Reserve Bank of India today released the data showing daily merchant and inter-bank transactions in foreign exchange for the period December 22, 2014 to December 26, 2014. All Figures are in USD Millions Position Date MERCHANT INTER BANK FCY / INR FCY / FCY FCY / INR FCY / FCY Spot Forward Forward Cancel Spot Forward Forward Cancel Spot Swap Forward Spot Swap Forward Purchase 22-12-2014 2,789 657 842 464 140 182 7,498 5,783 438 2,024 1,494 122 23-12-2014 3,571 1,1
The Reserve Bank of India today released the data showing daily merchant and inter-bank transactions in foreign exchange for the period December 22, 2014 to December 26, 2014. All Figures are in USD Millions Position Date MERCHANT INTER BANK FCY / INR FCY / FCY FCY / INR FCY / FCY Spot Forward Forward Cancel Spot Forward Forward Cancel Spot Swap Forward Spot Swap Forward Purchase 22-12-2014 2,789 657 842 464 140 182 7,498 5,783 438 2,024 1,494 122 23-12-2014 3,571 1,1
જાન્યુ 09, 2015
RBI Reference Rate for US $
The Reserve Bank of India’s Reference Rate for the US Dollar is ` 62.3953 on January 09, 2015. The corresponding rate for the previous day (January 08, 2015) was ` 62.9670. Based on the reference rate for the US Dollar and the middle rates of the cross-currency quotes, the exchange rate of EUR, GBP and JPY against the Rupee are given below: Currency Date January 08, 2015 January 09, 2015 1 EUR 74.4270 73.6140 1 GBP 94.9731 94.1670 100 YEN 52.53 52.23 Note : The SDR-Ru
The Reserve Bank of India’s Reference Rate for the US Dollar is ` 62.3953 on January 09, 2015. The corresponding rate for the previous day (January 08, 2015) was ` 62.9670. Based on the reference rate for the US Dollar and the middle rates of the cross-currency quotes, the exchange rate of EUR, GBP and JPY against the Rupee are given below: Currency Date January 08, 2015 January 09, 2015 1 EUR 74.4270 73.6140 1 GBP 94.9731 94.1670 100 YEN 52.53 52.23 Note : The SDR-Ru
જાન્યુ 08, 2015
RBI Reference Rate for US $
The Reserve Bank of India’s Reference Rate for the US Dollar is ` 62.9670 on January 08, 2015. The corresponding rate for the previous day (January 07, 2015) was ` 63.4495. Based on the reference rate for the US Dollar and the middle rates of the cross-currency quotes, the exchange rate of EUR, GBP and JPY against the Rupee are given below: Currency Date January 07, 2015 January 08, 2015 1 EUR 75.2765 74.4270 1 GBP 95.9864 94.9731 100 YEN 53.30 52.53 Note : The SDR-Ru
The Reserve Bank of India’s Reference Rate for the US Dollar is ` 62.9670 on January 08, 2015. The corresponding rate for the previous day (January 07, 2015) was ` 63.4495. Based on the reference rate for the US Dollar and the middle rates of the cross-currency quotes, the exchange rate of EUR, GBP and JPY against the Rupee are given below: Currency Date January 07, 2015 January 08, 2015 1 EUR 75.2765 74.4270 1 GBP 95.9864 94.9731 100 YEN 53.30 52.53 Note : The SDR-Ru
જાન્યુ 07, 2015
RBI Reference Rate for US $
The Reserve Bank of India’s Reference Rate for the US Dollar is ` 63.4495 on January 07, 2015. The corresponding rate for the previous day (January 06, 2015) was ` 63.3850. Based on the reference rate for the US Dollar and the middle rates of the cross-currency quotes, the exchange rate of EUR, GBP and JPY against the Rupee are given below: Currency Date January 06, 2015 January 07, 2015 1 EUR 75.7958 75.2765 1 GBP 96.7192 95.9864 100 YEN 53.25 53.30 Note : The SDR-Ru
The Reserve Bank of India’s Reference Rate for the US Dollar is ` 63.4495 on January 07, 2015. The corresponding rate for the previous day (January 06, 2015) was ` 63.3850. Based on the reference rate for the US Dollar and the middle rates of the cross-currency quotes, the exchange rate of EUR, GBP and JPY against the Rupee are given below: Currency Date January 06, 2015 January 07, 2015 1 EUR 75.7958 75.2765 1 GBP 96.7192 95.9864 100 YEN 53.25 53.30 Note : The SDR-Ru
જાન્યુ 06, 2015
RBI Reference Rate for US $
The Reserve Bank of India’s Reference Rate for the US Dollar is ` 63.3850 on January 06, 2015. The corresponding rate for the previous day (January 05, 2015) was ` 63.3888. Based on the reference rate for the US Dollar and the middle rates of the cross-currency quotes, the exchange rate of EUR, GBP and JPY against the Rupee are given below: Currency Date January 05, 2015 January 06, 2015 1 EUR 75.6672 75.7958 1 GBP 96.8454 96.7192 100 YEN 52.61 53.25 Note : The SDR-Ru
The Reserve Bank of India’s Reference Rate for the US Dollar is ` 63.3850 on January 06, 2015. The corresponding rate for the previous day (January 05, 2015) was ` 63.3888. Based on the reference rate for the US Dollar and the middle rates of the cross-currency quotes, the exchange rate of EUR, GBP and JPY against the Rupee are given below: Currency Date January 05, 2015 January 06, 2015 1 EUR 75.6672 75.7958 1 GBP 96.8454 96.7192 100 YEN 52.61 53.25 Note : The SDR-Ru
