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RBI Announcements
RBI Announcements

असेट प्रकाशक


States: Haryana, Himachal Pradesh, Jammu and Kashmir, Jharkhand

Appendix II : Revenue Expenditure of Municipal Corporations (Contd.)
(₹ lakh)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Total Revenue Expenditure (A-K) 2,36,540 2,25,556 2,28,002 2,68,063 3,61,643 18,676 16,847 14,619 15,540 30,874
A. Establishment Expenses 77,621 80,593 88,346 1,02,175 1,18,591 7,573 7,735 7,639 9,976 12,693
1 Salary, Wages and Bonus 63,191 67,078 72,687 77,751 92,904 4,742 4,833 4,745 6,402 7,360
2 Of which: Benefits and Allowances 1,262 681 929 2,217 2,756 309 343 330 487 881
3 Pension 10,050 9,396 12,357 19,281 20,180 2,208 2,244 2,299 2,747 3,955
4 Other Terminal and Retirement Benefits 3,118 3,438 2,372 2,925 2,751 314 315 265 340 496
B. Administrative Expenses 10,919 10,302 9,884 15,739 35,173 532 755 457 593 1,011
1 Rent, Rates and Taxes 334 102 607 944 655 27 25 42 112 179
2 Office maintenance 1,306 1,249 1,222 2,671 1,695 64 64 172 123 213
3 Communication Expenses 161 75 52 47 73 7 9 11 10 17
4 Books & Periodicals 2 1 11 6 12 2 0.5 0.7 5 12
5 Printing and Stationery 211 96 84 112 179 21 30 63 62 84
6 Travelling & Conveyance 129 85 79 6 12 39 21 21 28 34
7 Insurance 25 45 10 98 104 8 9 7 22 24
8 Audit Fees 173 139 231 299 392 1 2 - 3 3
9 Legal Expenses 274 261 277 258 336 39 35 17 48 64
10 Professional and other Fees 1,249 108 1,788 2,391 2,908 179 389 18 45 92
11 Advertisement and Publicity 228 103 200 250 305 44 41 23 54 100
12 Membership & Subscriptions - - - - 2 0.2 0.0 0.2 0.8 3
13 Others 6,826 8,039 5,323 8,657 28,501 101 130 82 81 185
C. Operational & Maintenance Expenses 38,763 60,935 91,554 1,05,617 1,40,768 6,156 5,876 6,211 4,628 16,776
1 Power and Fuel 5,384 2,811 14,628 20,806 25,394 36 25 43 29 55
2 Bulk Purchases 569 12,822 11,888 13,722 15,839 587 799 966 849 10,660
3 Consumption of Stores - - - - 70 32 - - 13 29
4 Hire Charges 9,590 1,569 2,057 2,109 3,045 4 51 19 14 21
5 Repairs & maintenance - Infrastructure Assets 3,410 2,026 5,166 3,210 8,758 2,566 2,696 2,491 1,017 1,561
6 Repairs & maintenance - Civic Amenities 2,720 953 723 1,380 5,643 188 143 88 384 655
7 Repairs & maintenance - Buildings 1,140 1,987 2,872 1,434 2,358 130 156 77 78 151
8 Repairs & maintenance - Vehicles 160 199 399 248 681 79 51 54 57 79
9 Repairs & maintenance - Others 9,986 14,699 16,815 18,578 22,543 16 21 10 27 52
10 Other operating & maintenance Expenses 5,804 23,870 37,008 44,128 56,436 2,518 1,933 2,462 2,161 3,513
D. Interest and Finance Charges 831 1,073 1,368 2,895 2,819 12 168 0.1 1 0.8
1 Interest to Central Government - - - - - - - - - -
2 Interest to State Government - - - - - - - - - -
3 Interest to Government Bodies and Associations 831 1,073 1,368 1,278 1,405 - - - - -
4 Interest to International Agencies - - - - - - - - - -
5 Interest to Banks and Other Financial Institutions - - - - - - - - - -
6 Other Interest - - - - - 12 0.1 - 0.5 0.1
7 Bank Charges 0.1 0.4 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.0 0.1 0.1 0.2
8 Other Finance Expenses - - - 1,617 1,414 - 168 0.1 0.5 0.5
E. Programme Expenses 299 37 411 556 265 3 3 4 5 21
1 Of which: Election Expenses 94 25 244 318 10 - - - - 5
2 Of which: Own Programmes 205 12 167 238 255 3 3 4 5 16
F. Revenue Grants, Contributions and Subsidies 85,152 57,661 23,105 21,251 7,759 2,393 47 63 100 136
1 Grants 64,878 37,450 20,250 16,718 7,759 2,392 26 63 100 136
2 Contributions 20,097 20,181 2,855 4,533 - - 21 - - -
3 Subsidies 176 30 - - - 0.9 - - - -
G. Provisions and Write off - - - - - - - - - -
H. Miscellaneous Expenses 20,761 11,851 9,785 14,242 56,234 - 6 2 3 3
I. Depreciation 2,194 2,987 3,547 5,590 34 2,006 2,225 245 234 224
J. Prior Period Item - 116 - - - - 32 - - 10
K. Transfer to Reserve Funds - - - - - - - - - -
Note: -: Data are not available.
Source: Municipal Corporations.


