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સપ્ટે 13, 2007
India’s Preparedness for Basel II Implementation
Dear Friends, It is my pleasure and privilege to be here with you this morning and to be sharing my experience and views with this august audience regarding India’s preparedness for Basel II implementation.  I am very thankful to the organisers for having afforded me this opportunity today.  As you are well aware, implementation of the new capital adequacy framework has been a long and exacting journey in most of the jurisdictions, and so is the case with In
Shri V. Leeladhar, Deputy Governor, Reserve Bank of India
Dear Friends, It is my pleasure and privilege to be here with you this morning and to be sharing my experience and views with this august audience regarding India’s preparedness for Basel II implementation.  I am very thankful to the organisers for having afforded me this opportunity today.  As you are well aware, implementation of the new capital adequacy framework has been a long and exacting journey in most of the jurisdictions, and so is the case with In
જુલાઈ 03, 2007
Glimpses of Indian Economy and its Financial Sector
Chairman Sergey M. Ignatiev and distinguished central bankers of the Bank of Russia, I am grateful to Chairman Ignatiev for inviting me to visit your bank and interact with you for mutual benefit. I have the pleasure of meeting my friend Chairman Ignatiev, almost once a month, in meetings of BIS or G20 or IMF or other international seminars. His address in Buenos Aires in early June on the current state of Russian economy was highly appreciated because he gave a glimp
Dr. Y. V. Reddy, Governor, Reserve Bank of India
Chairman Sergey M. Ignatiev and distinguished central bankers of the Bank of Russia, I am grateful to Chairman Ignatiev for inviting me to visit your bank and interact with you for mutual benefit. I have the pleasure of meeting my friend Chairman Ignatiev, almost once a month, in meetings of BIS or G20 or IMF or other international seminars. His address in Buenos Aires in early June on the current state of Russian economy was highly appreciated because he gave a glimp
એપ્રિલ 09, 2007
Special features of Financial Sector Reforms in India
Ms. Nitaya Pibulratanagit, Asst. Governor Bank of Thailand, Mr. Appiah Chairman Forex Association of India, Mr. Lamba Secretary Forex Association of India, delegates from India and Asia/Middle East, ladies and gentlemen. It is a pleasure to inaugurate the 18th annual conference of the Forex Association of India which is affiliated to ACI in this historical city of Bangkok. I understand FIMMDA had held a similar conference in Bangkok in 2003 which was inaugurated by my
Smt. Shyamala Gopinath, Deputy Governor, Reserve Bank of India
Ms. Nitaya Pibulratanagit, Asst. Governor Bank of Thailand, Mr. Appiah Chairman Forex Association of India, Mr. Lamba Secretary Forex Association of India, delegates from India and Asia/Middle East, ladies and gentlemen. It is a pleasure to inaugurate the 18th annual conference of the Forex Association of India which is affiliated to ACI in this historical city of Bangkok. I understand FIMMDA had held a similar conference in Bangkok in 2003 which was inaugurated by my
માર્ચ 13, 2007
Indian Financial Sector Reforms
Introduction At the outset, I am thankful to the Institute of International Bankers for giving me this opportunity of addressing the Annual Washington Conference 2007.The banking system in India has undergone significant changes during last 15 years. There have been new banks, new instruments, new windows, new opportunities and, along with all this, new challenges. While deregulation has opened up new vistas for banks to augment revenues, it has also entailed greater
Shri V. Leeladhar, Deputy Governor, Reserve Bank of India
Introduction At the outset, I am thankful to the Institute of International Bankers for giving me this opportunity of addressing the Annual Washington Conference 2007.The banking system in India has undergone significant changes during last 15 years. There have been new banks, new instruments, new windows, new opportunities and, along with all this, new challenges. While deregulation has opened up new vistas for banks to augment revenues, it has also entailed greater
માર્ચ 09, 2007
Regulators’ Eyes on Financial Institutions
Regulators need to keep on top of banks, says Dr. Y V ReddyAs we move from a world based on relationships to one based on transactions, can our banks be far behind? Indeed, banking has been transformed, perhaps unrecognisably, and regulators and customers are taking notice.In the 1970s, a visit to the bank meant face-to-face time, assistance with problems, financial advice, and often just a friendly chat with your banker who you knew and trusted. Today, many customers
Dr. Y. V. Reddy, Governor, Reserve Bank of India
Regulators need to keep on top of banks, says Dr. Y V ReddyAs we move from a world based on relationships to one based on transactions, can our banks be far behind? Indeed, banking has been transformed, perhaps unrecognisably, and regulators and customers are taking notice.In the 1970s, a visit to the bank meant face-to-face time, assistance with problems, financial advice, and often just a friendly chat with your banker who you knew and trusted. Today, many customers
ફેબ્રુ 27, 2007
What RBI means to the Common Person
Friends,I am happy to be in Karamchedu Village again. Many distinguished personalities in various fields; freedom fighters; shipping magnates; scientists; poets, ministers and medical doctors have hailed from this single village. Shri Yarlagadda Ranganayakulu garu, who was an engineer by training, is one such fine personality. We met accidentally a little over thirty years ago in Hyderabad. We became friends and we attempted to do some socially useful work on several
Dr. Y. V. Reddy, Governor, Reserve Bank of India