જાન્યુ 05, 2015
FIIs/RFPIs can now invest up to 49% under PIS in M/s Bajaj Corp Limited
The Reserve Bank of India has today advised that Foreign Institutional Investors (FIIs)/Registered Foreign Portfolios Investors (RFPIs) can now invest up to 49 per cent of the paid up capital of M/s Bajaj Corp Limited under the Portfolio Investment Scheme (PIS). The Reserve Bank has stated that the company has passed resolutions at its Board of Directors’ level and a special resolution by the shareholders, agreeing for enhancing the limit for the purchase of its equit
The Reserve Bank of India has today advised that Foreign Institutional Investors (FIIs)/Registered Foreign Portfolios Investors (RFPIs) can now invest up to 49 per cent of the paid up capital of M/s Bajaj Corp Limited under the Portfolio Investment Scheme (PIS). The Reserve Bank has stated that the company has passed resolutions at its Board of Directors’ level and a special resolution by the shareholders, agreeing for enhancing the limit for the purchase of its equit
જાન્યુ 05, 2015
RBI Reference Rate for US $
The Reserve Bank of India’s Reference Rate for the US Dollar is ` 63.3888 on January 05, 2015. The corresponding rate for the previous day (January 02, 2015) was ` 63.2878. Based on the reference rate for the US Dollar and the middle rates of the cross-currency quotes, the exchange rate of EUR, GBP and JPY against the Rupee are given below: Currency Date January 02, 2015 January 05, 2015 1 EUR 76.3061 75.6672 1 GBP 98.3872 96.8454 100 YEN 52.59 52.61 Note : The SDR-Ru
The Reserve Bank of India’s Reference Rate for the US Dollar is ` 63.3888 on January 05, 2015. The corresponding rate for the previous day (January 02, 2015) was ` 63.2878. Based on the reference rate for the US Dollar and the middle rates of the cross-currency quotes, the exchange rate of EUR, GBP and JPY against the Rupee are given below: Currency Date January 02, 2015 January 05, 2015 1 EUR 76.3061 75.6672 1 GBP 98.3872 96.8454 100 YEN 52.59 52.61 Note : The SDR-Ru
જાન્યુ 02, 2015
Foreign Exchange Turnover Data
The Reserve Bank of India today released the data showing daily merchant and inter-bank transactions in foreign exchange for the period December 15, 2014 to December 19, 2014. All Figures are in USD Millions Position Date MERCHANT INTER BANK FCY / INR FCY / FCY FCY / INR FCY / FCY Spot Forward Forward Cancel Spot Forward Forward Cancel Spot Swap Forward Spot Swap Forward Purchase 15-12-2014 2,544 2,056 509 601 1,299 1,433 10,485 6,094 327 3,990 1,462 98 16-12-2014 2,4
The Reserve Bank of India today released the data showing daily merchant and inter-bank transactions in foreign exchange for the period December 15, 2014 to December 19, 2014. All Figures are in USD Millions Position Date MERCHANT INTER BANK FCY / INR FCY / FCY FCY / INR FCY / FCY Spot Forward Forward Cancel Spot Forward Forward Cancel Spot Swap Forward Spot Swap Forward Purchase 15-12-2014 2,544 2,056 509 601 1,299 1,433 10,485 6,094 327 3,990 1,462 98 16-12-2014 2,4
જાન્યુ 02, 2015
RBI Reference Rate for US $
The Reserve Bank of India’s Reference Rate for the US Dollar is ` 63.2878 on January 02, 2015. The corresponding rate for the previous day (January 01, 2015) was ` 63.3213. Based on the reference rate for the US Dollar and the middle rates of the cross-currency quotes, the exchange rate of EUR, GBP and JPY against the Rupee are given below: Currency Date January 01, 2015 January 02, 2015 1 EUR 76.5998 76.3061 1 GBP 98.6356 98.3872 100 YEN 52.91 52.59 Note : The SDR-Ru
The Reserve Bank of India’s Reference Rate for the US Dollar is ` 63.2878 on January 02, 2015. The corresponding rate for the previous day (January 01, 2015) was ` 63.3213. Based on the reference rate for the US Dollar and the middle rates of the cross-currency quotes, the exchange rate of EUR, GBP and JPY against the Rupee are given below: Currency Date January 01, 2015 January 02, 2015 1 EUR 76.5998 76.3061 1 GBP 98.6356 98.3872 100 YEN 52.91 52.59 Note : The SDR-Ru
જાન્યુ 01, 2015
RBI Reference Rate for US $
The Reserve Bank of India’s Reference Rate for the US Dollar is ` 63.3213 on January 1, 2015. The corresponding rate for the previous day (December 31, 2014) was ` 63.3315. Based on the reference rate for the US Dollar and the middle rates of the cross-currency quotes, the exchange rate of EUR, GBP and JPY against the Rupee are given below: Currency Date December 31, 2014 January 1, 2015 1 EUR 77.0048 76.5998 1 GBP 98.5818 98.6356 100 YEN 52.93 52.91 Note : The SDR-Ru
The Reserve Bank of India’s Reference Rate for the US Dollar is ` 63.3213 on January 1, 2015. The corresponding rate for the previous day (December 31, 2014) was ` 63.3315. Based on the reference rate for the US Dollar and the middle rates of the cross-currency quotes, the exchange rate of EUR, GBP and JPY against the Rupee are given below: Currency Date December 31, 2014 January 1, 2015 1 EUR 77.0048 76.5998 1 GBP 98.5818 98.6356 100 YEN 52.93 52.91 Note : The SDR-Ru
