Appointment of Part-Time Bank's Medical Consultant on contract basis with fixed hourly remuneration, Mumbai - ಆರ್ಬಿಐ - Reserve Bank of India
Appointment of Part-Time Bank's Medical Consultant on contract basis with fixed hourly remuneration, Mumbai
Reserve Bank of India, Mumbai Regional Office invites applications from eligible Doctors possessing MBBS degree of any recognized university in the allopathic system of medicine and/or having post graduate degree in General Medicine with at least 2 years’ experience in any hospital or as Medical Practitioner to fill up 4 posts of Part-Time Medical Consultants on contract basis with fixed remuneration (2 OBC and 2 Unreserved) at Bank’s dispensaries viz. Bank House Dispensary, Dhanastra Officers’ Quarters Dispensary, Bhandup Staff Quarters Dispensary and Dahisar Staff Quarters Dispensary. Intending candidates satisfying the eligibility norms may send their applications along with photocopies of their certificates/testimonials to the Regional Director, Reserve Bank of India, Mumbai Regional Office, Human Resource Management Department, Recruitment Section, Main Building, Fort, Mumbai – 400 001 on or before April 10, 2015. Further details may be obtained from the Recruitment Section, Mumbai Regional Office or from Bank’s website |