Friends,I am happy to be in Karamchedu Village again. Many distinguished personalities in various fields; freedom fighters; shipping magnates; scientists; poets, ministers and medical doctors have hailed from this single village. Shri Yarlagadda Ranganayakulu garu, who was an engineer by training, is one such fine personality. We met accidentally a little over thirty years ago in Hyderabad. We became friends and we attempted to do some socially useful work on several
નવે 21, 2006
Central Banks and Risk Management: Pursuing Financial Stability
I have chosen to speak on "Financial Stability" for a number of reasons. Although financial stability has always been of concern to central banks, it is a relatively new concept in terms of the widespread attention being given to it in recent years. I thought it would be useful to discuss why it has become so important to central banks. Achieving this understanding would also help in explaining some of the behaviour of central banks. I will also try to explain why it
Dr. Rakesh Mohan, Deputy Governor, Reserve Bank of India
I have chosen to speak on "Financial Stability" for a number of reasons. Although financial stability has always been of concern to central banks, it is a relatively new concept in terms of the widespread attention being given to it in recent years. I thought it would be useful to discuss why it has become so important to central banks. Achieving this understanding would also help in explaining some of the behaviour of central banks. I will also try to explain why it
નવે 17, 2006
Monetary and Financial Policy Responses to Global Imbalances
DEPARTMENT OF ECONOMIC ANALYSIS AND POLICY I would like to compliment Bank Indonesia for arranging this conference on the theme "Monetary and Financial Policy Responses to Global Imbalances" at the Annual International Seminar 2006. This is an issue that has been among the top concerns of central bankers in the last few years: so the opportunity to have this discussion at this opportune time is very welcome for all of us. The issue of large global imbalances has been
Dr. Rakesh Mohan, Deputy Governor, Reserve Bank of India
DEPARTMENT OF ECONOMIC ANALYSIS AND POLICY I would like to compliment Bank Indonesia for arranging this conference on the theme "Monetary and Financial Policy Responses to Global Imbalances" at the Annual International Seminar 2006. This is an issue that has been among the top concerns of central bankers in the last few years: so the opportunity to have this discussion at this opportune time is very welcome for all of us. The issue of large global imbalances has been
ઑક્ટો 09, 2006
Banking and Financial Sector Reforms : Status and Prospects*
Respected Prime Minister Sir, Shri Vineet Jain, Honourable Shri Chidambaram, Dr. Rangarajan, Shri Ahluwalia, leaders of industry and finance, and friends, I am thankful to the organisers for according me the privilege of participating in this panel discussion. My comments are divided into three parts - personal, present status, and prospects for Banking and Financial Sector Reforms. On the personal front, I have worked closely with all the distinguished panelists here
Dr. Y. V. Reddy, Governor, Reserve Bank of India
Respected Prime Minister Sir, Shri Vineet Jain, Honourable Shri Chidambaram, Dr. Rangarajan, Shri Ahluwalia, leaders of industry and finance, and friends, I am thankful to the organisers for according me the privilege of participating in this panel discussion. My comments are divided into three parts - personal, present status, and prospects for Banking and Financial Sector Reforms. On the personal front, I have worked closely with all the distinguished panelists here
સપ્ટે 27, 2006
Changing Paradigms in Risk Management
The world of finance has always had an intuitive understanding of risk. The risks that emerge from the increased variety and complexities of banking business, as well as from the various new drivers of growth has pushed the contours of risk management in banks much beyond what would probably have existed in the more traditional forms of banking activity of accepting deposits and lending in relatively stable environments. Internationally, the last two decades or so hav
Smt. Shyamala Gopinath, Deputy Governor, Reserve Bank of India
The world of finance has always had an intuitive understanding of risk. The risks that emerge from the increased variety and complexities of banking business, as well as from the various new drivers of growth has pushed the contours of risk management in banks much beyond what would probably have existed in the more traditional forms of banking activity of accepting deposits and lending in relatively stable environments. Internationally, the last two decades or so hav
સપ્ટે 26, 2006
Demystifying Basel II*
Friends, it gives me great pleasure to share my thoughts on some of the elements of Basel II implementation in India with this august gathering. I firmly believe that periodical sharing of thoughts and views by us on issues of topical relevance with bankers - both domestic and foreign; eminent bank regulators and supervisors from abroad; and above all - the users of the banking system, is fundamental for promoting greater transparency and understanding of the intent a
Shri V. Leeladhar, Deputy Governor, Reserve Bank of India
Friends, it gives me great pleasure to share my thoughts on some of the elements of Basel II implementation in India with this august gathering. I firmly believe that periodical sharing of thoughts and views by us on issues of topical relevance with bankers - both domestic and foreign; eminent bank regulators and supervisors from abroad; and above all - the users of the banking system, is fundamental for promoting greater transparency and understanding of the intent a
સપ્ટે 07, 2006
Credit Counselling : An Indian Perspective
Mr. Chairman, distinguished guests and friends, I am thankful to Mr. Balachandran for providing this opportunity to be with this eminent gathering assembled for a noble cause. Bank of India has been among the banks known to be a pioneer in several areas of commercial banking. In this context, the initiative by the bank to establish credit counselling centers on a pilot basis highlights the pro-active role being played by our banks. In fact, a major reason for my agree