ડિસે 31, 2014
India’s International Investment Position (IIP), September 2014
International Investment Position (IIP) is a statistical statement that shows, at a point in time, the value and the composition of (a) financial assets of residents of an economy that are claims on non-residents, and gold bullion held as reserve assets; and (b) liabilities of residents of an economy to non-residents. The difference between an economy's external financial assets and liabilities is its net IIP, which may be positive or negative. Such balance sheet anal
International Investment Position (IIP) is a statistical statement that shows, at a point in time, the value and the composition of (a) financial assets of residents of an economy that are claims on non-residents, and gold bullion held as reserve assets; and (b) liabilities of residents of an economy to non-residents. The difference between an economy's external financial assets and liabilities is its net IIP, which may be positive or negative. Such balance sheet anal
ડિસે 31, 2014
RBI Reference Rate for US $
The Reserve Bank of India’s Reference Rate for the US Dollar is ` 63.3315 on December 31, 2014. The corresponding rate for the previous day (December 30, 2014) was ` 63.7498. Based on the reference rate for the US Dollar and the middle rates of the cross-currency quotes, the exchange rate of EUR, GBP and JPY against the Rupee are given below: Currency Date December 30, 2014 December 31, 2014 1 EUR 77.3221 77.0048 1 GBP 98.8759 98.5818 100 YEN 53.00 52.93 Note : The SD
The Reserve Bank of India’s Reference Rate for the US Dollar is ` 63.3315 on December 31, 2014. The corresponding rate for the previous day (December 30, 2014) was ` 63.7498. Based on the reference rate for the US Dollar and the middle rates of the cross-currency quotes, the exchange rate of EUR, GBP and JPY against the Rupee are given below: Currency Date December 30, 2014 December 31, 2014 1 EUR 77.3221 77.0048 1 GBP 98.8759 98.5818 100 YEN 53.00 52.93 Note : The SD
ડિસે 30, 2014
RBI Reference Rate for US $
The Reserve Bank of India’s Reference Rate for the US Dollar is ` 63.7498 on December 30, 2014. The corresponding rate for the previous day (December 29, 2014) was ` 63.6539. Based on the reference rate for the US Dollar and the middle rates of the cross-currency quotes, the exchange rate of EUR, GBP and JPY against the Rupee are given below: Currency Date December 29, 2014 December 30, 2014 1 EUR 77.6005 77.3221 1 GBP 99.1409 98.8759 100 YEN 52.90 53.00 Note : The SD
The Reserve Bank of India’s Reference Rate for the US Dollar is ` 63.7498 on December 30, 2014. The corresponding rate for the previous day (December 29, 2014) was ` 63.6539. Based on the reference rate for the US Dollar and the middle rates of the cross-currency quotes, the exchange rate of EUR, GBP and JPY against the Rupee are given below: Currency Date December 29, 2014 December 30, 2014 1 EUR 77.6005 77.3221 1 GBP 99.1409 98.8759 100 YEN 52.90 53.00 Note : The SD
ડિસે 29, 2014
RBI Reference Rate for US $
The Reserve Bank of India’s Reference Rate for the US Dollar is ` 63.6539 on December 29, 2014. The corresponding rate for the previous day (December 26, 2014) was ` 63.6355. Based on the reference rate for the US Dollar and the middle rates of the cross-currency quotes, the exchange rate of EUR, GBP and JPY against the Rupee are given below: Currency Date December 26, 2014 December 29, 2014 1 EUR 77.7435 77.6005 1 GBP 98.9787 99.1409 100 YEN 52.93 52.90 Note : The SD
The Reserve Bank of India’s Reference Rate for the US Dollar is ` 63.6539 on December 29, 2014. The corresponding rate for the previous day (December 26, 2014) was ` 63.6355. Based on the reference rate for the US Dollar and the middle rates of the cross-currency quotes, the exchange rate of EUR, GBP and JPY against the Rupee are given below: Currency Date December 26, 2014 December 29, 2014 1 EUR 77.7435 77.6005 1 GBP 98.9787 99.1409 100 YEN 52.93 52.90 Note : The SD
ડિસે 26, 2014
RBI Reference Rate for US $
The Reserve Bank of India’s Reference Rate for the US Dollar is ` 63.6355 on December 26, 2014. The corresponding rate for the previous day (December 24, 2014) was ` 63.4614. Based on the reference rate for the US Dollar and the middle rates of the cross-currency quotes, the exchange rate of EUR, GBP and JPY against the Rupee are given below: Currency Date December 24, 2014 December 26, 2014 1 EUR 77.3087 77.7435 1 GBP 98.5111 98.9787 100 YEN 52.73 52.93 Note : The SD
The Reserve Bank of India’s Reference Rate for the US Dollar is ` 63.6355 on December 26, 2014. The corresponding rate for the previous day (December 24, 2014) was ` 63.4614. Based on the reference rate for the US Dollar and the middle rates of the cross-currency quotes, the exchange rate of EUR, GBP and JPY against the Rupee are given below: Currency Date December 24, 2014 December 26, 2014 1 EUR 77.3087 77.7435 1 GBP 98.5111 98.9787 100 YEN 52.73 52.93 Note : The SD
