Action Points for Lead Banks on Enhancing the Effectiveness of Lead District Managers (LDMs) - ಆರ್ಬಿಐ - Reserve Bank of India
Action Points for Lead Banks on Enhancing the Effectiveness of Lead District Managers (LDMs)
RBI/2017-2018/156 April 6, 2018 The Chairmen/Managing Directors/Chief Executive Officers Madam/ Dear Sir, Action Points for Lead Banks on Enhancing the Effectiveness of Lead District Managers (LDMs) As you are aware, the Lead Bank Scheme was last reviewed by the “High Level Committee” under Smt Usha Thorat, then Deputy Governor of Reserve Bank of India, as the Chairperson in 2009. In view of changes that have taken place in the financial sector over the years, Reserve Bank of India had constituted a “Committee of Executive Directors” of the Bank to study the efficacy of the Scheme and suggest measures for improvement. The Committee’s recommendations were discussed with various stakeholders and based on their feedback, it has been decided that the following ‘action points’ will be implemented by the Lead Banks.
2. You are advised to take appropriate action as required. Further, for successful functioning of the Lead Bank Scheme, we expect Lead Banks to go the extra mile to provide facilities over and above the bare minimum to these critical field functionaries. Yours faithfully, (Gautam Prasad Borah) |