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RBI Announcements
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Implementation of procedure for payment of pension and other retirement benefits to All India Service Officers retiring from Government of India while on Central deputation

RBI/ 2004-05/ 212
DGBA. GAD.No.612-644/ 45.01.001/ 2004-05

October 7, 2004


The Chairman/ Managing Directors
All Pension Paying Banks
(As per list attached)

Dear Sir,

Implementation of procedure for payment of pension and other retirement benefits to All India Service Officers retiring from Government of India while on Central deputation.

A reference is invited to the Office Memorandum No. CPAO/ Tech/ CPSA/ AIS/ 2004-05/ 849 dated September 2, 2004 forwarded to you, among others, by the Central Pension Accounting Office (CPAO), Ministry of Finance, Government of India on the above subject (copy enclosed for ready reference).

2. As stated therein, you may follow the following accounting procedure for the payment of Pension to All India Service Officers :

  1. PPO number for All India Service Pensioners would incorporate, besides the 12 digit numeric component used for Central Civil Pensioner, a prefix indicating the service and the state cadre to which the pensioner belongs. A sample PPO number for an IAS Officer of Punjab cadre would be – IAS/Pb/438840400 191.
  2. All India Service Pensioners will have the option to draw pension only through the authorised banks i.e. Public Sector Banks and the four authorized Private Sector Banks viz. IDBI Bank Ltd., UTI Bank Ltd., ICICI Bank Ltd. and HDFC Bank Ltd.
  3. The Special Seal Authority (SSA) issued by the CPAO would be in blue colour to distinguish it from authorities issued for Central Civil Pensioners. In addition the authority will indicate the State Government to which the payment is debitable.
  4. One copy of the SSA will be sent to concerned Accountant General for information and record.
  5. The concerned paying branches of your bank after following the necessary procedure for identifying the pensioner would release the payment and add the name of All India Service Pensioner to the scrolls prepared for State Government Pensioners to be routed for reimbursement to the reimbursing branches of the Reserve Bank/ State Bank as the case may be. Such scrolls are NOT being handled under Single Window System of Pension reimbursement for Central Government Civil Pensioners and should not therefore be sent to CPAO.
  6. The reimbursing branches would follow the procedure for the State Government Pensioners and send advice to Reserve Bank, CAS, Nagpur and the corresponding scrolls to the concerned Accountant General.
  7. The CAS, Nagpur would debit the concerned State Government Account as per the procedure.

You are advised to bring the above instructions to the notice of all pension paying branches of your bank and advise them to follow these instructions in respect of All India Service Pensioners payment authorised through CPAO.

Yours faithfully,


(Girish Kallianpur)
Deputy General Manager


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