ડિસે 26, 2014
Moderate Growth in Foreign Direct Investment Companies during 2012-13: RBI Data Release
The Reserve Bank of India today released on its website the data related to ‘Finances of Foreign Direct Investment Companies, 2012-13’. The data have been compiled based on audited annual accounts of 917 select non-government non-financial (NGNF) foreign direct investment (FDI) companies which closed their accounts during the period April 2012 to March 2013. The data draw a comparative picture over the three year period 2010-11 to 2012-13 based on a common set of comp
The Reserve Bank of India today released on its website the data related to ‘Finances of Foreign Direct Investment Companies, 2012-13’. The data have been compiled based on audited annual accounts of 917 select non-government non-financial (NGNF) foreign direct investment (FDI) companies which closed their accounts during the period April 2012 to March 2013. The data draw a comparative picture over the three year period 2010-11 to 2012-13 based on a common set of comp
ડિસે 26, 2014
Foreign Exchange Turnover Data
The Reserve Bank of India today released the data showing daily merchant and inter-bank transactions in foreign exchange for the period December 08, 2014 to December 12, 2014. All Figures are in USD Millions Position Date MERCHANT INTER BANK FCY / INR FCY / FCY FCY / INR FCY / FCY Spot Forward Forward Cancel Spot Forward Forward Cancel Spot Swap Forward Spot Swap Forward Purchase 08-12-2014 2,864 744 195 439 503 398 6,357 5,536 348 3,091 1,637 57 09-12-2014 2,141 755
The Reserve Bank of India today released the data showing daily merchant and inter-bank transactions in foreign exchange for the period December 08, 2014 to December 12, 2014. All Figures are in USD Millions Position Date MERCHANT INTER BANK FCY / INR FCY / FCY FCY / INR FCY / FCY Spot Forward Forward Cancel Spot Forward Forward Cancel Spot Swap Forward Spot Swap Forward Purchase 08-12-2014 2,864 744 195 439 503 398 6,357 5,536 348 3,091 1,637 57 09-12-2014 2,141 755
ડિસે 24, 2014
Monitoring of Foreign Investment under PIS in Indian Companies-Incorporation in Caution List - FIIs/RFPIs : M/s Gujarat State Fertilizers & Chemicals Ltd.
The Reserve Bank of India has today notified that the foreign shareholding through Foreign Institutional Investors (FIIs)/Registered Foreign Portfolios Investors (RFPIs) in M/s Gujarat State Fertilizers & Chemicals Ltd.  has reached the trigger limit. Therefore, further purchases of equity shares of this company would be allowed only after obtaining prior approval of the Reserve Bank of India. Ajit Prasad Assistant General Manager Press Release: 2014-2015/132
The Reserve Bank of India has today notified that the foreign shareholding through Foreign Institutional Investors (FIIs)/Registered Foreign Portfolios Investors (RFPIs) in M/s Gujarat State Fertilizers & Chemicals Ltd.  has reached the trigger limit. Therefore, further purchases of equity shares of this company would be allowed only after obtaining prior approval of the Reserve Bank of India. Ajit Prasad Assistant General Manager Press Release: 2014-2015/132
ડિસે 24, 2014
Monitoring of Foreign Investment under PIS in Indian Companies - Incorporation in Caution List - NRIs/PIOs : M/s Deccan Gold Mines Ltd
The Reserve Bank of India has today notified that the foreign shareholding through Non-Resident Indians (NRI)/Persons of Indian Origins (PIOs) in M/s Deccan Gold Mines Ltd. has reached the trigger limit. Therefore, further purchases of equity shares of this company would be allowed only after obtaining prior approval of the Reserve Bank of India. Ajit Prasad Assistant General Manager Press Release : 2014-2015/1323
The Reserve Bank of India has today notified that the foreign shareholding through Non-Resident Indians (NRI)/Persons of Indian Origins (PIOs) in M/s Deccan Gold Mines Ltd. has reached the trigger limit. Therefore, further purchases of equity shares of this company would be allowed only after obtaining prior approval of the Reserve Bank of India. Ajit Prasad Assistant General Manager Press Release : 2014-2015/1323
ડિસે 24, 2014
Foreign Exchange Turnover Data
The Reserve Bank of India today released the data showing daily merchant and inter-bank transactions in foreign exchange for the period December 01, 2014 to December 05, 2014. All Figures are in USD Millions Position Date MERCHANT INTER BANK FCY / INR FCY / FCY FCY / INR FCY / FCY Spot Forward Forward Cancel Spot Forward Forward Cancel Spot Swap Forward Spot Swap Forward Purchase 01-12-2014 2,741 1,386 302 472 362 231 7,036 6,932 415 3,036 1,502 73 02-12-2014 2,400 96
