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RBI Announcements
RBI Announcements

असेट प्रकाशक


मुद्रास्फीति पर घरेलू अपेक्षाओं का सर्वेक्षण

आज रिजर्व बैंक ने अपने द्विमासिक मुद्रास्फीति पर घरेलू अपेक्षाओं के सर्वेक्षण (IESH)1 2 के मार्च 2022 चक्र के परिणाम जारी किए। सर्वेक्षण 2 से 11 मार्च, 2022 के दौरान 19 प्रमुख शहरों3 में किया गया था। इसके परिणाम 6,033 शहरी परिवारों के प्रत्युत्तरों पर आधारित हैं।


  1. वर्तमान अवधि के लिए परिवारों की मेडियन मुद्रास्फीति धारणा नवीनतम सर्वेक्षण चक्र में 9.7 प्रतिशत पर अपरिवर्तित रही, जबकि तीन महीने और एक वर्ष आगे, दोनों के लिए, अपेक्षाएँ जनवरी 2022 के चक्र की तुलना में, 10 आधार अंकों की वृद्धि के साथ क्रमशः 10.7 प्रतिशत और 10.8 प्रतिशत हो गईं [चार्ट 1a और 1b; तालिका 3]।

  2. अधिकांश जनसंख्या और आयु समूहों के लिए, तीन महीने और एक वर्ष आगे, दोनों क्षितिज के लिए, पिछले सर्वेक्षण चक्र की तुलना में मुद्रास्फीति की अपेक्षाओं में अनिश्चितता बढ़ी है [तालिका 1 (a), 1 (b) और 2]।

  3. समग्र कीमतों और मुद्रास्फीति के लिए तीन महीने आगे की अपेक्षाएँ आम तौर पर खाद्य और गैर-खाद्य उत्पादों के अनुरूप थीं, जबकि एक वर्ष आगे की अपेक्षाएँ गैर-खाद्य उत्पादों और सेवाओं के अधिक अनुरूप थीं [तालिका 4]।