Appendix II : Revenue Expenditure of Municipal Corporations (Contd.)
(₹ lakh)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Total Revenue Expenditure (A-K) 16,788 15,772 15,938 51,936 45,876 54,879 57,533 54,429 67,075 71,065
A. Establishment Expenses 10,484 10,555 11,125 18,240 17,527 10,422 9,253 12,192 15,046 21,839
1 Salary, Wages and Bonus 9,994 10,092 10,694 17,311 16,672 7,871 7,042 8,317 11,444 15,096
2 Of which: Benefits and Allowances 191 140 128 53 59 407 196 176 194 1,473
3 Pension - - - - - 1,193 1,173 1,329 1,490 2,260
4 Other Terminal and Retirement Benefits 299 324 303 875 796 951 843 2,372 1,918 3,010
B. Administrative Expenses 165 172 297 622 642 2,138 1,821 2,213 2,255 5,360
1 Rent, Rates and Taxes 19 1 - 98 100 44 14 60 77 128
2 Office maintenance 43 72 178 88 94 204 232 209 163 670
3 Communication Expenses 9 11 16 24 25 24 21 24 26 51
4 Books & Periodicals - - - 4 5 2 0.8 8 1 15
5 Printing and Stationery 26 23 36 61 71 59 30 52 45 276
6 Travelling & Conveyance 8 2 4 10 10 48 84 10 11 186
7 Insurance 10 16 - - - 46 50 24 51 166
8 Audit Fees - - - - - 40 46 36 48 87
9 Legal Expenses 28 17 25 - - 31 22 50 166 49
10 Professional and other Fees 1 1 3 181 181 1,330 923 1,151 1,072 2,580
11 Advertisement and Publicity 18 29 34 40 40 65 73 31 51 456
12 Membership & Subscriptions 2 - - - - 0.5 0.2 - - 2
13 Others - - - 116 116 245 325 557 543 693
C. Operational & Maintenance Expenses 3,910 2,791 3,070 32,774 27,407 6,242 4,855 6,083 6,973 17,798
1 Power and Fuel 789 609 615 15,864 15,969 2,996 1,568 2,607 2,958 3,537
2 Bulk Purchases - - - - - 0.7 254 4 1 233
3 Consumption of Stores 242 46 80 1,680 1,756 147 265 146 332 1,880
4 Hire Charges 793 1,371 1,598 2,721 2,663 566 579 514 1,021 824
5 Repairs & maintenance - Infrastructure Assets 437 70 86 1,710 1,550 389 439 837 390 652
6 Repairs & maintenance - Civic Amenities 144 12 210 - - 232 137 134 261 509
7 Repairs & maintenance - Buildings 45 32 21 - - 6 33 21 24 540
8 Repairs & maintenance - Vehicles 256 182 253 - - 198 167 189 275 324
9 Repairs & maintenance - Others 7 11 11 - - 102 50 50 133 592
10 Other operating & maintenance Expenses 1,197 458 196 10,799 5,469 1,605 1,362 1,581 1,578 8,705
D. Interest and Finance Charges - - - - - 2,504 2,684 2,872 3,422 1,579
1 Interest to Central Government - - - - - - - - - -
2 Interest to State Government - - - - - 2,487 2,670 2,170 2,287 -
3 Interest to Government Bodies and Associations - - - - - - - 667 671 1,273
4 Interest to International Agencies - - - - - - - - - -
5 Interest to Banks and Other Financial Institutions - - - - - - - 0.1 - -
6 Other Interest - - - - - 0.2 - 0.0 0.1 -
7 Bank Charges - - - - - 5 5 4 9 9
8 Other Finance Expenses - - - - - 12 9 32 455 297
E. Programme Expenses - - - 300 300 140 38 58 114 474
1 Of which: Election Expenses - - - 300 300 8 6 16 5 13
2 Of which: Own Programmes - - - - - 132 32 42 110 461
F. Revenue Grants, Contributions and Subsidies - - - - - 8,141 9,923 9,186 18,364 22,921
1 Grants - - - - - 8,121 9,923 9,170 18,364 22,854
2 Contributions - - - - - 19 3,196 3,676 11,233 11,093
3 Subsidies - - - - - - - - - 50
G. Provisions and Write off - - - - - 12,254 11,150 4,646 842 -
H. Miscellaneous Expenses 2 1 1 - - - - - - 695
I. Depreciation 2,227 2,253 1,445 - - 13,046 17,852 16,782 20,003 -
J. Prior Period Item - - - - - -6.7 -45 397 56 399
K. Transfer to Reserve Funds - - - - - - - - - -
Note: -: Data are not available.
Source: Municipal Corporations.



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