Dr. Y. V. Reddy, Governor, Reserve Bank of India
Mr. Chairman, distinguished guests and friends, I am thankful to Mr. Balachandran for providing this opportunity to be with this eminent gathering assembled for a noble cause. Bank of India has been among the banks known to be a pioneer in several areas of commercial banking. In this context, the initiative by the bank to establish credit counselling centers on a pilot basis highlights the pro-active role being played by our banks. In fact, a major reason for my agree
સપ્ટે 05, 2006
Use of technology in the financial sector: Significance of concerted efforts*
Shri Arvind Sharma, Director, IDRBT, members of the Governing Council of the IDRBT, fellow bankers and distinguished guests, It gives me immense pleasure to be here with friends from the banking fraternity. In fact, being here is part of my annual pilgrimage to the Institute for Development and Research in Banking Technology (IDRBT). At the outset, I would like to compliment the Governing Council, faculty and staff of the IDRBT for continuing with their mission with d
Dr. Y. V. Reddy, Governor, Reserve Bank of India
Shri Arvind Sharma, Director, IDRBT, members of the Governing Council of the IDRBT, fellow bankers and distinguished guests, It gives me immense pleasure to be here with friends from the banking fraternity. In fact, being here is part of my annual pilgrimage to the Institute for Development and Research in Banking Technology (IDRBT). At the outset, I would like to compliment the Governing Council, faculty and staff of the IDRBT for continuing with their mission with d
જુલાઈ 24, 2006
Avian Influenza Pandemic: Preparedness within the Financial Sector*
I would like to welcome all of you to India for the IMF Seminar on "Preparedness within the Financial Sector for an Avian Influenza Pandemic", which has been a source of concern not only for health experts but also for policy makers in Governments and Central Banks alike. It is important to undertake activities that are preventive in nature, so that the probability of an undesirable event is minimised. The Fund’s efforts to bring countries that are vulnerable to the p
Dr. Rakesh Mohan, Deputy Governor, Reserve Bank of India
I would like to welcome all of you to India for the IMF Seminar on "Preparedness within the Financial Sector for an Avian Influenza Pandemic", which has been a source of concern not only for health experts but also for policy makers in Governments and Central Banks alike. It is important to undertake activities that are preventive in nature, so that the probability of an undesirable event is minimised. The Fund’s efforts to bring countries that are vulnerable to the p
જુલાઈ 01, 2006
Banks and Service to the Common Person
Chairperson of the Board Smt. Udeshi, Chairman of the IBA Shri Shetty, Deputy Governor Smt. Usha Thorat, distinguished bankers and friends, It gives me immense pleasure and satisfaction to be here to release the 'Code of Bank’s Commitment to Customers'. The Code signifies the first formal collaborative effort by the Reserve Bank of India, the banks and the newly set up Banking Codes and Standards Board of India (BCSBI) to provide a framework for a minimum standard of
Dr. Y. V. Reddy, Governor, Reserve Bank of India
Chairperson of the Board Smt. Udeshi, Chairman of the IBA Shri Shetty, Deputy Governor Smt. Usha Thorat, distinguished bankers and friends, It gives me immense pleasure and satisfaction to be here to release the 'Code of Bank’s Commitment to Customers'. The Code signifies the first formal collaborative effort by the Reserve Bank of India, the banks and the newly set up Banking Codes and Standards Board of India (BCSBI) to provide a framework for a minimum standard of
જૂન 03, 2006
Financial Sector Reforms and Monetary Policy: The Indian Experience
I. Introduction Since the initiation of reforms in the early 1990s, the Indian economy has achieved high growth in an environment of macroeconomic and financial stability. The period has been marked by broad based economic reform that has touched every segment of the economy. These reforms were designed essentially to promote greater efficiency in the economy through promotion of greater competition. The story of Indian reforms is by now well-documented (e.g., Ahluwal
Dr. Rakesh Mohan, Deputy Governor, Reserve Bank of India
I. Introduction Since the initiation of reforms in the early 1990s, the Indian economy has achieved high growth in an environment of macroeconomic and financial stability. The period has been marked by broad based economic reform that has touched every segment of the economy. These reforms were designed essentially to promote greater efficiency in the economy through promotion of greater competition. The story of Indian reforms is by now well-documented (e.g., Ahluwal
મે 30, 2006
Treating Bank Customers Fairly- Regulatory Initiatives *
It gives me great pleasure to participate in this Congress organised by the Financial Planning Standards Board India. Today, there is much more awareness of the need to protect consumers' rights and ensure fair practices in financial services. Countries are designating specific regulators or self regulatory watch dogs for overseeing whether there is mis-selling and whether fair and transparent practices are being observed by financial intermediaries. While specific gr
Smt. Usha Thorat, Deputy Governor, Reserve Bank of India
It gives me great pleasure to participate in this Congress organised by the Financial Planning Standards Board India. Today, there is much more awareness of the need to protect consumers' rights and ensure fair practices in financial services. Countries are designating specific regulators or self regulatory watch dogs for overseeing whether there is mis-selling and whether fair and transparent practices are being observed by financial intermediaries. While specific gr
મે 12, 2006
Approach to Basel II