नोट: कृपया समय श्रृंखला डेटा के लिए एक्सेल फाइल देखें।4

Table 1(a): Product-wise Expectations of Prices for Three Months ahead
(Percentage of Respondents)
Survey period ended Mar-21 Sep-21 Nov-21 Jan-22 Mar-22
General Estimate SE Estimate SE Estimate SE Estimate SE Estimate SE
Prices will increase 86.6 0.74 84.9 0.76 89.3 0.64 85.6 0.68 89.9 0.64
Price increase more than current rate 58.3 1.14 61.5 1.14 66.9 1.16 61.4 1.07 67.2 1.27
Price increase similar to current rate 24.2 0.94 19.9 0.88 19.2 0.94 20.5 0.87 19.3 0.96
Price increase less than current rate 4.1 0.50 3.5 0.40 3.3 0.41 3.7 0.40 3.5 0.45
No changes in prices 11.1 0.71 12.9 0.71 8.2 0.55 12.0 0.64 8.6 0.59
Decline in prices 2.3 0.29 2.2 0.29 2.5 0.30 2.4 0.30 1.5 0.22
Food Product                    
Prices will increase 85.2 0.70 84.8 0.73 86.0 0.70 83.7 0.71 89.6 0.62
Price increase more than current rate 61.1 1.01 61.3 1.08 63.6 1.16 61.0 1.01 68.2 1.14
Price increase similar to current rate 18.2 0.81 18.3 0.80 17.2 0.82 17.0 0.78 16.2 0.88
Price increase less than current rate 5.9 0.55 5.3 0.50 5.2 0.46 5.7 0.47 5.2 0.48
No changes in prices 9.3 0.60 10.7 0.64 8.2 0.51 10.5 0.58 6.9 0.51
Decline in prices 5.5 0.45 4.4 0.40 5.9 0.46 5.8 0.45 3.5 0.36
Non- Food Product                    
Prices will increase 81.0 0.78 82.1 0.81 86.3 0.67 80.4 0.73 88.4 0.63
Price increase more than current rate 56.9 0.99 58.7 1.14 62.5 1.17 55.4 1.02 65.6 1.17
Price increase similar to current rate 19.5 0.76 18.3 0.82 18.8 0.85 19.4 0.80 17.6 0.87
Price increase less than current rate 4.6 0.42 5.1 0.44 4.9 0.48 5.6 0.46 5.2 0.49
No changes in prices 12.8 0.69 13.6 0.72 8.9 0.54 14.1 0.64 8.7 0.56
Decline in prices 6.2 0.48 4.3 0.42 4.8 0.43 5.4 0.43 2.9 0.31
Household Durables                    
Prices will increase 68.1 0.91 67.3 0.96 68.6 0.90 69.9 0.88 73.5 0.89
Price increase more than current rate 45.9 0.98 46.4 1.08 47.7 1.11 48.6 1.03 51.9 1.20
Price increase similar to current rate 17.8 0.74 16.3 0.77 16.0 0.77 16.2 0.70 16.0 0.83
Price increase less than current rate 4.4 0.44 4.6 0.43 4.9 0.44 5.1 0.45 5.5 0.50
No changes in prices 24.6 0.84 25.0 0.86 22.7 0.82 23.1 0.82 20.4 0.83
Decline in prices 7.3 0.50 7.7 0.53 8.7 0.54 7.0 0.45 6.1 0.44
Cost of Housing                    
Prices will increase 69.0 0.93 68.8 0.95 74.3 0.94 71.5 0.88 75.8 0.94
Price increase more than current rate 48.4 1.03 49.6 1.07 55.1 1.16 51.3 1.07 54.9 1.23
Price increase similar to current rate 16.8 0.74 15.2 0.77 15.6 0.78 16.1 0.74 16.6 0.80
Price increase less than current rate 3.8 0.40 3.9 0.42 3.7 0.39 4.2 0.42 4.3 0.40
No changes in prices 22.1 0.85 21.8 0.85 19.0 0.82 21.3 0.80 18.9 0.86
Decline in prices 8.9 0.54 9.4 0.58 6.7 0.50 7.2 0.48 5.4 0.46
Cost of Services                    
Prices will increase 75.6 0.89 73.3 0.93 76.5 0.86 74.3 0.83 76.3 0.88
Price increase more than current rate 51.6 1.02 52.1 1.09 53.9 1.19 51.6 1.05 54.5 1.19
Price increase similar to current rate 19.5 0.78 16.9 0.75 17.6 0.80 18.0 0.79 16.8 0.80
Price increase less than current rate 4.5 0.44 4.4 0.41 5.0 0.49 4.6 0.43 5.0 0.47
No changes in prices 20.7 0.84 23.7 0.90 20.2 0.80 22.3 0.78 21.2 0.86
Decline in prices 3.7 0.36 3.0 0.33 3.3 0.34 3.4 0.34 2.4 0.29
1. The table provides estimates and standard errors for qualitative responses.
2. Constituent items may not add up to the corresponding total, due to rounding off.