The Reserve Bank of India today released the data showing daily merchant and inter-bank transactions in foreign exchange for the period December 01, 2014 to December 05, 2014. All Figures are in USD Millions Position Date MERCHANT INTER BANK FCY / INR FCY / FCY FCY / INR FCY / FCY Spot Forward Forward Cancel Spot Forward Forward Cancel Spot Swap Forward Spot Swap Forward Purchase 01-12-2014 2,741 1,386 302 472 362 231 7,036 6,932 415 3,036 1,502 73 02-12-2014 2,400 96
ડિસે 24, 2014
Foreign Exchange Turnover Data
The Reserve Bank of India today released the data showing daily merchant and inter-bank transactions in foreign exchange for the period November 24, 2014 to November 28, 2014. All Figures are in USD Millions Position Date MERCHANT INTER BANK FCY / INR FCY / FCY FCY / INR FCY / FCY Spot Forward Forward Cancel Spot Forward Forward Cancel Spot Swap Forward Spot Swap Forward Purchase 24-11-2014 2,275 1,620 357 424 167 205 8,802 6,663 440 3,182 1,397 413 25-11-2014 3,063 1
The Reserve Bank of India today released the data showing daily merchant and inter-bank transactions in foreign exchange for the period November 24, 2014 to November 28, 2014. All Figures are in USD Millions Position Date MERCHANT INTER BANK FCY / INR FCY / FCY FCY / INR FCY / FCY Spot Forward Forward Cancel Spot Forward Forward Cancel Spot Swap Forward Spot Swap Forward Purchase 24-11-2014 2,275 1,620 357 424 167 205 8,802 6,663 440 3,182 1,397 413 25-11-2014 3,063 1
ડિસે 24, 2014
RBI Reference Rate for US $
The Reserve Bank of India’s Reference Rate for the US Dollar is ` 63.4614 on December 24, 2014. The corresponding rate for the previous day (December 23, 2014) was ` 63.4475. Based on the reference rate for the US Dollar and the middle rates of the cross-currency quotes, the exchange rate of EUR, GBP and JPY against the Rupee are given below: Currency Date December 23, 2014 December 24, 2014 1 EUR 77.6217 77.3087 1 GBP 98.8829 98.5111 100 YEN 52.82 52.73 Note : The SD
The Reserve Bank of India’s Reference Rate for the US Dollar is ` 63.4614 on December 24, 2014. The corresponding rate for the previous day (December 23, 2014) was ` 63.4475. Based on the reference rate for the US Dollar and the middle rates of the cross-currency quotes, the exchange rate of EUR, GBP and JPY against the Rupee are given below: Currency Date December 23, 2014 December 24, 2014 1 EUR 77.6217 77.3087 1 GBP 98.8829 98.5111 100 YEN 52.82 52.73 Note : The SD
ડિસે 23, 2014
RBI Reference Rate for US $
The Reserve Bank of India’s Reference Rate for the US Dollar is ` 63.4475 on December 23, 2014. The corresponding rate for the previous day (December 22, 2014) was ` 63.1757. Based on the reference rate for the US Dollar and the middle rates of the cross-currency quotes, the exchange rate of EUR, GBP and JPY against the Rupee are given below: Currency Date December 22, 2014 December 23, 2014 1 EUR 77.4155 77.6217 1 GBP 98.8510 98.8829 100 YEN 52.88 52.82 Note : The SD
The Reserve Bank of India’s Reference Rate for the US Dollar is ` 63.4475 on December 23, 2014. The corresponding rate for the previous day (December 22, 2014) was ` 63.1757. Based on the reference rate for the US Dollar and the middle rates of the cross-currency quotes, the exchange rate of EUR, GBP and JPY against the Rupee are given below: Currency Date December 22, 2014 December 23, 2014 1 EUR 77.4155 77.6217 1 GBP 98.8510 98.8829 100 YEN 52.88 52.82 Note : The SD
ડિસે 22, 2014
Foreign Exchange Turnover Data
The Reserve Bank of India today released the data showing daily merchant and inter-bank transactions in foreign exchange for the period November 17, 2014 to November 21, 2014. All Figures are in USD Millions Position Date MERCHANT INTER BANK FCY / INR FCY / FCY FCY / INR FCY / FCY Spot Forward Forward Cancel Spot Forward Forward Cancel Spot Swap Forward Spot Swap Forward Purchase 17-11-2014 2,543 1,142 455 510 789 674 7,406 7,350 409 4,427 1,287 106 18-11-2014 2,388 1
The Reserve Bank of India today released the data showing daily merchant and inter-bank transactions in foreign exchange for the period November 17, 2014 to November 21, 2014. All Figures are in USD Millions Position Date MERCHANT INTER BANK FCY / INR FCY / FCY FCY / INR FCY / FCY Spot Forward Forward Cancel Spot Forward Forward Cancel Spot Swap Forward Spot Swap Forward Purchase 17-11-2014 2,543 1,142 455 510 789 674 7,406 7,350 409 4,427 1,287 106 18-11-2014 2,388 1
ડિસે 22, 2014
RBI Reference Rate for US $
The Reserve Bank of India’s Reference Rate for the US Dollar is ` 63.1757 on December 22, 2014. The corresponding rate for the previous day (December 19, 2014) was ` 63.0670. Based on the reference rate for the US Dollar and the middle rates of the cross-currency quotes, the exchange rate of EUR, GBP and JPY against the Rupee are given below: Currency Date December 19, 2014 December 22, 2014 1 EUR 77.4589 77.4155 1 GBP 98.7314 98.8510 100 YEN 52.80 52.88 Note : The SD