Ladies and Gentlemen, it is my pleasure to be here at this program on emerging paradigms in risk management. As expected of me, in my address today, I intend to share with you the broad contours of the regulatory approach, process and thinking in regard to some of the issues arising in context of Basel II. Basel II aims to encourage the use of modern risk management techniques; and to encourage banks to ensure that their risk management capabilities are commensurate w
Smt. Shyamala Gopinath, Deputy Governor, Reserve Bank of India
Ladies and Gentlemen, it is my pleasure to be here at this program on emerging paradigms in risk management. As expected of me, in my address today, I intend to share with you the broad contours of the regulatory approach, process and thinking in regard to some of the issues arising in context of Basel II. Basel II aims to encourage the use of modern risk management techniques; and to encourage banks to ensure that their risk management capabilities are commensurate w
મે 09, 2006
Reforming India’s Financial Sector: Changing Dimensions and Emerging Issues *
Prof. Wyplosz, Mr. Roth and Distinguished ladies and gentlemen, I am honoured and indeed privileged to be amidst such an eminent gathering of central bankers and policymakers at the International Centre for Monetary and Banking Studies. In particular, I am grateful to Mr. Roth, Chairman, Swiss National Bank and Mr. Hildebrand for providing me this forum. The presentation today is on reforming India's financial sector. I eagerly look forward to the benefit of productiv
Dr. Y. V. Reddy, Governor, Reserve Bank of India
Prof. Wyplosz, Mr. Roth and Distinguished ladies and gentlemen, I am honoured and indeed privileged to be amidst such an eminent gathering of central bankers and policymakers at the International Centre for Monetary and Banking Studies. In particular, I am grateful to Mr. Roth, Chairman, Swiss National Bank and Mr. Hildebrand for providing me this forum. The presentation today is on reforming India's financial sector. I eagerly look forward to the benefit of productiv
મે 03, 2006
Challenges and implications of Basel II for Asia*
Mr. Chairman and friends, I am thankful to the organisers for inviting me to participate in the annual meetings of the Asian Development Bank and give my views on Basel II in the Asian context. I have a special affinity to the city of Hyderabad. I started in this city as a Research Scholar in 1960, then taught as a lecturer in Osmania University till 1964, and later, was the Collector and District Magistrate of Hyderabad city in 1976-77. Again, I worked here as Secret
Dr. Y. V. Reddy, Governor, Reserve Bank of India
Mr. Chairman and friends, I am thankful to the organisers for inviting me to participate in the annual meetings of the Asian Development Bank and give my views on Basel II in the Asian context. I have a special affinity to the city of Hyderabad. I started in this city as a Research Scholar in 1960, then taught as a lecturer in Osmania University till 1964, and later, was the Collector and District Magistrate of Hyderabad city in 1976-77. Again, I worked here as Secret
માર્ચ 10, 2006
Financial Sector Reform and Financial Stability
Mr. President and distinguished friends, It is a privilege and an honour to be invited for this 8th Global Conference of Actuaries. Dr. R. Kannan has been a respected colleague of mine for several years in the Reserve Bank and I am thankful to him for persuading me to join you. Also, Mr. C.S. Rao, Chairman, IRDA and Mr. D. Swarup, PFRDA have been my friends and colleagues in the Government of Andhra Pradesh and Government of India. Financial sector reform and financia
Dr. Y. V. Reddy, Governor, Reserve Bank of India
Mr. President and distinguished friends, It is a privilege and an honour to be invited for this 8th Global Conference of Actuaries. Dr. R. Kannan has been a respected colleague of mine for several years in the Reserve Bank and I am thankful to him for persuading me to join you. Also, Mr. C.S. Rao, Chairman, IRDA and Mr. D. Swarup, PFRDA have been my friends and colleagues in the Government of Andhra Pradesh and Government of India. Financial sector reform and financia
માર્ચ 06, 2006
Reforms, Productivity and Efficiency in Banking: The Indian Experience
Let me at the outset congratulate the Pakistan Society of Development Economists for organising this Conference. Issues of productivity and efficiency have been at the centre-stage of discussions in recent years. Nowhere is this truer than the financial sector, which is perceived to be the ‘brain’ of the economy (Stiglitz, 1998). Even within the financial sector, given the dominance of bank-based financial systems in most emerging markets including ours and the system
Dr. Rakesh Mohan, Deputy Governor, Reserve Bank of India
Let me at the outset congratulate the Pakistan Society of Development Economists for organising this Conference. Issues of productivity and efficiency have been at the centre-stage of discussions in recent years. Nowhere is this truer than the financial sector, which is perceived to be the ‘brain’ of the economy (Stiglitz, 1998). Even within the financial sector, given the dominance of bank-based financial systems in most emerging markets including ours and the system
જાન્યુ 31, 2006
Indian banks and the global challenges*
It gives me great pleasure and privilege to participate in the Seminar jointly hosted by Indian Merchants' Chamber and IBA at a juncture when financial services sector across jurisdictions is going through a strong phase of increasing globalisation. Integration of economies leads to integration of financial markets catalyzing the globalisation process. The growing role of the financial sector in allocation of resources has significant potential advantages for the effi
Shri V. Leeladhar, Deputy Governor, Reserve Bank of India