Table 1(b): Product-wise Expectations of Prices for One Year ahead
(Percentage of Respondents)
Survey period ended Mar-21 Sep-21 Nov-21 Jan-22 Mar-22
General Estimate SE Estimate SE Estimate SE Estimate SE Estimate SE
Prices will increase 88.6 0.61 87.6 0.72 90.4 0.59 89.6 0.58 91.5 0.58
Price increase more than current rate 63.2 1.06 66.3 1.09 70.5 1.15 68.2 1.05 71.0 1.19
Price increase similar to current rate 21.5 0.86 18.1 0.85 16.7 0.91 18.1 0.81 17.4 0.93
Price increase less than current rate 3.9 0.44 3.3 0.36 3.3 0.39 3.3 0.39 3.1 0.41
No changes in prices 8.5 0.54 9.4 0.61 6.4 0.46 7.8 0.50 6.1 0.48
Decline in prices 2.8 0.32 3.0 0.35 3.1 0.35 2.6 0.29 2.4 0.29
Food Product                    
Prices will increase 81.6 0.73 81.5 0.79 84.5 0.74 83.8 0.71 85.3 0.72
Price increase more than current rate 54.5 1.00 57.2 1.11 60.2 1.20 58.2 1.06 60.9 1.19
Price increase similar to current rate 22.2 0.83 19.6 0.89 19.9 0.92 20.4 0.86 19.6 0.91
Price increase less than current rate 4.9 0.45 4.7 0.45 4.4 0.42 5.2 0.45 4.8 0.47
No changes in prices 12.0 0.61 11.9 0.65 9.4 0.57 10.9 0.61 9.8 0.59
Decline in prices 6.3 0.45 6.6 0.47 6.1 0.47 5.3 0.40 5.0 0.41
Non- Food Product                    
Prices will increase 79.9 0.79 81.4 0.81 85.1 0.72 82.9 0.72 85.8 0.73
Price increase more than current rate 53.8 1.01 57.8 1.12 61.7 1.20 57.5 1.09 62.4 1.18
Price increase similar to current rate 21.5 0.83 19.5 0.84 19.0 0.87 20.5 0.86 18.9 0.89
Price increase less than current rate 4.6 0.43 4.1 0.40 4.4 0.45 4.9 0.44 4.5 0.44
No changes in prices 13.4 0.66 13.3 0.71 9.5 0.56 12.0 0.61 9.7 0.60
Decline in prices 6.7 0.47 5.3 0.42 5.4 0.43 5.0 0.41 4.5 0.40
Household Durables                    
Prices will increase 70.3 0.90 71.4 0.98 75.0 0.87 75.4 0.87 77.3 0.84
Price increase more than current rate 47.1 0.97 49.3 1.09 52.3 1.16 52.1 1.07 54.1 1.16
Price increase similar to current rate 18.9 0.73 17.5 0.83 18.2 0.85 18.7 0.81 18.3 0.89
Price increase less than current rate 4.4 0.42 4.5 0.45 4.5 0.45 4.6 0.45 4.8 0.48
No changes in prices 22.7 0.80 22.4 0.89 18.0 0.75 18.5 0.77 17.1 0.74
Decline in prices 7.0 0.48 6.2 0.46 7.0 0.48 6.1 0.44 5.6 0.43
Cost of Housing                    
Prices will increase 75.7 0.86 76.4 0.87 82.4 0.77 79.3 0.78 83.1 0.75
Price increase more than current rate 53.7 1.03 55.1 1.08 60.6 1.15 57.0 1.03 61.1 1.17
Price increase similar to current rate 18.4 0.79 16.8 0.80 17.9 0.86 18.1 0.78 17.6 0.88
Price increase less than current rate 3.6 0.38 4.5 0.42 3.9 0.40 4.2 0.43 4.5 0.43
No changes in prices 17.8 0.75 17.4 0.78 12.8 0.67 15.1 0.66 13.2 0.67
Decline in prices 6.5 0.48 6.2 0.47 4.9 0.41 5.6 0.43 3.7 0.36
Cost of Services                    
Prices will increase 81.4 0.74 79.8 0.84 83.6 0.73 82.0 0.75 83.0 0.79
Price increase more than current rate 55.1 1.01 56.6 1.14 59.5 1.20 57.5 1.04 59.2 1.25
Price increase similar to current rate 21.6 0.81 18.9 0.85 19.1 0.88 19.8 0.81 18.8 0.93
Price increase less than current rate 4.7 0.43 4.3 0.43 5.0 0.46 4.6 0.44 5.0 0.47
No changes in prices 15.1 0.66 16.6 0.76 13.3 0.65 15.1 0.68 14.1 0.71
Decline in prices 3.5 0.35 3.6 0.38 3.1 0.34 3.0 0.31 3.0 0.32
1. The table provides estimates and standard errors for qualitative responses.
2. Constituent items may not add up to the corresponding total, due to rounding off.