The Reserve Bank of India’s Reference Rate for the US Dollar is ` 63.1757 on December 22, 2014. The corresponding rate for the previous day (December 19, 2014) was ` 63.0670. Based on the reference rate for the US Dollar and the middle rates of the cross-currency quotes, the exchange rate of EUR, GBP and JPY against the Rupee are given below: Currency Date December 19, 2014 December 22, 2014 1 EUR 77.4589 77.4155 1 GBP 98.7314 98.8510 100 YEN 52.80 52.88 Note : The SD
ડિસે 22, 2014
Data on ECB / FCCB for November 2014
The Reserve Bank of India has today released the data on External Commercial Borrowings (ECB) and Foreign Currency Convertible Bonds (FCCB), both through Automatic Route and Approval Route, for the month of November 2014. Ajit Prasad Assistant General Manager Press Release: 2014-2015/1289
The Reserve Bank of India has today released the data on External Commercial Borrowings (ECB) and Foreign Currency Convertible Bonds (FCCB), both through Automatic Route and Approval Route, for the month of November 2014. Ajit Prasad Assistant General Manager Press Release: 2014-2015/1289
ડિસે 19, 2014
RBI Reference Rate for US $
The Reserve Bank of India’s Reference Rate for the US Dollar is ` 63.0670 on December 19, 2014. The corresponding rate for the previous day (December 18, 2014) was ` 63.3161. Based on the reference rate for the US Dollar and the middle rates of the cross-currency quotes, the exchange rate of EUR, GBP and JPY against the Rupee are given below: Currency Date December 18, 2014 December 19, 2014 1 EUR 78.1067 77.4589 1 GBP 98.6781 98.7314 100 YEN 53.39 52.80 Note : The SD
The Reserve Bank of India’s Reference Rate for the US Dollar is ` 63.0670 on December 19, 2014. The corresponding rate for the previous day (December 18, 2014) was ` 63.3161. Based on the reference rate for the US Dollar and the middle rates of the cross-currency quotes, the exchange rate of EUR, GBP and JPY against the Rupee are given below: Currency Date December 18, 2014 December 19, 2014 1 EUR 78.1067 77.4589 1 GBP 98.6781 98.7314 100 YEN 53.39 52.80 Note : The SD
ડિસે 18, 2014
FIIs/RFPIs can now invest up to 49% under PIS in M/s Tree House Education & Accessories Limited
The Reserve Bank of India has today advised that Foreign Institutional Investors (FIIs)/Registered Foreign Portfolios Investors (RFPIs) can now invest up to 49 per cent of the paid up capital of M/s Tree House Education & Accessories Limited under the Portfolio Investment Scheme (PIS). The Reserve Bank has stated that the company has passed resolutions at its Board of Directors’ level and a special resolution by the shareholders, agreeing for enhancing the limit f
The Reserve Bank of India has today advised that Foreign Institutional Investors (FIIs)/Registered Foreign Portfolios Investors (RFPIs) can now invest up to 49 per cent of the paid up capital of M/s Tree House Education & Accessories Limited under the Portfolio Investment Scheme (PIS). The Reserve Bank has stated that the company has passed resolutions at its Board of Directors’ level and a special resolution by the shareholders, agreeing for enhancing the limit f
ડિસે 18, 2014
FIIs/RFPIs can now invest up to 100% under PIS in M/s Crompton Greaves Limited
The Reserve Bank of India has today advised that Foreign Institutional Investors (FIIs)/Registered Foreign Portfolios Investors (RFPIs) can now invest up to 100 per cent of the paid up capital of M/s Crompton Greaves Limited under the Portfolio Investment Scheme (PIS). The Reserve Bank has stated that the company has passed resolutions at its Board of Directors’ level and a special resolution by the shareholders, agreeing for enhancing the limit for the purchase of it
The Reserve Bank of India has today advised that Foreign Institutional Investors (FIIs)/Registered Foreign Portfolios Investors (RFPIs) can now invest up to 100 per cent of the paid up capital of M/s Crompton Greaves Limited under the Portfolio Investment Scheme (PIS). The Reserve Bank has stated that the company has passed resolutions at its Board of Directors’ level and a special resolution by the shareholders, agreeing for enhancing the limit for the purchase of it
ડિસે 18, 2014
RBI Reference Rate for US $
The Reserve Bank of India’s Reference Rate for the US Dollar is ` 63.3161 on December 18, 2014. The corresponding rate for the previous day (December 17, 2014) was ` 63.5813. Based on the reference rate for the US Dollar and the middle rates of the cross-currency quotes, the exchange rate of EUR, GBP and JPY against the Rupee are given below: Currency Date December 17, 2014 December 18, 2014 1 EUR 79.3940 78.1067 1 GBP 99.9816 98.6781 100 YEN 54.34 53.39 Note : The SD