It gives me great pleasure and privilege to participate in the Seminar jointly hosted by Indian Merchants' Chamber and IBA at a juncture when financial services sector across jurisdictions is going through a strong phase of increasing globalisation. Integration of economies leads to integration of financial markets catalyzing the globalisation process. The growing role of the financial sector in allocation of resources has significant potential advantages for the effi
ડિસે 16, 2005
Corporate governance in banks in India
Friends, I am thankful to the organisers for inviting me to give a luncheon address. There are several reasons why I was compelled to accept the responsibility. First, the eminence of the presentors, namely Indian Institute of Management, Bangalore, International Institute of Finance and Indian Banks’ Association. Second, the persuasive skills of Mr. Sinor who brings to bear the persona of the whole banking community on any subject. Third, growing importance being acc
Dr. Y. V. Reddy, Governor, Reserve Bank of India
Friends, I am thankful to the organisers for inviting me to give a luncheon address. There are several reasons why I was compelled to accept the responsibility. First, the eminence of the presentors, namely Indian Institute of Management, Bangalore, International Institute of Finance and Indian Banks’ Association. Second, the persuasive skills of Mr. Sinor who brings to bear the persona of the whole banking community on any subject. Third, growing importance being acc
ડિસે 03, 2005
Future growth drivers : Retail versus corporate
Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen. It is my pleasure to be here in the precincts of one of the premier business schools of India. When Mr. Bhusnur Math, an ex-RBI colleague, approached me for this seminar, I must concede it was the association of MDI with the event that made me accept the invitation. The way the world is changing and becoming more complex, newer challenges are being thrown up necessitating more interaction and dialogue between academia and the poli
Smt. Shyamala Gopinath, Deputy Governor, Reserve Bank of India
Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen. It is my pleasure to be here in the precincts of one of the premier business schools of India. When Mr. Bhusnur Math, an ex-RBI colleague, approached me for this seminar, I must concede it was the association of MDI with the event that made me accept the invitation. The way the world is changing and becoming more complex, newer challenges are being thrown up necessitating more interaction and dialogue between academia and the poli
નવે 14, 2005
Indian banking – The challenges ahead
1. I deem it an honour to have been invited to deliver this year’s G Natarajan memorial lecture. I did not have the good fortune of meeting late Shri G.Natrajan but I have heard a lot about him from my friend Shri V.A. George. As a father of a mentally challenged child I had an insight into the activities of Smt. Poonam Natrajan, founder chairperson of Vidya Sagar, formerly known as Spastic Society of India, Chennai. I am grateful to her for inviting me to address thi
Shri V. Leeladhar, Deputy Governor, Reserve Bank of India
1. I deem it an honour to have been invited to deliver this year’s G Natarajan memorial lecture. I did not have the good fortune of meeting late Shri G.Natrajan but I have heard a lot about him from my friend Shri V.A. George. As a father of a mentally challenged child I had an insight into the activities of Smt. Poonam Natrajan, founder chairperson of Vidya Sagar, formerly known as Spastic Society of India, Chennai. I am grateful to her for inviting me to address thi
નવે 14, 2005
Corporate Governance in the Financial Sector
I am happy to be here today at the annual seminar of insurance regulators and feel fortunate to share the platform with a very distinguished international expert Dr. YRK Reddy of the Academy of Corporate Governance. Keeping in view the discussions on corporate governance scheduled at the seminar I intend to give a brief overview of the role and importance of corporate governance in the banking sector, initiatives undertaken by RBI and then a flag a few generic issues
Smt. Shyamala Gopinath, Deputy Governor, Reserve Bank of India
I am happy to be here today at the annual seminar of insurance regulators and feel fortunate to share the platform with a very distinguished international expert Dr. YRK Reddy of the Academy of Corporate Governance. Keeping in view the discussions on corporate governance scheduled at the seminar I intend to give a brief overview of the role and importance of corporate governance in the banking sector, initiatives undertaken by RBI and then a flag a few generic issues
ઑક્ટો 07, 2005
Banks and Corporates as Partners in Progress
Friends, I am thankful to the organisers for giving me the opportunity to be with you and deliver the valedictory address at the FICCI-IBA Conference on ‘Global Banking : Paradigm Shift’. It is noteworthy that eminent persons from diverse areas of expertise and experience have participated in the Conference; and quite a few of them are from global bodies such as, BIS and central bankers or banking regulators from Mauritius, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Singapore, U.K. and
Dr. Y. V. Reddy, Governor, Reserve Bank of India
Friends, I am thankful to the organisers for giving me the opportunity to be with you and deliver the valedictory address at the FICCI-IBA Conference on ‘Global Banking : Paradigm Shift’. It is noteworthy that eminent persons from diverse areas of expertise and experience have participated in the Conference; and quite a few of them are from global bodies such as, BIS and central bankers or banking regulators from Mauritius, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Singapore, U.K. and
ઑગસ્ટ 26, 2005
Financial System Stability and Basel II -Way Forward
The initiative of the Association of Professional Bankers – Sri Lanka in organising this conference on Financial System Stability and Basel II – Way Forward is indeed commendable. Basel II is an important milestone in banking regulation and supervision and ought to be viewed as a necessary process for promoting the safety and soundness of the banking sector and thereby strengthening financial stability. What is financial stability? 2. In a situation of financial stabi