Table 2: Inflation Expectations of Various Groups: Mar-22
  Current Perception Three Months ahead Expectation One Year ahead Expectation
Mean Median Mean Median Mean Median
Estimate SE Estimate SE Estimate SE Estimate SE Estimate SE Estimate SE
Overall 9.8 0.12 9.7 0.31 11.1 0.12 10.7 0.09 10.9 0.13 10.8 0.11
Male 10.1 0.15 10.1 0.11 11.4 0.15 11.0 0.28 11.2 0.17 11.4 0.47
Female 9.6 0.16 9.2 0.37 10.9 0.16 10.5 0.10 10.7 0.18 10.6 0.12
Financial Sector Employees 9.2 0.53 7.9 0.66 10.6 0.56 9.4 0.76 11.0 0.61 10.7 0.70
Other Employees 9.9 0.21 9.8 0.41 11.2 0.20 10.8 0.21 11.0 0.24 11.1 0.41
Self Employed 10.5 0.25 10.3 0.12 11.8 0.24 12.0 0.71 11.3 0.28 12.0 0.70
Homemaker 9.8 0.18 9.7 0.39 11.0 0.18 10.6 0.12 10.8 0.21 10.7 0.15
Retired Persons 10.7 0.44 10.5 0.22 11.8 0.43 11.8 0.93 12.0 0.44 12.6 1.17
Daily Workers 10.0 0.28 9.8 0.36 11.1 0.28 10.7 0.28 10.9 0.33 11.0 0.54
Other category 9.1 0.23 8.2 0.36 10.5 0.24 10.2 0.22 10.6 0.27 10.4 0.22
Age Group-wise                        
Up to 25 years 9.0 0.19 8.3 0.31 10.4 0.20 10.1 0.23 10.6 0.23 10.5 0.18
25 to 30 years 9.8 0.22 9.4 0.45 11.1 0.22 10.7 0.23 10.9 0.25 11.0 0.45
30 to 35 years 9.7 0.22 9.1 0.49 11.2 0.21 10.7 0.21 11.1 0.25 11.0 0.39
35 to 40 years 10.1 0.21 10.1 0.21 11.4 0.21 11.0 0.30 11.1 0.24 10.9 0.35
40 to 45 years 10.0 0.24 10.1 0.21 11.2 0.25 10.8 0.24 10.7 0.30 11.0 0.49
45 to 50 years 10.0 0.26 9.9 0.35 11.3 0.25 10.9 0.46 10.8 0.31 10.8 0.36
50 to 55 years 10.3 0.28 10.1 0.30 11.4 0.27 11.0 0.41 11.0 0.34 11.2 0.64
55 to 60 years 10.3 0.34 10.0 0.38 11.5 0.34 11.4 0.69 11.3 0.38 11.2 0.90
60 years and above 10.5 0.30 10.3 0.16 11.5 0.29 11.0 0.49 11.5 0.33 11.8 0.78
Ahmedabad 8.7 0.65 7.0 0.77 10.1 0.67 8.6 1.03 10.4 0.64 9.5 1.04
Bengaluru 9.9 0.28 10.2 0.25 11.4 0.30 11.2 0.67 11.1 0.34 12.2 1.09
Bhopal 8.6 0.68 7.6 1.57 10.0 0.62 9.8 1.48 9.3 0.61 9.6 1.15
Bhubaneswar 5.4 0.52 5.2 0.55 7.3 0.60 7.1 0.76 8.4 0.59 8.1 0.63
Chennai 10.1 0.44 10.3 0.27 11.5 0.41 11.3 0.71 11.8 0.42 13.8 1.39
Delhi 9.7 0.25 9.7 0.47 10.9 0.29 10.5 0.22 10.7 0.36 10.8 0.52
Guwahati 6.6 0.37 6.1 0.37 7.2 0.45 6.9 0.54 7.8 0.75 7.6 0.84
Hyderabad 11.8 0.62 12.4 2.24 13.6 0.48 15.9 0.36 13.2 0.47 16.0 0.27
Jaipur 9.1 0.47 8.8 0.56 10.1 0.52 10.0 0.48 9.4 0.48 9.7 0.56
Jammu 9.6 0.65 9.7 0.72 9.9 0.67 9.6 0.87 8.6 0.86 8.7 1.02
Kolkata 10.4 0.35 10.3 0.19 11.8 0.32 11.9 0.59 11.6 0.35 12.2 0.81
Lucknow 10.6 0.57 10.1 0.41 11.3 0.46 10.9 0.85 10.2 0.59 10.2 0.45
Mumbai 10.3 0.27 9.5 0.43 11.5 0.28 10.8 0.33 11.0 0.33 11.0 0.43
Nagpur 10.3 0.65 9.6 0.95 11.8 0.60 11.8 1.52 11.3 0.64 11.8 1.39
Patna 8.4 0.55 8.1 0.56 9.6 0.80 9.3 0.76 9.4 0.83 9.4 0.75
Thiruvananthapuram 6.0 0.55 5.2 0.44 7.9 0.58 7.2 0.60 9.2 0.80 8.6 1.04
Chandigarh 10.8 0.66 10.0 0.43 11.4 0.76 10.7 1.02 10.5 0.99 10.2 1.12
Ranchi 7.3 0.35 6.6 0.23 8.0 0.35 7.5 0.43 8.2 0.38 8.2 0.25
Raipur 7.0 0.48 6.2 0.56 7.3 0.59 6.8 0.82 6.9 0.95 6.9 1.28
Note: The table provides estimates and standard errors for quantitative responses.