The Reserve Bank of India’s Reference Rate for the US Dollar is ` 63.3161 on December 18, 2014. The corresponding rate for the previous day (December 17, 2014) was ` 63.5813. Based on the reference rate for the US Dollar and the middle rates of the cross-currency quotes, the exchange rate of EUR, GBP and JPY against the Rupee are given below: Currency Date December 17, 2014 December 18, 2014 1 EUR 79.3940 78.1067 1 GBP 99.9816 98.6781 100 YEN 54.34 53.39 Note : The SD
ડિસે 17, 2014
RBI Reference Rate for US $
The Reserve Bank of India’s Reference Rate for the US Dollar is ` 63.5813 on December 17, 2014. The corresponding rate for the previous day (December 16, 2014) was ` 63.4135. Based on the reference rate for the US Dollar and the middle rates of the cross-currency quotes, the exchange rate of EUR, GBP and JPY against the Rupee are given below: Currency Date December 16, 2014 December 17, 2014 1 EUR 79.0005 79.3940 1 GBP 99.3055 99.9816 100 YEN 54.09 54.34 Note : The SD
The Reserve Bank of India’s Reference Rate for the US Dollar is ` 63.5813 on December 17, 2014. The corresponding rate for the previous day (December 16, 2014) was ` 63.4135. Based on the reference rate for the US Dollar and the middle rates of the cross-currency quotes, the exchange rate of EUR, GBP and JPY against the Rupee are given below: Currency Date December 16, 2014 December 17, 2014 1 EUR 79.0005 79.3940 1 GBP 99.3055 99.9816 100 YEN 54.09 54.34 Note : The SD
ડિસે 16, 2014
RBI Reference Rate for US $
The Reserve Bank of India’s Reference Rate for the US Dollar is ` 63.4135 on December 16, 2014. The corresponding rate for the previous day (December 15, 2014) was ` 62.6529. Based on the reference rate for the US Dollar and the middle rates of the cross-currency quotes, the exchange rate of EUR, GBP and JPY against the Rupee are given below: Currency Date December 15, 2014 December 16, 2014 1 EUR 78.0154 79.0005 1 GBP 98.5342 99.3055 100 YEN 52.94 54.09 Note : The SD
The Reserve Bank of India’s Reference Rate for the US Dollar is ` 63.4135 on December 16, 2014. The corresponding rate for the previous day (December 15, 2014) was ` 62.6529. Based on the reference rate for the US Dollar and the middle rates of the cross-currency quotes, the exchange rate of EUR, GBP and JPY against the Rupee are given below: Currency Date December 15, 2014 December 16, 2014 1 EUR 78.0154 79.0005 1 GBP 98.5342 99.3055 100 YEN 52.94 54.09 Note : The SD
ડિસે 15, 2014
RBI Reference Rate for US $
The Reserve Bank of India’s Reference Rate for the US Dollar is ` 62.6529 on December 15, 2014. The corresponding rate for the previous day (December 12, 2014) was ` 62.4422. Based on the reference rate for the US Dollar and the middle rates of the cross-currency quotes, the exchange rate of EUR, GBP and JPY against the Rupee are given below: Currency Date December 12, 2014 December 15, 2014 1 EUR 77.3846 78.0154 1 GBP 98.1529 98.5342 100 YEN 52.49 52.94 Note : The SD
The Reserve Bank of India’s Reference Rate for the US Dollar is ` 62.6529 on December 15, 2014. The corresponding rate for the previous day (December 12, 2014) was ` 62.4422. Based on the reference rate for the US Dollar and the middle rates of the cross-currency quotes, the exchange rate of EUR, GBP and JPY against the Rupee are given below: Currency Date December 12, 2014 December 15, 2014 1 EUR 77.3846 78.0154 1 GBP 98.1529 98.5342 100 YEN 52.49 52.94 Note : The SD
ડિસે 12, 2014
RBI Reference Rate for US $
The Reserve Bank of India’s Reference Rate for the US Dollar is ` 62.4422 on December 12, 2014. The corresponding rate for the previous day (December 11, 2014) was ` 62.2059. Based on the reference rate for the US Dollar and the middle rates of the cross-currency quotes, the exchange rate of EUR, GBP and JPY against the Rupee are given below: Currency Date December 11, 2014 December 12, 2014 1 EUR 77.4837 77.3846 1 GBP 97.8001 98.1529 100 YEN 52.68 52.49 Note : The SD
The Reserve Bank of India’s Reference Rate for the US Dollar is ` 62.4422 on December 12, 2014. The corresponding rate for the previous day (December 11, 2014) was ` 62.2059. Based on the reference rate for the US Dollar and the middle rates of the cross-currency quotes, the exchange rate of EUR, GBP and JPY against the Rupee are given below: Currency Date December 11, 2014 December 12, 2014 1 EUR 77.4837 77.3846 1 GBP 97.8001 98.1529 100 YEN 52.68 52.49 Note : The SD
ડિસે 11, 2014
Overseas Direct Investment for November 2014
The Reserve Bank of India has today released the data on Overseas Direct Investment, both under Automatic Route and the Approval Route, for the month of November 2014. Ajit Prasad Assistant General Manager Press Release: 2014-2015/1218
The Reserve Bank of India has today released the data on Overseas Direct Investment, both under Automatic Route and the Approval Route, for the month of November 2014. Ajit Prasad Assistant General Manager Press Release: 2014-2015/1218
ડિસે 11, 2014
RBI Reference Rate for US $
