Interest Subvention Scheme for MSMEs - ಆರ್ಬಿಐ - Reserve Bank of India
Interest Subvention Scheme for MSMEs
RBI/2019-20/155 February 5, 2020 The Chairman / Managing Director & CEOs Madam / Dear Sir, Interest Subvention Scheme for MSMEs Please refer to the operational guidelines for the captioned scheme contained in circular on ‘Interest Subvention Scheme for MSMEs’ issued vide FIDD.CO.MSME.BC.No.14/06.02.031/2018-19 dated February 21, 2019. 2. In this regard, it has been decided by the Government of India to bring, inter alia, following modifications in the operational guidelines:
3. Further, with the trading activity also eligible for interest subvention as indicated at (iv) above, the ‘Format of Certificate for claiming Subsidy’ i.e. Annex I of the above referred circular has been revised. Banks are advised to submit claims to SIDBI as per the revised format. 4. You are requested to apprise your branches / controlling offices about the above changes in the scheme. Yours faithfully (Sonali Sen Gupta) Encl. as above |