Table 3: Household Inflation Expectations – Current Perception, Three Months and One Year Ahead Expectations
  Current Perception Three Months ahead Expectation One Year ahead Expectation
Mean Median Mean Median Mean Median
Estimate SE Estimate SE Estimate SE Estimate SE Estimate SE Estimate SE
Mar-21 9.4 0.11 8.8 0.15 10.4 0.11 10.1 0.12 10.0 0.12 10.2 0.09
Sep-21 10.4 0.11 10.2 0.06 11.4 0.11 10.8 0.11 10.8 0.13 10.9 0.14
Nov-21 10.7 0.11 10.4 0.05 11.9 0.11 12.3 0.27 11.5 0.12 12.7 0.27
Jan-22 9.9 0.10 9.7 0.28 11.1 0.10 10.6 0.08 10.7 0.11 10.7 0.09
Mar-22 9.8 0.12 9.7 0.31 11.1 0.12 10.7 0.09 10.9 0.13 10.8 0.11
Note: The table provides estimates and standard errors for quantitative responses.

Table 4: Households Expecting General Price Movements in Coherence with Movements in Price Expectations of Various Product Groups: Three Months Ahead and One Year Ahead
(Percentage of Respondents)
Survey period ended Food Non-Food Household durables Housing Cost of services
Three Months Ahead
Mar-21 67.1 65.9 57.5 58.9 65.3
Sep-21 68.8 69.1 59.5 60.2 66.7
Nov-21 69.8 70.5 59.0 63.4 65.7
Jan-22 66.8 65.8 60.5 61.7 66.0
Mar-22 70.5 70.8 60.2 62.0 65.8
One Year Ahead
Mar-21 69.7 70.2 62.5 65.8 71.8
Sep-21 71.3 72.9 64.9 67.1 73.8
Nov-21 73.8 74.8 66.2 70.4 73.2
Jan-22 71.7 72.4 65.2 67.5 72.9
Mar-22 73.1 74.2 67.5 69.4 74.4
Note: Figures are based on sample observations

Table 5(a): Cross-tabulation of Number of Respondents by Current Inflation Perception and Three Months Ahead Inflation Expectations: Mar-22
Three Months Ahead Inflation Rate (per cent)
Current Inflation Rate (per cent)   <1 1-<2 2-<3 3-<4 4-<5 5-<6 6-<7 7-<8 8-<9 9-<10 10-<11 11-<12 12-<13 13-<14 14-<15 15-<16 >=16 No idea Total
<1 12 3 3 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 22
1-<2 0 16 14 8 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 40
2-<3 0 5 70 42 33 13 3 0 2 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 170
3-<4 0 3 3 47 50 44 20 6 1 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 177
4-<5 0 0 5 8 88 83 67 18 8 1 5 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 286
5-<6 0 0 9 14 23 329 163 216 86 14 137 2 5 1 0 14 5 0 1018
6-<7 0 0 1 4 2 8 117 97 77 24 26 4 6 1 5 4 0 0 376
7-<8 0 0 0 2 1 3 8 134 104 59 72 7 14 3 8 4 1 0 420
8-<9 1 1 2 0 3 3 3 3 134 68 140 15 34 11 2 9 6 0 435
9-<10 0 0 0 0 0 2 2 1 4 59 55 27 24 4 8 6 6 0 198
10-<11 0 0 1 0 3 25 3 9 8 12 357 64 185 50 27 296 150 2 1192
11-<12 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 1 6 7 2 2 4 4 0 29
12-<13 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 3 0 33 8 11 30 16 0 102
13-<14 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 4 6 8 7 0 27
14-<15 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 6 13 0 25
15-<16 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 3 0 1 1 0 86 176 1 269
>=16 0 0 1 0 0 4 1 0 2 1 20 0 2 0 0 24 1191 1 1247
Total 13 29 109 127 203 518 387 484 427 242 824 128 312 85 75 491 1575 4 6033
Note: Figures are based on sample observations