The Reserve Bank of India’s Reference Rate for the US Dollar is ` 62.2059 on December 11, 2014. The corresponding rate for the previous day (December 10, 2014) was ` 61.9500. Based on the reference rate for the US Dollar and the middle rates of the cross-currency quotes, the exchange rate of EUR, GBP and JPY against the Rupee are given below: Currency Date December 10, 2014 December 11, 2014 1 EUR 76.7499 77.4837 1 GBP 97.1562 97.8001 100 YEN 51.98 52.68 Note : The SD
The Reserve Bank of India’s Reference Rate for the US Dollar is ` 62.2059 on December 11, 2014. The corresponding rate for the previous day (December 10, 2014) was ` 61.9500. Based on the reference rate for the US Dollar and the middle rates of the cross-currency quotes, the exchange rate of EUR, GBP and JPY against the Rupee are given below: Currency Date December 10, 2014 December 11, 2014 1 EUR 76.7499 77.4837 1 GBP 97.1562 97.8001 100 YEN 51.98 52.68 Note : The SD
ડિસે 10, 2014
Foreign Exchange Turnover Data
The Reserve Bank of India today released the data showing daily merchant and inter-bank transactions in foreign exchange for the period November 10, 2014 to November 14, 2014. All Figures are in USD Millions Position Date MERCHANT INTER BANK FCY / INR FCY / FCY FCY / INR FCY / FCY Spot Forward Forward Cancel Spot Forward Forward Cancel Spot Swap Forward Spot Swap Forward Purchase 10-11-2014 2,520 1,102 438 548 489 599 7,999 7,379 941 3,138 1,813 53 11-11-2014 1,761 93
The Reserve Bank of India today released the data showing daily merchant and inter-bank transactions in foreign exchange for the period November 10, 2014 to November 14, 2014. All Figures are in USD Millions Position Date MERCHANT INTER BANK FCY / INR FCY / FCY FCY / INR FCY / FCY Spot Forward Forward Cancel Spot Forward Forward Cancel Spot Swap Forward Spot Swap Forward Purchase 10-11-2014 2,520 1,102 438 548 489 599 7,999 7,379 941 3,138 1,813 53 11-11-2014 1,761 93
ડિસે 10, 2014
RBI Reference Rate for US $
The Reserve Bank of India’s Reference Rate for the US Dollar is `61.9500 on December 10, 2014. The corresponding rate for the previous day (December 09, 2014) was `61.8750. Based on the reference rate for the US Dollar and the middle rates of the cross-currency quotes, the exchange rate of EUR, GBP and JPY against the Rupee are given below: Currency Date December 09, 2014 December 10, 2014 1 EUR 76.2919 76.7499 1 GBP 96.9024 97.1562 100 YEN 51.61 51.98 Note : The SDR-
The Reserve Bank of India’s Reference Rate for the US Dollar is `61.9500 on December 10, 2014. The corresponding rate for the previous day (December 09, 2014) was `61.8750. Based on the reference rate for the US Dollar and the middle rates of the cross-currency quotes, the exchange rate of EUR, GBP and JPY against the Rupee are given below: Currency Date December 09, 2014 December 10, 2014 1 EUR 76.2919 76.7499 1 GBP 96.9024 97.1562 100 YEN 51.61 51.98 Note : The SDR-
ડિસે 09, 2014
RBI Reference Rate for US $
The Reserve Bank of India’s Reference Rate for the US Dollar is ` 61.8750 on December 09, 2014. The corresponding rate for the previous day (December 08, 2014) was ` 61.9253. Based on the reference rate for the US Dollar and the middle rates of the cross-currency quotes, the exchange rate of EUR, GBP and JPY against the Rupee are given below: Currency Date December 08, 2014 December 09, 2014 1 EUR 76.1000 76.2919 1 GBP 96.3743 96.9024 100 YEN 50.98 51.61 Note : The SD
The Reserve Bank of India’s Reference Rate for the US Dollar is ` 61.8750 on December 09, 2014. The corresponding rate for the previous day (December 08, 2014) was ` 61.9253. Based on the reference rate for the US Dollar and the middle rates of the cross-currency quotes, the exchange rate of EUR, GBP and JPY against the Rupee are given below: Currency Date December 08, 2014 December 09, 2014 1 EUR 76.1000 76.2919 1 GBP 96.3743 96.9024 100 YEN 50.98 51.61 Note : The SD
ડિસે 08, 2014
Sources of Variation in Foreign Exchange Reserves in India during April-September 2014
Earlier today, the Reserve Bank of India released the Balance of Payments (BoP) data for July-September 2014 on its website (www.rbi.org.in). On the basis of these data, the sources of variation in foreign exchange reserves during April-September 2014 have been compiled. Sources of Variation in Foreign Exchange Reserves: April-September 2014 During April-September 2014, there was an increase in the foreign exchange reserves. The sources of variation in the foreign exc
Earlier today, the Reserve Bank of India released the Balance of Payments (BoP) data for July-September 2014 on its website (www.rbi.org.in). On the basis of these data, the sources of variation in foreign exchange reserves during April-September 2014 have been compiled. Sources of Variation in Foreign Exchange Reserves: April-September 2014 During April-September 2014, there was an increase in the foreign exchange reserves. The sources of variation in the foreign exc


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