Smt. K.J. Udeshi, Deputy Governor, Reserve Bank of India
The initiative of the Association of Professional Bankers – Sri Lanka in organising this conference on Financial System Stability and Basel II – Way Forward is indeed commendable. Basel II is an important milestone in banking regulation and supervision and ought to be viewed as a necessary process for promoting the safety and soundness of the banking sector and thereby strengthening financial stability. What is financial stability? 2. In a situation of financial stabi
જુલાઈ 09, 2005
Regulation and Risk Management: Implementing Basel II
It is indeed an honour to be amongst you on the occasion of the Platinum Jubilee Celebrations of The South Indian Bank Ltd. Today we remember the founders and pay homage to their vision and drive that led to the establishment of this bank. It is not only a day to feel proud, it is a day to reflect, a day to share, and a day to celebrate. It is also an opportunity to re-emphasise what the institution stands for, which not only helps in projecting its corporate culture
Shri V. Leeladhar, Deputy Governor, Reserve Bank of India
It is indeed an honour to be amongst you on the occasion of the Platinum Jubilee Celebrations of The South Indian Bank Ltd. Today we remember the founders and pay homage to their vision and drive that led to the establishment of this bank. It is not only a day to feel proud, it is a day to reflect, a day to share, and a day to celebrate. It is also an opportunity to re-emphasise what the institution stands for, which not only helps in projecting its corporate culture
મે 28, 2005
Retail Banking - Opportunities and Challenges *
The issue of retail banking is extremely important and topical. Across the globe, retail lending has been a spectacular innovation in the commercial banking sector in recent years. The growth of retail lending, especially, in emerging economies, is attributable to the rapid advances in information technology, the evolving macroeconomic environment, financial market reform, and several micro-level demand and supply side factors. India too experienced a surge in retail
Smt. Shyamala Gopinath, Deputy Governor, Reserve Bank of India
The issue of retail banking is extremely important and topical. Across the globe, retail lending has been a spectacular innovation in the commercial banking sector in recent years. The growth of retail lending, especially, in emerging economies, is attributable to the rapid advances in information technology, the evolving macroeconomic environment, financial market reform, and several micro-level demand and supply side factors. India too experienced a surge in retail
મે 26, 2005
Emerging Challenges before the Indian Banks – The Road Ahead*
It is indeed an honour to be invited to commence the Dena Bank Foundation Day Lecture Series. Today, as we remember the founders, we essentially pay homage to their vision and drive that led to the establishment of the Dena Bank. Shri Pranlalbhai Nanjee, inspired by his late father Shri Devkaran Nanjee’s dream to start a bank and play a seminal role in the development of the Indian banking industry, started the Devkaran Nanjee Banking Company in January 1938, about th
Shri V. Leeladhar, Deputy Governor, Reserve Bank of India
It is indeed an honour to be invited to commence the Dena Bank Foundation Day Lecture Series. Today, as we remember the founders, we essentially pay homage to their vision and drive that led to the establishment of the Dena Bank. Shri Pranlalbhai Nanjee, inspired by his late father Shri Devkaran Nanjee’s dream to start a bank and play a seminal role in the development of the Indian banking industry, started the Devkaran Nanjee Banking Company in January 1938, about th
મે 18, 2005
Banking Sector Reforms in India: An Overview
Governor Ishrat Husain and distinguished bankers,At the outset, let me express my gratitude to Governor Husain for inviting me to visit Karachi and meet with you. I consider it an honour to be here amidst the banking fraternity. I would like to congratulate Pakistan for its impressive economic performance. Governor Husain, in his address at the Seminar on Management of Pakistan Economy in Lahore, a few weeks ago, had this to say about recent economic performance of Pa
Dr. Y. V. Reddy, Governor, Reserve Bank of India
Governor Ishrat Husain and distinguished bankers,At the outset, let me express my gratitude to Governor Husain for inviting me to visit Karachi and meet with you. I consider it an honour to be here amidst the banking fraternity. I would like to congratulate Pakistan for its impressive economic performance. Governor Husain, in his address at the Seminar on Management of Pakistan Economy in Lahore, a few weeks ago, had this to say about recent economic performance of Pa
એપ્રિલ 26, 2005
In quest of new cheese
IBA deserves to be complimented for having organised this Seminar on the subject of "In search of new cheese – Towards Newer Profit Avenues". The subject holds considerable contemporary relevance coming as it does at a time of intense competition, thinning margins, rising yields, and dwindling trading profits. As we look back we can see that the declining interest rate scenario during the last three to four years coupled with prudent regulation, in alignment with inte
Smt. K.J. Udeshi, Deputy Governor, Reserve Bank of India
IBA deserves to be complimented for having organised this Seminar on the subject of "In search of new cheese – Towards Newer Profit Avenues". The subject holds considerable contemporary relevance coming as it does at a time of intense competition, thinning margins, rising yields, and dwindling trading profits. As we look back we can see that the declining interest rate scenario during the last three to four years coupled with prudent regulation, in alignment with inte
એપ્રિલ 26, 2005
Are Banks serving the Common Man ?