Table 5(b): Cross-tabulation of Number of Respondents by Current Inflation Perception and One Year Ahead Inflation Expectations: Mar-22
One Year Ahead Inflation Rate (per cent)
Current Inflation Rate (per cent)   <1 1-<2 2-<3 3-<4 4-<5 5-<6 6-<7 7-<8 8-<9 9-<10 10-<11 11-<12 12-<13 13-<14 14-<15 15-<16 >=16 No idea Total
<1 10 3 2 1 1 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 22
1-<2 9 4 11 6 3 5 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 40
2-<3 20 2 42 28 35 23 9 3 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 2 0 170
3-<4 22 0 1 29 28 42 19 14 11 2 7 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 177
4-<5 30 0 0 4 56 61 55 26 21 14 13 1 4 0 0 0 1 0 286
5-<6 85 0 1 8 7 219 106 178 117 32 162 7 12 9 5 34 36 0 1018
6-<7 23 0 0 3 0 8 77 62 90 36 41 5 17 3 0 8 3 0 376
7-<8 31 0 1 0 1 3 3 84 65 63 98 12 24 3 8 12 11 1 420
8-<9 33 0 0 0 0 2 3 3 85 52 131 27 43 11 6 16 23 0 435
9-<10 13 0 0 0 0 0 1 2 3 42 37 28 31 6 11 18 6 0 198
10-<11 104 0 0 0 1 7 4 4 9 11 235 41 126 41 21 289 298 1 1192
11-<12 4 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 2 4 3 2 2 7 3 0 29
12-<13 7 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 26 6 10 22 29 0 102
13-<14 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 2 11 8 0 27
14-<15 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 2 16 0 25
15-<16 16 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 0 1 0 1 46 199 0 269
>=16 109 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 14 0 1 0 0 18 1102 2 1247
Total 520 9 58 80 132 374 279 376 406 253 748 125 289 86 70 484 1740 4 6033
Note: Figures are based on sample observations

1 सर्वेक्षण के परिणाम उत्तरदाताओं के विचारों को दर्शाते हैं, जो जरूरी नहीं कि रिज़र्व बैंक द्वारा मान्यताप्राप्त हों। पिछले सर्वेक्षण चक्र के परिणाम बैंक की वेबसाइट पर फ़रवरी 10, 2022 को जारी किए गए थे।

2 यह सर्वेक्षण भारतीय रिज़र्व बैंक के द्वारा द्विमाही अंतरालों पर संचालित किया जाता है। यह सर्वेक्षण निकट भविष्य में मुद्रास्फीतिकारी दबावों पर उत्तरदाताओं से प्राप्त यथापेक्षित उपयोगी निदेशात्मक जानकारी प्रदान करता है और उनकी स्वयं की खपत प्रवृत्ति को प्रतिबिंबित करता है। अतः इन्हें मुद्रास्फीति पर पारिवारिक इकाइयो की भावनाओं के रूप में माना जाना चाहिए।

3 इन परिणामों में नए सर्वेक्षण केंद्र के रूप में जम्मू शामिल है, जो नवीनतम सर्वेक्षण चक्र में उत्तरदाताओं का 1.6 प्रतिशत है। मार्च 2021 से मार्च 2022 तक जम्मू सहित सभी 19 शहरों के परिणाम संलग्न एक्सेल फ़ाइल में जारी किए गए हैं और इसे संबंधित तालिकाओं में भी लागू किया गया है।

4 सर्वेक्षण के पिछले चक्रों के लिए यूनिट-स्तर के डेटा, बैंक के भारतीय अर्थव्यवस्था पर डेटाबेस (DBIE) पोर्टल पर उपलब्ध हैं (वेबलिंक : https://dbie.rbi.org.in/DBIE/dbie.rbi?site=unitLevelData)।


प्ले हो रहा है

संबंधित एसेट



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