All Volumes and Issues - આરબીઆઈ - Reserve Bank of India
ફેબ્રુ 08, 2008
Occasional Papers - Monsoon 2007
ફેબ્રુ 08, 2008
Regional Cooperation in Asia: Status and Issues
Rajiv Ranjan, Rajeev Jain, Atri Mukherjee* The paper attempts to review the growing economic dynamism of the Asian region reflected in its expanding role in the world economic affairs and growing cooperation at regional/sub-regional level. Before the ensuing discussion on assessment of existing arrangements for economic cooperation in the region and India’s participation in the process, the paper briefly provides a macroeconomic review of the Asian region. Lastly, th
ફેબ્રુ 08, 2008
Revisiting bank-linked Self Help Groups (SHGs) - A study of Rajasthan State
Navin Bhatia* The mechanism of lending through Self Help Groups (SHGs) has gained wide popularity during the last few years and has been adopted as an important strategy by banks for lending to the poor. Despite tremendous growth in the number of SHGs linked to banks, their sustainability has not been subjected to detailed analysis. This paper is based on a State-level study conducted during 2005-06 to review the present status of SHGs, which were linked to banks til
ફેબ્રુ 08, 2008
Globalization, Poverty and Inequality: between a rock and a hard place
“Globalization, Poverty and Inequality: between a rock and a hard place”, by Raphael Kaplinsky, 2005, Polity Press, Cambridge, UK, pages 280, price £16.99 Globalization and its implication for development is a well discussed issue among academicians, policy makers, non-government organizations and the general public. However, most often the discussions revolve around the pros and cons of globalization. This book by Raphael Kaplinsky, rises above the simple pros and c
ફેબ્રુ 08, 2008
China and India, A tale of two economies
China and India: A tale of two economies by Dilip K. Das Routledge Publication, New York, 2006, pages 175, price £ 65 While recent debate headlines the growing importance of China and India, the author’s timely presentation of the book widely covers the issues relating to their economic growth and political economy. While China’s sustained sky-scraping growth, huge capital inflows and tremendous trade surplus called for many debates, the recent achievement of India’s
ફેબ્રુ 08, 2008
Monetary Policy Committee: What Works and Where
Michael Debabrata Patra and Amaresh Samantaraya* Since the late 1990s, the monetary policy committee (MPC) is ushering in collective decision making on monetary policy among central banks across the world. In India, a Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) on Monetary Policy has been set up to strengthen the consultative process in conduct of monetary policy. A survey of the literature and the cross-country experience shows that issues relating to the constitution of MPC,
ફેબ્રુ 08, 2008
Commodity Derivatives and Price Risk Management: An Empirical Anecdote from India
S.M. Lokare* Commodity derivatives trading in India notwithstanding its long and tumultuous history, with globalisation and recent measures of liberalisation, has witnessed a massive resurgence turning it one of the most rapidly growing areas in the financial sector today. This paper endeavours to test the efficacy and performance of commodity derivatives in steering the price risk management. The critical analytics of performance divulges that these markets although
ફેબ્રુ 06, 2008
Occasional Papers - Summer 2007
ફેબ્રુ 06, 2008
Regulation of Informal Financial Institutions: A Study of Money Lenders in Kerala
P. D. Jeromi* Re-emergence of informal financial institutions (IFIs) in the provision of credit has been a policy challenge in recent years in India. Though they meet the credit requirements of a section of the society, who are not served by the formal financial institutions, their unbridled growth, unlawful activities and links with other institutions may pose threats to the stability of financial system and makes the monetary policy less effective. Furthermore, the
ફેબ્રુ 06, 2008
A Comparative Study on Private Consumption Expenditure Estimates in India
The estimates of private consumption expenditure are generated in India by two agencies, viz. Central Statistical Organisation (CSO) and National Sample Survey Organisation (NSSO). CSO estimates in National Account Statistics (NAS) are obtained using commodity flow approach, while NSSO estimates are based on Household Consumption Expenditure Surveys (HCES). The studies comparing two sets of estimates done earlier revealed that the gap between the two sets of estimates
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