Ladies and gentlemen of the Lions Club of Bombay, Thank you very much for giving me an opportunity to share my thoughts with you all. Only Lions would be courageous enough to listen to a talk on the subject of banking which is dry and devoid of any humour. But if you keep in mind that banks deal with your hard-earned savings, what I have to say may be of interest to you. 2. The Reserve Bank has been trying to discipline banks with regard to the quality of customer ser
Smt. K.J. Udeshi, Deputy Governor, Reserve Bank of India
Ladies and gentlemen of the Lions Club of Bombay, Thank you very much for giving me an opportunity to share my thoughts with you all. Only Lions would be courageous enough to listen to a talk on the subject of banking which is dry and devoid of any humour. But if you keep in mind that banks deal with your hard-earned savings, what I have to say may be of interest to you. 2. The Reserve Bank has been trying to discipline banks with regard to the quality of customer ser
એપ્રિલ 03, 2005
Emerging Realities in Banking & Finance: Role of New Generation Managers
It is indeed a pleasure to be here in your midst today. To be amongst bright young students is not only energizing but also a learning experience - as we look at issues afresh and start by asking basic questions, which at some level are the most difficult. 2. The Reserve Bank has shared a very special relationship with the NIBM – it catalyzed its creation in 1969, provided the venue for its first campus and has been intimately associated with its functioning. While th
Shri V. Leeladhar, Deputy Governor, Reserve Bank of India
It is indeed a pleasure to be here in your midst today. To be amongst bright young students is not only energizing but also a learning experience - as we look at issues afresh and start by asking basic questions, which at some level are the most difficult. 2. The Reserve Bank has shared a very special relationship with the NIBM – it catalyzed its creation in 1969, provided the venue for its first campus and has been intimately associated with its functioning. While th
માર્ચ 11, 2005
Contemporary and Future Issues in Indian Banking*
Banking scenario has changed rapidly since 1990s. The decade of 90s has witnessed a sea change in the way banking is done in India. Technology has made tremendous impact in banking. ‘Anywhere banking’ and ‘Anytime banking’ have become a reality. The financial sector now operates in a more competitive environment than before and intermediates relatively large volume of international financial flows. In the wake of greater financial deregulation and global financial int
Shri V. Leeladhar, Deputy Governor, Reserve Bank of India
Banking scenario has changed rapidly since 1990s. The decade of 90s has witnessed a sea change in the way banking is done in India. Technology has made tremendous impact in banking. ‘Anywhere banking’ and ‘Anytime banking’ have become a reality. The financial sector now operates in a more competitive environment than before and intermediates relatively large volume of international financial flows. In the wake of greater financial deregulation and global financial int
માર્ચ 11, 2005
Basel II Accord and its Implications
Ladies and gentlemen, it is my pleasure to share my thoughts with you on a subject which is currently engaging the attention of the banking community, not just in India but worldwide. Let me first admit upfront that although I am at the moment wearing the regulator’s hat, yet I have been a commercial banker for most part of my professional career. So, the banker in me still goads me to put myself in bankers’ shoes before evaluating any regulatory options. I can better
Shri V. Leeladhar, Deputy Governor, Reserve Bank of India
Ladies and gentlemen, it is my pleasure to share my thoughts with you on a subject which is currently engaging the attention of the banking community, not just in India but worldwide. Let me first admit upfront that although I am at the moment wearing the regulator’s hat, yet I have been a commercial banker for most part of my professional career. So, the banker in me still goads me to put myself in bankers’ shoes before evaluating any regulatory options. I can better
નવે 27, 2004
Corporate Governance in Banks*
Let me at the outset commend the achievements of your bank in almost all the performance parameters. It is indeed heartening to see a well functioning and sound bank in the otherwise none too rosy co-operative sector. In fact, there could have been no better tribute to the memory of your great founder Sheth Shantaram Mangesh Kulkarni than to turn in a solid performance year after year, and also at the same time becoming a technologically savvy institution. I congratul
Shri V. Leeladhar, Deputy Governor, Reserve Bank of India
Let me at the outset commend the achievements of your bank in almost all the performance parameters. It is indeed heartening to see a well functioning and sound bank in the otherwise none too rosy co-operative sector. In fact, there could have been no better tribute to the memory of your great founder Sheth Shantaram Mangesh Kulkarni than to turn in a solid performance year after year, and also at the same time becoming a technologically savvy institution. I congratul
નવે 10, 2004
Banking Needs of a Global Economy - Keynote Address
Thank you. I am, as ever, delighted to be in India. I am only sorry that on this occasion my visit is so brief. I am here in Delhi specifically to attend your conference this morning. I was glad to have the opportunity to address such an important topic and I am grateful to the organizers for persisting with their invitation even when getting here did not seem logistically possible. As you can see, it was—just! A strong, well-functioning financial sector is crucial fo
Anne O Krueger, First Deputy Managing Director
Thank you. I am, as ever, delighted to be in India. I am only sorry that on this occasion my visit is so brief. I am here in Delhi specifically to attend your conference this morning. I was glad to have the opportunity to address such an important topic and I am grateful to the organizers for persisting with their invitation even when getting here did not seem logistically possible. As you can see, it was—just! A strong, well-functioning financial sector is crucial fo
નવે 10, 2004
Banking Sector in Global Perspective - Inaugural Address
Distinguished guests, Ladies and Gentlemen, It is indeed a pleasure and privilege to be amidst this august gathering of eminent bankers, experts and policymakers. Over the years, the Conference has evolved as an important forum for structured information sharing among not only delegates from the banking sector, but also experts from research institutions, credit rating agencies, international institutions and other financial sector bodies. The Bankers’ Conference, 200
Dr. Y. V. Reddy, Governor, Reserve Bank of India
Distinguished guests, Ladies and Gentlemen, It is indeed a pleasure and privilege to be amidst this august gathering of eminent bankers, experts and policymakers. Over the years, the Conference has evolved as an important forum for structured information sharing among not only delegates from the banking sector, but also experts from research institutions, credit rating agencies, international institutions and other financial sector bodies. The Bankers’ Conference, 200
નવે 10, 2004
Corporate Governance: Towards Best Practices*
Corporate governance is increasingly demanding our attention and has moved centrestage. The Enron and WorldCom scandals in the U.S have amply demonstrated the necessity of having a system of corporate governance even in the developed world. In a liberalising and deregulating country like India, corporate governance is all the more important. In this context, it is indeed heartening to note that Bankers’ conference is devoting a full session on "corporate governance".
Smt. Shyamala Gopinath, Deputy Governor, Reserve Bank of India
Corporate governance is increasingly demanding our attention and has moved centrestage. The Enron and WorldCom scandals in the U.S have amply demonstrated the necessity of having a system of corporate governance even in the developed world. In a liberalising and deregulating country like India, corporate governance is all the more important. In this context, it is indeed heartening to note that Bankers’ conference is devoting a full session on "corporate governance".
સપ્ટે 16, 2004
Issues in Bank Regulation and Supervision*
FICCI has been in the forefront of creating a platform for healthy debate and discussion leading to responsible actions. I would like to thank FICCI for inviting me to speak at this Forum especially as there are several high level functionaries who have travelled great distances to be with us on this occasion. It is a wonderful opportunity and I would certainly use it to explore a few issues at the frontiers of regulation and supervision. Some of these are unsettled i
Smt. K.J. Udeshi, Deputy Governor, Reserve Bank of India
FICCI has been in the forefront of creating a platform for healthy debate and discussion leading to responsible actions. I would like to thank FICCI for inviting me to speak at this Forum especially as there are several high level functionaries who have travelled great distances to be with us on this occasion. It is a wonderful opportunity and I would certainly use it to explore a few issues at the frontiers of regulation and supervision. Some of these are unsettled i
સપ્ટે 09, 2004
Ownership and Governance in Private Sector Banks in India
I am grateful to the Confederation of Indian Industries to arrange a seminar on a subject of great importance today. This gives me an opportunity to discuss the issues with various stakeholders. On July 2, 2004, RBI issued draft guidelines on ownership and governance in private sector banks in India. These guidelines were placed in the public domain for wider debate and feedback. The RBI is to put out a second draft and then finalise the policy taking into account the
Dr. Rakesh Mohan, Deputy Governor, Reserve Bank of India
I am grateful to the Confederation of Indian Industries to arrange a seminar on a subject of great importance today. This gives me an opportunity to discuss the issues with various stakeholders. On July 2, 2004, RBI issued draft guidelines on ownership and governance in private sector banks in India. These guidelines were placed in the public domain for wider debate and feedback. The RBI is to put out a second draft and then finalise the policy taking into account the
ઑગસ્ટ 28, 2004
Bank Supervision – Challenges Ahead*
I deem it an honour and a privilege to speak before this august gathering on the occasion of the Nani Palkhivala Memorial Oration. While conferring on him the Honorary degree of Doctor of Laws, Shri Nani Palkhivala was described by Princeton University, USA, as a "defender of constitutional liberties, champion of human rights, teacher, author and economic developer". This description, however, does not capture the brilliance of the man’s mind, the eloquence of his spe
Smt. K.J. Udeshi, Deputy Governor, Reserve Bank of India
I deem it an honour and a privilege to speak before this august gathering on the occasion of the Nani Palkhivala Memorial Oration. While conferring on him the Honorary degree of Doctor of Laws, Shri Nani Palkhivala was described by Princeton University, USA, as a "defender of constitutional liberties, champion of human rights, teacher, author and economic developer". This description, however, does not capture the brilliance of the man’s mind, the eloquence of his spe
જુલાઈ 30, 2004
Indian Banking and e-Security*
I. INTRODUCTION Thank you very much for inviting me to this inaugural session of the Conference on e-security. With the expansion of IT applications in the Indian banking system, there is a concomitant increase in concerns relating to e-security. It is, therefore, very appropriate and timely that the Indian Banks' Association (IBA) and Manufacturers Association of Information Technology (MAIT) have come together to organize this conference. The banking sector is one o
Dr. Rakesh Mohan, Deputy Governor, Reserve Bank of India
I. INTRODUCTION Thank you very much for inviting me to this inaugural session of the Conference on e-security. With the expansion of IT applications in the Indian banking system, there is a concomitant increase in concerns relating to e-security. It is, therefore, very appropriate and timely that the Indian Banks' Association (IBA) and Manufacturers Association of Information Technology (MAIT) have come together to organize this conference. The banking sector is one o
જૂન 27, 2004
Financial Stability : Indian Experience
I am thankful to the BIS for inviting me to share some thoughts on financial stability issues in the Panel of four Governors. It is an honour to address the galaxy of central bankers assembled here in connection with the annual meetings of the BIS. My observations are based on the Indian experience and would focus on rebalancing of efficiency and stability in the context of financial sector reforms in India. 2. In India, we have been moving from a government-dominated
Dr. Y. V. Reddy, Governor, Reserve Bank of India
I am thankful to the BIS for inviting me to share some thoughts on financial stability issues in the Panel of four Governors. It is an honour to address the galaxy of central bankers assembled here in connection with the annual meetings of the BIS. My observations are based on the Indian experience and would focus on rebalancing of efficiency and stability in the context of financial sector reforms in India. 2. In India, we have been moving from a government-dominated
જૂન 02, 2004
Implementation of Basel II: An Indian Perspective
Address by Smt. Kishori J. Udeshi, Deputy Governor, Reserve Bank of India at the World Bank/IMF/US Federal Reserve Board 4th Annual International Seminar on Policy Challenges for the Financial Sector : Basel II at Washington on June 2, 2004 Yesterday we had very absorbing discussions on macro issues, regulatory perspectives and risk management challenges relating to Basel II. We are now not debating whether to go forward with Basel II but how to implement Basel II. In
Smt. K.J. Udeshi, Deputy Governor, Reserve Bank of India
Address by Smt. Kishori J. Udeshi, Deputy Governor, Reserve Bank of India at the World Bank/IMF/US Federal Reserve Board 4th Annual International Seminar on Policy Challenges for the Financial Sector : Basel II at Washington on June 2, 2004 Yesterday we had very absorbing discussions on macro issues, regulatory perspectives and risk management challenges relating to Basel II. We are now not debating whether to go forward with Basel II but how to implement Basel II. In
માર્ચ 27, 2004
M.A.Master Memorial Lecture
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Dr. Rakesh Mohan, Deputy Governor, Reserve Bank of India
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